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Rebel Alliance: Freedom Fighters

Karl Green

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2nd Lt. Gorwooken, wookie scout, VP/WP: 19/14

Gorken growls lightly pointing into the tunnel "Aarrrnnn OOhhhrrr Rrraaaa"
For those who speak Shyriiwook
"I think maybe I should take the front or the rear in there commander."

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Dol Tarin; Green Fighterpilot

Dol radios his partner. "Maybe we should 'make a run for it' and see if we can draw them away, make it look like we are just scouting and see if we can get them to miss our hidden shuttle down below, what do you think?"


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Lt. Lyss Arkess, SpyNet infiltrator

“I wonder why the water flow has been dropped, but we should hurry now and take advantage of this situation.”

Lyss enters the tunnel quickly but still careful enough to be able to spot any sensors or whatever else might alarm the Imperials from intruders.

((Going to NPC those who aren't speaking up much to keep this moving.))

Ground Group:

Trual'Nuin looked to Gorken and nodded, "Go ahead and take point. Keep your eyes open, though. If the water level can be raised once, it can be raised again."

Though the tunnel does look to be clear of any sensors or other devices beyond the small lights. Though it is impossible to see what is below the water level. But they do their best to ignore the rising smell. Its not Gorken's fault that fur and water don't mix well. Thinking in terms of time, it takes cloes to three minutes before they reach the end of the sewage line.

And it literally ends. Where it stops, the water flows in from a small grate at the floor, and it looks that the grate can be raised and lowered to allow for more water to flow in and out. There is a small ladder to the left, which goes up to a small, unlabeled hatch.

Flight Group:

"Its worth a try," Va Dien says over the comm to Dol. Without another word, his X-Wing wrapped around and started the other direction, making sure to not fly over where the transport had landed. When Dol followed suit, the scanners picked up that the four normal TIEs breaking away from the others to pursue them.

The two bombers and the transports, however, did not change course. Though they were not heading directly for the where the transport had landed, they'd get close if they continued on their current path.

((We're going to go ahead and go to Initiative order for this, as the 4 TIE/ln's are within firing range. Va Dien 23. Dol Tarin 25. TIE/ln 13. TIE Bombers 19. Sentinel-class Assault Transports 12.
So...Dol, Va Dien, Bombers, TIE/ln(basic TIEs), Sentinel Shuttles. Actions?[giving Ferrix a chance to pop in here...]
Also, a note that there IS, essentially, facing in space combat. I'll put a mark on the map to show the direction of your facing. And I'll post an image of the Sentinel shuttles and the Assault Transport that's sitting on the ground in the OOC thread a little later.
Map explanation: VD(Va Dien), DT(Dol Tarin), AT(g)(Tranport on the ground...it is 'hidden'), T1-4(TIE/ln), TB1-2(Bombers), S1-2(Sentinel Shuttles). The = is the cliff line, and the single lines are the sewer. Given a lot of room on the map because of the large speeds. So much room that one screen shot doesn't work...rows 1-9 DO exist :)))


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"Better loop back and take out those bombers, it didn't work." The Kel Dor says, not really expecting it to have worked, but disappointed that it didn't none the less.

((OOC Will fire on the closest tie bomber as soon as he can))

Karl Green

First Post
2nd Lt. Gorwooken, wookie scout, VP/WP: 19/14

Gorken will look up at the ladder and the hatch to see if he can make it up with out to much trouble. If he can he will climb the ladder and see how to open it (button, latch, etc). If he can open it he only lifts it a few cm to listen to see what might be beyond


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Lt. Lyss Arkess, SpyNet infiltrator

Carefully trying to avoid the sewer water Lyss follows Gorken to the end of the line, she had taken up the second position of the small team. Looking around for any signs of sensors or other noteworthy things, she waits for the wookie to get through the hatch, to follow upstairs and hopefully leave that place as quickly as possible.


Vendetta said:
"Better loop back and take out those bombers, it didn't work." The Kel Dor says, not really expecting it to have worked, but disappointed that it didn't none the less.

((OOC Will fire on the closest tie bomber as soon as he can))

Va Dien shrugs meaninglessly within his own X-Wing and follows suit happily, never having thought it would have worked. He'll target the secondary tie bomber as he loops back.

Ground Group:

Gorken finds a small switch, and when he presses it, the hatch slides open. It reveals what is likely a small, empty white room. Well, not completely empty. There is a door on one side, and a rack with blaster rifles and two utility belts. It looks to be a supply closet of sorts.

You can distantly hear blaster fire.

Flight Group:

((First, note that you are both moving at Ramming Speed. This gives you a +4 to Defense and -4 to attacks.
Dol Tarin moves but is out of range to fire on the bombers. X-Wings must be within Short range(2-5 squares) to fire laser cannons. Va Dien is also too far to fire at the other bomber.))

As the two X-Wings loop around to reach the bombers, the two larger TIEs seem to take no notice. Instead, they simply alter their courses to avoid a collision and drop a series of bright blue proton bombs. Thankfully, the shuttle is no where near, and the bombs only rock the ground itself.

The other TIEs, though, angle right towards you, breaking off into pairs and cutting across Dol's X-Wing to swing over towards Va Dien.

((T1 loops around behind Dol and fires. Attack is a 13. Horrible shot.
T2 moves across Dol's path to Va Dien, firing. Attack is a 17. Another miss.
T3 moves to cut off Dol and also fires. Attack is an 18. Another bad miss.
T4 follow T2 and also fires at Va Dien. Attack is a 14. Man, these guys can't shoot.))

As the screaming of the Twin Ion Engines drowns out most other noises, the two shuttles look to have slowed. One of them is setting down already, its wings folding upwards as the landing gears extend from the flat bottom of the shuttle. The second moves a little ahead and also lands. It is not very easy to pay attention to this, however, as the two pilots are busy avoiding the barrage of green laser fire arcing over and past them.

((Round 2. Updated Map.))


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Dol Tarin is going to slip to his port, closing the distance with TB2 and fire, then make a b-line for the shuttles and fire on them, hoping to keep whoever is in them, in. Then he'll loop around to see if he can break up the ties closing in on Va Dien

Voidrunner's Codex

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