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Pulp Spycraft (FINAL UPDATE!) *Updated 04/15/03*


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Born of an unholy blend of Spycraft, D20Modern, and a one-shot for some of the usual Dark*Matter crew – Ross, Johanna, and Denis.

The year is 1940.

The US has yet to be drawn into the war – officially. London burns, Europe is in chains, and the behind the scenes the Great Game is played out by Agents of Extraordinary Caliber …


Morning broke so beautifully this day, one could almost forget the sirens, the screams, the black haze even now clawing at the sky from the center of London. This neighborhood of brownstones was almost untouched by the war. Stone staircases with iron-hewed rails lead up to solid oak doors. A few shattered windows, the ever-present bicycles were the only evidence that these Victorian homes were in anything but their heyday.

A young lady strode purposefully toward one of the brownstones. She was in her late teens, perhaps early twenties, wild hair blowing in the breeze. She wore grey skirt and white blouse of one of Europe’s richer private schools. She no longer attended that institution – she’s been kicked out yet again. She had a hard time adjusting to polite society – or any sort of structure society, at that. One of her more astute house-mothers once used the phrase “borderline sociopath”. Pity that dorm burned down as it did …

The girl offered to do her father this favor in order to forestall his disappointed lectures. One of her father’s scientific associates in London, Vittorio Littello, had written letters claiming some dark power stalked the academics of Europe. Littello was an old friend, and he didn’t panic easily. He deserved a personal visit.

The brownstones were identical, but the girl had no need to check her father’s letter. She’d memorized the address involuntarily. It was just the way her mind worked.

For she was Nadia Tesla, the daughter of Nicolai Tesla, the greatest scientist the world has ever known.

From the other direction, a long black Bentley rolled down the street. It arrived at the brownstone Nadia sought just as she did.

The front door of the car opened. Out stepped a tall Italian in an excellent suit and long flowing topcoat. He whistled cheerfully, scanning the street. A beat later, the rear door opened, the passenger unfolding from within. His jaw was impossibly square, his shoulders improbably broad, his smile annoyingly flawless. Spotting Nadia, he touched his forehead instinctively. Used to wearing a uniform cap, Nadia mentally filed.

Nadia ignored the two. She trotted up the stairs lightly, arrives at the door. She knocked –

-- BRRRRAPPPPPPP!! Machine-gun fire SPLINTERED the door inches above her head!

Before she could even react, two of the most extraordinary things occurred.

The Italian gentleman’s hands suddenly filled with two heavy .45’s as if by magic. In one smooth move he leapt forward, ran up along the railing of the stairs, his topcoat flapping like a great dark cape. Another leap and he SMASHED through the front window, guns blazing!

The handsome young man took the stairs in two bounds. He swept her around, shielding her with his body, his back to the door. “Captain Tom Houston, miss. Pardon me.” Casually, he kicked in the door behind him, sending four hundred pounds of wood crashing off its hinges.

If he was expecting gratitude, Houston was sorely surprised. Nadia’s hand flashed beneath her skirt, high on her thigh. A glittering Walther .32 caliber caught the light as it appeared. “This is the point where you get off me.”

Houston decided to file this bizarre European behavior away for later. He stepped into the darkened brownstone.

To the Captain's left, the Italian was firing away with both guns, somehow dodging the bullets perforating his topcoat. The stairs to the second floor were dead ahead. The machine-gun toting assailants fired wildly from the landing at the top.

Incredibly, the half-dozen seemed to have stepped from the Middle Ages! They wore chain-mail and tabards, with longswords at their sides!

Their machineguns were modern enough, though, and they needed to be dealth with. Captain Tom Houston tore his own shirt and coat away, revealing a blue chain shirt beneath, a single star on his chest.

The shield slid onto his forearm smoothly.

Time to test this thing out.
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First Post
Jonrog is at it again.

Don't think we haven't noticed this. We'll be watching you closely. Very bad things are going to start happening very soon, and we know who is responsible.

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First Post
Wow. Excellent writing style! I can't wait to see what happens next. In some weird way, I'm reminded of Octavia E. Butler's scifi/elseworlds-esq short stories. Keep up the good work!! :)


Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
Jon, I giggled like a giddy school girl when I noticed the link in your sig. My strange behavior was well rewarded. Thank you. WWII era gaming is one of my favorites. I can't wait to see what you have in store.

By the way, since this game is a hybrid of yours, have you looked at Pinnacle's Wierd Wars series? It is their d20 World War II game with a little fantasy thrown in, monsters and magic mostly. I would recommend a look for the historic data alone. The boys at Pinnacle are quite good.

Anywho, I am glad you are writing again. I think I lost five pounds when I realized that your "Southern Girls" story hour was finished. Now I can snack again. :D


Okay, you gotta come with it now, Jonrog.

[Hypnotic Stare]

You are growing very relaxed, veeeery relaxed. You are slipping deeper and deeper into a state of total relaxation. You will regard my suggestions in the most positive light, and desire to fulfill them above all other imperatives.

Post more, sleep less.

When I snap my fingers, you will awaken with a powerful desire to post more updates to this thread. You will be unaware that I have given you this suggestion, but be compelled to obey nonetheless.


[/Hypnotic Stare]

Fun fun pulp fun! Update more!


First Post
All three moved at once. The Italian cut hard right, crossing the bottom of the stairs, guns BOOMING. Nadia Tesla raced up the stairs with suicidal glee, her small gun coughing, catching one of the armored men in the throat. She skipped lightly over him as he rolled down the stairs.

Captain Tom Houston passed her, though, taking the stairs in great strides, SPARKS pinging off his shield --

-- the shield shaped like the great state of Texas. For Captain Tom Houston was the first of the super-serum test subjects. He was ... Captain Texas.

"Say hello to Laredo!" Captain Texas bellowed as he cracked an assassin's skull with precisely the section of the shield corresponding to that fine town. With a snap of the arm, his shield FLEW away, crushed the chests of two of the anachronistic assassins, then rebounded beautifully back into his hand.

As he reached the top of the stairs, he shouldered one of the "knights" down, sending him tumbling. The Italian below swore, now having to deal with three machine-gun wielding killers simultaneously. He and the three circled the heavy rail and bannister of the stairs, wood splinters everywhere.

Nadia used the super-soldier as cover to dash into an open doorway. She cursed as she realized that the pantry she'd entered led nowhere -- and one of the assassins dropped his machine-gun, drew his longsword and rushed her!

Up on the second story landing, Captain Texas was a whirling mass of fists and sheild metal. One of the killers got off a lucky shot. Houston felt a rib go beneath his chain shirt, but he shook it off, savagely disarming the man with his shield edge.

The Italian finally put two of his opponents down at close range. When the third raised his weapon, the lithe gunman spun, catching the machine-gun barrel in the edge of his overcoat and knocking it away. That split-second was all the time the Italian needed to press his .45 against the man's teeth and pull the trigger.

In the pantry Nadia ducked as the knight's longsword bit into the cupboard beside her. The man pressed her too hard for her to bring up her gun. As he bared his teeth and lunged again she ducked under his swing and placed her hand flat on his chest.

ZZZAAPPPPP! 10,000 volts arced from the delicate ring on her finger through the man's armor. He convulsed, flew back and SLAMMED into the doorframe. She didn't wait for him to stop twitching. Nadia leapt over him and into the next doorway. That one had an inner door -- and if she were right, it led to the bedroom the assassins had come from. She bolted through the opening.

Nadia immediately saw two things in the bedroom. First, the figure of Vittorio Littello, slumped over his writing desk. Second, one last assassin lurked at the main door, about to get the drop on Captain Texas.

Houston tossed his opponent over the rail. He turned just in time to see the bedroom door open. The last of the knights was there, gun raised --

Suddenly, the dark young girl was behind the man. She stuck her hands out on either side of his neck. The knight looked at the delicate wrists on either side of him. "Hey," he thought, "what a pretty charm bracelet. Is that an elephantUUURRKKKK --"

At that moment Nadia TIGHTENED the Tesla Monomolecular Filament Garrotte(tm) she'd just unraveled from her charm bracelet. She placed one foot in the small of the man's back, WALKED up his spine and back-somersaulted through her own arms.

She and the man's head landed simultaneously. His body hit the floor a beat later.

Captain Texas arched an eyebrow. "Ain't you full of surprises little lady."

"I do not see as that is any of your concern." Nadia crossed to Littello's slumped figure. She studied him, her pretty b row furrowed.

Houston nodded to the Italian as he reached the top of the stairs. "Right nice job there, Furious."

"Furio", the Italian corrected laconically. He'd long since given up hope this soldier would get the name right. He perked up at the sound of sirens. "Policia, I will deal with them."

Houston joined Nadia at the body. Litello was seated at his writing desk, head down, as if he'd fallen asleep reading. "Looks like we got here a little late for Dr. Littello. He's dead, right?"

"More than dead." With her index finger, Nadia pushed the top of Littello's skull. It slid away. Like the lid of a jar, the top of his skull flopped onto the desk ... revealing a bare, empty skull beneath.

"Someone has stolen Dr. Littello's brain."

Voidrunner's Codex

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