Note: this question will attempt to be as edition neutral as possible. If you want to argue about 5e vs classic Ravenloft, do that elsewhere.
For DMs who run Ravenloft, I have a philosophical question. When you are setting up an adventure involving a villain or monsters, how often do you make them a Darklord vs how often do they exist as residents of an existing domain?
Ravenloft has always done both, of course. MCA 2 was full of a dozen denizens who were evil as they were, and didn't warrant their own domain. But the vast majority of them seem to get their own domain, something encouraged in some versions (like the supplement Dark lords or the 5e version) and less so with others (the living core version of DoD and 3e).
I ask this because, as I design adventures for Ravenloft, I often debate if I should be setting it in an already existing domain or making a brand new one for the adventure. On the one hand, it's refreshing to not have every adventure in a domain be about the dark lord (or, not everything in Barovia needs to be about Strahd) but in the other, having unique monsters and villains not have their own lands and tragic flaws feels like a let down. After all, why shouldn't La Lorrona get her own domain?
Obviously there is no single answer to this, but I wonder what other DMs do when it comes to making villains in Ravenloft; do you err on the side of new Darklords and domains or opt to make them denizens of existing ones?
For DMs who run Ravenloft, I have a philosophical question. When you are setting up an adventure involving a villain or monsters, how often do you make them a Darklord vs how often do they exist as residents of an existing domain?
Ravenloft has always done both, of course. MCA 2 was full of a dozen denizens who were evil as they were, and didn't warrant their own domain. But the vast majority of them seem to get their own domain, something encouraged in some versions (like the supplement Dark lords or the 5e version) and less so with others (the living core version of DoD and 3e).
I ask this because, as I design adventures for Ravenloft, I often debate if I should be setting it in an already existing domain or making a brand new one for the adventure. On the one hand, it's refreshing to not have every adventure in a domain be about the dark lord (or, not everything in Barovia needs to be about Strahd) but in the other, having unique monsters and villains not have their own lands and tragic flaws feels like a let down. After all, why shouldn't La Lorrona get her own domain?
Obviously there is no single answer to this, but I wonder what other DMs do when it comes to making villains in Ravenloft; do you err on the side of new Darklords and domains or opt to make them denizens of existing ones?