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Religion in the Shattered World


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I thought you guys might like to know a little about the myths of the Shattered World. I am going to post a little of it here. I've been holding off though because most of what I wrote concerning religion was written for 2nd Ed. rules. Also, it was written for a previous incarnation of Oramis... one in which the world was NOT shattered.

The only deity that I have written extensivley about was Selene the Moon goddess. She will sound a lot like the moon goddess of the Forgotten Realms, but believe it or not, I created the details of Selene long before the Forgotten Realms ever saw print. Go figure....

Agata (goddess of lies, secrets, and deception) is the wife of Khaine (god of war without purpose, needless bloodshed, mayhem, destruction, and slaughter). Khaine is very busy, and is often away from his wife for long periods of time. During these absences Agata gets bored and lonely, and often seeks out other male companionship. During one such prolonged absence, Agata decided that she wanted to spend some time "getting to know" Elbron (lord of the oceans) a little better. Disguising herself as a beautiful mermaid, Agata visited Elbron in his undersea palace and seduced him. No sooner had they finished when Agata was struck with terrible pains in her abdomen which caused her to drop her disguise. Moments later she gave birth to a full-grown daughter named Selene. Elbron, infamous for his blinding rages, picked up his daughter and hurled her into the night sky before venting his anger at being deceived on Agata.

Selene was devastated. She became withdrawn and began to cry. In her grief she was unable to hear the approach of Qoleth (god of darkness, night, and thieves), who crept up on her and began raping her. Her father Elbron, who had calmed down from his rage, came to see her and apologize and found Qoleth raping her. Once more, a towering rage came over Elbron and he attacked Qoleth, who fled into the night. Afterwards, Elbron comforted Selene and apologized for taking out his anger at Agata on her. During this talk, Elbron discovered that he truly liked his daughter and offered her a place in his underwater kingdom. Selene, touched by her father’s concern and genuine expressions of love, decided that she liked her father as well but declined his offer. She wanted to remain in the sky as a beacon of hope to women in need and to ward off the darkness of Qoleth. Even though Selene declined his offer, he gave her control over the tides as a token of his love for her.

It is said that Selene is still on very good terms with her father Elbron, has made friends with Sehanine Moonbow (the elven moon goddess), that she still loathes Qoleth, and is neutral toward her mother, Agata. It is also said that Selene later got her revenge on Qoleth. Popular Selenite myth says that Selene somehow tricked Qoleth into taking female form. While in this form, Luris (god of lust, depravity, and sex without love) with whom Selene had made a deal, raped Qoleth.

Selene's churches serve two purposes. As with other faiths, her temples function as places of worship. These churches, however, also serve a second, more important function: as hostels. Any woman in need may seek sanctuary in one of Selene's churches and receive it for as long as it is needed. Here they will receive room, board, and protection in exchange only for help with the chores, such as cleaning, gardening, and cooking. They may also receive lessons in self-defense if they desire to do so. Some hostels serve as schools, educating women who wish to learn how to read and write as well as teaching other skills. Midwives are available for pregnant women.

Selene's clergy are divided into two distinct groups. The first group is known as the Daughters of the Moon. These are specialty priestesses (See PRIEST ABILITIES) and are considered mission clerics. Their duties include traveling far and wide seeking women in need, rooting out evil lycanthropes, righting wrongs, and - when possible - starting new churches in areas where they are needed. Daughters of the Moon are ALWAYS female though they may be of any allowed race.

The second group is the Sisters (and Brothers) of the Moon. Sisters are clerics as described in the Player's Handbook. Brothers are monks as described in both Faiths and Avatars and Player's Option: Spells and Magic. It is the duty of the Sisters and Brothers to staff and operate the churches started by the Daughters. Sisters and Brothers rarely leave the churches they are assigned to except when they are transferred to a new church or when a Daughter asks for help.

Daughters and Sisters are on equal footing in the hierarchy of the church. Female members of either branch may become Voice of the Lady (the highest office in Selene's church). Brothers, while welcomed into the church with open arms, may never assume the position of Voice.

The clergy of Selene have several vows they are expected to keep. Daughters of the Moon must remain chaste to prevent conflicts in priorities. Sisters and Brothers are not expected to keep this vow (though many do). All females (both Daughters and Sisters) may never cut their hair (in reverence to the long silver tresses the Lady is said to possess). No female in need, regardless of alignment, may ever be denied help if it is truly needed (though women of evil alignment will be viewed with suspicion). Selene considers all evil lycanthropes to be abominations who draw upon her power to commit evil acts (though good lycanthropes, such as werebears and wereowls, are accepted). Clergy are expected to deal with these foul creatures, through curing (if possible) or death (if necessary). Please note that while the church is mostly focused toward aiding women they may also help men and children, though men may be charged for services rendered and cannot receive shelter at hostels except in life-and-death circumstances. The church does NOT promote lesbianism (despite persistent rumors to the contrary), though such women are not discriminated against.

Selene's holy symbol is a silver crescent moon. This is not an actual object a priestess can hold in her hand. Before attaining 1st level, all potential priestesses (referred to as “hopefuls”) must undergo an induction ceremony. If the goddess approves of a hopeful, a silver crescent moon is divinely implanted on the new Initiate's left cheek. This is a painless process. Because this symbol is divinely affixed, only Selene herself can remove it. A priestess does not have to worry about misplacing or losing it (except through transgressions against the church), but neither can she hide nor disguise it. Daughters, Sisters, and Brothers of the Moon (see THE CLERGY) all receive this mark upon induction into the clergy.

The Bones are divinatory devices (much like tarot cards or runes) used by Selene's clergy in predicting the future and divining the Lady's wishes through the use of the Soothsaying non-weapon proficiency. The Bones are the bleached bones of an owl (a creature often associated with Selene), hunted and slain by the priestess who is to use them. They must be hand-carved with symbols and runes holy to the Lady, and Blessed by a priestess of at least 8th level under the light of a full moon. They must be treated with the utmost respect by the priestess and never used in jest or abused through overuse. They may only be cast under moonlight or, in emergency situations, under the light of a Moonbeam spell.

As mentioned in the CLERICAL REFERENCE CHART (q.v.), the colors black, gray, white and silver are holy to Selene. It is also noted that priestesses are free to wear any head and body raiment they desire. While this statement is true in most circumstances, it changes during rituals. At these times, it is tradition for priestesses to wear robes of a color normally associated with their position (read “level”) in the church. For instance, Initiates (priestesses of levels 1-3) normally wear black robes (signifying the Lady’s new moon phase), Priestesses (priestesses of level 4-6) wear gray (signifying the waxing/waning phases), High Priestesses (priestesses of 7th level and above) normally wear white (signifying the full moon), and the Voice of the Lady wears silver (signifying her lofty status). Outside of rituals, priestesses of any level may wear any clothing they desire as long as it is black, gray or white. Silver clothing (not including jewelry and ornamentation) is always reserved for the Voice.

Despite the connection of moon-horses with elves on some worlds, this link does not exist here. Instead, they are linked to the church of Selene. Some especially favored clergy are said to receive these beautiful animals as permanent mounts and companions as tokens of Selene's appreciation for faithful service. Moon Dogs, Moonstone Dragons, and Moonfish (see MOONFISH) are also said to be bound to the service of Selene.

According to Selenite legend, Selene sometimes visits her father in his undersea realm. This is said to be the cause of the moon phases. When Selene is preparing for this aquatic journey or preparing to return from it, the moon is in its waxing/waning phases. While she is gone, a new moon prevails. When Selene returns to her home in the sky it is said that her father, Elbron, misses her intensely, so much so in fact that he created a new species of fish called moonfish. These fish are extraordinary in only one respect: during the full moon, they gather near seashores and “sing.” This haunting song is not something one hears with his ears - he hears it with his mind. The telepathically-projected song of the moonfish has no words. It is merely a long series of notes that sound like sad, mournful music. Some people of less-than-noble ethics enjoy capturing moonfish and keeping them in tanks (which is said to incur the wrath of both Selene and Elbron). Still others (most notably humanoids such as orcs and goblins) consider the meat of the moonfish to be a delicacy. Moonfish (both alive and dead) command high prices on the black market. (Interesting Side Note: It is said that pearls - small representations of Selene - were a gift from Selene to her father to remind him always of her love for him.)

Other animals commonly associated with Selene include owls (common varieties as well as giant owls, talking owls, and wereowls - see below), and wolves (any non-evil variety).
(From FR7 Hall of Heroes, pgs. 36-37: Wereowls: These Neutral Good beings are the first known avian lycanthropes. They transform at night into man-sized great snowy owls. Wereowls, which are highly intelligent, can speak common in this form. They attack with their claws (1d3 each) and beaks (1d2 each). They fly at a rate of 18 and are maneuverability class C. Wereowls are the natural enemies of harpies.)

Deity: Selene, the Bright Lady
Mythos: Oramian
Portfolio: The Moon, Just Vengeance, Protector of Women, The Tides
Allies: Elbron (Oceans), Sehanine Moonbow (Elven moon goddess)
Enemies: Qoleth (Night/thieves)
Holy Symbol: Silver crescent moon
Holy Animals: Wolf, Owl, Moon-horse, Moon Dog, Moonstone Dragon, Moonfish
Other Holy Items: Silver, Moonstones, Pearls
Head Raiment: Any (Ritual: Headband)
Body Raiment: Any (Ritual: Robes)
Colors: Black, Gray, White, Silver
Holy Days: Full moon, spring/fall equinoxes, eclipses, particularly high tides
Sacrifice Frequency: Holy days
Sacrifice Form: Burnt stag meat, herbs and incense; music, song, and dance
Places of Worship: Temples, groves, seashore
Tithe Percentage: 10%
Vows: Chastity (Daughters only), never cut hair, aid to women in need

PRIEST ABILITIES: (Similar to Crusader class from Player’s Option: Spells and Magic)
THAC0 as Warrior / May specialize in one weapon
May use any armor / any weapons (scimitar and bow preferred)
Level advancement / saving throws / hit dice as Priest
May choose NWPs from Warrior group at no extra cost
May use Priest or Warrior magic items
Cannot turn undead / Do not receive Warrior’s Str./Con. bonuses
Receive bonus spells for high Wisdom
Bonus NWPs: Religion, Ceremony, Astronomy

Abilities are affected by the phases of the moon as follows:
Moon Phase: Saving Throws: Additional Spells: Effective Level:
New Moon -1 None -1
Waxing Normal +1 Even
Full Moon +1 +2 +1
Waning Normal None Even
(Note: Additional Spells may be of any level the priestess can cast.)
(Note: Effective Level bonuses and penalties apply only to spellcasting. Thus, an 8th level priestess casting a spell during a full moon would cast the spell as though she were 9th level, while at new moon the same spell would be cast as though the priestess were only 7th level.)

Granted Powers:
At 3rd Level: Detect Lycanthrope 3/day (as Shukenja spell Detect Shapechanger)
At 5th Level: Protection from Lycanthropes 2/day (as Scroll of the same name)
At 7th Level: Force Werechange 1/day (as Shukenja spell Force Shapechange)
At 9th Level: May use a Remove Curse spell to cure lycanthropy (instead of at 12th level as stated in the spell description)

Available Spheres of Access:
May cast spells from the following spheres: (with some changes; see spell list)
Major: All, Charm, Combat, Divination, Guardian, Healing, Moon, Thought
Minor: Elemental (Water), Necromancy, Protection, Travelers

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