Level Up (A5E) Resistance/Immunity and CR


@lichmaster absolutely, polymorph should have a big impact on CR just like damage transference does! I probably didn't think of it because I don't give it out much - though I give out shapeshifting a lot.

@dave2008 you and Morrus are both right on the question of saving throw proficiencies. And saving throw proficiencies really merit a more complete treatment than I gave them. On average and without checking, I bet I give out at least a saving throw proficiency at tier 2, two at tier 3, and three at tier 4 to most monsters. Rather than changing CR for each saving throw proficiency, I might want to set some expectation like that for the number of saving throw proficiencies a monster should have by CR - with maybe a -1 CR adjustment if you have far too few.

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@lichmaster absolutely, polymorph should have a big impact on CR just like damage transference does! I probably didn't think of it because I don't give it out much - though I give out shapeshifting a lot.
@duneguy I gave another thought to this aspect, which never occourred me before.
Given that in 5e polymorph effectively gives extra hp, a creature that can cast the spell multiple times can have many times over its normal hp.
So, as a follow up to the CR adjustment, I think one should also consider how many times the creature can polymorph.

Even if the damage over the normal amount of hp of the polymorphed creature goes to its normal shape, the spell is still a huge buff, up to the point I'm considering this kind of nerf:
- instead of simply assuming the hp of the new form (i.e at full health), the polymorphing character will assume the new form's hp minus the damage already taken (i.e. the damage carries over both ways).
I'll create a separate post with an analysis of this modification.

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