D&D 5E 5e Monster Stats by Level (not CR)



It also reduces analysis paralysis for the DM (well, I have a bonus, I guess I should use it), gives the bonus to the tactically worst target (the target who has the most time to recover before their next turn) which should increase perceived threat more than actual threat, and encourages spreading out threat (unless things are really important).

We don't force responding to a PC, we encourage it.

As the N in Elite(N) only meta-game wise (The advice is that against a group of 5 PCs, use an Elite(5) to make it a challenge; it isn't Elite(*) where * is the number of foes. The difference is subtle) scales with the number of PCs, bringing in chickens or mooks to the fight doesn't make the monster more effective. The monster if they act on a chicken or mook turn only gets the advantage against the chicken or mook; they probably should save it for PC turns (unless they want to smoosh the chicken or mook!)

It also encourages great drama. You hit the monster, and the monster smacks you cross the room (or tries and fails). Which makes each player's turn a somewhat personal conversation - PC does something, monster responds, next PC.

Also, as we (effectively) factor it into the Elite(N) power budget, it makes the "focus fire on one PC" option ... less optimal! Weaker even. And focus fire being optimal leads to, well, boring combats.

This also makes abilities like Sentinal and position based OAs more fun. Because the DM is encouraged to not focus fire, abilities that push the other way get triggered more often.

This is all very good stuff. Nice work.

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Sounds good. Hope your surgery goes well!
Surgery went well, but recovery is rough. Can't walk for 4 weeks and it was about 2 weeks before I could sit for much more than an hour. With that out of the way.

I have been putting some more thought and work into this project. I have decided (currently) to create and "average" PC by building a fighter, a wizard, a cleric, and a rogue across 20 levels and then averaging their HP, AC, Saves, to hit bonus, spell DC, and DPR. This will become the basis for at level monster. I have started the work on the spreadsheets but haven't begun filling them out yet..

EDIT: I am also planning to assume some magic items as well. Do you think that is a mistake?
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Surgery went well, but recovery is rough. Can't walk for 4 weeks and it was about 2 weeks before I could sit for much more than an hour. With that out of the way.

Sounds rough. I got laid up for a couple of DAYS and found that hard to handle. Glad you sound like you're through the worst of it.

I have been putting some more thought and work into this project. I have decided (currently) to create and "average" PC by building a fighter, a wizard, a cleric, and a rogue across 20 levels and then averaging their HP, AC, Saves, to hit bonus, spell DC, and DPR. This will become the basis for at level monster.
Sounds like a reasonable base.

I have started the work on the spreadsheets but haven't begun filling them out yet..

Takes time.

EDIT: I am also planning to assume some magic items as well. Do you think that is a mistake?

I think you should NOT assume any magic items. But that might be because I don't like the way magic items (or worse, non-magic items) work in 5e. If you do, you'll have to play VERY fast-and-loose with what you consider the "average" at any given level.


I think you should NOT assume any magic items. But that might be because I don't like the way magic items (or worse, non-magic items) work in 5e. If you do, you'll have to play VERY fast-and-loose with what you consider the "average" at any given level.
My original thought was to not have them, so I may go back to that. However, as with everything else, I plan to be clear about my assumptions. So I would provide an assumed magic item budget per Tier. I will think about it.

Dax Doomslayer

Just my two cents / comments on this. I'm fairly stringent with magic items but realistically speaking, especially at higher tiers, all the PCs get magic. I mean, it's easier to adjust for less magic than for more magic so I think the magic item budget per tier is probably the way to go.

BTW dave - I hope you have a quick recovery!


Just my two cents / comments on this. I'm fairly stringent with magic items but realistically speaking, especially at higher tiers, all the PCs get magic. I mean, it's easier to adjust for less magic than for more magic so I think the magic item budget per tier is probably the way to go.

BTW dave - I hope you have a quick recovery!
That was basically my thought as well and thank you!


Just my two cents / comments on this. I'm fairly stringent with magic items but realistically speaking, especially at higher tiers, all the PCs get magic. I mean, it's easier to adjust for less magic than for more magic so I think the magic item budget per tier is probably the way to go.

BTW dave - I hope you have a quick recovery!
Yeah, I agree that I can't see a high-level game without magic items, so I guess they'd be there in some way, shape, or form. Still, I don't know how you can even come close to figuring out what the "average" PC will have.

Voidrunner's Codex

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