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Pathfinder 1E Recurring BBEG Pirate


Context is huge. If I recall correctly, I may have let the druid use Warp Wood in one of the seaborne battles we had to warp one of the lesser NPC ship rudders, because it was the first time it came up and it was dramatic at the time (the PCs were badly outnumbered and needed a break of some kind). As to why the tactic wouldn't work later? It was a miracle of the moment and the whims of magic decreed it worked in that instance. Magic doesn't follow the rules of physics, and if it would preserve game balance for it not to work in "normal" circumstances, so be it. The player, in essence, got a benny for being original, quick-thinking and cool.

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Even if you did use warp wood to warp a plank in the hull, it wouldn't be a major hindrance. Wooden ships usually leak some because of minor warping anyway and they have pumps to pump out that water.

If you warp the rudder, that should affect maneuverability some, but some maneuverability is retained by control of the sails. In a major chase sequence in the open sea, don't expect it to help much. Maybe it'll fend off some boarding attempts because close in maneuvering is hurt, but that won't stop the pirate's archers from raking your deck with arrows. And them pirate's druid has plenty of time to fix the rudder.

So warp wood isn't exactly a pirate stopper, more of an annoyance.


Well, it depends on the DM's interpretation of "leak". The SRD is pretty vague, so the DM could range from letting it have a slow leak that takes hours to sink the ship to a sort of "caving in", leaving up to a 20' cavity where water rushes in, sinking the ship quite rapidly.

And I'm not too sure about "sump pumps" - I'd always imagined those were more modern sort of things. For medieval fantasy, bucket (or barrel) brigade sounds more likely - which would be difficult during a heated combat.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Well, it depends on the DM's interpretation of "leak". The SRD is pretty vague, so the DM could range from letting it have a slow leak that takes hours to sink the ship to a sort of "caving in", leaving up to a 20' cavity where water rushes in, sinking the ship quite rapidly.

And I'm not too sure about "sump pumps" - I'd always imagined those were more modern sort of things. For medieval fantasy, bucket (or barrel) brigade sounds more likely - which would be difficult during a heated combat.

Some variety of bilge pumps date back to Roman times, at the least, because archaeological evidence has been found for them.
And warp wood's description that boats and ships "spring a leak" is hardly suggestive of "caving in" or causing a 20 foot cavity in which water rushes in. Let's not overread the power of a low-level spell.


First Post
You may warp one Small or smaller object or its equivalent per caster level. A Medium object counts as two Small objects, a Large object as four, a Huge object as eight, a Gargantuan object as sixteen, and a Colossal object as thirty-two.

assuming you were lucky and got an 18 on int at lvl 1 and your a level 8 druid your spells per day would look something like this 6 6 4 4 3 (convert those to 2nd level spells)

1 3 4 4 3= 12 not counting if the day or days before the druid prepared scrolls to give to a rogue. just purely from druid casting its possible to get 12 casts off in a day of warp wood according to the spell that is smack dab between huge and gargantuan. and you're telling me that wouldn't put a hurt on a ship?

and thats pure ability points thats not counting any magic items that would make the ability modifier go up more.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
1 3 4 4 3= 12 not counting if the day or days before the druid prepared scrolls to give to a rogue. just purely from druid casting its possible to get 12 casts off in a day of warp wood according to the spell that is smack dab between huge and gargantuan. and you're telling me that wouldn't put a hurt on a ship?

And you're expecting to get all of those castings completed within short range of a ship without them countering you? It's easy to overestimate what spells can do, particularly when you imagine the caster operating in a vacuum of nobody doing anything productive as a counter.


First Post
right now were not talking about the enemy stopping us. what im saying is purely that the spell can destroy or at least severely cripple a big ship. plus casting it 12 times would only take you know 72 seconds


'Way back in 2005 there was a competition on WotC's Eberron forums to create a Dread Pirate character. I''ve just dug out the notes on the entry I made for it. It may need some revision and adaptation, but hopefully it might be of use.

[sblock=The Dread Parrot Polyfex]"Poly want a carrack!"

You see a disturbing apparition - a sailor in full captain's uniform, clearly the former commander of a naval vessel, but just as clearly now several days dead, for all that he still stands on two feet. Slowly and reluctantly, your eyes are drawn to the bizarre figure that addressed you - a parrot the size of a vulture which perches on the undead captain's left shoulder. Crimson-feathered, the parrot is dressed in a bejewelled waistcoat and wears a miniature peaked captain's hat on its head, a silver skull-and-crossbones symbol adorning it. The bird is distinctly time-worn - its left leg has been replaced by a wooden peg tipped with a steel hook, and a patch covers its right eye socket. Nevertheless, its remaining eye is lit with more malevolent intelligence than you have ever seen in an animal. "Talk to the bird, bozo!" it squawks, absently leaning across to gouge a beakful of flesh from the cheek of its undead perch.

Polyfex began life as the animal companion of the much-feared piratical druid Samson, captain of the Black Ash. Extremist members of the Ashbound druidic sect, Samson and his crew of marine rangers carried out a decade-long campaign of terror against the elemental-bound vessels of House Lyrandar, which Samson considered to be an affront to the natural order of the oceans. He Awakened his faithful animal companion with the intention of making him another ally in his quest.

But where Samson was driven by a twisted idealism, pillaging his pargets only for the funds to continue his deadly campaign, the awakened Polyfex's sole motivation was pure greed. Furthermore, the bird, now more intelligent than his master, developed an affinity for arcane magic. He took to stealing away the books and scrolls of wizards slain in Samson's raids, studying in secret to gain an understanding of wizardry. At the same time, he gradually got to know the crew, finding that a fair percentage of them were, like him, driven far more by greed than principle. Slowly but surely, he began fomenting revolt.

A year to the day after his Awakening, Polyfex led a mutiny aboard the Black Ash, his supporters using surprise, subterfuge and poison to slaughter the other two-thirds of the ship's crew. He himself took on Samson in single combat on the main deck, losing a leg in the process but finally slaying his former master using the very same arcane magics Samson so despised.

In the five years since then, the Black Ash has become even more feared than ever before. Whilst they still favour bound-elemental vessels as targets, having developed effective tactics against them, the ship's new avian captain is just as happy to go after any lucrative target. The crew still consist of a disproportionately large percentage of rangers, but they have entirely abandoned any vestiges of antipathy toward magic in the face of their captain's embracing of the Art, and the vessel now employs a full range of arcane tricks, tactics and devices.

More recently, as his necromantic abilities have increased, Polyfex has developed a grisly hobby. upon capturing a vessel, he supplements his own ship's crew with the animated corpses of that vessel's officers, taking the captain as his own animated perch. He sometimes plays games when speaking with those who don't know his identity, pretending to be a normal parrot and using Ventriloquism to make it appear that the corpse whose shoulder he's riding is speaking. However, if any even slightly disparaging comment is made about the parrot on 'his' shoulder, he tends to fly into a rage, dropping out of character and quite probably immediately fireballing the offender. Polyfex has become almost entirely carnivorous, absently feasting upon pieces torn from his current perch's cheek or shoulder, and has been known to raid a new vessel even when the holds of his own are still overflowing with booty, simply because his perch is "going a bit gamey", and he wants a replacement.

Polyfex has a mercurial temperament, and can turn from amused to infuriated in an instant, and forget his rage just as quickly. He is highly intelligent, and it is his cunning at hunting other vessels and evading pursuit in turn that most motivates his crew to follow him, shortly followed by their terrified knowledge of the lengths he's prepared to go to in order to mete out horrific revenge upon those who cross him. In times of stress or distraction, he often reverts to his former mode of speech, uttering short parrot-phrases that express his current frame of mind. Some of these, like "pieces of eight", are a sort of calming mantra, and his crew know to be especially careful around him when he starts muttering them habitually, as they betray an underlying rage that he is trying to suppress, which may burst out at the slightest provocation.

The Dread Parrot Polyfex CR 13
Awakened Parrot, Rogue 1 / Necromancer 7 / Dread ParrotPirate 2
NE, Tiny, Magical Beast (augmented animal)
Action Points 12
Init +3; Senses Low-light vision, Listen +10, Spot +12
Languages Common, Druidic, Elven

AC 24, touch 18, flat-footed 20
Hp 56 (8¼d8 + 1d6 + 7d4)
Resist evasion
Fort +11, Ref +20, Will +11

Speed 10 ft. (2 squares), fly 40 ft. (average)
Melee Claw +14 (1d2-4)
Melee Hook +1, Unholy, Flaming +15 (1d3-3 + 1d6 fire (+2d6 vs. good creatures), 20/x2)
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Base Atk +8
Grp -4
Atk Options Sneak Attack 1d6
Spells Prepared (CL 7th):45431
4th- Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Confusion, Animate Dead(M)
3rd- Fireball (2), Lightning Bolt, Ray of Exhaustion
2nd- Protection From Arrows, Scorching Ray (2), Mirror Image, Ghoul Touch
1st- Shield, True Strike, Burning Hands, Magic Missile (2), Ventriloquism, Ray of Enfeeblement
0- Detect Magic, Read Magic, Ray of Frost, Prestidigitation, Disrupt Undead​

Abilities Str 3, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 21, Wis 14, Cha 10
SQ Trapfinding, seamanship, fearsome reputation +2
Feats Alertness, Weapon Finesse, Flyby Attack, Scribe Scroll, Eschew Materials, Empower Spell, Still Spell, Spontaneous Casting, Two Weapon Fighting
Skills Appraise +13, Balance +5, Bluff +3, Concentration +3, Decipher Script +6, Intimidate +5, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (local) +6, Listen +10, Profession (sailor) +10, Search +8, Sense Motive +5, Spellcraft +7, Spot +12, Swim +2, Use Rope +10, Tumble +6
Possessions Hook +1 Unholy Flaming, Heward's Capacious Pocket*, Vest of Resistance +5, Headband of Intellect +4, Amulet of Natural Armour +2, Ring [anklet] of Protection +2, Wizard's Spellshard, 625 gp

*New magic item: Heward's Capacious Pocket. This wondrous item is essentially a single side pocket from a Heward's Handy Haversack. It weighs half a pound, and its extradimensional space can hold up to 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. It costs 1,000 gp, and Polyfex wears his as a backpack.

Name The Black Ash

Background / History Formerly the command of the druid Samson, the Black Ash was built to outrun and take on Lyrandar elemental galleons, using Druidic magics to augment its performance and counter the arcane abilities of the Lyrandar dragonmarked crews. After captain Polyfex took over, some alterations were made - the ship now uses primarily arcane magical devices to aumgment its performance. There are rumours amongst the crew that Ployfex intends to complete the ship's divergence from its former ways by incorporating bound-elemental enhancements into its hull, and that he has already commenced some of the preliminary design alterations required for this project.

Crew Roughly one-quarter of the crew are nautical Rangers formerly of Samson's crew, who followed Polyfex in mutiny. Of the others, there are a wide variety, though Polyfex has acquired a number of low-level wizards, sorcerers and magewrights to boost the vessel's arcane firepower.

Flag Description A skull above two crossed crimson parrot feathers.

Parrot See above. :p

Polyfex has considered acquiring a familiar, but decided that his own history was a strong lesson in the dangers of having so close a dependent companion, and has so far refrained.[/sblock]


In what edition did INT have anything to do with a druid? They are a WIS based class and with a high wisdom they would have 4 2nd level spells at 8th level. Casting lower level spells in a spell slot is an OPTIONAL rule, not RAW. Second, pathfinder does not roll for stats but uses point buy. Why are you commenting on a pathfinder thread when you say you don't know the system? Even the OP stated he is using pathfinder rules and just using 3.5 sources if they fit into pathfinder. Nothing wrong with 3.5 IMHO, but it isn't the discussion here. Pathfinder is quite different than 3.5 in too many ways at this point.

Voidrunner's Codex

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