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Professor Lampwick's Flying Goon Squad (A Thrilling Adventure)

Man of Science

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I will nudge Fou Pow! awake, and motion to the ragged stranger.

Then, ignoring the talk of Velhorn, I will buy a bit of brandy (or other hearty liqour) and bring it to the stranger and ask him his business. And yeah, I'll go ahead and give him the brandy and have one myself as I sit across from him.

"Ho, and greetings, ragged stranger. Why do you stare so upon Man of Science?"

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Fou Pow!

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Tell me Pleasius, what kind of... Libations... Might one be able to find in Velhorn? Looks like we may be close to drinking this town dry, and even though we saved the townsfolk from the horrid scourge of undead, we don't want to wear out our woman. Or stay too long, either.

<sniff, sniff>

<looks around room, spots unfamiliar filthy beggar>

Ah, what's this? MofS, my old soup toureen, it seems you have an admirer! Never before have I seen the likes of this filthy beggar, completely unfamiliar and different from the resident filthy beggar, with whom I am familiar. And why is he clutching his pouch so?

Fou Pow!

First Post
An aside

Whilst the Man of Science is chatting with the until now completely unfamiliar and filthy but soon to be slightly less unfamiliar yet no less filthy beggar, and whilst Pleasius is simultaneously ignoring and being ignored, I shall prepare for our imminent journey by sidling myself up to the bar and ensuring my wineskin, wine bottle, clay jug, flask, and, what the hey, my tankard (it's a stein: es hat eine Leicht schlagenoberseite Kappe) are all full. I am prepared to pay for them if necessary.

Then, with the skill of a leopard, I climb to the roof of the tavern (climb skill mod is +10) and test out my Slow Fall. I'll continue to do this until Chopper Dave shows up. Or I get bored, whichever comes first.


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Man of Science

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I'll make a mental note that I'll have to write a treatise on how hunting causes one's mind to become single-tracked and one's attitude to become stubborn. I'll also make a mental note to explore, in a written volume, the connection between either drinking or the kung-fu arts and the attention deficeit disorder.

"Pray, tell thy story," I'll tell the beggar. "My companions are powerful and terrible to lay gaze upon indeed, but you must gather your strength. Gird yon liver, and speak of your misfortunes. And why you're staring at me."


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And thusly was the story told...

It seems your erstwhile companion, Chopper Dave, really went on a bender last night. He'll most likely be down for the hair of the dog before long.

The filthy beggar continues to clutch his prizes and stare at MOS until the wench returns with a frothy mug of boozelike swill. His regard is beginning to become very irritating when finally he speaks, releasing the broken sword and grabbing his mug. (Outside, a monk falls slowly past the window, waving as he drifts downward.)

"I heard tell of some heroes hereabouts, killin' some zombies and what-have-you. They says a man with lots of knives acts like a leader mosttimes. You got lots of knives. You the leader, knifey?" He takes a big swig and rushes on just as you are about to speak. "Cus if'n you are, I got a job fer ya. You wants a job, hero-boy? I bet you do."

At this point he rips a momentous belch that would do a drunken master proud and waits for your response, still staring. (MOS, you're pretty sure this smelly, disagreeable fellow is a rather large gnome. In his gnome home, he might even be considered mighty.)

Around you, tavern business goes on as usual, except for the fact that MOS is the only to come within smelling distance of the filthy gnome.

FP, you are quite entertained by your newfound leaping and falling abilities for awhile, but around the time MOS reponds, you've grown bored (and a bit thirsty) and come back inside the tavern. Pleasius, there's no interesting game hereabouts. You've hunted your fill, but perhaps this filthy man knows of something more interesting than opossum. Dave, if you manage to awaken anytime soon, you witness the scene described above as you come down the stairs from your rooms above.

Chopper Dave

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Chopper Dave stumbles downstairs, harlot in tow.

"Guys, I told you to give me 15 minutes, then knock on the door and say that zombies were invading the town. I had to listen to this bitch babble on about the harvest for hours."

Chopper Dave sits down at the table and asks "So, I guess we've got a gig now, eh?"

Fou Pow!

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Having exhausted the entertainment value of my Slow Fall ability - for now - I BURST through the door of the inn, dart from table to table, somersault past the fireplace, and, with a handspring off the bar, execute a back flip over the still-mostly-unfamiliar-filthy-beggar's table, landing in a chair situated between said filthy beggar and Man of Science.

Gazing levelly at the beggar I state, "Let's get down to brass tacks here - I'm going to ask you the one question that we all know is on everyone's mind: Are you going to finish that ale?"

Fou Pow!

First Post
Curbing my sudden salivation, I glance past the filthy beggar's mug.

"Oh ho, Chopper Dave! Good morning, you rascally rapscallion! Did you successfully hoodwink yon harlot and make good your escape? No matter, it seems more important things are afoot!"

I turn to the beggar and say, "Sirrah, you address none other than the one and only Man Of Science, and you will address him with the respect accorded this illustrious hero - that's MR. Knifey to you!"

To emphasize my point, I grab MofS's drink, quaff it in a single gulp, and slam the empty glass down on the table.

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