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Restrictive Poly/Metamorph Spells


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Just wondering if anyone has experimented with polymorph or metamorphosis type spells with severe restrictions on them?

Specifically what I am thinking of would be the following set of specs:
1. The form chosen would need to be one that is detrimental (from a role playing point of view) to remain in for an extended period of time.

2. It takes a long time to assume the form of the creature and a long time to revert to normal. Initially, I am thinking 24 hours in each case, during which you are in some form of chrysalis or such.

3. Despite the long time it takes to complete the change, the duration would be listed as 'instantaneous' just like flesh to stone. This make it a non-dispel able spell and aids in the disguise.

4. Self only! This needs to be a personal spell!

As a benefit of taking on these restrictions the caster is protected from any sort of mental degradation resulting from long term use. AND while the normal restrictions on polymorph would be observed to some degree, there would be more freedom or options as to what could be picked as forms.... sort of.

My thoughts would be to create a spell chain with spells at many if not all of the levels. Each of those level by level spells would govern the types of creatures that could be assumed.

At the lower levels, it would be mainly utilitarian forms. Perhaps birds (crow, gull or pigeon) for spying etc, and perhaps work animals for moving cargo or loot (dogs, mules or donkeys)!

At medium levels this would move to more powerful work animals (horses etc.) and possibly begin to add in animals with relevant combat capabilities, such as dogs or large cats etc. Also possible here could be flying mounts or even some of the smallest Draco forms.

At the higher levels is when you could start to add in the really cool stuff like the larger Draco forms or other beasts.


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What's detrimental about role-playing a donkey? It's fun & easy to be a jacka$$.

Sorry... couldn't help it.

This seems like an interesting idea, but other than RP reasons I am not sure it would see much use. You kind of make yourself a "one trick pony" (if you'll excuse the expression) for an extended period, whereas otherwise you could be providing a variety of magical assistance.

It's difficult to thread the needle between underpowered and broken when it comes to polymorph.

Maybe you could be able to accelerate the reversal at some cost, like ability damage or something.


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In our RPG group, we allow spell casters one free level of meta magic feats with their casting. This means that you can add someting like 'extend spell' or 'enlarge spell' or any other one level mod for free. Combine 'still spell' with a feet that appeared in the complete mage (can't remember the name) that allows a caster to complete the vocal component by making practicaly any sound he wants (such as grunts or growels) and you have a mage who can cast spells from any form.

Besides that, there is huge RP flavour in it, at least for me anyway. but by adding those two feats, ir makes it functional.

I was also considering adding complimentary spells to enhance the effect, or possibly allow for speedier changes, just not sure how to keep it balanced.


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For the RP factor, I have always wanted some sort of polymorph like ability to occur at lower levels. The trick is to have it exist without giving some sort of heavy advantage to it. A 1st level spell that allows the mage to assume the form of a non-offensive animal, such as a donkey or a crow or such for an extended period would be cool.

Another cool factor from an RP viewpoint would be the enemy needing to be extra paranoid about animal spies. now not only are familures potential spies, but almost any wizard or sorcerer, even the welps, could be spies...

One variation on the restrictions i had considered would be to make the initial transmutaiton take only 10 minutes while the reversal takes longer. I wanted it to be such that it would have value on a long walk trough the jungle where you found you needed more pack animals all of a sudden etc. etc... but that it would not be convienient to change back easily.

I suppose that this spell would be more useful at very low level, but become less usefull at higher levels if polymorph was not removed from the game. the idea need to magify the power of the form while increasing the "inconvienience".

A possible variant I had also considered would be that at the conclusion of the initial tranmutaiton, some part of the chrysalis would retain the spell signature. this item would then be needed to be "broken" in order for the spell to be reversed. this mean that either the caster needs to return to the scene, or one of his companions needs to cary this item, making the caster reliant on that party member to reverse the spell at the right time.


If you want to hinder Polymorph class spells, might I suggest you make the player choose a specific Type of creature, then say all Polymorph school spells must be to transform into those types of creatures. The thing that is broken about it is its versatility. Being able to change into one of a hundred things, for just the right occasion, is ridiculous. Only being able to change into magical-beasts however...


Preface: WOTC has pretty much dee-veed all the polymorph spells and their relatives. They couldn't find a way to frame them that wasn't open to grotesque abuse. IMHO, that's the DM's job, and the spells and abilities should be allowed.

As for the question, though: Lower level transformation type spell? Alter Self seems to qualify.

So start with something based on that, and allow the caster to change into normal animals (i.e. not Magical Beasts or some such.) Probably best to stick to ones listed in one of the MMs, just for consistent balance sake.

Spell casting would be limited by the form, but you'd get all the normal abilities of that form, as spelled out in the Monster Manual(s).

So if you took the form of a Raven or Parrot, you could speak normally and use spells with Verbal components. And apes, chimpanzees and raccoons have something resembling opposable thumbs, so they'd be able to use somatic components and could handle material components, but not verbal.

Basically, it resembles the Druidic Wild Shape ability, in spell form.

Whether you want to hand out a unique Class Ability to other classes in spell form may raise game balance issues, but that's a topic for another thread.

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