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Professor Lampwick's Flying Goon Squad (A Thrilling Adventure)


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OK, kiddies, the thread is started. Now it's time for you to set the roster.

Let's see if I have this right:

Man of Science
Fou Pow
Chopper Dave
Pleasius the Hunter

Send me your character details sometime.

from the desk of
That One Guy What Holds Your Collective Fate in His Hands

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Fou Pow!

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<insert many thrilling feats of monkery and kung fu prowess here...>

Hup! Hut! Hai! Hey! Ho! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee-YAAAH!!! <KERRASSHH>

<...ending with a thrilling display of headbuttery, as shown>

Fou Pow! preshent and *hic* accoshted for! Man, my good, good buddy... No, no no, I mean it... You are the greatesht, Man, I mean, man, Man, you're one of the greatsh... *hic*

Where'sh my good buddy Chopper Dave? Where is that little rashcal? And my good *hic* buddy Pleshiush? I gotta shtory to tell you guysh, lemme tell you. Theesh guysh, shee, I met theesh guysh lasht night and hooooooooo! Lemme tell you... *hic* They take me to the Gurgling Owlbear, shee, and the nexsht thing I know I'm breaking shtones with my *hic* with my *hic* with my *hic* I headbutt shome rocksh!

Hey! Man! Man, my good, good buddy... No, no no, I mean it... You are the <slumps in the corner, motionless>

Man of Science

First Post
<Looks approvingly at the intoxicated body in the corner and nods in appreciation of his skill and power>

And so it begins. Let all beware the power of . . . Fou Pow!

Huzzah, then, old friend, and well met! Where now is the mighty hunter who so mightily might smite with his arrows like teeth of dragons, Pleasius, and the enigmatic, hole-delving Chopper Dave?

<with a wave to the bartender and the flip of some gold I will forget to mark off my character sheet>

My loyal companion, there, will be sobering up soon. When he again gains the capacity to stand, make sure his efforts are rewarded with a refreshing tankard of grog. The arduousness of the journey awaiting us, and the peril I forsee will make him thirsty indeed.

Better make it two.


First Post
Anywhoo . . . uh . . ok
So, I say we all head up to a place called Velhorn in the north. Have you guys done any serious opposum trapping? Not to mention, the Streams and lakes are filled with Walleye. Ok? Lets head out tomorrow.

Fou Pow!

First Post
<SNNOOORRRRR... * Stirs, looks up>

Velhorn? I hardly know horn! AAAAA-HAHAHAHAHAAA *hic* <belch>

Uh oh...


Ooooh... <ptui!> Oooo...

Pleashiush! Pleashiush, my good, good buddy... No, no no, I mean it... You are the greatesht, Pleashiush, I mean, man, Pleashiush, you're one of the greatsh... *hic* <belch>

Oooh, my head...

Man of Science

First Post
Velhorn, eh? I have heard of their infamous Walleyes. They are the size of schooners with teeth six . . . sorry . . . sixteen inches long. I'm not sure it's a place for such civilized folks as ourselves.

If only there were more of an immediate adventure around here somewhere . . .

Fou Pow!

First Post
Man of Science said:
I'm not sure it's a place for such civilized folks as ourselves.

Yes, civilized folk such as ourse<BEEEELCH>lves might do better here in town...

Man of Science said:
If only there were more of an immediate adventure around here somewhere . . .

Ah, yes! If only! <wink>


First Post
The story as it stands...

Since 3 of 4 are here, I'll give some background.

The three of you are up late one night, tying one on, or in some cases (F.P.) tying three on. Chopper Dave turned in early, and left you to your devices. You've spent the last couple weeks in Nestle, celebrating your great victory in the graveyard and Dave's brilliant orb-retrieving skills. The good folk of Nestle are happy to keep you in booze and woman (there's only one harlot in town, and you've passed her around a few times by now), but you think if you stay too much longer you'll outwear your welcome. The townspeople may even expect you start working or something.

Pleasius, there is indeed a town to the north called Velhorn, and perhaps one day you can sleep- swim- do whatever you want with the walleye. But for now...


A filthy beggar walks into the Gurgling Owlbear and shuffles his way to a table. He's wearing a ragged brown robe with shreds of what may once have been leather armor tied haphazardly about his chest. In one hand he's carrying the rusty remnants of a broken short sword, and in the other he tightly clutches what apperas to be a full pouch.
Nestle has a resident filthy beggar, but this is not him. Oh, no, not him, but an unfamiliar filthy beggar. This one seems a bit small for a human, but the grime smudging his face and his long lanky hair do a fair job of obscuring his features.
The man has chosen a seat two tables away. When the wench comes by, he grumbles an order at her and commences staring at you. He seems especially interested in M.O.S. (Man of Science)

WHAT... DO... YOU... DO????



First Post
ok, I ignore him.

Anywhoo . . . Seeing as this is a town of trappers and furriers, I am sure we can find all the supplies we will need for the opposum harvest.

To Velhorn and opposum!!

Voidrunner's Codex

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