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Retired PC Census

Jeff Wilder

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As hard as it is to believe, I really only have one genuinely retired PC, after 25 years of gaming. I've got many I simply stopped playing, and quite a few that died, but only one that I retired. (I retired her after I quit playing D&D due to 2E-disgust back in '92 or '93. Theoretically, she could return in a 3.5 or Pathfinder incarnation, I guess.) This is also the only female PC I ever played, and considering how much I loved playing her, I suppose it's a little odd than I'm so strongly against male-to-female cross-gender RP now.

I played her almost exclusively for almost five years and "only" got to 16th level. (Contrast to my highest-level PC, a 20th-level necrotheurge who died in the Shackled City finale, who achieved that level in less than two years.)

1) Hanley Caulkerson
2) Human Thief 16 (1E and 2E) -- NG
3) Greyhawk
4) Free City of Greyhawk
5) Runs a brothel/thieves guild

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Mr. Wilson

Hmm. I can't say I've ever had a single character retired. Either they died, or the campaign ended mid-progress due to RL reasons (changing games, scheduling conflicts, etc).

Here are the two that survived the TPK that ended a campaign.

1) Lt. Orim of Lakeside (shortly could be d'Deneith)
2) 3.5 Edition Human LN Bard 5/Ftr 2. (standing houserule that Bards can be any alignment.)
3) Eberron
4) Was last seen heading back to Sharn from the Shadow Marches after defeating a threat from the Lords of Dust.
5) What do they do now? Having recently found out he's a heir of Deneith, Orim is faced with a choice, continue to work for the Karrnathi secret service, or join his dragonmarked house. Probably choose to try to keep his mark secret and remain a loyal part of the Karrnathi military.

1) Brother Marcus
2) 3rd Edition (not 3.5) LG Human Monk 15
3) homebrewed
4) currently stuck in Lady Moonflower's teleportation room with no way to the outside, contemplating how to get out since Lady Moonflower always retrieved the party in the past. Is stuck there thanks to his usage of a magic item to escape the clutches of an evil wizard at the cost of leaving the rest of the party behind to face their demise. Oops.
5) What do they do now? Depends on what happens to Lady Moonflower. In the homebrewed world, arcane magic is outlawed (all of it), and Lady Moonflower currently is under house-arrest for harboring magic users (other Pcs). If Lady Moonflower manages to free the Brother, he is in possession of 4 parts of a 7 part artifact needed to ensure the Treant race isn't wiped out, and therefore would be leading a new group in search of parts 5-7. Of course, there is a chance he's found by the zealous arcane police, arrested, and executed for crimes involving the use of arcane magic items and befriending wizards. Really, 50-50% chance either way.

the Jester

haakon1 said:
Please answer:
1) Name
2) Race Class Level (& Edition) - Alignment
3) "World" (Greyhawk, Faerun, etc.)
4) Location within the world
5) What do they do now?

1. Yolanda
2. Human (originally) wizard/alienist/planewalker, total level 24; 3.5E; CN
3. The Old World (Warhammer setting, 3.5 dnd rules)
4. Outer planes... well... anywhere, really; she's an epic planeshifter and alienist.
5. Wandering around the multiverse trying to hug people with her pseudonatural tentacles and show lots of love.


First Post
haakon1 said:
Please answer:
1) Name
2) Race Class Level (& Edition) - Alignment
3) "World" (Greyhawk, Faerun, etc.)
4) Location within the world
5) What do they do now?

1.) Vilindos the Bright Friar.
2.) Human (stretching the Medium qualification) Originally Fallen Cleric 14, conversion to
Rogue 11/Sorcerer 3 through intervention and necessity. Chaotic Neutral leaning to Chaotic Good.
3.) Homebrew (then ported to another Homebrew, finally ending up as an NPC in my own homebrew.)
4.) Sitting in a comfortable palanquin or examining the wares of his work (indentured servants of the Imperial Rose) on his small estate seated near the Ostari Imperial Preserves.
5.) Most likely using his Fan of the Five Winds to blow helpless adventurers away from his property line, or rehabilitating Imperial servants into serviceable members of his own private spy network. Possibly moving his portly ebony self after his newest hopeful conquest as his companion chuckles.


1.) Gerald MacAullife
2.) Human Fast/Smart Hero 2, Dedicated/Smart Hero 2. Allegiance to Self Preservation, Family, and Good.
3.) Modern Setting, Nebulous.
4.) A small garage in a shady neighborhood of Amstel Heights.
5.) Probably still angry at getting bumped out of his last gig, teaching auto shop courses, and perhaps stealing a car for a joyride every once in awhile.


1.) Ghanfri
2.) Human Barbarian 15/Rogue 2.
3.) Homebrew.
4.) A small area of the White Empire.
5.) Gloating over his decimation of a wyrm with brute force, and wondering why every realm is color-coded for player convenience.


1.) Gerald Feldspar.
2.) Aasimar Dedicated 4, Strong 1, Acolyte 5.
3.) Urban Arcana Retrofit.
4.) Missouri on the family plots.
5.) Whittling a slingshot for his son, or helping his wife get the meals ready. When not doing that, preaching at a tent revival, helping his son and father get the logistics of their latest 'toys' settled, or taking the family out hunting things that go bump in the night.


1.) Connor Sullivan.
2.) Dwarf Tough 2, Charismatic 4.
3.) UAR.
4.) Somewhere on the West Coast.
5.) Out touring with his band Survivors of Moria, learning to play bass and perfecting his drumming, and headbutting any elf who comes to the show dressed up like Legolas (because this is ROCK AND ROLL! ;) ).


1.) Jon Dobson, Esq.
2.) Dragonblood ... wow, honestly I think he was a spiritualist or occultist?
3.) D20 Past.
4.) Walking the gaslit streets of London, or taking a sojourn across the pond to the former colonies.
5.) Finding out all the most interesting properties of ectoplasmic discharges in spiritual activity (tip: ectoplasm is the poor man's OxyClean).


That's about all I can recall off the top. We were pretty big into Modern, and I still am.. don't let the occasional D&D game fool ya.



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