Level Up (A5E) Ranger gets a lot of attack bonuses...


I was just rereading the ranger and I did notice it gets a lot of attack bonuses (from features like hunters target, trained accuracy and adversarial focus, all Stacking if im reading it right). That per se is not a bad thing, I'm just thinking if I can translate rant into damage somehow. Trained accuracy can be made into damage, but anything else I'm missing?

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Distracted DM

Distracted DM
Hunter's Target gives a +1 but will use your bonus action to activate or switch after downing the target.
Trained Accuracy's Accuracy Reserve gives +1, but you can't move.
Adversarial focus gives +1 to hit against your chose adversaries, yes.

The biggest thing that players need to remember is that taking Fighting Style: Archery if they grab a level of fighter DOES NOT give a +2 to hit if you're using Trained Accuracy (its Accuracy Bonus or Reserve)- it gives +2 to damage instead.
It's just a way to consistently get a +2 to hit so you can move etc.
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Hunter's Target gives a +1 but will use your bonus action to activate or switch after downing the target.
Trained Accuracy's Accuracy Reserve gives +1, but you can't move.
Adversarial focus gives +1 to hit against your chose adversaries, yes.

The biggest thing that players need to remember is that taking Fighting Style: Archery if they grab a level of fighter DOES NOT give a +2 to hit if you're using Trained Accuracy (its Accuracy Bonus or Reserve)- it gives +2 to damage instead.
It's just a way to consistently get a +2 to hit so you can move etc.
I did notice that last part ( accuracy fighting style changing to +2 damage), which is good, because I'm thinking of ways to get more damage if I hit, not to get more attack. I think I have enough (+3 if I use my bonus action and don't move, and I can choose another +1 to attack or +1d6 to damage with Accuracy bonus. So if im not missing anything:
+3 to attack : BA to activate hunters target, no move and chosen adversary
+(2d6+2) damage: one use Accuracy Bonus, Archery fighting style and Adversarial focus

Not bad at all. And I apply these for both my shots from lvl 5

Note: I am assuming I can use both Accuracy Bonus and Accuracy Reserve on the same turn.

Distracted DM

Distracted DM
Just remember that stuff like Hunters target and accuracy bonus are finite resources! But yeah if you have a decent wisdom you can "go nova" on a big target. Very nice đź‘Ť


If you pick up the Deadeye feat, that's a great way to massively increase your damage output (reduce attack roll by proficiency to get double proficiency in damage rolls).

There's also a Fletcher archetype that gets special arrows.

Voidrunner's Codex

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