D&D General [+] Ravenloft, horror, & safety tools...


B/X Known World
So, with the book out now, I think it might be a good idea to talk about the horror advice and safety tools presented in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft.

I'm going to treat this like a "Let's Read" and go over the various bits of advice in the Horror Adventures chapter. Once that's done, hit any stray bits and bobs from the rest of the book. I'm sure there's some in the intro and character creation sections, it just mostly seems to be concentrated in Horror Adventures.

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So, with the book out now, I think it might be a good idea to talk about the horror advice and safety tools presented in Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft.

I'm going to treat this like a "Let's Read" and go over the various bits of advice in the Horror Adventures chapter. Once that's done, hit any stray bits and bobs from the rest of the book. I'm sure there's some in the intro and character creation sections, it just mostly seems to be concentrated in Horror Adventures.
There was a pretty good bit about modifying monsters late in it that covers using descriptive language to create uncertainty of what players are facing & such along with changing the monsters to force the party into reevaluating their strategies now that your throwing things immune to it at them. that was pretty good advice


A pretty good article.

Very good. Hard not to agree with all of it apart from the last section.

I think the content warnings section is a really good solution so people know what they’re getting into, without curtailing the DMs plans.


A pretty good article.
I especially appreciated the part where the author reminds people to be aware of where their game is being played. While I don't run super horrific games in public venues (because duh), I've had to be mindful of my descriptions and language due to the presence of children and others. On more than one occasion I've been embarrassed by participants at my table swearing loudly or otherwise being crude. It's not that I'm a prude or anything I just think context is important. What I might say at my friend's house while gaming isn't the same thing I'll blurt out where a bunch of people I don't know very well can hear me.


B/X Known World
I especially appreciated the part where the author reminds people to be aware of where their game is being played. While I don't run super horrific games in public venues (because duh), I've had to be mindful of my descriptions and language due to the presence of children and others. On more than one occasion I've been embarrassed by participants at my table swearing loudly or otherwise being crude. It's not that I'm a prude or anything I just think context is important. What I might say at my friend's house while gaming isn't the same thing I'll blurt out where a bunch of people I don't know very well can hear me.
That's one of those things. It's "well, duh" for some and a forehead-slapping revelation to others.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
This is the Safety Tools discussion thread (well, my favorite of all of them), for folks in the NuTSR Thread that wish to continue discussing the topic. Let's not derail other threads.


B/X Known World
With a recent, or immanent, release from WotC...the topic of horror and safety tools has popped up again. Seems like a good time to cast raise dead on this thread. With the player's consent, of course.

Voidrunner's Codex

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