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Random forest map generator?

Does anyone know where I could find a good random forest map generator?

I'm looking for something along these lines - a computer program where you plunk in what percentage of squares should have trees in them, what percentage should have undergrowth, etc. (Basically, it would show a grid map, with each square having a color and/or symbol code telling you what's in it.)

I'm not looking for anything that makes pretty maps - I'd have to erase ink (!) to add rivers and stuff anyway. Besides, I could use it for making mountain maps, desert maps, scattering boxes in a warehouse, etc.
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First Post
I'd like something like this too. I have an Excell spreadsheet set-up, and I typically use clip-art and so on to build my forests....but a bit of visual basic or some such that would automatically and randomly do that would be great! :)


First Post
I have an idea what I need to do for it, and although it might take longer than I thought at first, I just need to know what exactly you need it to do. Are colored squares good enough, or do you need more detail than that? Is it a larger world-type map, or smaller "dungeon"-like map?


First Post
Ok, here's a quick shot of what I've got so far (about an hours worth of work)

I haven't gotten to making it actually draw the image out, but the setup is done (as far as simple goes) Think of anything else you want to add? First I'll have it do just solid colors, then I'll have it add symbols. Which symbols it puts down and how will be determined by the questions asked above this post.


TogaMario said:
I have an idea what I need to do for it, and although it might take longer than I thought at first, I just need to know what exactly you need it to do. Are colored squares good enough, or do you need more detail than that? Is it a larger world-type map, or smaller "dungeon"-like map?

Wow, thanks!

I'm looking for a smaller dungeon-style map, not a world map :)

I think you could use color for undergrowth (especially if there's two types) and symbols for trees. (This would let undergrowth and trees "stack", if you will.)

The tables in the DMG talked about light vs heavy undergrowth and small vs big trees, although I'm sure that makes the program more complicated (each type of undergrowth and tree can't stack).


First Post
(Psi)SeveredHead said:
The tables in the DMG talked about light vs heavy undergrowth and small vs big trees, although I'm sure that makes the program more complicated (each type of undergrowth and tree can't stack).
Right --> Trees and undergrowth "stack" on a square.

BTW, when I've done these sorts of combat grids "by hand" (using Xcl), they made melee combat very unlikely. The creatures with missile-fire reined supreme, while the charging orcish barbarians got no where fast.

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