I'm sure it would generate interesting discussion if you were to describe how that rest style positively impacts sessions & campaigns
Slow natural healing is the key to see the brilliance in Epic Heroism, alongside healing surges. Hit dice become a more relevant and used resource, and despite each class being more consistently powerful (which is good for encounter building mind), they get tempered by greater health attrition.
You should already have Hards as your standard encounter (as thats what the games math actually expects, not mediums) and with EH you can kick that up to deadly as a bare minimum, with 2 or 3x deadly being more of the new standard.
So between harder combats and greater health attrition, the relative freedom the players have to use their stuff is tempered by the risks. Generally speaking its more fun when they get to use their stuff and the fights aren't just push overs, so pushing encounter difficulty pairs well here just as much as the greater health attrition.