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Ptolus ongoing review p.1...10

Thomas Percy

First Post
XV. Rivergate District

Just another small mundane ward of the town.

I like Well of The Shadow Eyes classical idea of secret door in the well, and its inhabitant, who can be named third criminal guildmaster in Ptolus, or just silent partner of one of them. Anyway, its the NPC with interesting portrait, and background.

XVI. South Market

Just another small mundane ward of the town.

Here, in the Blackstock Printing, we meet a few NPCs related (in very interesting way) to above mentioned The Shadow Eyes. Besides Blackstock has begun printing „books” for one of the main troublemakers in the city.

Korben Trollone’s Office is a place similiar to „Baldur’s Gate 2: Shadows of Amn” Cooper Cornet Tavern, with cool underground level floor-plan.

The Wandering Smith is another interesting NPC. He has extraordinary portrait, the same background (especially for simple smith), and nice stats.

XVII. Temple District

At the begening I found useful imho table for (some kind of) generation „what the PCs see when they enter a temple?”. Good for fleshing out the campaing, make it colorfull, not uneventful.

I like House of the Sacred Heat idea – it’s a place where the clerics maintain eternal holy flame which can heal your wound. It’s a painful process, and you can find there a few interesting NPCs.

Priory of Introspection are headquarters of the Sisterhood of Silence, so floor-plan of this monastery and the description of it is must-be for eveeryone who will use it in his campaign. Especially, there are some new strange things such as screen in the audience chamber.

Temple of the Ebon Hand is complete rather-low-level dungeon crawl adventure with floor-plan, all stats, a few pictures (with a little old Freeport adventure’s feel), and cool table of cultists’ deformities.

A digression about „what makes dungeon crawl adventure” cool for me, and „why I fall asleep over 95% of them?”. Let me take „Temple of the Ebon Hand”, Ptolus, XVII, p. 379 as an example of one of these 5% interesting dun-crawls imho. Why?
My private answer is: because there are several new ideas, or even old ideas but composed in new interesting way. The logic is no answer, the „realism” is no answer, and all these monsters (and most of their tactics) and treasures mean nothing for me, because I can use them anywhere.
So… ideas. Let’s look into Temple of the Ebon Hand to see what ideas definitely.
# The cultist revere mutation and deformity, some of them are deformed naturally (eg. they are crippled), some of them are mutated by cult’s rituals. It leads to two curiosities: First; it creates motivations for a lot of cultist – they are handicaps, they are baned from medieval society, and they’re looking for a place where they can meet other cripples and feel… normal. Second; it creates additional impediment (encumbrance) for the PCs – they cannot simple hack and slash everyone in this temple.
# The Cult is kidnaping young people and transforms them into… enough spoilers! – so the PCs have evident, not forced (railroading-like) hook to go there and investigate, especially if among the kidnaped are their relatives, cohorts etc.
# The Cult have original symbols, rituals. A few excelent pictures is enough to catch the feel of this dungeon. The rituals are interesting, because Monte creates a rolling list (a table) full of these deformations, which look good (I mean ugly and every NPC marked with them has distincitive traits) and they (the deformations) have sipmle but powerful D&D system effects. I can’t say how this mutation takes place because of spoilers, but this is very, very interesting process – I can call a mutation chamber an adventure inside the adventure.
# The cultist are quick to flee, what is not surprising among crippled Com1 – but it creates another interesting impediment (encumbrance) for the PCs: most of the cultist will run away, while some elite clerics, guard and monsters will fight the PCs. It explains why there will be no single mass battle (CR overpowered!) in the first chamber and a lot of exploration of empty rooms next, which should be logical extrapolation of every dungeon crawl adventure full of monster waiting in their treasure-rooms for the PCs.
# The adventure is open ended, most of the enemies have way to escape. All dungeon is connected with another low-level dungon below Ptolus.
# It’s short! Six pages with all needed stats and floor-plans.
Well… that’s not all advantages of „Temple of the Ebon Hand”, but that’s imho enough to explain, why I will DM this dungoen crawl and will not DM 95% other dun-crawls.
End of digression.

In the Temple of Gaen we can find fine stats of CR20 good NPCs: cleric and paladin with full and uncommon equipmement and a portrait. Useful thing.

Temple Observatory of the Watcher of the Skies is a HQ of announced a lot of times in my review the NPC Helmut Itlenstein, who is one of the main bad guys (or good guy, because he’s pivolat as a lot of ptolus material). He has connection with republican movement, he’s astrologer in the worst type of mad astrologers, he has artifacts from deep high-level Ptolus’ past), he can be connected to crime lords.

Temple of the Rat God is another complete rather-low-level dungeon crawl adventure with floor-plan, a map, all stats, and a few pictures.

XVIII. Warrens

A slums of Ptolus is a place where most of crime lords mysteries is resolved (or started) thanks to some floor-plans (assassins’ guild, drows’ hideout), stat-blocks (wizards’ for hire, actually hired by the crime syndicate), street gang description (young guns!) with the stats of their mysterious leader.

If you like a scenario containing The Swords of Ptolus artifacts, everything can starts here.
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Thomas, I am extremely grateful for this review. You threaten to cause serious harm to my bank balance. Thank you.

Thomas Percy

First Post
XIX. What’s Down There?

First, Monte gives us overall description of all locations that lie below Ptolus and explanation „why” they are there. On the cross section (side view) of Ptolus one can find nearly 50 various dungeons.

Next, there are rules for „Pits of Insanity” or a goo that shines with every color imaginable, which can fly or sink into matter. This is like chaos in pure form, raw chaos, the substance from Warhammer but with believable explanation why it is in Ptolus. This warpstone (mutagen) can change material into eg. glass, gold, bone, lave, or unmelting ice; can change you skin color or gives you additional limbs. It’s very adventure hooking substance: it can be avoid, stolen, used by chaositech (technology) scientifist… even players.

Last but not least, there are a few ideas for dungeons located below Ptolus, you (as the DM) can develop yourself. I find most of them interestiong, especially: Fortress of the Redeemed (as a place to break in), Hall of Cordaris (as a „Da Vinci Code”-like secret society), and Prison of the Blessed Children (because of interesting background, puzzles and magical effects of releasing the childeren).

XX. And Undercity

The Undercity is a places where the adventurers can do shopping etc. – you can find such strange marketplace in most of crpg-s like Icewind Dale, NWN etc. I like Balacazar Fiend Slaves – the amulets you can buy to control a demon or devil – cool, powerful, dangerous, useful for evil NPCs (as a kind of weapon).

Next, there is description (with a floor-plan, stats, complex traps, treasures, adventure hooks) of thieves guild. You can find there everything you expect in such place (manequins with tiny bells, stolen artifact in secret vaults, divination proof chambers). It’s a average dun-crawl for average (about 8) level adventurers, but only if there is no guildmaster himself inside.

The Prison is underground city… prison, but it’s a little whole different world, because of the lack of inspection from the rulers above. You need to traverse by the boat several hundered yards of subterranean waterways to reach a prison, and these waterways are not perfectly desolated and safe (see fine floor-plan). I will use it in my campaign absolutely!

Thomas Percy

First Post
XXI. The Sewers

„There is always a bigger fish” is a simple truth about the sewers. If you have a map of them, you can always find that below the Oldtown there’s abandoned, sealed, and used by various scum old sewage system. You explored it already, you can always find a diary of sewers’ builders with strange, dangerous, sealed tunnels marked. And so on.

Water flow can be interesting factor in this dungeon crawl, especially durning a rain.

Next, we have random encountes table. I’m not kind of DM who organizes his game around these tables, but Ptolus’ sewers is dangerous place, so I need such table to stop my PC using it as a teleporter free of charge.

Rat Hunters? Everyone of them has equipement worth 4500gp. They are paid 3gp per rat. It means everyone of them personally killed 1500 ratlings. Simple killing of 265 rats (ratlings, and ratbrutes beyond 7th level) will make an adventurer 12th level munchkin! Well… the system doesn’t work. Ok., enough bulls--t, these guy have an equipement bought by city watch or something.

Finally we have dungeon crawl adventure „Ratman Nest” for levels 3-4. It is rather boring imho hack’n’slash, but it contains some not bad adventure hooks. It’s possible to become ratmen ally. But who is ratman anyway? You can compare it to the wererat without lycantrophy, or to Warhammer’s Skavens withuth Warpstone (but why? There is chaositech in Ptolus!)

Maybe some readers will be surprised, but I don’t find this chapter boring, unnecessary etc. – I like these sewers because I don’t have better (if you have, repeat in this thread, thanks).

XXII. The Caverns

I’m not interesting in this chapter, maybe other reviewer covers it in the future. Sorry.

XXIII. The Dwarvenhearth

The Dwarvenhearth is Moria without a Balrog but with some another entertaineers. It shouldn’t be surprise to anyone, this „Moria” lies below the City by the Spire, because everything ugly lie there.

We start from history of Dwarvenhearth which ends durning the Ghulwar, when the dwarves finally abandoned and sealed their city. The Ghul was second of mightiest bad guys in the history of Ptolus, someone similiar to Saruman (as I understand) – a powerful scum who’s personal hero was the-greatest-scum-ever. This „saruman” has a citadel (Goth Gulgamel) in the middle of The Spire, and his celebrity has a citadel (Jabel Shammar) at the top of The Spire. Mr Second has created new races of orcs, which shocked dwarves so much, they (dwarves) abandoned their city. They are ashamed because of this, they want to be worthy of their city again – so we have an adventure hook for most of dwarven PCs.

Next we can read how to get in to Dwarvenheart – generaly you need a hammer. More interesting is description of various enemies you can meet inside: one guardian outsider, a few dwarven outlaws which were left behing (either accidentaly or intentionally because they were criminals), a few dwarven guardian ghosts and golems; and dark elves, who try to plunder as much as they can. I like the team of these drows, especially a ranger specializing in using two mini-crossbows at once.

Next, Monte gives us sample treasures we can rob (firearms, mithral, adamantine and other materials I’ve mentioned in previous part of my review) and descriptions and floor-plans of a few generic locations of such „moria” (bastions, houses etc.)

Finally there is small dungeon crawl adventure placed in the Tomb of last king of dwarves, who has fallen in the heroic battle, when he has done some heroic deeds using his gauntlet –artifact called Platinum Cestus. This mini-adventure resembles a lot Durlag’s Tomb from „Baldur’s Gate 1: Tales of the Sword Coast” computer game, but there are no puzzles. But!!! you can improve it easy (if you like), because Monte described old dwarven organization of puzzle-lovers with some sample riddles.

The Dwarvenhearth is not very original location, but I like it as it is – as a generic abandoned dwarven realm. I will use some of this material (especially The Tomb of King Stardelve) at my game sessions.

XXIV. Goth Gulgamel

I like this name, it sounds dark enough, but... I don’t know your players, but my players have strange gift of sound associations. There was cartoon movie „Smurfs” some years ago, and the main bad guy there was wizard Gargamel – ugly old idiot. So, I see my players, in the eyes of my soul, saying: „Let’s kick Gargamel!”.

Ad rem. Goth Gulgamel is dungeon crawl adventure at levels 13-14, but I advice to explore it a few levers later, because you are not Monte’s D&D industry professional players and your characters can be not so powerful as eg. Cordel’s. From the opposite side of view, all locations there were described by Monte, who knows like no other how to use D&D rules to make something powerful with CR lowest possible. So, be warned – especially if you try to get inside at level 12 or lower – you will be dead. For sure. It’s even logical, because it explains why some riff-raff adventurers don’t explore this dungeon yet.

I’m not a fan of dungeon crawl adventures, but I must admit it’s another (after Ebon Hand) duncrawl from Ptolus I will play. You can read my explanations and other „reasons why” above. I like a picture of the castle, and its floor-plan (which you can find in the handout in envelope). No, I love the plan, it’s one of the best strongholds’ plans I’ve ever seen. I like the idea that the citadel is placed in a dark void called The Utterdark. It means you can (as DM) place unlimited additional locations there... your PCs simply go into the dark. One of adventure ideas (looking for staff of magi) propsed at the end of this chapter is based on this fact.

You can meet three gangs of bad (or good) guys living there. You don’t need to fight any of them. One can even cooperate with some of them. There are a few no-nonsense new magic items, NPCs with Monte-combo-stats and very imho interesting place – Entrophy Sphere. This place is a gate to other most interesting Ptolus’ places, and it’s a Warpstone (mutagen) for spells. To reach it, you must make some interesting imho quests.

Goth Gulgamel is an adventure I will DM absolutely.

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