Proposal: Allow Moradin/Sehanine specific feats.

Walking Dad

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In the last 2 months (Dragon 385 / 386), two 'Channel Divinity' Articles introduced feats that require a specific deity to take.

I propose allowing Vulkar to count as Moradin for them and Dayna for Sehanine in respect of the feats.

The specific gods are open for discussion.

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Perhaps we can just expand our current rule that Chanel Divinity feats can apply to any god, with some kind of IC justification, to any feat or PP that requires worship of a specifc god can apply to any god, with some kind of IC justification.


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ScorpiusRisk said:
Perhaps we can just expand our current rule that Chanel Divinity feats can apply to any god, with some kind of IC justification, to any feat or PP that requires worship of a specifc god can apply to any god, with some kind of IC justification.

YES! This is what I'm talking about. I love ideas that allow characters to have different mechanical effects even when they have the same in character diety as another character. If this were in some kind of official proposal format, I might be inclined to give pigment to my opening exclamation ;)


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I actually worry that it creates a blandness across the board because it almost becomes one overgod (like Lord Ao in FR). I think we should try to keep the portfolios somewhat seperated. I can't find a good reason for Apolli to have something related to the moon (like Sehanine's feats)


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It would make perfect sense if the area you came from believed that Apolli not only drags the sun across the sky in his chariot, but also has the moon in tow behind the sun. This would explain why the moon always comes directly after the sun goes away... but I do see your point, R1. Perhaps instead of allowing ALL divinity feats to be given out by all deities they should have a specified 3 or 4 with some possible overlap between them?

Walking Dad

First Post
I actually worry that it creates a blandness across the board because it almost becomes one overgod (like Lord Ao in FR). I think we should try to keep the portfolios somewhat seperated. I can't find a good reason for Apolli to have something related to the moon (like Sehanine's feats)

Maybe if the feats would require specific domains instead of deities? Broader but not to open.


First Post
Didn't we have a similar discussion with the Divine Power domain feats, where we considered assigning domains to specific deities, but in the end we decided to leave it open with sufficient justification? If I'm not imagining that, I'd say the same should apply to these other deity-specific feats.

Walking Dad

First Post
Didn't we have a similar discussion with the Divine Power domain feats, where we considered assigning domains to specific deities, but in the end we decided to leave it open with sufficient justification? If I'm not imagining that, I'd say the same should apply to these other deity-specific feats.
Sorry missed this discussion :blush:.

I was specifically thinking about a Dwarf Invoker of Vulkar with an Urgrosh having the Dwarven Weapon Feat and the one from dragon to use axes as divine implements:

+1 AC and +2 damage to all powers.

Or would this be to good.

I still think there should be a limit, like choosing one specific god ones and getting access to it's feats, regardless (in exception of flavor, no Moonbow feats for clerics of Vulkar) of the chosen setting god.

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