Recruiting Closed: MLeibrock's and Scotley's Wrath of the Righteous mid level game.


Queen Galfrey needs you!

The Fifth Mendevian Crusade is beginning. The Wardstones are broken and the demon hoards are stirring. Kenabres lies in ruins. The Worldwound threatens to consume all that is good in Golarion. Brave heroes are needed to turn back the demon hoard of Deskari Lord of Locusts and his demonic allies. Khorramzadeh, the Balor also known as the Storm King has broken the wardstone, slain the ancient silver dragon guardian Terendelev and shattered stalwart Kenabres. The stout of heart, all men and women who would see Good triumph over Evil are needed to fight for the fate of all Golarion. Will you take the oath and stand with Queen Galfrey against the hoards of the Abyss?

The Game: Pathfinder using most official published sources. Non-core races and classes will be considered based on their suitability for the adventure and reputation for brokenness.

The Adventure: The Wrath of Righteousness adventure path starting at the end of the first adventure. (Jumping right into Sword of Valor.)

The Players: 5 to 8 ENWorlders willing to post a few times a week and mature enough to play in a game with themes of good vs. evil, redemption and a willingness to accept NPC ‘costars’ who may be challenging to work with, but who can provide valuable skillsets and resources that will be crucial to success. Compromise and co-operation for the greater good are required. The game will also see the use of mass combat rules, Mythic tier play using Mythic Adventures rules and re-building cities using downtime rules requiring the players to try some new things. Accepted candidates must be willing to generate a good (in both senses of the word) character who can work with a group and as players be able to roleplay complex social dynamics without inner party conflict. This adventure provides plenty of foes without you fighting amongst yourselves.

The GM’s: [MENTION=29548]mleibrock[/MENTION] and Scotley working co-operatively. Collectively, they bring decades of gaming and play by post experience to the (virtual) table.

The Characters: Good characters (no evil or neutrals) with a motivation to take part in the crusade against the Demons of the Worldwound and a suitable backstory. Said characters will start at 6th level with high fantasy stats, 1 mythic tier and 16,000 gp worth of equipment. Each character should take one of the Mythic campaign character traits (see the players' guide) as well as two standard traits. Start with max hit points at first level and 4 on a d6, 6 on an d8, 7 on a d10 and 9 on a d12 at higher levels.The characters should be natives of Golarion. There are many options available, but particularly off the wall or munchkin builds will not make the cut. In other words build a character you think will be fun for everyone, not just you. The assumption is that the characters have all survived the events of the first adventure in the path, The Worldwound Incursion. It is at the end of that ad venture that you attained mythic status as a group. (We'll post a summary soon.)

The Time: Your GMs lead full lives limiting our time to devote to gaming, but we are working to get ready as soon as possible. Start time in about a month seems reasonable, so we’ve chosen a particularly auspicious (or maybe ominous) date of June 13th, Friday the 13th four weeks hence as our target to start the game. We’d like to see firm drafts of characters within three weeks. That will give us time to vet the characters.

If this sounds like fun to you post your interest here and get to work on a draft. Post in this thread and we'll add a Rogue's Gallery thread as characters are approved.

The players guide can be found here.

The rules for Mythic Tier play can be found here.


  • The fall of Terendelev.jpg
    The fall of Terendelev.jpg
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First Post

I'd love to. I've been really excited and interested in this for a long time now.

The trick is that I'm already in a game of it. But it's very slow moving, and I'm not sure if it's going to make it.

So...I kind of want to join this one too...but I will totally understand if you're not comfortable with me being in two games of the same module at the same time. I admit, it's a weird thing to do.
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I'd love to. I've been really excited and interested in this for a long time now.

The trick is that I'm already in a game of it. But it's very slow moving, and I'm not sure if it's going to make it.

So...I kind of want to join this one too...but I will totally understand if you're not comfortable with me being in two games of the same module at the same time. I admit, it's a weird thing to do.

Read more:

I've edited the post above to make it clear we are staring at the end of the first adventure and jumping right into Sword of Valor. We will be revealing the events of the Worldwound Incursion so you may have some spoilers for your other game...


First Post
That actually works fine, since we're nearly through it anyway, I think.

Okay, pondering a monk of some kind...or maybe a tiefling ranger/rogue.

Hm. Must do some quickbuilds and see what sings. LA.

I notice the document says 'no neutrals.' Would you consider an exception for a tiefling rogue who's highly motivated to kill demons? I envision roleplaying the character struggling against a darker risk of becoming a monster like the ones she hunts, but with the potential to overcome and find redemption as well. Depending on how things go.
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Color me interested! I'm in the same running of this adventure as Shayuri. Not sure what I want to play yet, but you know me - I'll get something put together ASAP!
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
color me wanting to join! however a couple of things:

"and mature enough"
Will I qualify? or am I too goofy? [hush leif]

"The GM’s: @mleibrock and Scotley working co-operatively."
I think co-conspirators is more apprappoe.

I will have to read up on mythic rules.


color me wanting to join! however a couple of things:

"and mature enough"
Will I qualify? or am I too goofy? [hush leif]

"The GM’s: @mleibrock and Scotley working co-operatively."
I think co-conspirators is more apprappoe.

I will have to read up on mythic rules.

How about we say mature enough in the important parts and still in touch with your inner child?

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
How about we say mature enough in the important parts and still in touch with your inner child?

That's good enough for me!

Sir Sheldon deBir - Paladinus Potens
lawful good human paladin 6 / champion 1

initiative: +1 Perception:  detect evil: 60 feet

[B]STR[/B]   14 +2  3 pts
[B]DEX[/B]   12 +1  2 pts
[B]CON[/B]   14 +2  5 pts
[B]INT[/B]   12 +1  2 pts
WIS   13 +1  3 pts
[B]CHA[/B]   16 +3  5 pts

[B]HUMAN ADJ[/B]  cha +2
[B]LEVEL 4 ADJ[/B]  str +1

[U]Champion's strike[/U]: Sudden attack [ex]
As a swift action, you can expend one use of mythic power to make a melee attack at 
your highest attack bonus.  This is in addition to any other attacks you make this 
round. When  making a sudden attack, you roll twice and take the better result,  
adding your tier to the attack roll. 
Damage from this attack bypasses all damage reduction.
[U]Champion's Path[/U]: Mythic smite [su]
As a free action, you can expend one use of mythic power to regain one use of your 
smite evil ability. For the rest of your turn, your successful attacks against evil 
creatures bypass all damage reduction. You must have the smite evil class feature 
to select this ability.

Hit Points: 10+7*5+1*6+2*6  =  63

                 Armor       max
[U]Armor            bonus Magic dex ACP speed Weight type[/U]
mith chain shirt  +4   +1   +6   -0   30   12.5   light
+1 mith hvy shld  +3*  +1   --   -0   --    7.5 
*shield focus
AC        19
TOUCH     15

[B]SAVES[/B]   base  abil  misc  total
Fort     +5    +2    +4  = +11 *
Reflex   +2    +1    +4  = +7 *
Will     +5    +1    +4  = +10 * [also: +4 vs fear]
MISC: CLOAK +1; Divine grace +3
* trait: +1 for 1 round, 1/day not included

[U]BAB:[/U] +6/+1; [U]MELEE:[/U] +8/+3; [U]RANGED:[/U] +7/+2; [U]CMB:[/U] +8; [U]CMD:[/U] 19 [vs demons: CMB +10 CMD 21]

[U]WEAPON        ATT  DAM      CRIT     RNG  TYPE  NOTES[/U]
LONGSWORD +1   +10  1d8+3     19-20/*2 ---   s [U]wpn focus[/U]; bonded weapon not included
    Demon bane +12 1d8+2d6+5 19-20/*2 ---  s
    power att +8 1d8+7   19-21/*2 --- s 
    Demon bane +10 1d8+1d6+9 19-20/*2 ---  s w/ [U]power attack[/U]
Morning star  +8  1d8+2       * 2    ---   b/p  cold iron
Dagger        +8   1d4      19-20/*2  10   p/s  cold iron

Demon Smiter - [COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR]
Once per day when fighting demons, you gain a +4 trait bonus on a single attack roll.

Blessed -[URL=""][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/URL]
Once per day as a swift action, you gain a +1 trait bonus on all saving throws for 1 round.

Stolen Fury - 
You were forced to take part in a demonic ritual as a youth after having been 
captured by cultists. Whatever the ritual’s purpose may have been, it didn’t work out 
the way your captors envisioned—rather than corrupting your soul, you absorbed the 
ritual’s energy and made it your own before you escaped to safety. Ever since, you’ve 
been haunted by strange nightmares about the ritual, and have long felt that the 
energies it bathed you in have changed you. 

Recently, those energies have changed — it’s as if you’ve finally managed to come to 
terms with your past and have turned the ritual’s aftereffects to your advantage, 
following the old adage of what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. You’ve been  
unable to learn more about the ritual or what it was for, but the question lingers in 
the back of your head to this day. 
This nagging has instilled in you a fury against demonkind.

Today, when you face demons in combat, those energies bolster your fury, [B][I][U]granting 
you a +2 trait bonus on all combat maneuver checks against demons[/U][/I][/B]. 
A[U][I]ssociated Mythic  Path[/I][/U]: Champion. Multiple Characters: You and any other PC 
who takes this trait were all part of the same ritual, and it was only by working 
together that you managed to escape —further, the support of your fellow ritual 
survivors has played a key role in your coming to terms with it, and you retain 
a close bond

human: Weapon Focus - +1 att
level 1: Shield Focus - [SIZE=3]Increase the AC bonus granted by any shield you are using by 1.[/SIZE]
level 3: Power Attack - -2 ATT GIVES +4 DAM
level 5: Saving Shield - give +2 shield bonus to adjascent ally's a/c
mythic 1: Shield Focus [mythic] bonus+enchantment to touch; plus more
Add your shield bonus and your shield's enhancement bonus to your touch AC. 
As an immediate action, you can expend one use of mythic power to add your shield 
bonus and your shield's enhancement bonus on a Fortitude or Reflex save just 
before you roll it.

weapon focus [mythic][URL=""][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/URL]
Mythic Martial Wpn prof [Mythic]

SKILLS:[/B]   {2+1 [RACE]+1 [INT] } * 6 = 24

[B][U]SKILL                     RANKS  CS  ABIL  MISC  TOTAL[/U][/B]
Craft (Int)                1     +3   +1   ---   +5
     siege weapons
Diplomacy (Cha)            4     +3   +3   ---   +10
Handle Animal (Cha)        1     +3   +3   ---   +7
Heal (Wis)                 1     +3   +1   ---   +5
Knowledge (Engin) (Int)    1    ---   +1   ---   +2
Knowledge (nobility) (Int) 3     +3   +1   ---   +7
Knowledge (religion) (Int) 3     +3   +1   ---   +7
Perception( wis)           4     ---  +1   ---   +5
Profession (Wis)           1     +3   +1   ---   +5
Ride (Dex)                 1     +3   +1   ---   +5
Sense Motive (Wis)         3     +3   +1   ---   +7
Spellcraft (Int)           1     +3   +1   ---   +5

  [B]RACE[/B] [Human]

  [B]CLASS[/B] [Paladin]
    [B]Aura of Good [ex][/B] [COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL=""][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Detect evil [sp][/B] [COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL=""][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Smite Evil [su ][/B] 2/day[COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL=""][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Divine Grace [su][/B] [COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL=""][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Lay on Hands [su] [/B]3d6; 6/day[COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL=""][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Aura of Courage [su][/B] [COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL=""][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Divine Health [ex][/B] [COLOR=#ff0000]
    [B]Mercy [su] [/B][COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL=""][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/URL]
- - level 3: Shaken -[URL=""][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/URL]
- - level 6: Dazed - [URL=""][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Channel Positive Energry [su] [/B]uses 2 lay on hands[COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL=""][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/URL]
    [B]Divine bond [sp] [/B][weapon][COLOR=#ff0000]
- [/COLOR][URL=""][COLOR=#ff0000][/COLOR][/URL]

equipment: 16,000
Armor                2100 gp
  +1 mithral chain shirt      
Shield               2020 gp
  mithral +1 heavy steel shield    
Long Sword           8315 gp
  +1 demon bane [outsiders: demons] 
Morningstar            16 gp
  Cold iron
Dagger                  4 gp
  Cold iron
Cloak                1000 gp
  resistance +1
[U]Handy Haversack      2000 gp[/U]
total:             15,455


Caster Level: 3
DC 13 + spell level
level 1: [1+1]
devine favor, lessor restoration
level 2: [0+1]

He was called. From his childhood he was called to the faith, then he heard a call to arms from the temple against the infadel cult that threatened the crown-a cult of demon summoning culprits, quite possibly the same ones who kidnapped him as a child. The actions of valor brought to attention of the empress The mighty works of the temple guards. They were kept at her side until the Magno Incurso of demonic hoards.

Once again he was called. Queen Galfrey personally put out a call to many, And he answered from her own ranks. She actually expected at least one of her personal guard to step up, He was it. To battle he ran!
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First Post
I'm pretty sure the manner of our ascension is covered in the module's backstory in this case. :)

Scotley, any word on my request for special dispensation for a neutral-aligned character in my post above?

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