Proposal: Appoint New Judges

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First Post
Thanks r1, I checked out Kauldron and gave some suggestions (since there were only minor issues) and approved him... only 1 to go for him. I'll work on the others you forwarded as I have some more time during my lunch break. Thanks for letting me help guys!


First Post
Alright guys.

Velmont, Kalidrev, H.M. Gimlord, and Voda Vosa have now been set up with filters to recieve L4W Character submissions. I've bumped all pending submissions and the updated status list, so please check your inbox and post a confirmation in the Discussion thread that you got them (there should be some 25-30 mails in total).

After a review, remember to mail a response back to the player and the judges. Many questions can probably be answered by looking at the comments for already approved characters, but otherwise feel free to ask. :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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