Quick questions on light sources


In 4E, do light sources/spells have the same radius as 3E? (except the sunrod..)

Also, does Low-light vision still exist and work the same way (double)?

Does "shadowy illumination" still exist?


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I don't have the books in front of me but light source radius is pretty much explained in the PHB and DMG, except that the radius is given in squares and not feet. There is no shadowy illumination, and light sources are either bright or dim. Low-light does not double the light source range, but does make dim illumination bright.

The main difference is that a sunrod now has a huge area of bright illumination (20 squares if I recall, which is 100' radius). It does not shine around corners at all, which can make it inconvenient at times, but in general light is much less of a problem now unless you are trying to sneak.

Also, fewer monsters have darkvision, so monsters generally use light sources as well.

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