D&D 5E 5e Monster Stats by Level (not CR)


And last one will be...

Empyrean (CR 21; eff AC 22 + 2 magic resist +2 four saves = 26, eff hp 313 x1.25 damage immunities + 90 legendary resistances = 481, save DC 23, atk +17, dmg 139)

Cannot be evaluated

I wanted to give this one a go because you didn't get a value. Also, you listed the CR at 21, but my MM (and DnD Beyond) has it at 23. The solar is CR 21 IIRC. However, I also calculate it at CR 24 (but that is not far off from CR 23) and that is the CR I will use for my analysis. So on my table I get:

Defense: HP gets lvl 37 with a target AC of 33 (extrapolated by adding 12 HP per level and 1 AC/ 2 levels). -3 for AC of 26 (effective) = level 34 defense.

Attack: DPR (124) gets lvl 21 with a target attack of +15. +1 for attack of +17 = level 22 attack.

Total Level = (34 + 22) / 2 = level 28

Now, what I would really do if I was remaking the Empyrean is to keep it at level 28, but revise it so:

Effective HP is about 310 HP.
Effective AC is about 28
DPR is about 180
Attack bonus is about +18

So pretty close to the official empyrean, but less HP, higher AC, and more DPR

Also, it can't really capture low CR creatures at the moment. That will come when I get to the minion and grunt adjustments ( I hope).
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Just had a thought - since you're basing this on PC capabilities, wouldn't it make sense to hold off until D&D24 releases? Seems to me the classes will differ quite some from your baseline here.


Just had a thought - since you're basing this on PC capabilities, wouldn't it make sense to hold off until D&D24 releases? Seems to me the classes will differ quite some from your baseline here.
I have been using the UA documents, the class videos, and the 2014 PHB to make these. From what I am seeing, any difference between the 2 is numerically negligible. Also, it is a spreadsheet so it will be easy to update once the 2024 PHB comes out (if needed).
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I have been using the UA documents, the class videos, and the 2014 PHB to make these. From what I am seeing, any difference between the 2 is numerically negligible. Also, it is a spreadsheet so it will be easy to update once the 2024 PHB comes out (if needed).
Yeah, as much as we are seeing "power creep" - it's all on the low-end. The high-end is being - slightly - brought down, and the median is pretty close to the same.

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