[Recruitment] The Kolloseaum!

OOC: Gil recently leveled to 4th, and is unapproved, for the record.
2/3 fights (2 if to the death, 3 if normal)
Hazardous/Extreme (hazardous if to the death, extreme if normal)
Objectives Yes
Normal or To The Death (see above)

Let's talk tactics! enthusiasm oozes from the young scholars every pore, After the experience in the tunnels, I made a few changes to my... um... prepared spells. says Gil suddenly sheepish about his lack of spellbook, But I think I'll be much more effective than before. You see... Gil launches into technical jargon about the specifics of his spells, and how they can be used to greater effect in conjunction with others.

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OOC: Agree with Neurotic's and CaBaNa's plan. Hopefully Someone can join us with his ranger. There are now a defender (kauldron) leader (joy) and another striker (silver starling) in this range in the tavern. If they're interested...

OOC: Agree with Neurotic's and CaBaNa's plan. Hopefully Someone can join us with his ranger. There are now a defender (kauldron) leader (joy) and another striker (silver starling) in this range in the tavern. If they're interested...

OOC: Ok, I'll enter if you need the help. Ootah is a 5th level ranger, quite classic twin strike abuser build.

A rugged half orc, wild and unkempt and carrying a rather huge bow appears at the signing point.


"Ok. Let's see if this works", says, holding the pen.

As if preparing to do some monumental task, he holds the right wrist with his left hand, and his face shows a great deal of concentration and determination. Slowly but firmly, he writes down "Ootah".

"Hah! I guess the guys we're going to slaughter aren't that innocent. When does the carnage begin?"
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Let's talk tactics! enthusiasm oozes from the young scholars every pore, After the experience in the tunnels, I made a few changes to my... um... prepared spells. says Gil suddenly sheepish about his lack of spellbook, But I think I'll be much more effective than before. You see... Gil launches into technical jargon about the specifics of his spells, and how they can be used to greater effect in conjunction with others.

Martelai smiles at young mans enthusiasm.
"Just as long as you remember we are not exactly like your former group. You cannot count on the same tactics and spells.

Now, let's see about that reading. When were you born? Exact date and time if possible."

Warlock takes out wooden plate marked with strange symbols. (Artemis recognizes a divination board on which the stars are already marked, Caiphon and Khirad most prominent). and continues asking questions putting various points, circles and other symbols on the plate .

He then takes off the glove of the right hand revealing purple tattoo going up his arm. He pricks a central point in the middle of the back of his hand and the blood wells up spreading over the tattoo instead of dripping down. He then turns the hand and a drop falls onto the board. The blood has strange hue, almost purple in color. It flows over the symbols, finally forming a star with pokes of various lengths, with small core circle.

"You show various interests, but don't focus enough on any one. Still, your arcana shows promise." Martelai points at one of the pokes longer then others.

"The future for this venture is..." he pauses "...not good. The start will be hard, but with strong will and help of the friends, you shall prevail. Prepare for some serious hurt."

Cast fortune for Gilgamesh (1d20=1, 1d20=3, 1d20=14) - sorry CaBaNa, not good rolls
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When you make your first post, can you write your class and level (or at least your level) so we can figure out the groups?

I'll let you self-organize from here on out. Which ever group is ready first will jump in first. I'll probably start the second group later in the week.

Also, keep in mind that if you guys are doing multiple matches, you can (though don't have to) customize each match. Once someone posts the final lineup for your group and the final match specifications you guys want, you'll be ready to go.

OOC: [MENTION=60965]Iron Sky[/MENTION], may I jump in? I didn't level Cyr so that XP from Four Seasons is still unassigned. I need a day or so to level him up, but I can play at 5th if you prefer not to wait.

Everyone, I would play hard games, but would avoid to the death game since I'm fairly immovable controller which needs to hug melee at times...but if you'd like more rewards, by all means, I have money for several resurections :D And in-game, I'm deva so no fear of death there...

OOC: Kauldron level 6 Goblin Paladin. Willing to join.

2/3 fights (2 if to the death, 3 if normal)
Hazardous/Extreme (hazardous if to the death, extreme if normal)
Objectives No
Normal or To The Death (see above)

I like Gil's set up it seems. Heh.

OOC: May I jump in? I didn't level Cyr so that XP from Four Seasons is still unassigned. I need a day or so to level him up, but I can play at 5th if you prefer not to wait.

Everyone, I would play hard games, but would avoid to the death game since I'm fairly immovable controller which needs to hug melee at times...but if you'd like more rewards, by all means, I have money for several resurections :D And in-game, I'm deva so no fear of death there...

You have time - I'll try to start the low-level group first. It's also possible we'll have multiple different groups go through.

If you guys want, you could have a setup that goes something like this:

Match 1 - easy, to the death, objectives, hazardous
Match 2 - challenging, first blood, no objectives, normal
Match 3 - hard, normal, objectives, extreme

Each match can be specific. If you're going to do that, you might have someone be the "team captain" and "configure the match" for the group.

Team High Level

- Gil, Level 4 Wizard|Artificer/Assassin (Controller)
- Martelai, Level 6 Warlock (Striker)
- Artemis, Level 4 Hexblade Warlock (Striker)
- Ootah, Level 5 Ranger (Striker)
- Cyr, Level 6 Invoker (Controller)
- Kauldron, Level 6 Paladin (Defender)

First battle:
Objectives Yes

All in favor say Aye
Opposed Nay

That leaves room for four more participants as well, the only leader that seems to be available is Joy. [MENTION=48394]pathfinderq1[/MENTION]

[MENTION=46559]covaithe[/MENTION] [MENTION=30079]Rapida[/MENTION] both have characters in level range with this group as well.

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