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Recruiting for Return to White Plume Mountain


First Post
I am starting a game based in the Greyhawk setting, in the early stages of the Wars. Knowledge of the setting is not required, as I don’t know a tremendous amount about the setting canon anyway. If you’re an expert, I’ve probably changed plenty of the things that you know anyway. If fiddling with canon would ruin Greyhawk for you, don’t bother reading much further. I’m going to run Return to White Plume Mountain, using the plot and maps from the 2nd edition module, with the rules converted to 3.5 edition. It is a dungeon-crawl, but it will first involve travel, and can accommodate diplomacy, stealth, combat, and intrigue. If you’ve read extensively, DMed, or played in this module, please do not play in this game. If you’ve read the 3.5 White Plume web enhancement for Weapons of Legacy, let me know (it won’t disqualify you). I don’t care if you played the original White Plume, it shouldn’t give you any special advantage. I will expect a post IC once every other day or so (with reasonable, announced absence of course acceptable). If you don’t have much experience with PbP, I won’t hold that against you.

A state of the world is provided. The world is called the Oerth. The continent is known as Oerik. The region is known as the Flaeness. [sblock=Brief Overview]Chaos rules the Flaeness! War has come to many nations, and blood is shed from East to West:

In the North, hordes of barbarians have rallied behind the reunion of the Five Blades of Corusk to wake the Sleeping Warlord, the god Vatun. His warriors, composed of three disparate clans roused to war, have united and spilled south into Tenh and its neighbors.

In the East, Ivid VI of the Malachite Throne decided that the nations that broke off of the Great Kingdom some 200 years prior must be punished. Spearheaded by the Hextorian sect of the Knight Protectors, war was brought against the so-called Golden League. The hammer came down upon Almor, and Nyrond leads the charge against the armies of the tyrant, who is whispered to consort with fiends.

To the West the lands of Iuz, quiet these hundred years, have reached out to bring war, as demon-led armies came crashing into the Shieldlands. Perhaps the Old One has returned to bring strife to his ancient enemy. The nearby Bandit Kingdoms have taken advantage of the disorder, and there are no safe roads in the region. Whole tribes of giants, unusually well organized, have come forth from the Crystalmist Mountains into the lands of Yeomanry, Sterich, and Geoff, sending refugees into Keoland. The knightly orders are divided between the call to arms in the Shieldlands and Geoff.

In the South, the goblinoids of the Wild Coast have brought war to the neighboring dwarven and elven kingdoms. A powerful warlord with tremendous resolve has steeled the normally craven goblinoid armies of the night, and regaining land against them is harder than ever. The holds of the Sea Princes have erupted in bloody civil war, and many sides are bringing in slaves from the jungles to the south as fodder.

On top of all this, rumors of foul intrigues pass through taverns in every nation. Suspicious red-robed men from the south have passed through borders for the last few years, and now men claim that they are behind many of these wars. What’s worse, the Citadel of the Eight is said to be broken, slain by a single mage of incredible power. Greyhawk has tried to stay neutral in all of this, but the Injunction is threatened across the Flaeness, and with it, the stability of nations. As armies head out to fight and innocents flee to calmer lands, the countrysides are marauded by bandits and terrible monsters, who have little now to keep them in check.

Brave heroes are needed to bring peace and order. Where will you make your stand?[/sblock]I’m looking to start PCs at 6th level, so they are already fairly important. For various reasons, the world isn’t run by epic level NPCs, they only get up to the mid-teens in level. The PCs can be from anywhere, but they must begin in Greyhawk, and their background must have them on the search for a missing weapon of great power (leave the details of the weapon to me). Selection of players will be done at my discretion, with no guarantee of playing just because you post first. Each player concept should include a few allies, contacts, and enemies that are important to your PC: at least one enemy, at least one ally, at least three total. These, as much as your class and feat choices, ought to be what sets a PC apart. I don’t expect full stat blocks for them (although if you want to, be my guest), just a description of their affiliations, goals, and/or methods will suffice. Once selected, completed character sheets should use the template found on this post for the sake of standardization. If you so choose, feel free to submit two character concepts, an A and a B.

[sblock=The Weapons]
The following great weapons of power have gone missing recently, and various organizations and individuals seek their return. They might inspire you, but you don’t need to tie yourself into one if you don’t want to.

Whelm – a hammer recently held by dwarves, it appears to be of giantish make
Blackrazor – a greatsword of mysterious origins which empowers its wielder
Wavecaller – an ancient trident with powers over watery domains
Seeker – an arrow with special divinatory powers
Frostedge – a scimitar of pure ice, rumored to have slain dragons[/sblock]
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First Post
House Rules:
Death Flag / Conviction, as posted later
Weapon Groups from UA
[sblock=Partial BAB / Saves]For BAB and Saves, add up your levels in Good, Medium, and Poor, keeping the fractions; then simply take the total. A few examples:
Cleric 1 / Monk 1 / Wizard 1
Standard method: BAB 0, saves 4/2/6
New method: BAB 2 (1.5 from Medium, 0.5 from poor), saves 3/2/3

Rogue 2 / Bard 2 / Druid 3 (going for Fochlycan Lyricist :))
Standard: BAB 4, saves 3/7/6
New: BAB 5, saves 4/5/4

Fighter 3 / Barbarian 3
Standard: BAB 6, saves 6/0/0
New: BAB 6, saves 5/1/1

This will help BAB, usually hose multiple good saves, but aid poor saves.[/sblock]

Standard 32 point buy as per the DMG standards
-- However, racial modifiers offset the costs of your stats by 2; they don’t simply bump the stats by 2 after you’ve purchased them
Rolling will be done on Invisible Castle with the full character name in the entry; any rolling that isn’t done promptly, I’ll just do for you.
Wealth will be handled by the following method:
  • One item worth no more than 7000 gp; or two items worth no more than 4000 gp each. Being his most important equipment, give everything your PC knows about this item (origins, name, purpose, etc.)
  • One item worth no more than 3000 gp; or two items worth no more than 2000 gp each.
  • Up to 2000 gp in liquid cash (gems, gold bars, coins, letters of credit, etc.)
  • Mundane and masterwork items, magical ammunition, and potions and scrolls such that the total character wealth is 13000 gp.
I have access to, and am reasonably familiar with, the following books. I won’t guarantee that I’ll allow everything beyond the SRD unedited, but at least I have the information for you to ask. If you want to use something outside them, you’ll have to provide it to me somehow.
  • PHB, DMG, PHB II, Unearthed Arcana
  • Complete: Adventurer, Arcane, Divine, Warrior, Mage, Scoundrel
  • Races of: Wild, Stone, Destiny
  • Book of 9 Swords
The various demi-human races have been divided out into the Greyhawk cultures. The races allowed will be:
  • Oeridian – Human – feudal system, longest standing knightly tradition
  • Flan – Gnome – one of the oldest races native to the region; distrustful of wizards
  • Suel – Elf – an oriental-style culture, has ancient feud with the Bakhlunish
  • Rhenne – Halfling – gypsy-style culture, live mostly around the waters of the Nyr Dyv
  • Olman – Half-Orc – barbarians from the south who worship a blood-god
  • Bakhlunish – Dwarf – Arabian-style culture, live in the arid West
  • Perrenland – Human – Spartan-style culture, often hire out as mercenaries
  • Half-elves are also allowed, though they have no distinct culture of their own
None of the PC races will have darkvision; it is replaced with low-light vision. (It is removed from several monster types as well.) It might still be gained through PrC’s, Paragon levels, or magic.

Knights of Luna – elven archers, they defend the lands of faerie queen
Knight Protectors of the Great Kingdom –honor guard of the rightful king of Aerdy
-- Malachite Throne: followers of Hextor, still in the Old Kingdom
-- Golden League: Followers of Cuthbert for the most part
Knights of the Hart – an old branch of the Protectors that took to the local religions, they tend as much towards Good as Lawful; they have three branches (Veluna, Furyondy, High Forest)
Knights of the Watch – another branch off from the Protectors, these outdoorsmen protected against the dangers of the frontier, and against the Baklunish West; Knights of Dispatch are a branch of them
Knights of the Holy Shielding – former rivals of the Protectors, guard Shieldlands
Molouqod Consortium – group of western traders who owe fealty to no nation or sect
There are a couple others, here is some info on them all (please don’t read up on the bad guys)wotc wikipedia
The typical racial pantheons are out (no Corellon, Gruumsh, Moradin, etc.) The races take up the pantheons of the corresponding Greyhawk culture, noted on the table below. They each freely admit the existence of the other gods. I’ve also trimmed some domains off the lesser gods, since they’re lesser. I might be inclined to include certain replacement domains from other sources upon request.[sblock=Pantheon]
[b]Name (AL)	Portfolio			Domains				Origin[/b]
Beory (N)	oerth, nature, rain		Animal, Earth, Plant, Water     Flan
Boccob (N)	magic, foresight, balance       Know., Magic, Trickery	
Incabulos (NE)  plagues, famine, disasters  	Death, Evil, Destr.	
Istus (N)      	fate, destiny, honesty          Chaos, Know., Luck, Law      	Baklunish
Nerull (NE)     death, darkness, underworld    	Death, Evil, Trickery		Flan
Pelor (NG)     	sun, light, strength, healing   Good, Healing, Str., Sun      	Flan
Rao (LG)        peace, serenity, reason         Law, Good, Know.             	Flan
Celestian (N)   stars, space, wanderers      	Know., Travel, Prot.         	Oeridian
Ehlonna (NG)   	woodlands, fertility            Animal, Good, Plant, Sun
Erythnul (CE)   hate, envy, malice, slaughter   Chaos, Evil, Trickery, War   	Oeridian
Fharlanghn (N) 	horizons, travel, roads       	Luck, Prot., Travel             Oeridian
Hieroneous (LG) justice, honor, valor, war  	Good, Law, Prot., War        	Oeridian
Hextor (LE)     war, discord, tyranny           Destr., Evil, Law, War          Oeridian
Kord (CG)    	sport, brawling, courage        Chaos, Good, Luck, Str.      	Suel
Lendor (LN)     time, patience, study        	Know., Law, Prot.               Suel
Obad-hai (N)  	nature, woodlands, hunting  	Animal, Elements, Plant
Olidammara (CN) revels, wine, rogues, tricks    Chaos, Luck, Trickery	
Pholtus (LG)    law & order, sun & moon     	Good, Know., Law, Sun       	Oeridian
Procran (CN)   	seas, weather, navigation   	Animal, Chaos, Travel, Water  	Oeridian
Ralishaz (CN)	chance, misfortune, insanity	Chaos, Destr., Luck
St.Cuthbert(LN) wisdom, zeal, truth, discipline Destr., Law, Prot., Str.	
Tharzidun (NE)  darkness, entropy, insanity    	Destr., Evil, Know.	
Trithereon (CG) liberty, retribution          	Chaos, Good, Prot., Str.	
Ulaa (LG)       hills, mountains, gemstones  	Earth, Good, Law            	Oeridian
Wee Jas (LN)  	magic, death, vanity, law       Death, Law, Magic           	Suel
Zilchus (LN)    power, prestige, influence      Know., Law, Trickery       	Oeridian
Al'Akbar (LG)   guardianship, faith, duty       Good, Healing, Law, Prot.  	Baklunish
Allitur (LG)    ethics, propriety, tradition    Good, Know., Law          	Flan
Atroa (NG)      spring, east wind, renewal    	Air, Good, Plant, Sun       	Oeridian
Beltar (CE)     malice, caves, pits             Chaos, Earth, Evil, War    	Suel
Berei (NG)      home, family, agriculture      	Good, Plant, Prot.          	Flan
Bleredd (N)     metal, mines, smithing          Earth, Fire, Str.            	Oeridian
Bralm (N)       insects, industriousness       	Animal, Law, Str.            	Suel
Cyndor (LN)     time, infinity, continuity      Law, Prot., Travel         	Oeridian
Dalt (CG)       portals, doors, locks, keys    	Prot., Travel, Trickery    	Suel
Delleb (LG)     reason, intellect, study        Know., Magic, Law        	Oeridian
Fortubo (LG)    stone, metals, guardianship     Earth, Good, Law, Prot.  	Suel
Geshtai (N)     lakes, rivers, wells, streams   Plant, Travel, Water      	Baklunish
Iuz (CE)        deceit, pain, oppression        Chaos, Evil, Trickery
Jascar (LG)     hills, mountains                Earth, Good, Law, Prot.  	Suel
Joramy (N)      fire, wrath, quarrels           Destr., Fire, War	
Kurell (CN)     jealousy, revenge, theft      	Chaos, Luck, Trickery    	Oeridian
Lirr (CG)       poetry, prose, art              Chaos, Know., Magic, Travel   	Oeridian
Llerg (CN)      beasts, strength                Animal, Chaos, Str.      	Suel
Lydia (NG)      music, knowledge, daylight    	Good, Know., Sun, Travel  	Suel
Mayaheine (LG)  protection, justice, valor    	Good, Law, Prot., War	
Merikka (LG)    farming, agriculture, home   	Good, Law, Plant, Prot.  	Oeridian
Mouqol (N)      trade, negotiation, ventures  	Know., Travel, Trickery   	Baklunish
Myhriss (NG)    love, beauty, romance	        Good, Healing, Prot.      	Flan
Norebo (CN)     luck, gambling, risks           Chaos, Trickery, Luck    	Suel
Osprem (LN)     sea voyages, ships, sailors  	Law, Prot., Travel, Water 	Suel
Phaulkon (CG)   wind, clouds, birds, archery  	Air, Animal, Good, War   	Suel
Phyton (CG)     nature, beauty, farming      	Chaos, Good, Plant, Sun   	Suel
Pyremius (NE)   fire, poison, murder            Destr., Evil, Fire
Raxivort (CE)   rats, bats                      Animal, Evil, Trickery
Rudd (CN)       chance, good luck, skill       	Chaos, Luck               	Oeridian
Sotillion (CG)  summer, south wind, comfort  	Air, Healing, Plant    		Oeridian
Syrul (NE)      lies, deceit, treachery        	Evil, Know. Trickery
Telchur (CN)    winter, cold, north wind      	Air, Chaos, Str           	Oeridian
Vatun (CN)      northern brb., winter, beasts  	Air, Animal, Chaos, Str.  	Suel
Vecna (NE)      destructive & evil secrets    	Evil, Know., Magic      	Flan
Velnius (N)     sky, weather                    Air, Travel, Water       	Oeridian
Wastri (LN)     amphibians, bigotry            	Animal, Law, War
Wenta (CG)     	autumn, west wind, brewing  	Air, Good, Plant       		Oeridian
Xan Yae (N)    	twilight, shadows, stealth    	Know., Trickery, War   		Baklunish
Xerbo (N)       sea, sailing, business         	Animal, Know., Water
Ye'Cind (CG)    music, magic songs           	Good, Know., Magic
Zagyg (CN)     	eccentricity, occult lore     	Chaos, Know., Magic
Zodal (NG)      mercy, hope, benevolence  	Good, Healing, Prot.	
Zuoken (N)     	physical & mental mastery   	Know., Str., War         	Baklunish
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First Post
Player Characters have a pool of Conviction, which function sort of like Action Points. All PCs get 6 Conviction. Conviction is replenished as HP: you recover you level in Conviction whenever the party has a night of complete rest.

Conviction can be used in the following ways:
Cost Result
1 Add 1d6 to any D20 roll*
1 Roll any other (non-D20) roll, taking the highest*
2 Take an extra move-equivalent action @
3 Take an extra standard action @
* Declare before any roll
@ On your turn only

The Death Flag
The death flag is designed to allow the campaigns get rid of random lethality without eliminating death altogether as a possibility. This is done with a change in the "social contract" between players and GM. Whereas in standard D&D the player is at the mercy of the DM and the rules, with the death flag the player decides when the stakes of a conflict are life and death.

As an Immediate action, a player character can choose to raise his Death Flag and gain 6 Conviction instantly (even if this brings their total Conviction pool above 6).

When the death flag is raised, the normal rules for death apply. If the death flag has not been raised, then the character, if killed, is treated as reducing the player character to 1 hit point above death. The Death Flag can be lowered by spending 6 Conviction as an Immediate Action.


This sounds interesting. I would like to play a Suloise barbarian from the lands of the Frutzi who journeyed south into the heart of the Flanaess a number of years ago seeking glory and riches. He has heard of the legends of Blackrazor and its recent disappearance intrigues him. Laying claim to such a potent weapon and returning to his homeland would make him a hero to be remembered for ages. He distrusts mages, but has a cold respect for priests, preferring the company of druids to clerics. He is a devout follower of Kord and despises evil-doers almost as much as he hates being told what to do. He is an individualistic natural-born leader with a thirst for battle and love of adventure.

Svoldgar the Slayer has adventured with many heroes before and is well known to many in the Domain of Greyhawk. He often frequents the Green Dragon Inn in the Free City and is on friendly terms with many of the regular patrons there. He has also slain his fair share of monsters in defense of local villages and farms. He hates Iuz and his followers for their staged false "return" of Vatun and has vowed vengeance. He has himself fought with a crony of Iuz's Boneheart known as Licker and has sworn to slay the mad cleric the next time they meet in battle.

I would like to play him as a multiclassed barbarian/marshal (from the Miniatures Handbook) with a chaotic good alignment. His primary item would be an ancestral greatsword passed down along his family line through the ages (I haven't decided on particular statistics). Secondary items would be thinks like charms said to protect him from evil spirits.


Okay, I am definetly interested, but am still deciding on what kind of concept. I will post again as soon as I decide. Sorry for all the edits.
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First Post
airwalkrr said:
He hates Iuz and his followers for their staged false "return" of Vatun and has vowed vengeance. He has himself fought with a crony of Iuz's Boneheart known as Licker and has sworn to slay the mad cleric the next time they meet in battle.

This deception would still be going on in the present of the campaign. It is certainly possible that your PC would be one of those who knew that secret, and so worked against the forces of the false god.


I'd love to play an elven scout. Here's the background:


Aunil is a Knight of Luna. He led a small group of elven archers in the defense of their queen. His patrol group regularly ventured out into the wilderness, to make sure that their borders stayed under control of their Queen. Nothing was special about that day as the group left to begin their patrol.

The party had reached the border of their lands when they encountered the first party. It was a small traveling group. They followed the group for a mile or so. Aunil was actually the first one to spot the ambush. His motions showed the other elves where the ambush was, he had to say nothing for them to know what to do. A whip of wind followed by the screams of the dying were all the group of humans heard. Several of them pulled swords, although it was painfully obvious that they had no idea how to use them. Aunil motioned for his party to remain hidden and vigilant, goblins were stupid but numerous. The small group they had just slain could not possibly of been all of them.

Aunil stepped out of the brush, not more than 10ft away from a human. The startled man actually fell when he saw the elf. "Do not fear me. I am a protector of this land, a Knight of Luna." Aunil conversed with the party for several more minutes. He feared alittle as long as his patrol was around, they would pick off anything well before it reached him. The human traveler's story amazed Aunil, apparently the entire world had erupted into war.

Aunil promised the human a safe travel for as long as they were in the land of the fairie queen. His patrol shadowed them until they had crossed the borders of their land, and were happy to not find a trace of goblins. Aunil could not shake the image of the world. Burning. The death. He destruction. He had to do his part in it. Any war large enough to engulf the world will surely reach his Queen's lands.

He had heard a legend, merely a story told by his people of an ancient bow. Legend had it that it was a gift from nature itself. Although he knew little else of this weapon, he knew that it would greatly aid his cause. He decided to leave his lands in order to search for it. He would have to ask the elders for more of the weapons legacy before he left.

Aunil returned to his home, and gained permission for his absence. His superiors made it painfully clear to him that they did not expect him to return, but that if he could, his return would be a welcome one. Aunil sighed in relief, for it was honestly not the kind of response he had expected. He stopped by his father, an elf that was rumored to be one of the oldest in the land, and listend to the old legend again. When the story was over, he gathered up his belongings and headed away from his homeland for the first time. [/sblock]


First Post
OnlytheStrong: That background is pretty good. The only big change is the weapon is an arrow, not a bow. The elves probably want it for the divinatory powers that it bestows. The Knights of Luna and their Queen are awfully reclusive when it comes to this war; they actually do believe that they can just wait it out. You would be outspoken in your belief that you need to be proactive about it.


First Post
Come to think of it, airwalkrr, I don't have access to the Marshal class. I am passingly familiar with it (auras and what-not), but is there a place on the web that hosts its stats, or do you have some way to provide the relevant text for it?

Edit: Nevermind, wotc hosts it here.
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