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Rebel Alliance: Freedom Fighters

((OOC thread is here
RG thread is here))

There are many hundreds of small Rebel outposts all across the galaxy. Most of them small, autonomous organizations working towards the greater goal of the more organized whole. After Yavin and the destruction of the Death Star, many hundreds more began to appear, and whole planets rioted against the Empire. Some, such as the Mon Calamari, even completely overthrowing the Empire from control of their world.

The base you are stationed at is not, however, one of the smaller outposts. Deep within the Roche Asteroid Field on the well traveled Perlemian Trade Route, the facility is a network of many large asteroids that are artificiallly linked together. While the majority of the base is a research facility where the insectoid Verpine work on a new, and very top secret, starfighter design, your unit is also stationed at the facility for both defense and its proximity to both the Core Worlds and many important Outer Rim planets.

While it has been quiet for the past few months, currently you have been called to the main briefing room by the Commander of the military compliment of the base, a human named Jac Derlin. After waiting for you to be seated, he motions to a small, somewhat outdated holoscreen on the far wall of the room. On the screen, a stock image of a green planet appeared.

"This is Carida," Commander Derlin said in his usual gruff voice, "As many of you know, it is home to the Imperial Army Academy and the Stormtrooper Training Academy," the image of the planet expanded, zooming in on a section of the northern part of the planet. From a high orbit view, most likely, a large amount of buildings could be seen all across the surface.

Derlin's expression became a bit softer than usual, "We have recieved a transmission from a group of academy trainers and trainees that wish to defect. Now, we have taken the upmost caution with this request, and it has been validated by many technical readouts and secret Imperial documents that the three trainers transmitted to us. The last transmission we recieved was just under a standard hour ago. The group has sealed themselves within one of the underground buildings. They were last surrounded by the base's compliment of troops and there is word of another fleet group on its way."

The map zoomed back out to the planet view, "No matter how crazy this may sound, your mission is to get in and get out with as many of the defectors as possible. We will be sending you in with a small fleet group to keep the main defense fleet busy while you get to the planet's surface. We have been provided with the structural plans of the base, and will provide them to you for analysis in the best entrance option."

The screen changed again, this time displaying three images, each of Imperial Officers, "These three men are the trainers, and the highest priority. On the right is Captain Talious Nement, the center Corporal Arik Kardon, and the left is a former ISB agent named Garn Derlin...my brother. We need the information they have. You will need to prepare to leave immediatly...however, before that, do you have any questions?"


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First Post
Major Trual'Nuin - Duros 3rd. level Noble

- "Yes sir!"

A Duros steps forward. He looks around him, then again his superior.

- "I have a couple of questions. If I understand well, there is a few imperials who wish to defect, but how many exactly? Only those three, or a bunch of them? It would change many things, where transportation and discretion is concerned. Of course, I speak about discretion because I don't expect that the five of us battle the batalions of stormtroopers who are encircling them... Also, the more people we will get with us, the more chances for a traitor being among them. Then, what useful info can we get about this planet. I mean, where to hide or get help if we were to have some problems and unable to quickly escape in space?"

Trual'Nuin pauses, and looks at his companions.

- "I see that our team is a new one. I meet some of you for the first time in fact, and we come from different races. I think it would be a good idea to present ourselves, so each of us knows what the others' specialties are... Well, once this briefing is finished of course."

With that, Trual'Nuin returns to his seat.
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Karl Green

First Post
2nd Lt. Gorwooken, wookie scout

Gorken nods his head and growls "Raag, nogrrr uff rraannn? Rggrrr rrrooo reeennn grrrroooo?"
Those who understand Shyriiwook spoiler
"Sir, do you have a number of troopers found at this base? What kind of resistance do we expect?"
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First Post
Lt. Lyss Arkess, SpyNet infiltrator

“I have a question myself,” the green-skinned Zolander says. “Ok, maybe more than one. How many Imperials are stationed there? What do we know about the training level of the stormtrooper guards, are they fresh from the training center? And do you have full pictures of the stormtrooper armor and of the uniforms of their commanding officers, as well as information about their ranking system and structure? Might come in handy.”

Turning to her new team-mates, she adds: “Lieutenant Arkess. Lyss Arkess. SpyNet infiltrator. You can call me Lyss.”
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Commander Derlin listens to the questions, and takes a deep breath, a worried smile growing on his face, "Those are mainly the problems areas of this mission. The exact compliment of defectors beyond the three trainers is unknown, though it is likely to be at least fifty. There will be an assault transport assigned to you which should assist in the pickup of more than that if it gets to that. There will also be a second transport sent in to a more obvious location to draw the attention away from you."

He paused, thinking over other things and then spoke again, "There are hundreds, likely thousands of troopers and officers on the planet. I'd wager a good amount of them are surrounding that building to get into it. From what the last trasmission said, they were even scrambling the trainees to assist. The Empire is getting desperate to stop anyone from defecting. This can be used to your advantage, though it could also be a very dangerous addition to their usual tactics. However, there should be some kind of ventilation or sewage access that can be used to get in while avoiding the troops. Just make sure to remember, this is not an assault. This is a rescue mission. Get in. Get out. If you get bogged down in a firefight, they've got an overwhelming advantage in numbers and its unlikely you'll survive."

Karl Green

First Post
2nd Lt. Gorwooken, wookie scout

Gorken tilts his head to the side, crossing his arms and growls "Rrroo rhhh ooohhggg rrgggoo uff. RoorrRRo rr… grrrree rrfff roorrrhh ooffff"
Those who understand Shyriiwook spoiler
"Sir, sounds like a good plan, so long as these tunnels are large enough for me to fit into. I am up for it… any chance to strike at the evils of the empire should be taken"


First Post
Major Trual'Nuin - Duros noble

Ankh-Morpork Guard said:
"There will be an assault transport assigned to you which should assist in the pickup of more than that if it gets to that.
There are hundreds, likely thousands of troopers and officers on the planet. I'd wager a good amount of them are surrounding that building to get into it.
However, there should be some kind of ventilation or sewage access that can be used to get in while avoiding the troops. Just make sure to remember, this is not an assault."

After listening to his companions and pondering their questions, Trual'Nuin asks again:

- "I can only guess that the imperials themselves will have thought about sewage or ventilation access. Or maybe they are that stupid? After all they are but hu... ahem, well, huuuh... I mean, we all know that imperials aren't very bright, but I think we should not count too much on it."

Trual'Nuin turns towards the green-skinned Lyss, and pursues:

- "If I well get the idea of Lieutenant Arkess, a good thing would be that we pose as imperials. As such we need appropriate disguises, imperial access codes and passwords, plus relevant false identities. And lastly, I hope that the starship we will be given for the mission, were taken from the imperials?"

Then, Trual'Nuin looks at Gorwooken and says:

- "I can only hope that the tunnels will be large enough not only for a wookie to fit into, but also to provide a fast escape to fifty persons!"
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A bloodcarver sitting towards the side, raises it's rasp of a voice, "I don't think I'll fit so well into an Imperial Uniform myself, and the wookie would have a hard time passing as one also. So let's hope these tunnels will provide fast access."


First Post
Major Trual'Nuin - duros noble (3rd lvl)

Trual'Nuin scratches his head thoughtfully, and looking at the bloodcarver replies:

- "Ah yes... This is a good point. Even myself I won't look very convincing in imperial uniform. They are all humans after all. Nonetheless, I suggest that we do prepare some appropriate false identities that would give us a legitimate reason for being there, if some imperials discover us. I mean, like the team of slaves in charge of... mmmmh... well, cleaning the sewers for example."

In hearing how he suggests that last part however, you notice that Trual'Nuin would actually hate to do it.
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First Post
Lt. Lyss Arkess, SpyNet infiltrator

“Well... I could make a quite convincing Imperial officer, you see, I can turn into a human, if I choose to, or pretty much anyone else roughly my size for that matter, I could even mimic the uniform, but I'm afraid the stormtrooper armor might be a bit too bulky for my talent. If we could get our hands on such an armor or two, however, at least some of us could hide inside those. That's why I'd like to be prepared, knowing their ranks and tasks, how to address a stormtrooper, a unit commander, knowing my own rank as depicted on the command uniform wouldn't hurt either.” Chuckling silently, Lyss turns back to Commander Derlin. “So, do we have a file on the Imperial ranking system?”

Voidrunner's Codex

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