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Red Knight campfire

Mahiro Satsu

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Jhessial Amblecrown

Jhessial stands a little over five and a half feet tall. He is lanky, almost like he doesn't eat well. He eats large portions though, and when asked about his lack of weight, he just smiles. His tawny brown hair is constantly messed, and continually falls into his eyes. His eyes are a deep dark brown and are a sparkle with mischief.

The worn clerical robes he wears are travel stained and are in need of a good cleaning. They do not stink however. When not in his robes Jhessial wears stout travel clothes. Around his neck hangs the smiling face surrounded by clovers of his Goddess, Tymora, whom he loves. He usually drags his backpack next to him, as if he'd forgotten to put it on.

He is always smiling, even when things don't go his way. Sometimes he shufles his feet when he gets nervous around people. Sometime he flips coins just to see if he is lucky.

For a 26 year old, he seems either immature, or just young at heart.
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Richter Brusbin

Richter Brusbin measures in barely topping 3'5" tall, which is tall....for a gnome. He has shoulder length sandy brown hair, which when not at home, he keeps in a knot. A well maintained brown beard covers his face, and azure blue eyes glow with curiosity from under his brown conical hat. He tends to wear work shirts in earthen tones, gray trousers with extra pockets and reinforced seat and knees, and leather boots ringed in fine deer fur. When not in Gnomish lands, he carries with him a leather backpack. Over his shoulder is slung a small tool bag, along with a finely polished, gem inlaid powderhorn. Strapped to his wrists are ornately designed bracers, which he rarely takes off.

On his belt is strapped a small hardened leather cartridge box, with a face plate bearing the symbol of Gond. This holds the rounds for his weapon, a strange fire spewing device, which Richter constantly fingers when in unfamiliar lands. A polished almost new looking shortsword hangs from a low slung scabbard at his belt, as if it was rarely used.

Richter is often suspicious around strangers, especially ones bigger than himself, and gets frustrated, occasionally angry, with those who he feels can not fully understand the complexity of his designs. His prescence is often subdued, except when he demands attention. However, due to his small stature, he does not always recieve it.


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Ok, im not used to these things (and by things i mean everything from message boards to the game itself), but here is my attempt. Yes, i know it isnt a creative feat, or even original at all, but deal.

Talia Sayvil was born and spent the the majority of her life in the poorer section of Arabel. Her family was not impoverished, but not exactly well to do either. Her father owned one of the pubs in town; the one where people who still wanted to get drunk but couldnt afford the better places would go. She was the youngest of 4, all girls. Because the family had the older siblings to do the cooking and serving, no one in the family noticed anything Talia did. She took to entertaining herself in the dining room of the pub. Because of her small size, no one generally noticed her. She was facinated by the things people said (especially when drunk) and soon learned a lot about the inner workings of the city. By watching the different kinds of transactions that took place in the tavern, she learned how to tell if someone was lying. She also developed a knack for noticing little details about people; wealth, profession, nature. At the same time she practiced the art of going unnoticed. She could hide in shadows and become nearly invisible. She also learned to become invisible in a crowd. She designed herself to be entirely ordinary. Other than her small stature, she became almost impossible to describe simply because she manipulated her appearance and manner so much that there was nothing noticable.
As most young people do, Talia started testing the limits of her freedom and eventually found that there really were none. She started out with little things like filching the better food in the tavern, and grew to the level of a full scale thief. She studied the craft of locksmithing to learn to pick them better; learned to hide things (herself included) so that she would be a better thief. She trained herself to be fast, and tought herself the wisdom of the streets. She knew that she would never be a fighter, so she trained herself in the art of deception. She used her knowledge of the clients in her family's pub to let her know who had money and valuables, and when they would not be home.
Because she is still quite young, Talia still had a restless and rebellious nature. Her mentality is very much "what can i get away with". Adventuring was not anything that she had initially in mind, but it is something she has never done before and who knows, there may be some nice mansions along the way.

Being a halfling, Talia is short, but average in stature. While she could not be called very thin, she is by no means considered fat. Her hair is an average brown, with slight waves. It is generally kept in a simple braid to keep it out of the way. Her clothing is generally a brown or gray depending on the weather and time of day, and is adorned with pockets that resemble decorations so she can hide tools in easily accessable places. She wears thin leather soled shoes so her footsteps are silent. For longer trips, she has a riding dog, Ambrosius to carry her packs.

Alton Baldirk

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Alton Baldirk

Alton was born to Dev and Thalia Baldirk in a small village within a day of the great city Suzail. Both Thalia and Dev were the last children of huge extended farming families. Neither wanted to stay on their farms as their kin had for so many generations, so they both decided upon the birth of their son to move to Suzail. Dev, being young and inexperienced, found it a difficult task to support his young wife and child in the city. The only job he was able to find was as a loader for a hauling company, who's business generally ran around gutter cleaning.
He worked at this job for 2 years, with the heavy labor and long hours slowly bending his back and his will. Thalia did the best she could with the meager wages Dev brought home, but with the poor diet associated with the city's lower class, Alton grew sickly and weak.
Surprisingly, this life did not last long, as Dev had a stroke of luck. During one of the countless trips during the morning clearing of the roads, he came across an aged man in dusty robes lugging a wuite large amount of books down the throughfare. Dev, always having a kind heart, and used to heavy loads, offered to help the man with his burden. The man gratefully allowed Dev to assist, and after Dev told his driver that he would meet up with him in a bit they carried the load back to his shop.
On the way, the two men stuck up a conversation and Dev was introduced to Olath Tris, a not unsuccessful bookseller and rare item dealer. Olath was surprised and pleased with Dev's wit, being unexpected from a manual laborer. Once back at the shop, Olath regaled several stories to Dev, who found himself entraced with the booksellers wide array of knowledge. Before either knew, the sun had passed it's peak.
Around this point, the door to the shop banged open as the huling company's supervisor came in, looking for Dev. Screaming about lack of responsibility, the man declared Dev fired and stomped out of the room. As the man left, Dev fell to the floor, sobbing about how he would be unable to support his family. At this, Olath told Dev that he could work here, seeing how he needed an assistant with a sharp mind anyway.
The years rolled by, and the family Baldirk's life was simple and good. Alton was educated at an early age by Olath, and had read all the store's books by the time he was 12. He never did truly recover from his sickly childhood, and grew to be a thin and gangly boy, though tall.
As Alton's life went on, he began to feel constrained the limited selection of tomes at the store, and wished to go learn from a greater bastion of knowledge. And so, with a letter of introduction to the Headmaster of the Library of Waterdeep from Olath, and a loving goodbye to his parents, he set off as part of a large caravan two months after his 16th birthday. The trip passed quite peacefully, and he found himself apprenticed to a Loremaster at the great Library of Waterdeep.
The years passed, and Alton sated his hunger on thousands of tomes of knowledge spanning the whole of Faerun. He was into his 31st year when a wizard, staying at the library for a research project, noted Alton's quiet devotion to knowledge and learning. He made Alton an offer he could not refuse, and soon Alton was heading to the Arcane Guild of Waterdeep, as an apprentice to the mage Torgon Hasfar. Being more than twice as old as the rest of his class did little to deter Alton, as he absorbed knowledge as fast as his fellow apprentices and was just as eager for it.
As he approached his 36th year, Master Hasfar informed Alton that his time as a student at the guild was at an end, and he would have to continue his learning outside, in the wide world. Many mages at the guild scoffed at this notion, but Torgon Hasfar had been an adventurer of much renown, and he knew well how powerful one can become with both knowledge in books, and knowledge from experience. He imparted that wisdom to Alton before he left for Suzail, as he had decided that the first part of his journey should be to his homeland....
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