RBDMs, what's the most RB thing you've ever done?


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mhm, two things:
Rolohf, a Fighter in a long running campaign helped another fighter to get hold of an artefact, that raised all dead in a radius of 5 km to undeath, creating a rather large standing army. The other fighter used it, to destroy invaders, who had managed to get hold of the hometown of the characters in the campaign.
During this adventure, one oportunistic mage (i.e. traitor) had sent a fireball after the characters and they wanted to get back at him. Going back to his home, they only managed to meet the man selling the house. Being stupid, they killed the man, after he called the watch. Watch arrived, put them into prison. Still, the Fighter hoped, that the fighter, who now had become king, would save them. He did not, having played the characters to get on the throne.
The anguish on the face of the player was marvelous, when his loved character was led to the gallows (through incredible dump luck, the other characters managed to save him, though, pitty)

In a different group, one player had created a rather nice backstory: He and his two sisters where brought up in an orphanage, after their parents had been killed by some bandits.
He himself had been adopted by a couple, that held rather gruesome rituals over his body, scarring him for live. He escaped, burning the house behind him, killing the couple.

Later on, the group met one of these "Bandits", a mercenery, who had been hired to get rid of some demon-worshippers and who had, against the orders, saved the children. He regretted it, thouch, because, meanwhile he had learned, that all three children carried an evil seed, that would make them into paragons of evil as the agents of the demons, their family had worshipped for thousands of yars.
The couple, that seemingly had turtered the character had just expelled the evil seed, even if they did it rather clumsily.
The player went rather silent at that moment.

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Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
This isn't the most RBDM, but it's really recent. Last session recent, in fact.

The PC's are in a town with a fractured political situation. 5 nobles families compete for power, with the PC's backing one, 3 more or less undecided, and one that is the enemy of the PC's, and of the house they back. The PC's want their guy to be the guy in charge, the bad guy wants to be in charge. The PC's guy has tradition/title on his side, the bad guy has military power on his.

The PC's have been trying to work out ways to force out the bad guy (the Earl Braniff). They've even gone so far as to consider having the party shadowdancer assassinate him, although they're all pretty much good-aligned and so they didn't go that route. They have been going around to the other nobles, drumming up support, talking up the churches in town, all that sort of thing.

All this leads up to a Midwinter Night's Ball, where everyone is going to be. Things get interesting when one of the PC's recognizes an assassin that the party has met before... he tries digging into why she's there. She's chatty and insists she's not there to kill anyone. So of course, when a distraction arises, she slips off to the nobles-only section of the party, followed by the PC. She makes her way to a room where several of them are hanging out, including one of their allies as well as Braniff.

She pulls out a crossbow and calmly shoots Braniff in the chest with a poisoned bolt, and (eventually) escapes.

RBDM moment 1: The PC's and their ally would be suspects #1 in the attempt after all of their strident opposition-mongering over the past few months...

RBDM moment 2: The bolt was only STR drain poison; Braniff set up the attempt himself to weaken the PC's ally's position.

Plane Sailing

Astral Admin - Mwahahaha!
Jolly Giant said:
What the players never suspected, although the campaign lasted for a couple more years, was that the book was a forgery. The frail, old 'book seller' had made it himself and manipulated the party into doing what he wanted them to do! Essentially, they have been working for him for a whole year without knowing it and without getting paid, of course. :lol:

Now for me, this lacks that vital RBDM twist if the PCs never find out they had been duped.

They need to discover that they have been led on a merry dance and have that 'O you bastard' moment in order for it to really qualify - otherwise as far as they are concerned they just have adventures!


Kid Charlemagne

I am the Very Model of a Modern Moderator
Plane Sailing said:
Now for me, this lacks that vital RBDM twist if the PCs never find out they had been duped.

Agreed - they need to find out. As DM, its very easy to beat your PC's at something; after all, as DM you have unlimited ability to defeat the PC's. You control the foes they fight, even the information their eyes process. Skillfully deceiving the PC's whilst in the end they realize they should have seen the signs all along is where true Rat Bastardry lies.

Jolly Giant

First Post
Plane Sailing said:
Now for me, this lacks that vital RBDM twist if the PCs never find out they had been duped.

They need to discover that they have been led on a merry dance and have that 'O you bastard' moment in order for it to really qualify - otherwise as far as they are concerned they just have adventures!

You're right, of course. That moment is what a RBDM lives for. :cool: Even so, it was excellent fun watching them spend all that time and waste all those resources on doing quests that they figured had to be to their benefit, although they could never quite figure out where that benefit lay. It had to be important though, since their own wizard obviously wanted them to do these things. They even went on a dragon hunting expedition to finance their endavours; killing several dragons, taking their hoards and getting into trouble with Tiamat along the way. The wizard's desperate search for time travel spells was great fun too.

When I finally ended the campaign, the first thing they all asked me was "So what was the deal with that book?!?" Telling them at that point was perhaps not quite as much fun as it could have been if they had found out while the campaign was still on, but it was still pretty sweet. :lol:
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Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
Another from a 3.5 campaign:

The heroes -- who were getting quite powerful -- followed a kidnapped ally (who was really an agent of Hextor) into a pocket dimension to affect a rescue. After defeating the supposed ally and other Hextor minions, the PCs discovered they could not exit the pocket dimension with any magic they had access to. They could, however, exit by sacrificing a sentient creature to Hextor upon the specially desecrated Hextor altar.

The PC paladin of Heironeous volunteered to sacrifice herself to Hextor, thus committing an evil act. When the party brought her back from the dead, she had temporarily lost paladinhood. Fortunately, she earned her paladinhood back by liberating a powerful holy sword dedicated to Heironeous from the Forced of Wickedness.


First Post
One of my players created a Powerful Artifact as part of his backstory. When he got to a moderately high level, he decided to go find it.

His Ancestral Home had been over-run by undead, most of which went 'poof' when the party's Cleric of Pelor Turned them. Penetrating the fortress, the Player was most upset when he found his father, wielding The Sword, had become an Intelligent Undead because the power of the weapon had corrupted him.

The only way to break the curse was to kill his father and destroy the item

Boy! Was he upset about that!

Voidrunner's Codex

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