Critical Role PSA: You are not Matt Mercer


You vill tell me vere ze treasure is Dr Jones, you vill tell me NOW!

For as many times as I have heard people trying to do a German accent make "th" into "z", I don't think I have ever heard an actual German do it. Rather, what I have heard those with thicker accents do is make "th" into "d" or "t" or something a bit in between. Those with lighter accents often manage "th" just fine.

I think perhaps it is a confusion with French accents. Or I guess it could be a regional thing.

Or ve have haf vays of persvading you... unfolds menacing coat hanger.

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Small God of the Dozens
For as many times as I have heard people trying to do a German accent make "th" into "z", I don't think I have ever heard an actual German do it. Rather, what I have heard those with thicker accents do is make "th" into "d" or "t" or something a bit in between. Those with lighter accents often manage "th" just fine.

I think perhaps it is a confusion with French accents. Or I guess it could be a regional thing.
Funny thing, as I was writing that at the time it stuck me as odd. It's still absolutely what I'd say, but for a moment my Colonel Klink felt more like Pepe le Peu. I think as aspirated 'd' would probably sounds more accurate though. No one else is awake here yet, so I tired it out loud a couple of times and it sounded right.


Yeah, my German accent is from Hogan's Heroes, French from Pepe Lepue, Irish from Lucky Charms commercials.

I like to tell people people my dwarves have a dwarven accent which may or may not resemble Scottish.

On the other hand I've traveled enough to know that there's not just one British accent for example any more than one American.

At least that's my excuse. :)


Matt Mercer has been playing D&D for over 20 years. He also qualifies as an "old geezer" in D&D, even if not as old as some of us.

There is a web series called "Between the Sheets" where the cast of Critical Role discuss their origin stories. Matt Mercer's is an interesting watch and is informative as to why his games are so animated. There is a therepudic aspect to it.


There is a web series called "Between the Sheets" where the cast of Critical Role discuss their origin stories. Matt Mercer's is an interesting watch and is informative as to why his games are so animated. There is a therepudic aspect to it.

As an aside, in addition to the main cast, they've done "Between the Sheets" episodes with other friends who have guested on the show such as Ashly Burch, Mary McGlynn, Will Friedle, Felicia Day, and Chris Perkins, and even a couple of personalities who I guess were just interesting and willing - Amanda Palmer and Logic.


Rotten DM
Hello I am Matt Mercer, I own CR and I'm cute. But I would like a mansion and yacht. Please someone buy me a mansion and a yacht.
Hello I am Matt Mercer, I own CR and I'm cute. But I would like a mansion and yacht. Please someone buy me a mansion and a yacht.
Hello I am Matt Mercer, I own CR and I'm cute. But I would like a mansion and yacht. Please someone buy me a mansion and a yacht.


Rotten DM
Hello I am Matt Mercer, I own CR and I'm cute. But I would like a mansion and yacht. Please someone buy me a mansion and a yacht.
Hello I am Matt Mercer, I own CR and I'm cute. But I would like a mansion and yacht. Please someone buy me a mansion and a yacht.
Hello I am Matt Mercer, I own CR and I'm cute. But I would like a mansion and yacht. Please someone buy me a mansion and a yacht.
Joke people put in an Elmer Fudd voice.

Voidrunner's Codex

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