Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Yes, you can, when that system runs on a well known chassis and is largely compatible with it.I'll reiterate because it is important: you cannot test a complex system with only a few disjointed parts.

Playtesters are not designing the game. They are reviewing parts of it and stress testing it.Gamers "eyeballing" rules is worse than useless. Most gamers are terrible at design.
And again…part of that stress testing is making sure that it is compatible with the options they’ve already published.
Eventually, but even then, only really when creating a whole new system.You need to test stuff in its full context.
You’ll eventually your full system test. After the things the design team thinks need a smell test get put in front of the community. Because that feedback is more useful than some guys attempt at armchair design.
That definitely is not how you get the 5e CR system. Abandoning a rational system to appeal to grognards is how that happens.Otherwise you end up with the 5E CR system.
Anyone familiar with 5e can look at the play-test doc KP put out and provide useful feedback and ask useful questions.