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Random Skill Challenge Generator


Ok makes sense, so you draw a few cards which gives you inspiration for a scene, this scene is made up of the a few objects or mannerisms that hint to the players that certain skill uses may work in conjunction with them.

A man who is described as Jittery may be suceptible to intimidate.

Describing an entrance to a temple as having bones that litter the ground may lead to a heal/nature check.

A 10 eyed sphinx who's eye seem to follow each of you around the room may indicate thievery won't work

and a hundred and one other examples :)

So if you like the cards you draw help you reverse engineer the encounter to help provide hints as to what would be useful/nonuseful, hmm like it a lot.



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First Post
Very interesting. I thought this was going to be some mechanical junk, but this is a cool creative technique.

Love the DC distinction of Moderate for "appropriate" skills, Easy for "unlocked", Difficult for all others. Still leaves it open ended but helps prevent players from just spaming their best skill every round.

One suggestion-- I would have some mechanism for discovering the Forbidden skill. For example, if the player exceeds a hard DC with an "appropriate" skill check, not only do they get a success but also discover that X forbidden skill would not work in this situation


The PCs have to enter the compound of a secretive, outlawed ranger organization. It's surrounded by a low palisade wall, and the entrance gate guarded by a pair of bow-wielders. All this happens at night-time.


A succesful Nature check will convince the guards that the players are of the same mindset as them

Bluff makes the guards believe they are part of the organization/are a contingent from another, like-minded organization/distracts the guards.

A PC succeeding on a Stealth check manages to sneak over to the fence without being spotted, and is allowed an Athletics check to climb over.

Acrobatics sees the player performing some feat of agility, distracting the guards and allowing a free Thievery check to pick their pockets.

Any mention of the History of the organization causes the guards to become grim and more inclined to send the PCs their way.

Ok, this turned out a little crappy actually (especially the Acrobatics one - was going to have that being a player leaping over a wall, but Athletics already did that), but I thought I'd post it since, y'know, I actually made it.


First Post
Serensius said:
The PCs have to enter the compound of a secretive, outlawed ranger organization. It's surrounded by a low palisade wall, and the entrance gate guarded by a pair of bow-wielders. All this happens at night-time.
Acrobatics sees the player performing some feat of agility, distracting the guards and allowing a free Thievery check to pick their pockets.
Ok, this turned out a little crappy actually (especially the Acrobatics one - was going to have that being a player leaping over a wall, but Athletics already did that), but I thought I'd post it since, y'know, I actually made it.

Maybe Acrobatics allows a player to reach a high location (climbing a tree? bouncing between two posts? squeezing into a tight space between two trees?) to get a good vantage point to view the compound. This could make Stealth easier, or if you really want to link it to Thievery, maybe it lets the player disable a trap? or the player can reach a hat in a bird's nest and return it to the guard who lost his lucky hat?

Alternately, switch the Athletics to something else. Lifting a heavy object? Challenging a guard to an arm-wrestling match or a flexing contest? Drinking contest?

Either way, letting one player get into the compound by himself doesn't seem to fit the Skill Challenge concept, since that doesn't necessarily help the party enter, but instead turns it into a solo moment. So maybe change both.


First Post
Wow, glad you all like it so much! Wish I could have responded sooner, but with the server being down and all... :/

One of the things I really like about this approach is that, it seems to me at least, if you're designing a skill challenge you'll likely tend to use the same skills over and over again. Social encounters will use lots of diplomacy and intimidate and bluff, traps will use lots of perception and thievery and dungeoneering, etc.

This forces you to use the skills a bit more evenly, which is good for two reasons.

First, it helps you break out of your box. It can be a real challenge trying to fit all these jigsaw pieces together.

Second, it helps the game from a purely "gamist" sense. It ensures that there are no dead skills, and every skill a player takes will get a chance to shine at some point.


First Post
Market day
Trading gear and repairing equipment

Most of the loot from your last adventure has finally been spent on the usual entertainment. Now, you are gearing up for the next adventure. On market day you can procure, upgrade, and restore, provided you keep your wits about you. Market day is not for the feint of heart.

STREETWISE: Naturally streetwise can be used to get a good idea of how this market operates. A successful Streetwise check unlocks intimidate.

INTIMIDATE: Some merchants are new to this game and can easily be bullied into a giving you a good deal.

ARCANA: For those who know what to look for various magic apparel can be found here and there at the market. A successful Arcana unlocks perception.

PERCEPTION: You spot several collectors searching for magical apparel. They avoid eachother. Perhaps you can make money broking deals between them?

HEAL: A sure-fire way to get on people's good graces is to provide small healing favors for free. Several merchants suffer from minor ailments.

ACROBATICS: The merchants at market day drive off any entertainers. This is a place of commerce, not show.

If the group wins the skill challenge they get their new gear and services at 80% listed PHB price. Otherwise they need to pay full price.
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First Post
I'm slacking at work, and this seems like a fun way to pass the time. Kudos to the OP for coming up with such a cursed distraction neat idea!

Appropriate Skills: Endurance, Perception, Religion, Streetwise

Unlockable Skills: Athletics, Stealth

Forbidden Skills: Diplomacy

The challenge: Today is one of the largest festivals in the city's history, a feastday of the local churches, where the faithful fill the streets in revelry... all in the name of their deity of choice, of course. One of the traditional events during this party is the cross-city race, where teams try to make it through the packed roads from one side of the city to the other in the shortest amount of time. The winners are recognized by the City Council for their resourcefulness, and may be called upon in the future should anything arise that needs to be dealt with. The losers... well, at least there's plenty of ale nearby to console themselves on their loss.

Difficulty: 8 successes before 4 failures.

Endurance: This is a grueling race, and plowing your way through throngs of somewhat-sloshed partygoers takes its toll on the body after a few blocks. It allows you to "tough it out", wading through the crowd as you strive to make progress toward the far side of the city. Succeeding on this check will allow for a +2 bonus on future Athletics checks (once unlocked) since pushing your way through the crowd and bouncing off other people is quickly becoming second nature for you.

Perception: While the streets are normally packed shoulder-to-shoulder with the city's residents, occasionally there's enough of a shift in the sea of bodies to spy an opening - whether it's a clear path on a sidewalk, or falling in behind a wagon as it clears a path through the mass of people. Either way, you've found an opening that makes progress significantly easier for a short period of time. Succeeding on this check will allow for a +2 bonus on future Streetwise checks, since you've got a keen eye out for convenient opportunities to get ahead in the race.

Religion: This is first and foremost a religious festival, and knowing the local churches and how they party gives you a bit of insight into which areas will be the least crowded, and when. This unlocks the Athletics skill, which lets you hustle in front of parades and processions while causing your opponents to be cut off by the same displays of faith and fun.

Streetwise: Sometimes, how you get to a place is all about knowing the side alleyways and unused paths. While they may be filthy and vagrant-infested, that's all the better reason for you to go that way... the dirtier it is, the less of a chance it will be crowded. This unlocks the Stealth skill, which lets you dart down a convenient side street without your opponents noticing it, and forcing them to take a longer route.

Not usable - Diplomacy: Most of the people standing between you and your goal are either somewhat intoxicated, or have scouted out that precise location on the sidewalk since before dawn to have a better view of an upcoming parade of holy relics. Taking the time to sweet-talk them out of your way just isn't feasible.


Success: The City Council recognizes the group as the victors in front of a raucous crowd, gaining the team celebrity status in the city for the time being. In addition to the purse for winning the race, members of the Council may further (and more privately) recognize the group's skill by contacting them for help on future matters.

Mild Failure (5+ successes): While the team did not win the race or the prize that came with the victory, they did manage to impress enough people on the Council that they still might be sought out for help.

Moderate Failure (2-4 successes): You lost, and by a considerable amount. You can still fade away into the crowd without too much ridicule for your performance.

Total Failure (0-1 successes): Not only did you lose, but you did so in an embarassing fashion. Perhaps you never made it to the finish line, or maybe you unfortunately found that overturned cartload of manure on the way there. Regardless, the group is heckled for a while in the city... at least, until they prove themselves to be better than that.
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These skill challenges where Perception is a forbidden skill remind me of the scene in Hellboy where the young FBI agent is being introduced to the big red guy and makes the mistake of staring at the grinded-down stumps of the half-demon's horns.

"What you looking at, kid?"


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