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Q'Barra: Into the Emerald Forest


Guest 11456

Eff Flat : Male Warforged Bard 4

As the group leaves the docks and heads up to the manor, Eff Flat marvels at the many different sounds the swamp has. He doesn't even seem to notice his companions discomfort with the insects. Indeed he is too ingrossed in the sounds of the swamp. Once they are within the manor and the sounds stop, he marvels at the silence of the manor. He decides to stand in the sitting room. Something he seems to find a bit amusing. He has a passing thought of playing a somber tune for the occasion, but quickly decides that such an action would be inappropriate. So he merely mentally plays such a tune in his thoughts.

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Kolbek drinks deeply while Sanae speaks, but gives every appearance of listening intently. ”Any idea what this ‘hidden agenda’ may have been?” He sets his empty mug down and shrugs. ”No matter, I suppose. And soon enough the lot of you will be away on your mission. Maybe there will be trouble later, but we’ll just have to face that when it comes.”

He nods at Xavier's comment about the weapons. "I dare say we may find a use for them, although there's not many here that can handle them well. I hired farmers and laborers, not fighters. Still, I'm sure they'll see use before long. I thank you."

He stands and stretches. ”I suppose you’re all hungry and tired.” He glances at ‘he has no name’ and Eff Flat; he has been eyeing the latter quizzically from time to time. ”Least ways, some of you must be.” He chuckles, a deep rumbling that never quite escapes through his beard. ”If my wife were here, we’d be sitting down to a formal dinner, with much pomp and ceremony and more courses than an army could eat. Alas, she’s visiting home, which is a good or bad thing, depending on your point of view. If you don’t mind, I’m going to keep things a bit simpler. If you’d like to something to eat, food can be provided. We can sit at table and talk things over, or I can show you to your rooms and we’ll get a fresh start in the morning. Your choice.”

[sblock]Spell Infusion - While you're walking up the path, Kolbek is fairly distracted, it’s dark, and there are six of you. All factors that make it simple to drop to the back of the line and do your thing. <rolls some dice> Yup, you seem to have pulled if off without difficulty – what spell are you trying to store?

Architecture roll results - Just to clarify, there is only one house, but the top and bottom halves look like they come from two different ones. The architecture of the bottom is typical of a Mror above-ground dwelling. The top is more like the sort of house the wealthy have in Karrnath. From what you have seen so far, it is all expertly built.

The physical properties of the piping are fairly easily worked out – they are lengths of copper tubing joined together at corners or every ten feet with larger joint sections. Every foot or so there is a small (about 1/2 inch) opening with a short, funnel. Erin thinks she could duplicate it fairly easily, given proper materials and tools, of course. The inscribed runes give a clue to any magical properties it may have – probably a bit of judicious handling (Artificer Knowledge) and a Knowledge: Arcana check would reveal more.[/sblock]

[sblock]Kolbek’s casual attitude is covering a great deal of tension, but he does not seem particularly interested in the river incident.[/sblock]
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For Urko:
I'd would have loved to have Erin to infuse her Gauntlet with the Detect Thoughts spell, however, she failed her Use Magic Device check. She did not fail it bad enough to have it self-explode or anything, but she did blow a 1st-level infusion. Oh, well, so much for my plan :)

Erin listens quietly to Sanae's response. When Xavier suggests that they hand over the weapons confiscated, she makes sure he does not give over the crysteel scimitar.

When Kolbek gives them an offer, Erin hesitates and waits for the others to respond...


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"Well as much as I would like to join you for dinner, I believe I will turn in early tonight. If something could be sent up, that would be great. But hey, don't let me ruin it for the rest of you. I'm sure we'll all meet up later."

Xavier waits somewhat impatiently for the rest of the group to answer Kolbek's question.


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Sanae straightened in her seat and nodded politely to Kolbek. "Thank you for your kind offer, but I must echo Xavier. I would much prefer to retire to my room early. It has been a very long day, I am sure you understand. Perhaps we can have a hearty breakfast tomorrow and discuss our contract then?"

She then rose and moved to stand with Xavier.


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Erin follows suit, stifling a yawn. "Sounds like a good idea, though I could go either way." She stands up, and awaits for directions to her room.


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Bed Time

Kolbek personally escorts the humans to their bedchambers. All are on the third floor of the house, along the back side of the house. Each room has a good sized window, but there is little to see in the night, just a few lights here and there, some of which move slowly about the grounds. "Night watchmen," Kolbek remarks. "Dark nights - with few moons or heavy clouds - are when most of the attacks usually occur."

He bids you all pleasant sleep and has food (simple fare - cold fowl, bread, and cheese, with lukewarm ale) sent to your rooms. The accomodations are quite comfortable, if not as spacious and luxurious as the Hotel Metrol. Kolbek turns his attention to the warforged. "I know your sort don't sleep, so I'll leave you to your own devices. You have the run of the second floor. There's a smallish library off the sitting room, if you're interested in that sort of thing. See you in the morning."

Anyone doing anything out of the ordinary over the course of the night?


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Sanae settled in to bed and picked at the food provided before falling in to a deep sleep, pondering over the recent events and what they might mean.

OOC: nothing unusual from me. Sanae is just going to eat a bit and then go to bed with her sword sheathed right next to her.


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Before sitting down to eat the meal Kolbek has provided, Xavier takes his ale and pours it out the window. As he does he mutters to himself "I don't touch the stuff anymore. It almost killed me, so never again." That done he sits down to eat, drinking only from his waterskin. After dinner, Xavier lays down on the closest bed. He makes sure to have his sword and bow near the bed if needed.

OOC: Nothing odd from me either.
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Erin graciously accepts her room and meal, and nibles a bit at her food as the rethinks the past day's events. She wears a worried face, as she begins some preparations for the night.

She focuses on the ring she wears around her finger... the ring that poor Arras gave her so long ago. As she thinks of her past, she fights back some tears as she clears her head for her current plan. She focuses in the ring, weaving it with her spell, and as she does, her body is flooded with marvel and splendor.

Pleasantly charged from her new feelings, she reaches out to the bed she will be sleeping on. She grabs a hold of the frame, and once again reaches out with her thoughts. She prepares the bed for its newfound ability, and then triggers this ability. Satisfied, the lays in bed, and falls asleep contemplating the events that have led them on this journey. "This prophetic journey", she chuckles to herself, before sleep overtakes her.

OOC: Erin will blow some infusions before going to bed. She will infuse her ring with Eagle's Spendor, giving her +4 to her charisma. This will boost her Use Magic Device check, which she needs to pull off her Spell Storing Item. She will store the spell alarm in the bed, choosing a silent alarm to trigger and awaken her should anyone step within a 20 feet radius of the bed. She makes her Use Magic Device check 1d20+14 = 24 vs. DC 23 to pull off the infusion, then she will trigger the device, which will last for 8 hours. She then settles into bed.

Voidrunner's Codex

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