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Remnants of the Horde:Storming the Walls...


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Vespazian watched his troops get into rank about him as the hobgob' bard offered his services. He nodded, though still didn't look at the man. Be quick and take only what majicks and healing supplies these brutes may have owned. I doubt there is much at all, but it might aid us somewhat. They might also have a key or some such to doors we have not yet encountered. Be swift Tsu'koka, if we tarry our enemies will be able to single out our position and I do not want to be present when they send "real" threats at us. The human looked to Tsu'koka with his final words as confirmation of his concern, then went on to make sure the rest of his troops were ready to move on.
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Tsu'koka nods, and as the scouts are sorted, he gets to work doing some sorting of his own. He give the room a quick once over once more.

ooc: Tsu'koka had a look at the fallen as he worked his way around the room the first time. Depending on how things lie, he'll ask Sroka for a couple of Hobs to help gather the gear if that will allow him to do it quicker. The simplest way would seem to be to take a position in one corner and cast Detect magic, then send the Hobs out to gather what he finds. Or possibly to move around the room indicating what to grab and where to search to the Hobs.

He understands Vesparzian's cooncern about getting bogged down, so his goal is to get the main items rather than all items. He figures that Wekerek and the scout will move out before he is done. He'll find a place for himself when he is done.


Living EN World Judge
OoC: Events in RL have lightened, so my posting should get back to a more normal scehdule now...


Wekerak has a quick word with the bugbears, who point out the differences between this section and the next, primarily the winch that controlls one of the sally gates. When Wekerak is satisfied, he moves off with the 2 goblins in tow.
The chamber immediately beyond is one filled with the detritus of war; broken arrows, splintered shields and spears and the occassional sword or axe. Of bodies, there are none, although much in the way of blood abounds. The relatively long (90' or so) room ends in three doors, one of which is splintered and smashed. Of the two that remain, one looks stoutly lcked, although someone or something tried to bash their way in (with no success).
The last door sits slightly ajar...


Tsu'Koka begins a search of the fallen, along with the four hobs that Sroka ordered to help him. The Songspeaker's Detect Magic shows that one of the giants has something in a bag (revealed to be a large potion or other enchanted liquid:Moderae Conjuration.It's size seems to be about 4 doses)

Of the weapons, two battle axes radiate magic; The first is mild enchantment, though the second radiates moderate transmutation magic as well. As well, a dagger carried by one minotaur radiates miled enchantment and miderate transmutation.

<1 potion, 4 doses, 2 battle axes, 1 dagger>

Vespazian looked to his troops. Things were shaping up, although it was still quite annoying to see the deference that Sroka showed to Tsu'koka. Perhaps it was too much to ask that his second pay him complete obedience. These hobgoblins did seem to have an affinity for their skalds, and Tsu'koka had been useful in augmenting their attack.
The Goblin, Weker...whatever his name was, had been gone for a few minutes when a massive
resounded throughout the mountain.
Sevral goblins and one gnoll were thrown to the ground, and the other troops were all forced to grab onto walls to avoid falling.

Wekera was examining the 2 doors (both untrapped, one obviously barred from inside, the other open) when a massive
resounded throughout the mountain. One of the goblin scouts was thrown to the floor, and the other, as well as Wekerak, were forced to grab hold of the doorjams to avaoid falling.


Tsu'koka is just decideing what to do with the weapons when ...
Uriel said:
He is caught of balance and crashes heavily to to the floor. He rolls over and to his feet, his mace in hand. He favours his right leg somewhat and cusses mightily. He looks around to see that everyone is alright.

Then he returns his attention to the 'loot'. Now is not the time to mess around trying to discover what this is. Vespazian wants to move quickly, and rightly so. Tsu'koka calles over the leader of the giants. With a grunt, he picks up the two battle axes and hands them the giant. "Take care of these for now. They have mojo, but good or not I don't know. Use your discretion."

ooc: I assume that the battleaxes are for large creatures. So even if the giants don't use them, they can carry them more easily than anyone else.

Tsu'koka then scoops up the daggar and shoves it into his bag. The potions he takes a moment to check. He unstopper one and sniffs. If unrecognised, he covers the end with his finger and upends it briefly. He sniffs the liquid again and touches it briefly to his tongue to see if it is familier. Done, he shoves them into his bag as well then calles over Blood and remounts.

"I'll check on the scouts."


Wekerak cocks his head, trying to determine the source of the noise (OOC: listen check?) then he waves to the goblin who fell.

"Return and check if the others have been attacked, then report back to me, here." Turning to the other, he then continues, "You, move up on the right hand side of the open door. If anyone comes through, we will catch him between us."

Then, padding as quietly to the left hand side of the partly-open door as he can, he risks a quick glance to see what lies beyond.


Living EN World Judge
OoC:Forgive me, I just got off of work and am rater hammered...deadasdai, congrats on getting hitched, btw...Dave(ferretguy) is in my living room sleeping over and he spilled the beans.
The Battle Axes are actualy Greataxe size for you (medium) folks.


Wekerak listens intently, and he is sure that the sound originated from something deep within Mount Zuregath.


ooc: Bet the *BOOM* came from boom boom Bargo and co.

Thought about handing the axes to Sroka if they can be used by Hobgoblins, but decided that they would be more use in the hands of the giants.

I also think I'll switch Tsu'koka over to the gladiuses. He's not had much luck with the mace, and the Unholy power isn't likely to see much use around here. The penalties are kinda hefty (-4/-8), but he might give try some two handed fighting if he's not mounted.

See you round.


First Post

The ground shook and Vespazian was unceremoniously dumped on his armoured arse with a clatter. A couple of the troops who had managed to keep there feet or found a support to hold onto smirked then swiftly turned away as Vespazian's angry glare fell upon them.

Sroka! Get this rabble organised and out of here, quick-time! We need to be further inside this fortress and met up with the Muragar before this whole complex comes crumbling down on our heads! With these words, Vespazian go's about slapping and swiping at the troops to get them ready to move out with much haste, then heads them over to the direction where the goblin scouts went.
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Living EN World Judge
Capellan said:
OOC: what does Wekerak see beyond the door?

Beyond the now open door, Wekerak sees a longish hall winding it's way further into the Mountain. Some seven other tunnels lead off in various directions, one at the far (120 feet) end, while the others are spaced every 30 or 40 feet on either side. The hall itself is twenty or twenty five feet tall, with the tunnels being twelve or fifteen feet high. Torches sputter irregularly along the length, allowing normal (if a bit hazy) vision. The place seems clear of enemies...


Sroka barks a few orders, echoed by the Bugbear Sgt, and the troops assemble with a minimum of effort and infighting. The Giants seem pensive, their Hell Hounds snarling at hearby Goblins and Orcs.When Tsu'koka offers the enchanted Weapons, one of the Fire Giants nods respectfully and says 'Thank you,Speaker,we shall endeavor to send this scum home in little pieces with these fine gifts.'

he entire band moves out at a brisk pace, seeking to close the distance between themselves and the Scout.

OoC:Wekerak has 6 or 8 rounds before the rest get there at the current pace. this allows for a bit of caution on there part, as there are a few side passages etc... that may contain enemies.
What's Wekerak want to do?

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