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"Revenge, Renewal and the Promise of a New Year" (Boot Hill/D&D)

Silver Moon

Chapter 109, “There's a Party Goin' on Right Here ”, January 11th, 1882:

"Is that really what I sound like?" Kate cocked her head to listen. "It sounds so different when I'm not actually sitting and playing." She finished up the last of her food and closed her eyes to listen.

Chester comes back from his room, after dropping off his gun. Not much place for that at a party. He grabs a plate and puts some food on it. He sits down and listens to the lovely music. What luck I was able to gain the trust and friendship of such people. I like this. He then notices Gonzales’s hands are not touching the keys and that it isn’t a player piano. Chester walks up to the piano. "Mr. Gonzalez. I had no idea you're a magic-user. Aren't you worried of what the townsfolk think?" He looks up and says, "The townsfolk don't know. The only ones who do are right here in this room. Please keep it that way."

Kate interjects, "Yesterday morning I had to use some of what you've taught me in Mr. Martin's presence. He understands the need for silence in this matter." He smiles and says "Dorita had a long talk with Maggie earlier tonight. She's fine with it as well, otherwise she wouldn't be here now." He then adds, "Be as loud as you want. I've sealed all of the sound in the room from exiting. The shutters and shades are all drawn and all entranceways to this room now have a spell on them so that anyone approaching will change their minds and decide not to. That should afford this party all of the privacy we want and allow me to use my skills freely."

Ruby smiles at Jake, “Dancing with you is always fun and I don’t want to stop but we have to, for now anyway...” Ruby brings Jake back to the table and makes sure everyone’s drink is full, then she clears her voice. "I would like to make a toast to all my new friends, even though I wish I did it before I had all those drinks... Anyway, firstly, to Kate, Sonoma and Nanuet, I wish you much luck with your new land purchase. With all the smarts you have you cannot fail at whatever you try and you will, I am certain, have the best ranch around." Smiling at Mr. Gonzales, "To Mr. Gonzales, the most special teacher a girl could ask for and one who believes in me more than anyone. And Pedro and Dorita, who in two weeks have become friends we can really count on. And Chester, who in the short time I have known him has been as sweet and honorable as any man I have ever met. I’m sure it won’t be long until Chet here finds some business to succeed at. And finally to Jake,” she gives him a special glance, “whose new venture in the silver mine will, I am sure, make him just as popular as ever.”

“I’m not used to having many friends I can count on, well any friends I can count on actually, and I’m really liking it, so here is to all of you!” Ruby drinks her whiskey down. Ruby looks at their faces. “What? I said I wish I did it before all those drinks,” she says with a giggle. Nanuet stands up and pulls Sonoma to her feet while Ruby is beginning to speak. As she starts her toast he grabs their drinks, gives Sonoma her glass and listens intently. He laughs at the explanation at the end of her toast and drinks down his whisky in one swallow. "Ruby, you stole the words right out of my mouth. Thanks."

Jake gets up and only sways a faint amount considering all he has had to drink. "Congratulations again, " with only a slight slurring of his words, "to you three" he continues nodding towards Katherine and then the two tangled on the floor, "on doing what you love. It makes all the difference in the world, 'cause otherwise it ain't worth doin' " he says with surprising sincerity. "To the ranch!" and with that raises his glass, smiles and downs it rather too quickly. He sits back down carefully, displaying a knack for functioning while seriously intoxicated. With an easy smile, he holds his glass out to be refilled.

Katherine stood with her still nearly full glass in hand. “I think I’ll do this before I’ve had too many of these,” she began. “Nanuet, Sonoma, thank you for making it possible for me to pursue a dream I was never meant to pursue alone. I couldn’t ask for better partners than the two of you.

My life has changed a great deal in the past two weeks, and it is all due to the people in this room. I cannot thank you enough for being family and friends to me at a time when I very much need them. So here are my thanks. To Ruby for always being there for me, to Jake for looking out for us, to Nanuet for proving the prejudices I came here with to be false. To Sonoma, Dorita, Pedro, and Mr. Gonzales for making me feel part of their family, and Maggie for making me part of hers.” She smiled at Chester. “And to you for understanding and keeping our secrets.”

She turned to Mr. Gonzales. “Merci, le professor aimé de réveiller mon esprit et de me montrer de telles choses merveilleuses.” She raised her glass. “I wish the best of fortune and happiness to each of you.”

Ruby smiles at Jake and refills his glass. Then she takes his glass and hands him the bottle flips her hair and walks over to Kate. Ruby gently grabs Kate by the arm. “Come on Kate, we’re going to dance. My partner over there has had one too many I think,” she laughs. She drags Kate over to the dance floor. She yells out to no one “Someone play that thing please!” She drinks Jake's drink, but the glass down, grabs Kate and spins her around. “You look particularly lovely tonight," she says reaching out to touch Kate's hair. "The thought of your new ranch agrees with you I think.” Ruby smiles sincerely at her friend and they start dancing around the Cantina laughing.

"At least someone wants to dance with me," Kate smiled. "Yes, the ranch agrees with me. And so does seeing all of you happy with someone. I really think I can live here, Ruby." Ruby says, "I'm sure everyone wants to dance with you Kate, but I got you first," Ruby giggles. Then she continues seriously, "You have to stop doing that to yourself, putting yourself down. Many men look at you, you just don't see it because you are not ready yet. But you will be soon. Just give yourself some time. OK, enough of that. Now, you haven't had nearly enough to drink, we're going to have to fix that problem. And did I tell you how pretty you look tonight?"

"Why get drunk? This isn't a night I want to forget. And yes, you did. This is what Mr. Gonzales did earlier, but it was a bit too much for the Lone Star, don't you think?" Kate paused a moment. "Do they really? Look I mean?" Ruby replies, "You don't have to drink to forget, Kate. You drink to loosen up a bit. Of course they look. And like I said, when you are ready you will see it too. Believe me, you will." Ruby smiles at Kate and touches her face. "Your hair isn't what makes you pretty Kate. It's everything about you, including your personality. You are a very special person to care about people the way you do." Ruby leans into Kate and gives her a big hug, and doesn't let go.

"Am I not loose enough for you then?" she chuckled. Jake spits his whiskey that he was drinking out onto the table. Chester jumps up and pats him on the back, oblivious to Jake’s laughing while he chokes. Jake’s coughs, "Thanks Chet." and tries not to look at the ladies on the dance floor while he pours himself another drink. Kate hugged Ruby back, and waited a few moments for Ruby to let go. When she didn't she whispered, "Ruby dear, isn't this a rather, well, inappropriate way for us to dance?"

Ruby replies, "Er, Kate, you are the definition of unlooseness if you don't mind me saying. But maybe that is all the drinks speaking." Ruby glances around the room, "Who here is going to tell you what is appropriate. No one here can tell you what to do. But if you are worried about it then ok," Ruby slowly pulls herself away from Kate. "Maybe I'll go get Jake then. I'm sure Chester would love to dance. But before I do," Ruby lets go of Kate and gives her a kiss on the lips. "That's for being you, Katherine Kale." With that Ruby turns on her heel and goes back to Jake.

Kate stood suddenly alone on the dance floor with a blush staining her cheeks. She hurried back to her seat next to Maggie and quickly downed her drink. Ruby walks back to Jake and leans over him, whispering, and “Jake I want you to dance with me again Come on..." Jake stands up a little unsteady. "I'm game. Chester, don't make me dance alone." Jake turns and says to him. Chester gives him a horrified look and Jake responds, "Not with ME you idiot, ask Katherine." Chester replies, “Well, that's a relief. I haven't had that much to drink."

To Manuel, Chester adds, "Mr. Gonzalez, your secret is safe with me. You and your family have been wonderful hosts. Thank you." And with that Jake and Ruby head back to the dance floor kicking up their heels and twirling around. For the most part Jake is stable if not elegant, and Ruby manages to keep him upright the rest of the time.

Sonoma looks to Nanuet "so what do you think about all of these people? I know life changes but sometimes things change so fast I'm not too sure that I can keep up with everything going on. New friends that are as intense as Ruby and as thought provoking as Kate. Land to build on and work with, people who accept me as myself in all of the ways that I am ...and you. It's like living in a whirlwind and not knowing what to expect next and except for the fact that we seem to get shot at an awful lot it's been mostly all good. I went from quiet sameness for almost a year. Years to a good kind of chaos in two weeks. With that she snuggles into his shoulder and sighs contently. “I feel safe with you and I like the way that feels even when there are bullets flying all around.”

Before Chester can get up enough nerve to ask Katherine to dance Manuel beats him to it. Maggie continues to play the piano for the three pairs now out on the dance floor while Manuel waits for her answer. "Of course," Katherine accepted and offered Mr. Gonzales her hand. He took it and led her out onto the dance floor with the others, being careful to steer clear of the more inebriated dancers. After a while, Chester taps Manuel on the shoulder. "Can I have the next dance with Mrs. Kale?" "Of course, Mr. Martin. If she approves, that is." Kate says, "I'd be happy to. Shall we?" The pair dance for a while. It's obvious Chester doesn't know how, but he picks it up quickly, if not smoothly.

After stomping around on the floor for a couple of songs in an imitation of dancing, Jake pulls Ruby towards the kitchen. "I need a breather and some water." They disappear into the kitchen and after a few minutes there is some giggling and then it is quiet again.

The party continues a short while longer. Maggie says that she really should be getting back to the Lone Star and asks Chester to escort her. Manuel also decides that it is time for him to be heading off to bed. "Sure thing, Mrs. Whipple. Let me get my gun first. Who knows what's out there. Goodnight, Mr. Gonzalez." Kate ran over to talk to Maggie for a moment and thanked her for being there with them. She saw Mr. Martin and Maggie off and then went over to talk to Mr. Gonzales.

Chester retrieves his weapon, and escorts Maggie home. He says, "Goodnight, Mrs. Whipple. Thanks for joining us." Chester lights a cigarette and checks his pocket watch. Saying, “I got to get to bed. I need to go to the bank tomorrow." He walks back to the El Parador, looking out for the guy he and Jeff dumped in the pigpen.

Gonzales was on his way over to the stairs when Kate caught him. "I just wanted to thank you, for everything. This night was wonderful. And thank you for asking me to dance." He smiles and says "I couldn't let my Granddaughter and Great Granddaughter have all the fun now could I? Sleep well my little sandpiper, tomorrow we will spend some time learning something new." She replies, "I'm looking forward to it."

Kate went back into the main room to help Dorita and Pedro clean up. She nibbled at what was left of the appetizers and hummed under her breath. She'd had just enough to drink to feel pleasantly warm, but sleepiness was setting in. Once everything was cleaned up, she hugged Dorita and Pedro and thanked them before she went up to her own room to sleep.

Jake and Ruby finally emerge from the kitchen, looking a bit disheveled. "Hey, where is everyone?" Ruby asks looking around the quiet, dark room curiously. Jake shakes his head. "Amateurs." He turns to Ruby, "But we can continue the party upstairs let's go." He grabs Ruby's hand and starts pulling her towards the stairs, stopping to steal another bottle of whiskey from behind the bar. They trip a couple times getting up the steps, stop a few times to kiss, and take a few more drinks of whiskey. Finally they make it back to Jake's room.

Nanuet and Sonoma giggle from the corner where they have settled in comfortably. "I guess they didn't see us." Sonoma says standing up. "No, I guess not." Nanuet says with a laugh. "I hate to be the end of the party myself, but I do have a journey to make tomorrow. The offer is still open if you want to come with me, it shouldn't take all day." Nanuet pauses and looks at Sonoma. "I will be heading over to the grove for the night, do you care to join me?'

She replies, "I will come with you tomorrow" Sonoma looks at Nanuet with very big dark eyes " I don't want to disappoint you but I think I'm going to spend the night in my own bed. Things have been changing very fast and I really need a little time to catch up with everything that has been going on. OK? When would you like to leave in the morning?"

Upstairs, Ruby's devilish smile reappears. “So, Jake, we’ve lasted a whole night with me as your girl. I think we’re doing pretty good…” Ruby laughs. “What do you think?” she says pushing him into the chair. Standing over him, “And I told you earlier now that I am your girl I can dance for you if you want me to. You interested?” she says with one arched eyebrow.

"Heh, never asks a barber if you need a haircut." He takes off his hat, twirls it across the fingers on his hand, says to his hat "you can take a break now, you've done your part." He throws his hat across the room. "I don't know what I was thinking earlier, I really can pay to have my shirts cleaned and pressed." He leans back grinning ear to ear, "I'm interested."

“Of course you are,” she giggles. “But don’t forget the rules, no touching or the big burly bouncer comes over and kicks your ass,” she says laughing. She leans over in front of him, giving him a good view down her dress, and whispers, “So you have to behave yourself Mr. Cook. I know that will be hard for you…” She kisses him slowly then stands up, letting her hair loose as she does. She takes a step back and starts dancing.

She pulls her shoes off and throws them across the room, landing near Jake’s hat. She puts her foot on Jake’s knee and leisurely pulls off one stocking then switches to do the same for the other. She leans in close to Jake and pulls his shirt off without any argument from him. Then she turns her back to him and sits on his lap, pulling her hair over her shoulder. She loosens the ribbon of her corset until it falls out and she throws her top on the floor, leaving only a sheer undershirt, which is hanging, off her shoulders. Jake tries to grab her around the waist but Ruby gives him a playful slap, “I told you, you have to behave…” She stands up and gracefully kicks her skirt off, leaving just the underskirt. She continues to dance around teasing Jake every chance she gets, leaning into him and kissing him occasionally but not really letting him touch her.

Finally Ruby sits on Jake’s lap facing him and whispers, “This is the part where you tell me how much you want and need me, Mr. Cook. Unless of course, you changed your mind and you don’t…” "Is that before or after I say you are the most desirable woman in the Arizona Territory?" He leans forward a bit. Ruby laughs. “That is the second time you said that, I was hoping by now to be the most desirable woman in at least these United States of America. I guess I’ll have to try harder…” She takes Jake’s face in her hands and gives him the most passionate kiss she can muster in their current state. “Does that help?” "Mmmmm. That covers southwest territories, let's go for the west of the Mississippi." He grabs her and they tumble to the floor....

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Silver Moon

Chapter 110, “Another Busy Morning”, Thursday, January 12th, 1882:

Early Thursday morning Ruby lies draped over Jake, awake but with her eyes closed, taking in the moment. Jake’s wakes up and tries to quietly slide himself out of bed but Ruby opens her eyes and watches him. Before he can get out of bed she puts her hand on his thigh to stop him. “Do you have to go to the bank?” she asks sleepily. “Yesterday morning was so nice, I don’t want you to go, I want you to stay…” Ruby sits up and throws her arms around Jake from behind, letting her long hair fall over his shoulder. She whispers in his ear, "What can I do to make you stay here with me?"

"I don't have to go to the bank." Jake leans back so they both fall over back into bed. "But I told you yesterday I'm trying to get Chester a job there so I can quit. I'd like the Condon brothers to think I'm a good guy. They have money and control much of the town. So me getting out of bed is an investment. One that pays off in not having to get out of bed in the very near future." Jake worms his way around to face Ruby. "I do hate getting up early. And more so hauling my ass out of bed with you in it."

He struggles through the bedclothes a bit to get his arms around her. "Look, I'm not accustomed to building so many relationships in a town. It takes a little time and effort. It wouldn't matter how late I stayed in bed if I was going to bolt from this little spot of depravity in the next couple of weeks. It appears, however, that I need a different way of operating than I am accustomed to." He notices the confused look on her face. "I need to get up one or two more times early so I don't have to anymore." He says with a smile. "I'll explain it again when you wake up." “That’s the problem, you’re not going to be here when I wake up. I’m going to be alone.” Ruby gives him a halfhearted smile. “Why do you need a different way of doing things? You can still do what you want.”

"That my dear Ruby West is an excellent question." Jake extricates himself from the bed. "The silver mine is worth significantly more if I hang around for some extended period of time." As he is putting on his clothes. "If I keep behaving like I have in the past, I'll need to move on in a few months or even weeks. I think you understand that. Give me some time to sort this out." He pulls his boots on. "If I need to blow this town, well... I've never run with a woman before. And we've not talked about it." He stretches his arms and yawns. "Hermes save me woman, give me a little time to sort this out first." He gives her a smile and a kiss on the head before he picks up his gun belt and throws it over his shoulder.

Jake sees a flash of surprise cross Ruby’s face. “You would take me with you if you had to leave here?”
"Uh, well, not if you're kicking and screaming' against it. If you wanted to come..." Jake doesn't finish the sentence. Ruby relaxes and smiles for real. “I would go with you Jake,” she whispers then pauses. “Alright, alright I’ll give you time to sort things out. I won’t ask you to stay again.” As he kisses her on the head Ruby smiles wider and gives a slight purr. “You just make sure to let me know that even though you have to leave me you really don't want to.”

“Now since I am already awake I am going to get up and get something done today.” She drags herself out of bed and gets her stuff together. “Have a good day, I’ll see you later.” Ruby gives Jake a kiss then with a smile she starts to slip out the door but he grabs her arm and pulls her back in.

"Er, there is something you ought to know about the Lone Star." Jake scratches his beard. "Grumpy Tom asked me if I wanted to buy the whole thing, not just partner. He and his father have no intention of leaving Maggie behind. Now Maggie may have other ideas." Jake rubs some more sleep out of his eyes. "I figure either way is not a problem for you. You could be a partner if you want, or you could let the chips fall where they may. If all the Whipples go back to Denver, they'll be an opening at the Comique. So even if the Lone Star burns to the ground you can work if you want to. Tom didn't want me to tell anyone, not that I give a rat's tail about him. But they have it in for Maggie I think, to make sure that she doesn't look able to manage the place so they can drag her home."

He straps on his gunbelt and finishes. "Look, I'm willing to help you or Katherine to some extent if you really wanted to own a saloon, but I'm no saloon manager. I'd hate to see Katherine fail at ranching because she was tied up trying to run a saloon. So I didn't say anything last night." He grabs his hat and drops it on his head. "And I'm not going to say anything today. Now if Ruby hears something, somewhere about the Whipples selling the whole saloon and wants to convince Jake with her womanly ways to help her with that saloon..." He grins and opens the door for her. "...we can talk later."

“The whole thing, huh?” Ruby gets lost in thought for a moment then snaps back. “I’m not worried about a job, I can find one anywhere. I don’t have any particular love for Maggie myself but Kate does… I’m sure those men think she can’t do it just because she is a woman, and that’s not very fair. Although like I said, I haven’t seen anything from her to prove otherwise and I don’t want to be Maggie’s babysitter.” Ruby furrows her brow, “Where would we get all that money from? Maybe Tom knows someone else who knows something about running a saloon to partner with us and they could run it.”

Ruby straightens Jake’s gunbelt and tugs on his jacket. “You know, it occurs to me that we do a lot of talking,” Ruby smiles at him. “I hope that there are some other qualities that you like about me too…” Ruby stands on her toes and gives Jake another kiss. “I’m off. I hope we have time to talk about it later before I have to work.” Ruby start walking away then stops, "Oh and I think convincing Jake with my womanly ways has become my specialty..." Ruby gives him a glance over her shoulder as she walks down the hallway.

"Heh." Jake says to himself watching her saunter away to her room. He shakes his head, "I'm doomed." He goes down stairs whistling, mangling one of the songs from last night. He burns himself on a cup of coffee and has a quick bite of breakfast before stumbling over to the bank a bit bleary eyed. He pushes his hat down closer over his eyes, the morning sun feeling a bit too bright. "Where is that Chester Martin, I need to talk to him before the bank opens."

Chester wakes up bright and early as is his habit. He cleans and reloads his rifle and revolver. If I'm going to stay around here, I'll need a more permanent place to live. It's not fair for me to take up a room that the Gonzalez's can rent out to someone else. But first, I'll try to keep a job for more than one day. The ex-soldier washes his face and changes into some of his working clothes. Time to check on the horse. Still need a name, though.

He straps on his gun belt as he walks down the stairs. In the common room, Chester catches sight of Jake. "Good morning, Mr. Cook. I hope you had fun at the party. I sure enjoyed myself." "Easy Chester, don't talk so loud. And quit being so damn cheerful." Jake replies with a wince. "Listen, I put a good word in for you with Morand Cartage. They will be needing some security help on the Fisk Mountain run. It's up to you if you are interested."

Jake stretches and flexes his arms. "Yah, I did have a good time. I've got to lose this job so I can sleep in. Anyway, I was saying... If you play your cards right with Morand you could probably convince him to have you handle security. Maybe even start your own little service. Up to you though. I don't give a rat's tail either way. You figure out how to juggle between the bank and that, or pick one over the other. You're a big boy." Jake rubs his hand across his eyes, "I could use a drink. That'll have to wait though, first my business with Condon." Then Jake gets sly grin on his face, "The available women at the cantina are getting taken up quickly. Seems like you are missing out." He gives the solder a gentle punch in the arm.

Ruby gets back to her room and starts getting ready for her trip. She puts on a travel skirt and shirt and covers it with her long, black velvet jacket. She quickly pins her hair up and adds a hat that has a long piece of material hanging from the back, to try to hide her hair a bit. She looks at the time and hurries down the stairs. She grabs an apple and a muffin from Dorita. As Ruby grabs her breakfast on the run from Dorita she hands her a small package "Sonoma thinks you may need this and so do I. Make a tea 1 teaspoon of leaves every morning and drink it... it will keep unwanted packages from showing up at your door"

Ruby makes her way to the stage office to buy a ticket to Tombstone. She purchases her ticket and waits for the stage to be ready. Ruby adjusts her dress and walks over to the stage to get on. Chuck Nevers holds the door open for Ruby and she steps inside. She is the first passenger to board. Two more people, apparently a couple, enter behind her. The man is around thirty with long dark hair and a pockmarked face. The woman beside him is around the same age, chubby, missing a few teeth and has unkempt hair. Both are wearing tattered clothing and smell as though they have not bathed in weeks.

"Thanks Mr. Nevers," says Ruby as she climbs on board. She tries to keep from making faces at the smell coming from across the aisle and makes sure to sit near the window. One more person enters. The door is no sooner shut when the stage begins to move, getting off a little later than scheduled. Ruby immediately recognizes him as Deputy Marshall Morgan Earp. He also recognizes Ruby and has a semi-panicked look on his face. He starts to sit beside the couple but his sense of smell rules out and he gets back up and sits beside Ruby instead.

Ruby extends her hand to Morgan. "Mr. Earp, how nice to see you again," she says with a mischievous smile. "And you Mrs. Cook," he states. He adds "I appreciate what you and your husband did for me the other day. I wouldn't be alive today otherwise." A brief flash of annoyance crosses Ruby's face before she regains her composure and gets the smile back and says, "Jake Cook is not my husband."

Earp replies, "He isn't? But I thought....ah, I get it. Baxter was too drunk to get it right yet again. I'll be glad when Clum runs that guy out of town." She says, "Do I look like the type of girl who would be married? But never mind that. I am also NOT a prostitute in case you still had questions. Yes that drunk Baxter got the entire story wrong. But I will take the thanks for helping you the other day." Ruby looks him straight in the eyes. "Katherine Kale is really the one you should be thanking.” He turns his head slightly so that he is no longer looking Ruby in the eyes and says "Well, be sure to thank her for me then."

Ruby says with a snip, "Tell her yourself. Although I am not sure you should even try to talk to that woman with all the rumors and all..." Morgan doesn't respond to Ruby's quip and she thinks she should leave it at that. She says, "So, what business do you have in Tombstone today Marshall Earp?" she says with a flip of her hair. She glances at the couple across from her. They haven't done anything suspicious... yet. He says, “My brother Virgil called for me. There's been some trouble there that he needs some help with." While they talk the couple sitting diagonally across the stage begin conversing with each other in a language that Ruby suspects in Russian.

She answers, What kind of trouble? Anything I should be concerned about since I'll be spending the day? Ruby keeps her eyes on the smelly Russians. Morgan says, "Nothing you're not already all too familiar with. The Cowboy Gang went after another stagecoach. You managed to be on stages that outran them twice but this one they caught. Virgil has a pretty good idea who was involved and asked if Wyatt could spare me to help out." 'Who do they think was involved?" she asks.

He replies, "I'll find out when I get to Tombstone. Something like that Virgil wasn't going to put in the note." She says, "Interesting. So that doesn't even have to be the real reason you were called to Tombstone." Ruby looks out the window. "I hope you find whomever the real bad guys are, Marshall Earp." Ruby decides she's had enough with the questions so she keeps looking out the window and only occasionally glances at the Russian couple.

Katherine rose in the morning and dressed in a dark red dress. She styled her hair simply, leaving it to hang loose behind her back and using the clip from Mr. Gonzales to pull back the front. A matching hat and black gloves finished the ensemble. She picked up her small purse and went downstairs. "Have you seen Ruby this morning?" she asked Dorita. Dorita replies, "She's already gone out, in quite a hurry." Kate says "Oh. Well. I guess I'll see her later then. Thank you." Kate started across the room. "Katherine, you've had no breakfast," Dorita called from behind her. Kate just shook her head and waved as she slipped out the door. If she stopped to exchange words Dorita would have her sitting with a plate in minutes.

She hurried toward the land office. After that she would have to go see Mr. Berg, and then head over to the Long Branch. If that went well she'd have to ride out to the ranch, and still be back for her lessons that afternoon. There was no time to dawdle. Katherine walked into the land office. "I'm sorry to disturb you Mr. Winston, I know you're busy." The man looked up a bit distractedly. "Mrs. Kale. Your deed won't be ready until tomorrow." She replies, "Yes, I know. I hoped I could ask you about another matter. Do you recall anything strange about the transfer of land between Hamilton Fisk and Flint Greymountain?"

He goes to his books and looks up the transaction. "Can't really tell you about it. Fisk handled that himself, I just recorded it after the fact." "That's quite unusual isn't it? When I spoke to Mr. Greymountain yesterday, he was under the impression that Hamilton Fisk was the land officer. I suppose it could have been just a misunderstanding. But I'm fairly certain Mr. Fisk wasn't confused when he charged $100 an acre for the land. I don't suppose Mr. Fisk was serving as the local land officer last March?"

Winston says "Fisk is a lawyer. Any lawyer licensed in the Territory can handle the legal paperwork for a land transaction, he and Berg both do it fairly regularly for out of town investors. But I have to do the actual filings. As to a selling price, land around here used to go for only $ 1.25 an acre due to the Desert Lands Act of 1877. You could buy up to 160 acres at that price. That didn't last for long around here, since silver was discovered in Tombstone back in '77 as well. The Territorial Governor sensed a land rush so he quadruped that price to $ 5.00 an acre for the four southeastern counties. Most of the rest of the state you can still get for the lower price. Fisk bought all the hills to the southeast near town around two years back. He's free to sell them to whoever he wishes at whatever price they'll pay."

"Of course he is. But Mr. Greymountain told me that he and his partner had bought their land, unclaimed, directly from the Arizona Territory. But of course, the possibility that Mr. Fisk claimed to be the Deputy County Recorder doesn't change his legal right to sell the land at whatever price he chooses. Thank you for your time, Mr. Winston. We made our deposit yesterday. I'll be back for the deed tomorrow. Good morning." Kate turned to leave the office.

Kate left the land office a bit disappointed. She hadn't really expected Mr. Winston to know anything, but she thought he'd at least be upset at the idea the Fisk had been masquerading as the County Recorder. But he was very busy, after all, with other things on his mind. She made her way to Mr. Berg's office and went inside. "Good morning. I'm Mrs. Katherine Kale. Jake Cook dropped off a deed for you to look at yesterday, I'm here to inquire about it."

Berg replies, "Oh yes, Mrs. Kale. I saw you testify two days ago in court. Yes, I've looked over the deed. It's legit, issued by the Arizona Territory Land Office. So, have the owners managed to find anything on the land?" She says, "Nothing to speak of. Sadly, Mr. Greymountain's partner was killed last week. Stabbed by cattle rustlers whom he witnessed crossing their claim.

Mr. Greymountain has decided to ranch the land instead. Myself and two partners have purchased 200 acres of adjacent land to combine with his claim. When we informed him of our purchase, he was surprised to learn that Mr. Hamilton Fisk was not the land officer. He believed that he and his partner had bought the claim directly from the Arizona Territory for $100 an acre. The land office shows the land being transferred from Fisk to Mr. Greymountain and his partner. Is there any way Mr. Fisk can attempt to reclaim that land from Flint?"

He answers, "No, your Mr. Greymountain owns the whole thing then fair and square unless his partner willed his half to somebody else." Berg shakes his head "And if you haven't figured it out already, Fisk is slime. I'm sorry to hear that he's taken advantage of your friend." "So was I." Kate took the deed back and tucked it inside her purse. "I just wish there was something to be done. There is no way to prove Mr. Fisk misrepresented himself as the land officer. It would be Flint's word against Fisk.

Thank you Mr. Berg. What do I owe you?" He answers, "Nothing at this point my dear. But if I ever have enough evidence to bring a real case against Fisk I'll want your and your friend to testify about this." Kate smiled. "Thank you. Perhaps some day Flint will be able to find his partners papers. They may be helpful." Kate offered her hand. "Thank you for your help."

Kate left Mr. Berg's office and headed toward the Long Branch. This was the part she wasn't sure of. She hoped Conrad Booth might be there; then she could ask his advice before approaching Cole. Kate stepped inside the saloon and looked for Mr. Booth or someone who was employed there. The Long Branch is close to deserted. The only person around is a female wood elf who is washing down the tables. She tells Kate "The Saloon won't be open until noon." "I'm sorry. I should have realized. I'll come back later."

A few blocks away, Jake had seen one of the Condon brothers approaching the bank and waved. "Here we go Chester, remember what I told you. And keep it to yourself." Jake and Chester head up to the door and wait for him. Frank Condon lets them into the bank. He shows Chester where two loaded rifles and two loaded shotguns are stored for easy access by employees but out of the sight and reach of customers.

He then takes them into the vault. The large walk-in vault with shelves lined with bags. "We keep the money in here. There's always one open money bag for the tellers for easy access, but the rest of these bags are all dummies, with a few real bills on top and there rest dummy money, mostly confederate bills. There's a false floor under our feet and the bags of real money are usually stored beneath the floorboards, although we're a little shy of cash at the moment."

Jake waits until Frank Condon has finished showing Chester Martin the bank routine and 'secrets'. "Mr. Condon, can I talk to you a minute while Chester keeps an eye on things?" The two of them go over to a corner of the bank. "Mr. Condon, some substantial business opportunities have made themselves available to me and in order to pursue them I need to resign from your employment. You did me a favor by giving me this job, and I don't want to walk out on you and leave you stuck. I'll continue to make myself available to you while you try out Chester, or find some other suitable replacement. I hope we'll be able to continue to do business together, I believe I will continue to need the services of your bank. This probably works out as a good time seeing the risk to the vault is low right now. But that's between us."

Condon replies, "I heard rumors about you being a partner in that new mine. Heard tell that your first ore load came to nine grand. Also heard that the First National got all of the banking. If you're inclined to move your share over here I'd be more than happy to let Mr. Martin help guard it."

"So let me be clear, I'm not making my business with you contingent on having Mr. Martin over there," Jake points his thumb over his back, "being your bank guard." Jake gets a little closer to Condon. "I didn't pick the bank for the mining operation, that was done by the senior partners. I did see that Chester Martin knows how to shoot a gun and is fairly courageous. Beyond that, you decide who your bank guards are." Jake offers Frank Condon is hand in a handshake, "I have some money in your bank, and will soon have some more. Take care of it." He gives him a wink. "And let me know if you need some assistance while you figure out about your guard situation."

"I have a question now that needs your banking expertise." Jake takes out a brand new $20 bill. "Do you bankers know what new bills you get by serial number. And perhaps what customer may have gotten them if you do?" He says "Yeah, but most new bills go to the other bank rather than here. They're the ones who trade assayed metal for hard currency with the Government. Let me check that one out."

He heads over to a ledger book and checks the number. He looks back up at Jake and says "Close but no cigar. It's around a thousand higher than the numbers on the twenties in my last Government shipment from three weeks back. They delivered to both the First National and the bank in Tombstone on that same day so it was probably in one of their batches." "OK, thanks. I'll be around town." Jake walks over to Chester. "It's all yours soldier. Take good care of it. And only shoot the bad guys." Jake gives him a pat on the shoulder and heads out of the building to Morand Cartage.

Silver Moon

Chapter 111, “A Visit to the O.K. Corral”, Thursday, January 12th, 1882:

Nanuet meets Sonoma early and they accompany Seawell to attend to his business before heading to see the Shaman. She says, "Let's go take care of the discussion that needs to happen Mr. Seawell then we can have the rest of the day to ourselves Nanuet if that's OK with both of you." "You know whatever you say is ok with me, Sonoma," Nanuet says blushing. Sonoma smiles at both men as she mounts her horse and settles in for a ride.

It is late morning when Patrick Seawell, Sonoma and Nanuet reach the mountainside farm two miles from the town of Dos Cabezas situated in the mountains of the same name. They see a flock of two hundred sheep grazing in the fields. A lone farmer is sitting in a wooden chair on the hillside. He eyes them suspiciously. A shotgun is at the man's side but he does not reach for it. Sonoma calls out in Spanish "Hello I am Sonoma and I wish to speak to you may we come to your pasture?”

He yells back in Spanish. "Yes, come over. Do you wish to buy some meat or wool?" Sonoma rides over with the men following her "I have come to talk to you about many things that may interest you, wool, meat and the land that you have your pastures on. you are?” He replies, “I am Juan Carlos de Verdes. And who are the three of you?" Sonoma introduces both Mr. Seawell and Nanuet. She says, “ I have come here because Mr. Seawell wishes to speak with you and his Spanish is not what he wishes it to be.”

Sonoma and the farmer have a long conversation. He expresses how they cannot sell the land, as his family cemetery is located on it. She talks to Seawell and he explains that the section of the mountain he is interested in is not anywhere near the cemetery. He offers to pay the wood elves $ 5,000 for the thirty acres of the mountain that is of interest to him.

Sonoma gets Seawell to use his geology skills to find them closer water source in the land if one exists. He agrees to do this prior to extracting any ore. She also negotiates as part of the deal for Seawell to purchase thirty of the man's sheep. Seawell asks her in English "What will I do with those?" She replies "You will pay me with them for helping you make this deal. I am trying to make it a good deal for everyone." She then smiles and says "Unless you plan to use them to become a rancher?" He laughs and says "No, I think I have enough on my hands already." Tentative arrangements are worked out. Seawell says that they will return in a few days to finalize the deal. The three ride back to Promise City.

Jake arrives at the Morand Cartage Company and asks if this is a good time to bring the wagon and team over and pay for it. Zack Morand introduces him to a half-elf employee who he introduces as Julio O'Grady. He instructs O'Grady to ride the carriage over. He invites Jake into the office and pours them both a glass of whiskey. Morand asks Jake "So tell me Mr. Cook, do you have any brothers?"

"Uh, yes." He replies a little uncomfortably. "Both older. Charles and Lawrence are their names. I would be indescribably surprised if you were to tell me you knew them from west of the Mississippi somewhere." Morand replies "Oh no Mr. Cook, I doubt I've ever met either. You've met my brother, one of the most successful ranchers in the territory. I've always been in his shadow. He made me manager of this company but that's the best I ever thought I'd aspire too.

Mr. Cook, this opportunity is great. Sure, it's my brother's money that's invested but Seawell partnered with me, not Forest. Berg structured the money from Forest as a loan. This is my chance to be a success in life Mr. Cook and I'm not going to blow it." "I can understand being in a successful older brother's shadow." Jake takes a sip of the whisker, thinking 'ah just what I needed for this hangover'. "Look, I think you are a competent guy. Let me know how we can be successful." Jake raises his glass to him.

O'Grady returns with the carriage and Zack spends the next half-hour doing a thorough inspection. He tells Jake "Everything looks in order. Let's head back over to your bank and transfer money from my account to yours." "Good." Jake finishes the whiskey and his head starts to clear. They head over and process the transaction. "I'll get with the miners and we'll kick this operation into gear."

After Jake is finished at the bank with Zack Morand he heads out in search of his mining partners. All the while keeping an eye open for any of his friends or Seawell. Grant Keebler runs into Jake and says "I think they all headed back to Fisk Mountain last night." "Thanks Grant, I'll see ya 'round the El Parador. Next drink is on me." Jake heads over to the National Bank to see the manager.

Jake goes into the First National Bank looking for Paul Stevens. He asks him about how his account is setup for the mining profits from Fisk Mountain. Stevens explains how it is a revolving credit line based upon the value of the ore. The ore itself is stored in the vault and picked up by the United States Government once a month, although that frequency may need to be increased if more silver flows into town. Jake can transfer money to or from any other account at the bank without any penalty, or withdraw any amount of his money in silver for an assay certificate fee of one-percent. If he wants cash that will cost him five-percent.

Jake also inquires about the serial number from one of the new $20 bills. He looks up the serial numbers and says that it wasn't part of his last shipment but picks up fewer than one-hundred bills from where his left off. He says that Tombstone got the next cash shipment after his so it was probably from that bank."

Jake goes over to the Lone Star and finds Tom Whipple, inviting him to take another walk. "So tell me about the operating costs and returns." Jake says to him. "My final decision as a part owner also depends on how well any other partner and I can work together, I'm sure they would feel the same way. That and in the short term I need to keep Miss West as a headliner, otherwise the returns will slow down. I'm all ears Mr. Whipple, tell me how good a deal this is."

Tom Whipple tells Jake "You've been hanging around for over a week now, you see what the place can do. You've had one good night as dealer. Tony and Job both had excellent nights the last two nights. I've taken in over $ 300 combined from their tables in that short amount of time plus made another $ 100 on drinks. A regular week isn't usually that good, but I still do pretty well. It's a lot less risky a venture than silver mining. As for partners, Kane has already accumulated over $ 700 in just two days. If he does the same tonight that will give him enough for a 25% share of the business. I know he trusts you, so I think you'd be a good partnership."

"Job wants in, huh." Jake says scratching' his beard. "Mind if I talk to him about this?" Tom replies, "Suit yourself. Just make sure Tony doesn't get wind of it. He doesn't know I'll be leaving and the guy could never keep something like this a secret." "Alright, I won't be telling anything to Tony." Jake tips his hat to Tom and heads off to the El Parador.

Kate had gone back to the El Parador. She peeked inside to make sure Conrad Booth wasn't there, and then went to his house and knocked on the door. Booth opens the door "Why hello Mrs. Kale. It is nice to see you again. I'd invite you in but we don't need any more rumors floating around town about you and your friends. I usually eat my first meal of the day at the Cantina around noon. I'd settle for an early breakfast if you're up for an early lunch."

She says, "To be honest, it would be breakfast for me as well. I had quite a bit to do this morning and left in a hurry." She took a step back from the door. "I'm sure my friends and I have the town buzzing," she laughed. "I'd be happy to join you." Kate walked to the El Parador with Mr. Booth and led him to a table where no one would hear their conversation.

"Why don't we take care of business so we can have a pleasant breakfast?" Kate began. "You remember I asked you about Irby Cole, and you were kind enough not to ask why. You already know one of my secrets, I hope you won't mind another." Kate quickly sketched in the situation with meeting the Apache and clearing out the rustlers’ caves. She then told him about Curly Bill's body and her difficulties with collecting the bounty. "I know you don't know Mr. Cole well, but I hoped you could at least advise me as to whether you think he's trustworthy at all. Am I foolish to think we could make any kind of deal?"

Booth replies, "He's not the sort that somebody like you should be talking to, let alone making any kind of deal with. But I know that he's overstayed his welcome at the Long Branch and Kate Higgens would welcome a chance to get rid of him. Unfortunately telling him to leave would not be very safe. So if this body would get him out of town it would be welcomed. Do you know how much the bounty is?"

She says, "No. I wish we did. The bounty is in Texas, and we haven't been able to find out here in town what it is. If the Apache weren't expecting supplies, I'd just bury him and be done with it. Why wouldn't it be safe to ask him to leave?" Booth answers, "Cole has a quick temper and doesn't take orders from anybody. He also seems to like it here. He came for the bounty on Arcade's Gang and seems content to wait until they return. I've told him they're gone and not coming back soon. I've also told him that they weren't involved with the shooting at the Comstock House last week, but he doesn't seem inclined to believe me."

She tells him, "I seem to have hit a dead-end. Cole is my last hope of taking care of this problem. You believe I would be in danger if I approached him? Perhaps if I showed him where the body is he would decide to just take it? I don't want to end up shot just trying to get rid of this body." Booth says "Tell you what. Let me talk to him. I gamble where the guy is living and have spoken to him on occasion. I'll head over to the Lone Star at some point tonight to let you know what he has to say. Of course, if I do this for you I expect you to sit at my table on Sunday night and bring me luck like we talked about earlier."

"You would really do that for me?" Kate shook her head. "No, I can't have you getting hurt for my problem." He says, "Oh don't worry none about me. I'm not one to risk my life. If the conversation starts to go sour I'll back off. Don't spread it around but when the James Gang was spotted inside my house I stayed well away until after Arcade's Gang was finished with them. Self preservation is high on my list of traits." "Well, you're smarter than I am then. I can't seem to keep my nose out of dangerous business,” she states

“As long as you're sure you can keep yourself out of trouble, I'll accept your offer. I can't guarantee luck, but I'll sit at your table. So. Tell me about the rumors going around town," she smiled. He answers, "Depends what you're looking to hear. Most people know that the Whipples are fighting because of the court testimony. Mrs. Whipple becoming friends with Pedro and Dorita seems to have the people in this end of town confused....I don't think the rest of the town knows about that yet. Word is out that Pamela Yeats may have to sell the Trail Dust Saloon what with her husband now going to prison.”

He pauses and then continues, “Word has it that Rebecca Shaw will be having a major fundraiser to build a Roman Church here in town. Anita Rameriz is said to be pregnant and while it is assumed that Rufus Davis is the father that may not be true. I heard that Bob Skull got so drunk the other night that he wandered into Hooton's pigpen and then passed out. And they say that Galeyville is about to be burned to the ground by the Cowboy Gang. Is that enough rumors for you?"

"I hate to admit to being so self-centered, but I really just meant the rumors about my friends and I," Kate laughed. "But those were good ones too." They kept up some light conversation while they ate, and Katherine was sorry when she finally decided she had to be on her way. "I'm sorry, but I really should be going. I need to ride out to my new ranch and let Flint know that I won't be able to get rid of our valuable friend today, and then I have an appointment this afternoon. Thank you for all your help. I'll see you later this evening."

Meanwhile, after a long, hot, bumpy, smelly and rather quiet ride the Stagecoach finally reaches Tombstone. Nevers checks his watch and tells Ruby that it's currently 12:30, and that they plan to leave promptly at 2:00. He asks her if she has any shopping she'd like him to do for her this time. "My, Mr. Nevers, aren't you sweet. Actually if you could find another bottle of that Kentucky Bourbon for me I would SO appreciate it." She hands him a $5 bill. "I'll make sure to be back by 2:00. I can't miss the coach back." With that Ruby gives him a wink and walks over to the O.K. Corral.

Ruby heads down Allen Street and stops at the O.K. Corral at the north side of the street between Third and Fourth Streets. The Corral itself runs way back to the next block. The main barn area is along the street. She enters the building and sees two men working. One is grooming a horse while the other is shoveling manure into a wheelbarrow. Ruby adjusts herself in her dress again to make sure everything is in the right spot and she approaches the men. "Ahem, excuse me gentlemen. I'm looking for a Mr. Tucker..." When they look up at her she smiles at them.

"I'm Tucker," the man with the shovel states. He sets the shovel down and walks over to a bucket of water, washing his hands in it and whipping them on a towel handing on a nail. He then approaches her. "Do I know you?" he asks. The other man goes back to grooming the horse, ignoring them. She says, “No, you don't know me. My name is Ruby, but we sort of have a mutual acquaintance. Is there somewhere more private we can go to talk?”

Tucker and Ruby head down the street to a small restaurant in the Mexican Quarter run by a pair of middle-aged wood elves. The elves bring them a strong herbal tea to drink. Tucker says "Who are you and what do you want?"

"My name is Ruby West." She looks him over trying to figure out if he looks shady or not. Anyone shoveling manure can't be shady she thinks. She pushes her hair to one side, leans closer to him and whispers, “Mr. Tucker, I’m going to get right to the point. I am a friend of Katherine Kale, Tom Kale’s wife. It was a terrible shame what happened to him and it has come to my attention that he did not die in the manner of which Katherine was told. Being a friend of Kate you can imagine that I would not want my friend to suffer needlessly, which is why I am here. But being her friend I also think she deserves to know that truth about what happened to Tom. I already know that he died not from an illness but from a knife in the back, either from Johnny Ringo or Morgan Earp. I believe it was Morgan and his behavior lately has started to prove my theory correct. So the reason I am here is to find out what really happened. You were there the night of the card game. What happened?” Ruby takes a big breath waiting for his answer.

Colby Tucker hesitates. He then asks "What will you do with the information? It could get one or both of us killed if they think we'll bring it to a judge." She answers, "Depends on what it is. But believe me, Mr. Tucker, the last place I'm going to is a judge. I know that more than one person know what happened so no one will know I got this information from you. I just figured you being friends with Tom and all..."

He answers, "I've been trying to forget that night. Tom was so excited about Katherine's impending arrival that he drank too much and won too much. It bothered both Johnny Ringo and Morgan Earp. Morgan accused Tom of cheating but Tom just laughed it off. That seemed to anger Morgan Earp even more, but James Earp managed to talk him down……I was the one who found Tom later that night. I had left before he did but he never came back to the boarding house. I got scared and went for help. James got his brother Virgil. In hindsight I should have gone to Sheriff Behan instead but I was too shocked to think straight. Oh Gods, forgive me." He starts to cry and buries his face in his hands.

Ruby is a bit shocked by the outburst from Tucker. She puts her hand on his shoulder to comfort him and then whispers, "So what do you think happened? You think Morgan did it?" He replies, "I know he did it. It was his knife. I didn't recognize it at first but I did after I calmed down. Virgil Earp confiscated the knife. He would have known it was Morgan's too." She asks, "I knew about the knife. But couldn't someone else have used it?"

He says, "Yes, but the Earps aren't exactly know for loaning out their weapons. Besides, Morgan was the one angriest with Kale that night. Kale was just happy about his wife, but Morgan thought he was gloating about his winnings instead." "Alright, Colby. I am sure this has been very traumatic for you." She pats him on the back softly. "Why would the newpaper not want to print the real story? The editor seemed to know the truth. I guess he is also afraid of the Earps?"

Tucker says, "Afraid? If you mean John Clum of the Tombstone Epitaph, he's good friends with the Earps. Theodore T. Eyck of the Tombstone Nugget may be afraid of them, but he's a newspaperman originally from New York, so I doubt that much scares him. Could just be that they both believed what Marshall Virgil Earp told them."

"Mr. Tucker, you have been more than generous with your information, especially to a stranger. Can I buy you a drink before I leave? Looks like you need it." She has the waitress bring them over two whiskeys. Ruby drinks her while Colby just stares at his. "If it's any consolation, Kate is doing ok for herself. She's made friends and is moving on with her life." Ruby gives his shoulder a final squeeze and heads back to the stage.

Ruby waits for the stage, pondering what Tucker told her. She hadn't really learned anything she didn't really know, but Tucker was positive that Morgan did it. Ruby didn't have any more information to go on and she did believe what Tucker said. Maybe it was time for Kate to know. Ruby remains lost in her thoughts while she waits.

Silver Moon

Chapter 112, “The Street Urchin”, Thursday, January 12th, 1882:

Back at the El Parador Jake orders up some lunch. He looks for his compadre's but finds them all out and about. He chats with Dorita, soaking up some more Spanish. He looks about for Ricardo who gives him some more 'Si Senor' answers and giggles but so far hasn't found anything useful. Then he is off to the Promise City Hotel to speak with Job Kane. Once there he inquires to the proprietors his whereabouts. Job Kane comes downstairs. He notices Jake and asks him to join him for lunch saying, "Melissa Smith's cooking is the best thing about staying here."

Jake replies, "Well, I already ate, but if her cookin' is that good I bet I could squeeze in some more." They sit down, order up lunch and Jake doesn't mince words. "So, Tom tells me you are interested in part ownership. He and I been talking too, don't know if he told you. I like you, and I think I could work with you, but it would be good to know if you felt the same way.” He replies, "Sure Jake. Tom has no confidence in you but you played at my table for four nights and I think I got a good read. I'd be happy to be your partner." Jake replies, "Good enough. Well I have no use for Tom either so I guess he and I are square." Jake laughs.

Jake says, “I'm not interested in owning the whole thing, and don't really want to handle everyday operations. I figure I can invest, contribute, run a table a few times a week or when someone needs covering, and do what I do best. Resolve problems when they come up." Job answers, “"Then we're probably too much of the same mind. I was hoping to avoid handling daily operations too, that would be too distracting for me to try to focus on my game if I had to worry about everything else. Sounds like we need a third partner to be the manager, or we could just hire a manager."

Jake says, "I think I can convince Miss West to stay on, which is good for business. But I want to know what you are thinking.” Job says, "Well I assumed she would be staying. Without her as the main draw I don't know if it would be worth it. " Jake asks, “Is it worth the price? What kind of returns do you expect?
Job says, "Yeah, it's worth it, to me at least. I'm comfortable there which helps me play. I expect that I would be able to keep the twenty-percent I hand over to Tom every night for myself. I'll earn back my investment in a month. I'm just sorry that Judge took all my savings, I could have bought the whole thing otherwise."

Jake asks, “And how do you think running the place day in and out will work? Are you experienced enough to run a saloon or do you have something else in mind?" He replies, "I have nobody specific in mind at this point. Were you thinking of someone?" Jake answers, “I don't know who would be a good manager. I guess I'll start looking. Ruby will be a partner though, hopefully that will keep her interested. And I may be able to keep her interest other ways." Jake laughs again. "If she isn't the death of me first. She's not the right person to manage though that’s for sure. Well, I can always do it for a short time if we need to search for one."

Jake pauses and looks at Job for a minute. "What do you think of the trouble with Adair?" Job replies, "I think the joke is on him. Based on what I hear he's sitting back right now laughing about getting destroying the Whipples marriage. Whatever happens with the Lone Star he'll credit himself for causing." The hotel and restaurant owner returns to the table and Jake comments, "Mrs. Smith, this scoundrel Job Kane just didn't say enough good things about your cooking, I think he's tryin' to keep it to himself.” When she leaves, Jake continues. "OK, let me see what I can settle today. Do you need any help? If not, then good luck and I'll be in touch." Jake shakes his hand and heads over to the El Parador for a drink and to think a bit.

Jake doesn't see any of his friends at the cantina, so gets a drink from the bar and sits down sipping it slowly and thinking. After a while he looks around to make sure no one is watching him, retrieves a small leather wallet from a hidden pocket and removes a photograph. He just looks at the photograph and sips whiskey, apparently lost in thought. "Pretty girl," Dorita says while looking over Jake's shoulder. She refills his glass and then walks away. Jake startles a bit, then waits until Dorita goes back to fade back into thought.

After some amount of time spent by himself in quiet, Jake realizes it is late afternoon. He puts away the photograph and secrets the wallet. He goes out back to chat with Dorita and pester her some more with Spanish lessons. She is good-natured about it, Jake is a faster learner but his accent leaves something to be desired. He asks if Dorita has seen Ruby around, and she tells him not since this morning. Jake assumes she and Katherine must be together.

He heads out and purchases some writing materials, paper and envelopes. He goes back in his room and writes two letters. It has been a while, months probably he really can't remember. But it is to the same two addresses that letters have been mailed to for several years now. Always the same, always without return addresses. He writes the letters slowly, carefully choosing the words. At the end of first of the letters he looks a long time at it before he has a final thought. When he finishes addressing and seals them. He holds them both in his hand for a long time before he takes the pen and ink out again and adds return addresses. He notices the hour has gotten late and that supper may be being served down stairs.

Placing the extra materials, and the finished letters in his nightstand he unwraps his gun cleaning materials. He thoroughly cleans both revolvers, this has always helped him to focus. He stows the double action and straps on his beloved Colt single action fast draw Peacemaker, silently thanks the master gunsmith who made it what it is and picks up his lucky hat. "Heh," he says laughs a short laugh looking at the hat, "I've bought plenty of hats, and you're not any luckier than any of them. But don't you be tellin' anybody it ain't you that's bringing me the luck." He pops the hat on his head, smiles and heads down stairs

After they arrive at Promise City, Nanuet double checks that Sonoma stills wants to see the shaman. When she agrees, the two of them ride off to find him with Maska. It takes hours of tracking and is around 5:00 PM when they actually encounter an Apache shaman, an apprentice of the man they are looking for. He leads them through a thickly packed forest to a small grove on the other side. The senior shaman is there. With him is the man named Riley. Two other Apace Indians, a shaman and a warrior, are also present.

Nanuet dismounts and Sonoma does the same. Maska lopes up beside Nanuet. Nanuet raises his hand in greeting. "Greetings Kajika, Riley and others. Kajika, I have returned to you seeking more knowledge. I have practiced what you taught and want to learn more. I have also brought with me someone I wish you to meet. Her name is Sonoma, she is a special wood elf whom I have begun courting. He moves so that he is standing behind her and places his hands on her shoulders. She is wise beyond her years and I have also learned much from her. Her family has given me protection and aided me since I arrived in Promise City.”

He pauses and then says, “I have also brought supplies that were requested by the men who brought Curly Bill to Flint's mine. I hope this is all that you need." Nanuet continues to speak as he unpacks the parcels he had purchased the day before and hands them to the men seated near Kajika. "And if possible I would like to get the necklace recharged." With that last request he stands before Kajika and bows his head. "That will take time that I do not have today," Kajika states. "I will meet you tonight at the same place as before to continue your training."

"You have met Riley. He is my blood brother. We traveled together for over two years and saved each other's life on many occasions. He came to me with his haunting dreams, which I believe I have cured him of. I was able to glimpse some of these dreams as I did so. I believe that they were premonitions of the future, both his and yours. I believe I know what this creature is that you are destined to protect but wish some more time to confirm that before sharing that knowledge."

"Nanuet, when you first came to me you were overcome by remorse due to your actions having inadvertently caused the death of Storm Golden Eye. Riley has had a similar experience in his past. He has been reluctant to speak of his past due to that but I have told him that now is the time to do so. If he is to stand beside you and your comrades as allies it is important that you all know who he is. He will return with you to the town and when it is opportune he will tell you all his story."

Sonoma nods a greeting to the Indian who is standing in front of her then looks to Nanuet and says, “I have found this man to be bold, brave, and giving, if a little impatient. A good match for me in time.”

She looks Nanuet in the eye and says, "You ask for the wrong thing. You have a teacher who will show you how to use who you are to produce what the necklace does yet it is the necklace you wish to be given again. Wouldn't the knowledge of how to use the power to heal be a better thing to have? It can't be taken from you or lost. You need to take the time to gain some peace and thought there is still much time for all of us to become who we are. Take the gifts that are offered and think about what you are offering yourself. I love you and believe in you there is no rush step back and take the time you need to be who you are.”

Kate got changed. She was hesitant to ride out alone and the El Parador handyman Grant Keebler offered to accompany her. She rode the stallion she'd acquired the morning they went out to Jake's new mine. She called out and he came out of the cave. Kate swung down from the horses back.

"Flint, I've brought your deed back, and unfortunately, I don't have much good news for you. The deed is legitimate, and since we don't have any proof of Fisk's deception beside your word, we don't have a legal case right now. Mr. Berg is interested in representing us if we get any new evidence though. The good news is, since the deed is legitimate, Fisk can't try to claim this land at all. It is yours, free and clear unless Pete willed his share to someone. Flint says, "Nope, he didn't have any heirs or will." As for Curly Bill, I talked with someone today, and I should know this evening if we have a deal. I wish it could have been sooner, I wanted to get him out of here for you."

Flint replies, "It's not so bad now that we've moved him. I'm just glad it's January instead of July." "So am I," Kate laughed. "I'm doing everything I can. I'll be relieved when he's gone." She reached inside her jacket and handed Flint the deed. "I don't have much time today, but hopefully I'll be able to come out and take a good look at the horses in the next few days. Have a good day Flint. Take care." She got back up on the still nameless stallion and nodded to Grant Keebler, who'd graciously agreed to ride out with her.

They headed back into Promise City, where Kate them changed back into her dress and went to see Mr. Gonzales. Katherine opened the door to Mr. Gonzales magnificent rooms and went inside. Her discomfort about agreeing to Mr. Booth's plan began to subside. This place was like a sanctuary, and no matter what might be going on outside it, inside there would be light and learning, and good company. "Mr. Gonzales? I'm here, finally," she chuckled.

Her teacher welcomes her into the room. "Today we will work on Magical Transformations. There are a number of spells that you should become proficient in to help you and your friends. And after we are finished with that we well head down to the Cantina and you will give me my first lesson in piano playing!" "That will be a change, me teaching you something." Kate settled herself into a chair and listened as Mr. Gonzales began his lecture. She soon lost herself in the fascination of magic, interjecting now and then to ask a question or get a clarification before they moved on to any actual spells.

Over in Tombstone, Ruby sees Chuck Nevers around a block away heading back in the direction of the Stagecoach. He has a bottle in his hand and a smile on his face. When he is still around fifty feet away a young child of around ten comes out of a side alleyway and brushes against him heading the opposite direction. As this is happening Ruby sees the child skillfully remove Chuck's wallet from his back pocket without him noticing.

Ruby gives a little smile at the child's swiftness. She quickens her pace to catch up to the kid, but doesn't say anything at the moment. She continues to follow the child, ready to catch if necessary but staying just a bit behind watching.

Ruby watches as the small girl slips into an alleyway near a stable. During the time that Ruby has been watching she see that the child is likely on her own but seems to be caring for her well. The dress is tattered but clean, her hands and face were washed, and her hair contained in a braid held together by a piece of string. However her face has the hungry look that Ruby remembers and a level of stress that shows she is spending her time on the streets

Ruby follows the girl to the alleyway. She doesn’t want to startle her so she doesn’t try to be quiet. She stays on her toes in case the kid tries to run and will try to grab her if she does, but she also tries not to look threatening. “Hey kid, I need a favor. I’ll pay you for it. Interested?” The girl positions herself so that she is out of reach of Ruby and has a clear exit. Ruby recognizes the flight position the child has put herself in just in case. "What is it that you may be needing miss?" the girl asks.

Ruby replies, “What's your name kid?" The child does not answer and Ruby continues, “Well, the favor is simple actually. I need you to return that wallet you just lifted. Now, that wallet belongs to a friend of mine, so you can see why I need it back. But I am willing to make a deal with you. Let's take a look inside and we'll see what kind of money is in there, maybe you and I can come to an agreement about that. And when you do this I'll not take you to the Marshall." Ruby gives the child a smile to try to put her at ease.

The girl turns and bolts Ruby reaches for the girl and barely misses. The girl takes off and starts to run at a high rate of speed away from Ruby. Ruby knows that she could catch the kid as she watches her run away but decides that running though the streets of Tombstone isn't the best idea for not drawing attention to herself at the moment. She chuckles to herself as she walks back to the stagecoach. She thinks, "Well, I was certainly smarter than that when I was a kid. I would have taken the deal, stolen something from the woman, then taken off." She shakes her head and when she gets back to the coach all she does is smile at Mr. Nevers.

Nevers welcomes her back and opens the door to the carriage. He hands her a bottle of bourbon and says "This is the best I could do. It's from Tennessee rather than Kentucky but I think you'll find it to your liking. It was bottled by master brewer Dan Call, whose still is well known in that region." She replies, “I'm sure this'll do just fine, Mr. Nevers. I do appreciate you looking out for me."

She sits for a short while when the door opens again and in hops a bright smiling and bubbly halfling of her acquaintance by the name of Chumbley. Once inside he reaches out and is handed up three large bundles of newspapers tied with twine. He tells the man "Thanks John, I should be back on Saturday." Nevers comes over a few minutes later and says "Looks like it's just the two of you," and then shuts the door.

Ruby tries not to roll her eyes and forces a smile on her face. She is dying to see what's written in the paper but thinks she'd better not read it until they get back to Promise City, just in case there is something in there she doesn't like. "How are you today, Chumbley?" He smiles at her and then exclaims at record speed without pausing between sentences or letting her get a work in edgewise:

"Oh, I'm doing just fine Miss. West. My publisher is extremely pleased with the business we've been doing in Promise City. Mr. Clum says that if this keeps up he may have to set up a print shop right in town to save me having the do the trips back and forth. And today's paper will be the best one yet! It's a full sixteen pages! It was going to be twelve pages, in fact that's what we had printed up yesterday, but then so much more happened last night and this morning. So we worked up another four pages to put over the other twelve. The paper will look a little odd though, since pages one and three are now both front pages, but I doubt that anyone will complain too much. We put the new stories on the front and back pages and found other odds and ends for page two. We didn't have anything for page fifteen so I suggested that we run ads for past advertisers that aren't in this issue free of charge. I figure that goodwill gesture should help prompt some of them to advertise again with the Tombstone Epitaph Promise City Edition. One of those is your employer, the Lone Star Dance Hall and Saloon. It isn't the exact same ad though, since I didn't know if Mr. Whipple would want that coupon run again. But I wrote an excellent write-up of your singing and Mrs. Kale’s piano playing as part of the ad. It fills a full quarter page. The ad also references the return of Mr. Job Kane to the poker table after his recent absence. Do you think Mr. Whipple will mind? And do you think he might take out another advertisement in the next issue? Mr. Clum would be really pleased if these free ads manage to bring in future business. The ads are what are really driving the business. I don't make enough selling the papers to even cover my roundtrip stagecoach fare let alone my night's hotel and meal expenses, not that the Alhambra has been charging me for meals, they feed me in lieu of the advertisement in each issue. Clum also cut a discount deal with Wells Fargo for my transportation given how frequently I travel, but it is still pricey. I'd travel by horse, but am really not much of a rider. Some halflings ride Shetland ponies but I always found them a bit silly looking, don't you think? Perhaps a mule would work, but they travel rather slowly. Then again, it probably wouldn't be safe for me to be traveling alone given all of the trouble with the Cowboy Gang….”

Ruby tried to hold in a sharp comment when Chumbley started his speech. She didn't need this headache on top of the one she had from the night before. Instead she smiled thinking about Jake and what he was up to today. Some kind of scheming, she was sure of that. Kate was probably with Mr. Gonzales, learning some new exciting things. She paused to consider what it would be like to tell Kate about Tom, then pushed the thought out of her mind. Better to not think on it.

He continued…”Then again, who says that stagecoach rides are any safer what with them hitting three in the past week, took $ 6,500 in yesterdays robbery, which is why we had to put that on the front page. Oh, but I don't have to tell you about the danger of stagecoaches, since you were on both of the others that they attempted to rob. I'm glad to see that you are still brave enough to stick with this mode of transportation. This would be a very lonely ride with nobody for me to talk to otherwise. “

Suddenly, Ruby's thoughts were interrupted and she asked, "$6,500? Why was there so much money on the stage?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. He answers, Oh yes, a combination of cash and assayed silver. It was on the run between Bisbee and Tombstone. Bisbee is a mining town twenty miles south of Tombstone, not far from the Mexican Border. The robbery took place just a few miles outside of Tombstone. My publisher and I didn't print this in the paper but based upon what Virgil Earp said to John Clum he suspect that the Clantons were involved. They've always been suspected to be working with the Cowboy Gang and their ranch wasn't far from where the robbery took place. This was the second time that particular stage got robbed. The Earps arrested Frank Stillwell last summer after the last robbery but the charges didn't stick. I think that Virgil is taking this one personally."

She interrupts with the question, "Think there is any reason why they would try to rob this coach today, Chumbley?” He says, "I wouldn't think so. I didn't see a mailbag being loaded so it's just my newspapers. I consider them important but I doubt anyone would value them high enough to be worth holding up a stage for."

He continues, “And you are such good company Miss. West. So what brings you to Tombstone? Personally, I would just stay in Promise City if I were you, it really has everything that Tombstone does. Except for the railroad, and maybe the church, and the telegraph service although Promise City is trying to get a more reliable line established. Oh, and none of the hotels are quite up to the standard of Big Nose Kate's, but other than that I find the towns to be remarkably similar. Don't you? Yes, well at least we have good weather for the ride today, not that the weather is ever really that bad around here, except for those hot summer days, and those fall tornadoes can be a bit much too, and we occasionally get flooding after the heavy rains, thankfully the rainy season isn't that long, but other than that the weather really is much better here than other parts of Arizona."

"Alright, Chumbley. I am glad your newspapers are doing well. I'm sure Mr. Whipple won't mind the ad. I'll even take one of those papers when we get back." Ruby looks out the window and hopes this ride is faster than the one this morning. The ride for the next three hours has something in common with the one that Chumbley took with Ruby's associate Alison Caine a week earlier, namely that he continued talking for the entire three hours but she quickly tuned him out and thought about other things.

It is just before 6:00 PM when the stage pulls into Promise City. They stop on Main Street outside of the Alhambra so that Chumbley can unload his newspapers. Being two blocks closer to the El Parador than the Wells Fargo Office Ruby opts to get out there as well. Before she gets off the stage Ruby buys a paper from Chumbley. She folds it under her arm to be read in a bit. She has a splitting headache as she heads back into the El Parador. For once she isn't sure if alcohol will solve the problem. She heads inside and checks to see if anyone is around.

Silver Moon

Interlude Eight: "The Creature"

It had been a long two days after a long two years for Bob Moody and Hank Reynolds. The two boyhood friends had come a long way from their homes in Wausau, Wisconsin with very little to show for their efforts. They had first come to Cochise County two years earlier with dreams of riches, expecting to find mountains with silver flowing from them. The reality was much harsher, with more broken dreams than success stories. The two had taken odd jobs to get by, traveling from town to town.

Their one opportunity had come in Galeyville, where they took backbreaking jobs as mine workers that in lieu of an hourly wage accepted a small percentage of the profits. But after six months the silver ran out and the mine closed and not long thereafter any savings were depleted. They took on whatever work they could find no matter how unpalatable it might be. So three nights ago when a man named Claibourne offered them each $ 20 to help stop some miners from reaching Promise City neither man wavered.

The job turned out to be a disaster. The stagecoach was supposed to stop once the drivers saw that they were hopelessly outnumbered. Instead, the drivers crazily managed to outrun their pursuers while climbing a mountain. Furthermore, these supposedly lightly-armed mine workers fought back, killing one-third of the men hired to stop them and wounding several more. When Claibourne ordered a retreat Moody and Reynolds were all too willing to comply and they were among six who rode away. But even that turned sour when two of the miners guards chased after them and killed a few more of their companions.

But Bob and Hank did manage to get away, retreating further into the mountains in an attempt to stay alive. On Tuesday afternoon they spotted Marshall Wyatt Earp leading a posse into the hills after them, causing the men to pull further back. On Wednesday a group of human and ogre solders nearly caught them. So they spent the night riding north, away from the Chiricahua Mountains and into the Dos Cabezas Mountains. But even there they were being hunted, spending much of the day hiding from a group of six well-armed men coming after them.

As the sun began to set they found this cave, running long and deep into the mountains. Markings on the walls showed that native elves once resided here but there was no evidence of recent habitation. The men sighed relief, seeing a chance to stop running and rest. They fed out the last of their corn and grain rations to their mounts, cooked up a rabbit that they had caught earlier, and began to settle down. They were still hungry after the meager quantity of food but were too tired and scared to go look for more.

Neither men heard the creature approach. It too was hungry. It had been drawn to this location by the smell of the horses, a type of animal that had run wild in these parts up until most recently. The reason that few wild horses remained was simple, the creature had eaten them all. It silently approached the pair of horses when it then smelled something else. The creature was highly intelligent and upon detecting the scent of humans decided to change its targets, recognizing them as a potential threat to its own existence.

Moody never knew the cause of his demise. He didn’t even get to scream before his head was rendered from the remainder of his body. He was the fortunate one. Reynolds lived for twenty-six seconds longer than his companion. He watched his friend die and looked into the glowing eyes of the creature as it then turned towards him. That span of time was less than half a minute long but to him it was an eternity, one filled with utter terror.

Silver Moon

Chapter 113, “A Lover’s Spat”, Thursday, January 12th, 1882:

The El Parador is about half filled with patrons. Many of them are the familiar faces of regular customers. At the bar Jules Huerta, a worker at Gilson's BathHouse is having a beer with Juan Tolucca. Also at the bar by himself is the elderly half-orc Wang Li who operates an opium den over on East Street. At one table Conrad Booth is dining with his friend and fellow Long Branch gambler Paget Flashman. At another table ice house owner Hannibal Brown is dining with his son Maxwell and daughter Liza.

Four miners who Jake has seen before but does not know the names of are at another table. There are four strangers at another table, a wood elf, two half-elves of wood elf descent and a human. All four appear to be fairly young and have the bearing and seriousness normally associated with soldiers. They are speaking in Spanish. Jake quickly deduces that one of the half-elves is the leader while the elf appears to be the main protector of the group, his eyes continuously scanning the room for any potential trouble.

Manuel Gonzalez is seated at the piano where Kate appears to be trying to teach him one of Chopin's piano concertos. The surprising thing is that he does not appear to be very good at it with her constantly having to repeat each section to him. They have gathered an audience as the El Parador's regular musician Estaban Fuente is watching their every move along with his sister Maria and card dealer Carlos Ramirez.

After some time Kate stopped and laughed. "I think we need to start right at the beginning. Forget the Chopin. Now, I know you can sing. Can you read music?" Manuel Gonzales nodded and said, "Ah my little sandpiper. You've uncovered my secret. I am a good teacher but a poor student. Yes, I can read music, I learned how in order to read biographies of the great composers, but I did not learn it with plans to actually practice the skill myself."

"Alright, then you understand the basics." Kate went on to explain how the white keys are tuned to the key of C, and which key is for which notes, and then how the black keys were the flats or sharps that allowed you to play in other keys. 'Now, let's start with C scales." She showed him the scale and the appropriate fingerings and then set him to practice it with each hand separately and then together.

As Mr. Gonzales played through her eyes roamed across the room. She breathed a little sigh as Ruby came in. She hadn't seen her today, and Kate was never sure what trouble she might be getting into. The other table of interest was the four strangers. She thinks, “They must be those special visitors that had arrived yesterday.” Manuel notices her distraction and says "Perhaps we should pick this up tomorrow. That way the patrons can also eat in peace instead of having to listen to my poor attempts at using this contraption."

"I'm sorry. I'm not much of a teacher, I'm afraid. We can go on if you like. There's no one waiting for me, and my time is free until work this evening." Kate looked over toward Estaban. "I suppose the patrons are anxious for Estaban to begin though. I wonder if he might be interested in learning this contraption as well," she said, acknowledging his apparent interest.

Gonzales replies, "He probably would. He is already proficient in the guitar, drum, maracas, concertina and violin. Before you begin to teach him though I would suggest that you talk to Sonoma. They have performed together for the last two decades so are both familiar with where each other is musically and she could probably offer you some suggestions for working with him." She says, "If that's the case, she would probably be the better teacher for him then. Sonoma plays quite well herself. We can continue this tomorrow afternoon, and I'll have a better idea where to start you." Mr. Gonzales then headed up to his room.

Ruby see Jake sitting at a table looking around at the other patrons and Kate at the piano. Ruby walks up behind Jake quietly and puts her arms around his neck and whispers in his ear, "Hi handsome." He smiles and strokes her arm. He was watching the stairs expecting her to come down. Then he gets a puzzled look on his face, turns his head and sees she is wearing a long, black velvet jacket and traveling hat. "Welcome back, where've you been?"

"Look what I got," she says, putting the bottle of bourbon on the table. "I think I need this to help with my headache." She throws the paper on the table and sits next to Jake with her back to Kate. She leans in close. "I went to Tombstone and talked with Colby Tucker. He is sure what we found out is true." Ruby notices as these words leave her lips that Jake's relaxed look quickly changes to a tense one. His eyes glance quickly around the room. He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly and says quietly through gritted teeth, "I can't decide whether to be grateful you are back in one piece or strangle you." He hisses, "You damn fool, I suppose you went alone and on the stage?"

"Oh was I supposed to walk?" Ruby shoots back. "I thought the stage would be safer than riding. And YOU were too busy to accompany me so yes I went alone. So what? You think I can't take care of myself?" She pushes back in her chair making some distance between them. Kate looked back toward the table where Ruby and Jake were. They seemed to be deep in an intense conversation, and Kate didn't want to interrupt. Mr. Booth was also dining with a friend. Unsure where to go, and not particularly hungry, Kate went back up to her room to devote some time to her new books.

Jake makes a low growling noise and his eyes narrow. He says in slow, carefully measured words, "I am quite aware you can take care of yourself. I also remember the last time we were in Tombstone five of the cowboy gang followed our stage out." Jake exhales again, shakes his head and then says in a less stiff tone, "So they were probably after me then, but what better way to get at me then through my red headed girl. Did either of the Earp brothers in Tombstone see you? All we would need now is for them to find out you were there and talked to Tucker, it wouldn't take long for that to get back to Morgan." He looks her in the eyes and says "AND you didn't ask me!"

"And the Cowboy Gang didn't get us last time either did they? Chumbley told me they've been hitting coaches all over. I don't know if they are looking for you, or us." Ruby paused. "Morgan was on the stage with me on the way out. He knew I was there I talked with him. I stayed out of trouble in town, I made sure to stay out of trouble. You knew I was going to go and you were too busy on Wednesday and I knew you had to work today so I went. I didn't know I had to ask your permission."

"You don't" he says in a loud voice and punctuates with his hand slapping the table, "need my blasted permission for anything!” Jake notices that people are looking over at them. Then in a lower voice, "You didn't ask me to COME with you. Arrggh." Ruby pauses again for a long moment. "Are you worried about me getting hurt?" He leans in really close to her face and says very quietly, "Yes, OK, yes I was afraid of you getting hurt in Tombstone. And yes I am worried about you getting hurt or worse by the Earps because they find out you are sticking your nose in that business. Alright? Are you #$%&# satisfied now?" He pushes his chair back and stands up. Jake notices the newspaper lying on the table with the headline Wells Fargo Stagecoach Robbed – Outlaws get $ 6,500

"Am I satisfied? Should I be satisfied that you think I'm a fool? Sure Jake, that is very satisfying to know." Ruby slowly stands up, calm, trying to keep her temper under control. "I'm going upstairs." Ruby turns her back to Jake and starts walking away.

Jake's breathing starts to come in strong measured in and out breaths. He watches her walk across the room and up the stairs, aware that folks in the room are watching them. When she gets to the top of the stairs he says quietly, "I hate when she does that." With that he strides across the room and takes the stairs two at a time, and walks both quickly and purposefully towards her room. He catches the door with his foot just as she is slamming it, pushes his way in and then slams the door. "Damn you, Ruby West, you make me crazy."

As Jake enters the room, Ruby rips her hat off her head and throws it to the floor, her hair flying loose in the process. As she turns to face him, “I make you crazy?” She says with her eyes narrowing. “I make you crazy? How exactly do I make you crazy? All you’ve done since I met you is make me crazy!” Ruby picks up a bottle of perfume off her dresser and lets it fly. She is so upset that her aim is obviously off and Jake easily ducks out of the way, with the bottle crashing and breaking against the door.

“I can’t get you to stay with me over some stupid job,” she yells, “Then you get mad when I leave to help one of our friends. I didn’t ask you to come because you made it clear you had business to attend to. I’m not going to force you to come with me or do things you don’t want to do. Besides, I wouldn’t want to mess up your business plans.” Ruby is stomping back and forth and Jake notices her eyeing another perfume bottle on her dresser. She continues, “I thought I was doing you a favor, giving you one less thing to worry about, this Tom Kale business, going to Tombstone and taking care of it. And you never once told me not to go anywhere alone. So why are you so mad?” As Ruby is tirading and parading back and forth Jake is pointing his finger at her and trying to speak. "I...", she cuts him off, "You..., she doesn't let him interrupt, "If..." she continues without listening. "Hermes." he finally says in a low voice.

She yells, “You know, I didn’t take all that money and leave because of you. I took your advice and didn’t go kill Adair like I wanted to. I promised you I would give you a toast before I left but really was promising I would try to stick around here. I stayed with you in your bed after we were together, I even said I would be your girl. All these things are different for me, things I'm not used to doing and things that get me in trouble. I’m not saying I don’t like it, but I’ve broken every single rule I have for myself when it comes to you and I have no idea why. I guess I AM just a stupid foolish girl.” Ruby stops stomping around and just stands there looking at Jake. She is breathing hard and Jake notices a slight tremble to her hands.

Jake then stands there looking at her with his mouth hanging open. Finally he looks down at the floor before looking up at her. He starts to move slowly towards her. "Stupid, not hardly." He takes another step his eyes locked on hers. "Foolish, well probably some of that but then probably less that me." He inches closer. "Girl, no. For me the most beautiful woman on either side of the Mississippi." He closes the final distance, gently takes her face in his hands and kisses her lightly on the lips. "I...", he pauses, "heh, I can't remember what I came up here to say."

Ruby accepts Jake's kiss and only slowly opens her eyes after he pulls away. She stares him in the eyes as she whispers, "Jake, what are you doing to me?" "What am I doing to you?" He repeats back quietly. He shrugs. He steps over to the wall where the perfume broke and runs his index fingers through it. He goes back over to Ruby and runs his fingers behind her ears and along her neck. He moves over to the door to open it and stops to look back. "Tell me if it gets to be too much trouble." He gives her a weak smile and says, "Will I see you for dinner?"

Ruby walks over to Jake and takes his hand in hers tightly. "Kate says sometimes the trouble is worth it. I am starting to agree with her." Ruby squeezes herself between Jake and the door. "I hope you do too..." She kisses him for a long moment. "Yes, you will see me for dinner..." She kisses him again, "If you want to wait I'll get ready now..." Jake doesn't say anything, but is easily convinced to postpone the start of dinner.

Reading in her room, Kate's head snapped up when she heard the sound of a door slam. She thought she heard muffled voices, but the sound of glass breaking was unmistakable. She set aside her book and hurried out the door toward Ruby's room. There was the sickly-sweet smell of too much perfume floating down the hallway. Kate knocked on the door. "Ruby, honey, are you alright?" Kate could hear noise coming right from the other side of the door. "I'm just fine, Kate, thanks for asking. I'll, uh, be down for dinner in a bit..."

She waited for a moment. "If you're sure." Something wasn't right, but Kate didn't want to interrupt whatever was going on between Jake and Ruby in there. And she was sure Jake was in there. She went quietly back to her room. The smell of the perfume was still heavy and Kate realized it had soaked into her dress. She sighed and changed her clothes.

Once she had changed Kate returns to the Cantina. The table where Jake and Ruby had been sitting at remains empty, their beverage glasses still where they had been left and the newspaper still sitting atop the table. Ruby fixes herself up, pausing occasionally to give Jake little hugs and kisses. As Jake's eyes wander around her mess of a room she laughs. "I forgot you never saw my room before." She finishes getting ready and they go out the door to dinner stepping over the broken perfume bottle. "Oh I'll clean that up later," she says with a smile as she takes Jake's hand. "I'm hungry."

They get back to the table that they left with the paper and the bottle of bourbon. "Oh, I forgot about this. Let's crack it open now." Kate stands near the piano, unsure if she should join them or not. Jake takes up the bottle, glances at the label and opens the bottle. He sniffs the contents, nods and pours out some for each of them. He seems subdued. He says, "I sold the wagon today, I expect everyone will be satisfied." He notices Katherine standing awkwardly away from them. Jake gives her a little smile and motions with his head for her to come over. "I wonder where Nanuet and Sanoma are?"

"They went out in the wilderness somewhere, who knows. Did you get a good price for the wagon?" Ruby sees Jake nod is head in Kate's direction, who Ruby had not previously noticed. "Kate! Get over here!" she yells across the room. She turns back to Jake and says with a sheepish smile, "So did you get all your business done today?" "I got a goodly amount done. I think everyone will be interested in some of what I have to say. The contract with Morand is done, so as soon as the miners start extracting ore, it can be shipped." Jake sits down and has a sniff of his glass and a taste of the Tennessee Bourbon.

Kate had intended to refuse Jake's quiet invitation, but with Ruby yelling across the Cantina she didn't have much choice. She walked over and sat down quietly, shaking her head at Jake's offer of a drink. "May I?" she asked as she picked up the paper and began to read. The paper is thick compared to prior editions, a full sixteen pages. The front page reads:

Wells Fargo Stagecoach Robbed – Bandits get $ 6,500

The Wells Fargo Stagecoach running between the towns of Tombstone and Bisbee was robbed not far from the town of Tombstone. The strong box carried $6,500 in cash and assayed silver. This was the third attempted stagecoach robbery by the Cowboy Gang in the last five days since the reported death of the gang’s former leader Curly Bill Brocius. The gang is now reputed to be led by the notorious Arthur ‘Deadeye’ Douglas formerly of the Douglas Gang.

The driver was unable to identify the robbers but rumors have circulated around town that Pony Deal could have been involved. Last September Pony Deal and Sherman McMasters were initially accused of holding up a stage near Globe, Arizona. They were investigated by Marshall Virgil Earp who later chose to release them when evidence surfaced proving that they were not involved.

This was the second successful robbery of the Tombstone-Bisbee stage as the stage had been robbed last July. Virgil Earp arrested Frank Stilwell and Pete Spence for that stage robbery but neither man was convicted, being released on technicalities. At one point since then Stilwell has served as a deputy of the county sheriff, John Behan.

There were no deaths during this robbery, unlike the stagecoach robbery the night of March 15th of last year when the Tombstone stage carrying $26,000 in silver, was robbed outside of Contention City, Arizona. During the holdup, shotgun rider Budd Philpot was killed, as was one of the bandits, Bill Leonard. Two of the other robbers, believed to be Harry Head and Jim Crane, killed a passenger. On June 6th Crane and Head, both implicated in the robbery, were shot and killed in the Hachita Mountains of New Mexico by Virgil and Wyatt Earp.

"Seems Deadeye Douglas has taken over Curley Bill's job," Kate said to no one in particular. "No one was killed in the robbery, which matches what we know of him." Kate turned the page and continued reading. Page two contains four fluff pieces, one about proper firearms maintenance, another about the weather, one about the new furnishings of Big Nose Kate's restaurant in Tombstone and the other about various types of materials that can be used for fencing.

Page three appears to be what had originally been intended as Page one, with the original page numbering having been inked out and new numbering hand stamped using printer's type. The story is about the trials at the Comique but the focus is on none of the witnesses or defendants, Chumbly having instead profiled the Judge. The article has all of the comments made by Judge Isby, Morgan Earp and Wyatt Earp quoted verbatim, but only provides enough of the testimony from the others to bring the quotes from the others into context.

The article ends with some statistics, stating that in Judge Isby's seventeen months in this circuit he has sentenced twenty-six men and two women to hang, nineteen of which are now laid to rest in Promise City's Boot Hill. He is only one of eighteen circuit judges in the Arizona Territory yet is responsible for the sentences of approximately forty- percent of the prisoners in the Territorial Prison at the Territory Capitol in Prescott, Arizona.

Kate made a note to herself to never end up as a defendant in Judge Isby's court. "Seems Job got off lucky," she muttered. "Chumbley's article about the trial doesn't mention any of Suzie Forman's ridiculous accusations," she said. She continued to read through the paper, occasionally offering interesting bits, but mostly staying quiet.

She thumbs through the remainder of the paper. There is a very interesting article on page five under the heading "Horseless Carriage Comes to Town" describing Ruby and Jake's wild ride to town on Tuesday, including an artist's rendering of how the two rifles looked afterwards. The article does not name any of the stage's passengers and the only direct quote is from Zack Morand.

One ad catches her eye, on Page twelve Pamela Yeats announces that the Trail Dust Saloon at the corner of South and Allen Streets is going out of business and that the building and all furnishings are for sale. The article states that they will remain open until a buyer is found. Page fifteen has an advertisement for the Lone Star Dance Hall and Saloon with lengthy and very complimentary descriptions of Ruby's singing and Kate's piano playing, mentioning both by name. It also welcomes "the return of poker player Job Kane".

"I'm surprised Tom would put in an ad for the Lone Star with everything that's going on," Katherine mentioned. "Oh, he didn't. There was some extra room so they ran ads for people who've bought them before. Chumbley wrote that up," Ruby told her. "That was nice of him. But he wrote rather too much about me, he obviously hasn't been to the Lone Star himself."

While Kate is holding up the paper and reading page fifteen Jake's attention is drawn to the back page with the heading "Johnny Ringo Alive and Well". The article has an interview with the Ringo. He categorically denies any involvement with the Cowboy Gang, stating that his coat had been stolen from a coat rack the previous Friday while he was engaged in a high stakes poker game at a saloon in Galeyville. He says that he does not know how it wound up in the hands of Deadeye Douglas but that he has no plans to tangle with that outlaw.

Dorita brings the three of them plates of food as their dinner. Musician Estaban Fuente sits at the stage and plays guitar. Maggie Whipple enters and heads out to the kitchen. Ruby and Jake exchange glances with each other as Ruby gestures in that direction. After a pause Ruby says "Kate, one thing you should know. William Whipple isn't planning to give his daughter a fair chance at running the Lone Star. He plans to bring her back to Denver regardless of what happens the next half week."

Kate closed her eyes and pushed away the plate she had only been picking at for show anyway. "I should have realized, although I can't say I'm terribly surprised. But I think Mr. Whipple will the one who's surprised. Maggie won't let go without a fight. And she is a grown woman. In the end, he can't make her do anything she doesn't want to. I'll speak to her before we leave."

While they are eating handyman Grant Keebler hurries upstairs then returns and goes into the kitchen. A few minutes later Dorita heads upstairs. She comes back shortly and marches right over to the table. Placing her hands on her hips she stares at Ruby and says "There bad smell come from your room! Go fix it!"

Silver Moon

Chapter 114, “Birds of Prey”, Thursday, January 12th, 1882:

Jake gets up and takes Dorita by the elbow a few feet from the table and says quietly. "Senora, there was a little accident of my making. It is not a bad smell, just too much of a good smell." Dorita doesn't smile at his little joke. "Ah, look" he gives her a couple dollars, "can you get one of the workers or kids to clean it up for her, por favor? She's had a tough day and I would really appreciate. I am terribly sorry about the smell, I should have had it cleaned up right away." He gives her a plaintive look.

“Maybe I'll speak to Maggie now," Kate comments, hoping Dorita was upset enough with Ruby that she wouldn't notice Kate's untouched plate. She went quickly into the kitchen and hugged Maggie. "Well, do you think you'll be ready for your turn at the Lone Star tomorrow night?" Maggie replies, "Oh yes, it will be wonderful! I'll get to do some of the things that I've always wanted to that Tom disagrees with!"

Gonzales comes over to Dorita and says, "My little robin, Mr. Jake speaks wisely. If you would like I will take care of this myself, no need to bother my golden eagle with the task." Dorita's eyes grow wide and her face pales...."Golden eagle?" she mutters. He nods. She apologizes to Ruby and hurries off into the kitchen, the first time any of them have ever really seen her flustered. Kate and Maggie’s conversation is then interrupted by a frantic Dorita who charges into the room. She is breathing heavy, stops and leans against the stove and her hands start to shake. She mutters something to herself in Spanish.

"Dorita, whatever's the matter?" Katherine hurried over to the elven woman and slipped her arm around her waist. "You should sit," she added, leading her over to a chair in the corner. Dorita sits and starts to rattle off long fast sentences in Spanish. Maggie only catches the word 'Ruby'. Kate knows enough French to deduce the words for 'Grandfather' and 'bird' but the rest is lost on her. Kate says "Maggie, stay with here. I'll find out what this is about." She heads back into the main room of the Cantina, where Gonzales is standing beside the table with Ruby and Jake, a mischievous grin on his face.

Jake looks a bit puzzled by the exchange and wonders about Ruby being a golden eagle. No matter now, he thinks, I'll not likely agree anyway. "Senor, will you sit with us? We are waiting for your grand daughter and the Indian to join us as well." Kate walked right up to Mr. Gonzales. "Le professeur aimé, Dorita est près d'elle-même. Quelle êtes-vous jusqu'à ?" <<English translation: "Beloved teacher, Dorita is beside herself. What are you up to?">> She looked back and forth between the three and waited for an answer.

She was standing next to Jake and took the opportunity Kate quietly says to him, "My mind seems to be scattered this afternoon. Mr. Berg found no irregularities in Flint's deed, and I should have an answer to the bounty problem this evening. I just thought you might like to be aware. You don't need to do anything."

Gonzales sits down and gestures for Kate to do the same. He then lights a candle, which he places on the table, takes a pinch of power from a belt pouch, which he drops it into the flames. He then lightly waves his hand while saying "Hua loa’a". While Gonzales played with the candle Jake replied to Katherine. "Oh, Ok. I did stop by the Long Branch to ask after the bounty hunter last night but I, uh, missed him. I was going to go back but I got distracted last night." He gives her a little grin but she is busy watching the elderly elf.”

Gonzales then says "Nobody will hear us now. What my granddaughter is upset about is the fact that she fully understands my naming conventions and she just now found out my pet name for Ruby. I always assign each of my female family members and apprentices the name of a specific type of bird based upon their personalities.

Up until this moment my little robin Dorita had probably assumed that I chose a songbird for Ruby, as I have for Sonoma. My Granddaughter now knows otherwise. Ruby, I have a confession to make. When I said that I chose Golden Eagle because of your observational skills and a few other characteristics that was not the entire truth. I chose that type of bird with good reason. The Golden Eagle a bird of prey, one of the most dangerous of all birds in fact. I was a witness to the confrontation at the Comstock House ten days ago so was aware of what you are fully capable of. Jake thinks to himself “She’s a Bird of Prey and I'm a saloon rat, figures.”

Gonzales continues, “The Golden Eagle is a proud and noble bird, it is a Queen among birds, one that does not back down from any challenge. Only twice before have I ever chosen a bird of prey as the name for one of my little birds. Dorita is well aware of who both of those were as one of them was her mother. Miss Ruby, I doubt she will ever attempt to lecture you again. Unfortunately it may now be awhile until she is comfortable again in your presence."

Ruby appears taken aback and momentarily speechless. Jake says to Gonzales, "Is there anybody in town that doesn't know exactly what happened at the Comstock House? This seems to be the most widely known secret I've ever heard of. Except maybe the rustler's cave." He takes a drink of the bourbon.

Gonzales says, "Well, I'd best head upstairs to deal with that smell. The sound barrier around the table will remain in effect until you extinguish the candle. Anyone outside of the sphere will just hear illegible mumbling. He stands and goes upstairs. Not long thereafter Nanuet, Sonoma and the man named Riley head into the room, coming in through the back door near the stables. They join the other three at the table.

Kate hadn't missed what Jake had said earlier. Once Mr. Gonzales left she said, "I don't understand. I thought you," she paused, embarrassed. "I thought you wanted me to take of that myself. You have enough to worry about." Ya, but, um, I'll help you if you need it. Thank you. And I'll try to remember that just because I want to do something doesn't mean we're all doing it." She smiled a small smile and swallowed.

Sonoma comes in grabs Katherine, "Hi, Sonoma how are...." Jake says. Sonoma pulls Kate aside without responding to Jake. Jake shrugs and greets Nanuet. "Hi Indian. You'll be glad to know I sold the wagon today.” "Good job, white man," replies Nanuet, with only the hint of a smile. Jake says, “Five shares at $300 each, but all the money is in my account at Condon's. Anybody wants theirs tomorrow we can go over and get them, if we don't do it tomorrow you'll have to wait until Monday. You can take Flint's share and pay for the lumber."

Sonoma tells Kate "I've been thinking a lot today... about the bounty. What if we had the photographer take a picture of the dead man and just sent a copy to the person in charge of the money. We could have someone important there to verify that the person was dead and that way we could bury him in the town cemetery and not have to worry about it being stuck in Flint's cave smelling up the place.”

Sonoma continues, “I've arranged for thirty head of prime breeding sheep for the ranch. We'll need to drive them from Dos Colabras but it shouldn't be too hard. S we have the start of our flock the ranch is on it's way. The more I think about the way Maggie's father and brother are treating her the angrier I get. She has been running the Lone Star not Tom. She was the one who hired you and Ruby and I wouldn't be there if she hadn't wanted to make an impression. But it's Tom that's getting all the credit. If her father doesn't start treating her the way she should be I'm likely to loose my temper and really get her in trouble unless she starts to stand up for herself against that overbearing self-involved gender-blinded idiot.”

"That's good news about the sheep. I don't know how one drives sheep, but I'm sure we'll manage. Do we need to get fencing up before we move them? As for the bounty, that sounds like a fairly good idea, although I'm not sure how the local photographers will feel about taking pictures of the dead. I did some inquiring today about the bounty, and I should hear back this evening. If that falls through, I say we go with your plan."

Kate paused a moment before she tackled talking about Maggie. "You don't know how much I appreciate you helping out at the Lone Star this week. Maggie loves that business, and she's determined to stick with it. I'm afraid that Tom and her father don't want to leave her behind here to run it though. I'm not sure what to do to make sure her days go smoothly. And even if they run perfectly, it's going to be up to her to stand up to them and declare her independence. But I've seen how passionate she is about the Lone Star. I think Tom and Mr. Whipple are going to be in for a big surprise when they try to drag her back to Denver."

Jake spoke up from behind them. "So, I hope nobody will be too offended, but Tom offered to sell the whole Lone Star to me, he figures Maggie won't make it. And I have two partners in mind, which is all I need if the Golden Eagle here wants to be one of them. So I won't be hindering Maggie any, but if she fails I'm likely to be the next owner."

After Sonoma and Katherine rejoin them Jake tells them all about the serial numbers on the $20 bills, "Neither bank in Promise City gave those out, the manager at the First National thinks they were issued in Tombstone. I'm not sure what to do with that info just now." Ruby looks to Jake. "Do you really think you can find out who got those bills if you go to Tombstone?" He replies, "I'm not sure. We might, but that is not exactly friendly territory there. The bankers here are on good terms with us, and they'll talk. Don't know about there."

She says, "You're right about it not being friendly territory. I don't think you're ever going to find out who paid them out." Ruby turns her attention to Nanuet and Sonoma. She asks them about their day and they spend the rest of the meal talking about their adventures with the Shaman.

Jake finishes and several mouths hang open just as they are interrupted. The elf at the table with the four strangers rises had come over to the table. "Excuse me," he says, "I saw you speaking to an elderly wood elf a short while ago. Would you happen to know what his name is?"

Kate looked at Sonoma for a moment, and then realized she wouldn't know anything about these visitors. Mr. Gonzales hadn't been wary of them knowing who he was, just wary of shocking them. She made a quick decision. She took a step away from Sonoma toward the man and dropped her voice. "His name is Manuel Gonzales. He and I have been hoping to have the opportunity to speak with you." Kate slipped a bill out of a fold in her dress and handed it to him. "We've been expecting you, sir. If you wish, I will go ask his permission to bring you up to see him."

He replies "I do not think that my associates would agree to that. It is best and safer for all of us that we remain in a public place." He gestures back towards the table with Jake, Ruby, Nanuet, Sonoma and Riley and says "Although maybe we could use your table to speak with him, given that it has such an interesting centerpiece." "Aren't there any secrets at all in Promise City?" Jake says to no one in particular. Ruby gives him "Shush." followed by a not now look.

She says, "I'm sure arrangements can be made for privacy. I will go speak with him." Kate went quickly upstairs and let herself into Mr. Gonzales' rooms. "Professeur aimé, President de Sucre has asked to speak with you. He and his companions came in while we were playing the piano. They noticed what you did with the candle, and wonder if similar arrangements could be made for a private conversation."

He replies "I was afraid of something like this. I should have been more careful. Let's go see them." The two of them head down to the Cantina. The elf has returned to the other table. Manuel and Kate approach it. "You wished a private conversation?" he asks. "Allow me," one of the half-elves states. He lights a candle on the table, pinches in the powder and says "nombre silencio" as he waves his hand in a similar gesture as had been done earlier.

The elf pulls two more chairs up to the table and gestures for them to sit. Manuel gestures to Kate and says "My apprentice Katherine Kale, may I introduce you to General and President Antonio Jose de Sucre and General and President Simon Bolivar." Katherine had to suppress the urge to curtsy formally, knowing that it would look very strange to the others in the Cantina. Instead she nodded at each man in turn. Bolivar says "You insist on using former titles? I appreciate the honor but I believe that you are the only one of us who is currently the leader of a county President Gonzales." Kate was thankful she had already taken her seat. She quickly closed her mouth, which had dropped open and stilled her hands. "President, Professeur aimé?"

Gonzales continues to look at the men and says "No, that is not me. The highest position that I held in Mexico was Admiral of the Mexican Navy. That was the rank that I had when we last met Mr. Bolivar. The President of Mexico is much younger than I." "Younger but still the spitting image," de Sucre states. "Your son perhaps?" Gonzales replies "A more accurate description would be an evil twin. Do you men know of the legend of Francisco Vázquez de Coronado?"

"Ah, then the story of the mirror is true," Bolivar states. Gonzales replies "Yes, all of it. He first arrived in Mexico from Spain in 1535 and by 1538 was married to the daughter of the colonial treasurer garnering him an enormous estate, he had put down a major slave rebellion, and he then become governor of an important Mexican province. It was through the mirror that he did all of that. He used it to create the opposite aligned duplicates of those he needed and then slew the original. Three hundred years later the same mirror was in the hands of one of his successors, who used it against me. My counterpart is obsessed with his own existence and has used magical elixirs to make himself younger."

A long pause follows. The half-elf that had cast the spell speaks next. "Sir, your reputation precedes you. My own instructor, Hosea de la Mira once studied under you. Surely one of your power could stop him." Manuel says "I have tried twice before and failed. The last attempt cost me the lives of two of my children. And even if he is slain the mirror would still exist. There is but one thing that can destroy it."

Bolivar speaks "Coronado's Sword. So that is why you are here." Manuel replies "Yes, following the Gadsden purchase that deeded this region to the United States my granddaughter and her husband came here in search of the artifact. We believe we are now close. Tell me, is that why you are here? A search for Coronado's hidden treasure?"

The human now speaks "No. We are here to avenge my uncle’s death. He was a great man who fought alongside Generals Bolivar and de Sucre in the wars of independence. He was given a vast estate in South America as a reward for his efforts. He was murdered on that land and we have tracked his killer to here, the Dos Cabezas Mountains."

Kate kept her tongue still with great difficulty. To be allowed to hear this, Mr. Gonzales must trust her a great deal. These were secrets he had not shared, and secrets she would now be required to keep. Perhaps from every other person she knew. She continued to follow the conversation. It was strange to think of Dorita and Pedro coming here looking for an artifact, rather than fleeing from Mexico with him as Mr. Gonzales had implied before. Suddenly the matter of the box of jewels seemed very small.

Bolivar says "And when you find this sword?" Gonzales says "Then I will lead an expedition to the Mexican capital to rid the world of my counterpart and destroy the vile artifact. Toward this end I have fostered an adventuring team to assist me." "Them?" the human states, gesturing to those at the other table.
Gonzales replies "No, although I plan to have this group help me locate the sword. I was speaking of the group who you have probably heard of known as Arcade's Gang. They are currently overseas gaining the experience needed for us to be successful."

Bolivar says "I wish you luck. If I can be of any assistance to you in that endeavor do not hesitate to contact me." Gonzales replies "And if I can assist you while you are here please let me know." He turns back to the elf and says "Mr. de Sucre, my apprentice has found some items that she believes you may be familiar with. Might you be available to assist her with this task?" The elf turns to Kate and says "Most certainly. Tell me, what is it that you have found?"

Katherine pulled out the folder frame that held Tom's picture and pulled out the photo that had been the jewel box. "My companions and I recently found ourselves in the headquarters of some cattle rustlers. We found many things there, including this." She handed him the photo. “This was inside a box containing several valuable pieces of jewelry. The name "Consuela" was embroidered on the top. It seemed to be an heirloom. Something that should be returned in possible. I have been quite anxious since we discovered you were to stay here to know if it will indeed be possible to do so."

He looks at the pictures. "Ah Consuela, what a beautiful girl she was. And her parents, Miguel and Sophia Hernandez, a fine family." He hands the photographs back and says "Miguel Hernández was one of the top advisors to Manuel Isidoro Belzú Humérez, who ruled Bolivia from 1848 to 1855. Unlike many of his predecessors he sought the support of the masses, including the poorest of elves rather than those who had gained wealth under Spanish rule. He seized land from the aristocrats and gave it back to the people. He also restricted the role of foreign merchants in Bolivia and limited imports. But those polices earned him many enemies. In his seven-year rule Humerez fended off forty-two coup attempts. Many of those failed due to my efforts as one of Belzu Humerez's military leaders.

As efforts to overthrow him increased he decided to resign. In 1855 he turned the government over to his son-in-law and left for Europe. Many of us left the government then. Hernandez withdrew from public life and retreated to his family estate where they lived in seclusion. Two years later a populist leader, José María Linares Lizarazu gained the support of the masses and became ruler. Four years later he was overthrown in a bloody military coup.

What followed then in 1861 was one of the most violent periods in Bolivian history, under the military rule of General José María Achá Valiente. He initiated the "murders of Yáñez," the massacre of seventy-one supporters of Belzú Humerez including the Hernandez family. The three were killed and their beautiful mansion was burned to the ground. It was assumed that all of their possessions were lost. Apparently these jewels were looted before the building was put to the torch. So you should keep them, there is nobody to return them to."

Katherine looked down at the picture in her hand. "Why must it always be like that? Pain and chaos and death?” Bolivar says, "I wish I had an answer but I do not. Neither Antonio or I were there at the time. If we had been I have no doubt that we would have been put to death as well, despite the fact that the country is named Bolivia in my honor and its capital city in named Sucre after Antonio. We saved a continent from the Spanish only to have it fall into chaos. That is why we have both put politics aside and now seek other challenges instead."

Kate looks back down at the picture and says, “I don't know if I could keep them with such a history, but I might be able to do some good with them." She looked up at President de Sucre. "Thank you. I will at least be easier in my mind knowing that there is no rightful owner to return them to." Gonzales says that he had taken enough of their time and thanks them. The half-elf mage Carlos Wyman says "No, it is you who we should be thanking. You granddaughter happily welcomed us to stay here despite our mixed race group. It is not often in our travels that we encounter such hospitality." Manuel and Kate leave the table. He says "I had better go out to the kitchen and try to convince my little robin that Ruby means her no harm." Kate heads back to the table with the others.

Silver Moon

Interlude Nine: The Mayor

Meanwhile…..some 550 miles due west of Promise City, The Inauguration ceremony had reached its conclusion and the first of several commemorative balls had begun. Cameron E. Thom, former District Attorney of Los Angeles, was enjoying his first hours as the city’s new Mayor. While the incoming Mayor shook hands with various dignitaries and made plans for his administration the outgoing Mayor, James R. Toberman, a heavy-set man with a balding head and white mutton chops flowing across his face, climbed into his carriage to return to his home.

Toberman’s third term as Mayor was now over and while he was proud of his accomplishments, including his bringing of electric lights, mass transit and fiscal integrity to the city, he still felt that he had not accomplished enough. He wished to do more to help those in need and thought of various philanthropic causes that he could now put his mind and resources to accomplishing. But first, he now owed his time to his beloved wife and nine-year-old son Homer who he had all but ignored for these last two busy years.

He arrived at his modest fifteen-room home and entered the building. Homer was in the parlor engaged in a game of chess with his private tutor. The maid approached and Toberman asked where his wife could be found. “She is still at the Women’s Civic Society,” the young women replied, "She should be back within the hour". “Thank you. That will be all for today” he stated as he headed into his study for a cigar and a glass of brandy.

The maid thanked him and headed out back to the small cottage behind the main house that served as her home. Los Angeles was a fine place to live and the Toberman Family were wonderful employers. And yet Consuela would always miss the family and home that she fondly remembered from her native Bolivia.

Silver Moon

Chapter 115, “Riley’s Tale”, Thursday, January 12th, 1882:

Maggie Whipple comes out of the kitchen and talks briefly with Estaban. She then seats herself at the piano, and begins to play with him accompanying her on the guitar. After a few minutes it becomes clear that neither are playing an actual song but just improvising, with one first taking the lead and then another. During a particularly lively piece he puts down the guitar and picks up his maracas.

Kate slipped into a chair and breathed out. The candle was still burning on the table. "The jewels have no rightful owner. Jake, your suggestion yesterday morning was a good one. My part of the jewels at least can be used to help Maggie. If, in the end, she does leave and you need more to buy your partnership Jake, I'll be glad to help you. But I don't want to run a saloon. Ruby, Nanuet, what to do with your share is entirely up to you."

Jake replies, "Thanks, that is kind of you Katherine. I don't want to lead you on here, I don't know if I could partner with Maggie. Our backgrounds may be too dissimilar, know what I mean? I was willing to contribute if someone else was looking after my money. And with my current partners I think we can raise enough money to buy the Lone Star outright." Jake takes off his hat and runs his hand through his hair. "I guess I'm telling you I would have risked my money if you were running the show, and helped you where I could. You have other plans, and that's fine. It's actually better than fine, your plans."

"That doesn't sound like something a good gambler would say, Jake. You'd rather lay your money down with someone who has no experience running a saloon than with someone who's been doing it for two years and grew up in one?" Kate smiled at Jake. He replies, "True, a good gambler knows the odds and the facts, but there is more to it than that. And you don't win big without knowing when to go with your gut feel." He puts his hat back on and smiles. "So now what do we do with the jewels and foreign money? I'm guessing you can buy a lot of live stock with your share. Oh, and while you were off chatting I mentioned to the others about the wagon, you have $300 in my account at Condon's Bank."

"Thank you, the $300 will be useful for the ranch. As for the jewels, I think we'll have to look them over together. They aren't going to split easily, and I'm not sure how much worth the foreign currency will really have There's no way to know what's going to happen. You already said you won't interfere with what goes on in the Lone Star the next few nights, and that's good enough for me. We can deal with the rest as it comes."

Ruby suddenly speaks up. "I can look at them, the jewels that is." "Why does that not surprise me," Jake says patting her hand, "that you know something about the value of jewelry. Ruby looks at Jake and gives him a smile, saying nothing. Jake asks, “Katherine, can you bring them to Ruby to check out later and leave the money with me? I'll try and find out if it has any value. Unless someone else has an idea to do that. Has anybody else here got something to share while we have the candle burning?"

Jake says, "So, Katherine, what is going on with those strangers you were talking to. I'm sure they didn't come all the way here to tell you the jewels didn't have owners any more." She pulled out another of the foreign bills and handed it to Jake. "Look familiar? I expect all of this to remain confidential, these are secrets that will endanger the lives of those men." Katherine quickly sketched in the men's former ranks and deeds, leaving out the references to Mr. Gonzales' own past. She finished by filling them in on the men's current mission and the history of the jewels. "I can give you the rest of the currency before we leave for the Lone Star, which we should do in a few minutes. Ruby and I can take a look at the jewels in the morning."

Kate suddenly realized that Mr. Riley was sitting at the table with them. She silently berated herself for her carelessness. People should not tell her secrets. It was getting far too difficult to remember who knew what. She looks apologetically around the table and said. "Mr. Riley, we haven't seen you for the last day or so. Have you made any progress on your dreams?"

He is startled by her comment, apparently not having been paying any attention to the conversation. Riley speaks “Yes. I saw my Indian blood brother. He is now Nanuet’s teacher, the one who gave him the Apache Medicine Totem. He was able to cure me of the dreams. He said that I was actually seeing pictures of a possible future. He also said that I should share my story with all of you. My full name is James Riley. I am from Newton, Kansas, which is where my story takes place.

On a Friday night in August of 1871 my best friend Mike McCluskie got into an argument with a Texan named Billy Bailey at the Red Front Saloon. Both had had too much to drink and a first fight developed which soon found its way out into the street. Guns were drawn and McCluskie fired two shots at Bailey. The first missed but the second hit Bailey in the chest. He died the next day. Bailey had dangerous friends so at my urging McLuskie left town for the next week. After he returned both myself and our friend Jim Martin decided to stick with him like glue, each armed with a pair of revolvers although in truth only McCluskie had ever fired one.

That Saturday night, August 19th, 1871 we went to a dance at Tuttle's Dance Hall. We stayed until the early hours of Sunday morning. At around 1:00 a.m. Perry Tuttle let the band go home. We were still sitting at a faro table an hour later when some of Bailey’s Texan friends arrived, namely Billy Garrett, Henry Kearnes, and Jim Wilkerson enter. They had come for the sole purpose of killing McCluskie. They waited until another friend; Hugh Anderson arrived, as he was the ringleader.

Anderson walked directly to McCluskie and yelled, "You are a cowardly son-of-a-bitch! I will blow the top of your head off!" Jim Martin jumped up and tried to stop the fight. Anderson drew his gun and shot McCluskie in the neck, knocking him to the floor. McCluskie half-rose, gun in hand, and attempted to shoot Anderson in the chest. The cap-and-ball pistol misfired. McCluskie fell facedown on the floor before he could fire again. Anderson then fired another shot directly into McCluskie’s back.

Garrett, Kearns, and Wilkerson all drew their guns and shot their pistols into the air, attempting to keep the crowd back. I can’t tell you why but something inside me snapped. I couldn’t sit there any longer. I stood up as I pulled both guns from my belt, pointed towards the four men, and began firing in the general direction of the Texans. As I said, I had never fired a gun before. My friend Jim Martin was the first one hit, a stray bullet hitting his neck. He grabbed his neck and ran out of the saloon, across the filed, and died on the steps of Krum's dance hall. I kept firing until my guns were empty. When I was finished six men lay unmoving on the floor. I walked out of the dance hall.

I had shot all four of the Texans, but only Garrett and Kearnes died. Anderson was shot and killed a year later by McCluskie’s brother. Wilkerson was disfigured by a shot to his nose and has a limp for a shot in the leg, but he survived. I have spent much of the past decade looking for him. The other two men who I shot were innocent bystanders. Dan Hickey, a foreman for the Santa Fe Railroad, was wounded in the calf but survived. His friend Patrick Lee, a brakeman for the Santa Fe Railroad, was hit in the stomach and died.

I left Newton Kansas and never looked back. The lawmen never came after me. I was in the advanced stages of tuberculosis so they just assumed that I had died. And I would have if the Indian Kajika had not found me and nursed me back to health using his native medicine. We rode together for two years thereafter until he was summoned home to help with Chief Cochise, who was dying. So I have spend over a decade haunted by the fact that I killed an innocent man and one of my best friends. Kajika says that Nanuet recently suffered something similar and that we can help each others through our grief and go on to make something of our lives, as tributes to our departed friends."

"That's quite a story." Jake says and takes another sip, "Now what? I mean you've seen us in your possible future. What do we have in common?" "Yeah, maybe now you should tell us what you saw," adds Ruby.

He replies, "The main person in all of these dreams was a woman centaur. Nanuet said that she was a friend of yours. She was leading me first around a campfire, then to a cabin where she had me pick up my weapons and then up and into the Mountains. The mountains were cold and dark. She motioned for me to join a group of six others, you five and that Chester guy. She said that there was some sort of monstrous creature that was a spirit linked to the Native American people. An earth spirit she called it. The creature was in a cave and it was our job to protect it. The creature's image was never clear, but the centaur said that we were the only people who could keep it from being destroyed.

First we had to protect it against another group of monsters - giants, ogres and some large furry bear like creatures. I also had another recurring dream that was almost like the other one except in it we were protecting the monster against a group of cowboys. The leader of these men wore a fancy buckskin jacket with tassels and fringes and had long curly blonde hair. Kajika was able to deduce one more thing, he had me describe what the moon looked like in these dreams, it's fullness and specifically where it rose and set. If he is correct about these being premonitions then this will all take place next week between the middle and end of the week."

Sonoma who says, “So we need to prepare for protecting some kind of monster in the mountains” interrupts the silence that follows? Against other monsters and cowboys? Life is never dull with this group is it?” "Hold on a second," Ruby says interrupting Sonoma, "Is there anyone here besides me who thinks this is crazy? How are WE going to protect this creature? I mean, look at me, I'm not exactly the crawling-in-the- mountains-hunter-protector type and neither are any of you except Nanuet here." She pauses to point at him. "And why us?"

Jim Riley snaps back "Hey, don't go blaming me. I certainly didn't ask for these dreams. I've gone nine nights now without much sleep and this sleep deprivations is really taking its toll. I'm glad that Kajika has finally cured me, otherwise I wouldn't be much good to anyone." "Obviously you are sleep deprived, I didn't blame you for anything," Ruby replies, trying to keep herself calm again in what was amounting to a bad day.

Nanuet, who has been more quiet than usual (if that is possible) finally, speaks. "Everyone please calm down. These visions may tell the future or they may just be dreams or have another meaning besides the future. If they do tell the future, you may as well embrace it and prepare for it because you will not be able to avoid it. I will meet with Kajika again soon and maybe I will learn more from him. Until we know more attend to your normal business, I know we all have enough of it. I have much in my head right now that needs to be sorted out. If I am no longer needed I will retire to the church's grove. Mr. Riley, you may accompany me if you wish." Riley looks at Nanuet and says "You're kidding, right? The only place I'm going is up to my room to sleep." He gets up and heads up the stairs.

Nanuet waits for the other's response. Sonoma reaches over to Nanuet and gives him a quick kiss "go and try to find your peace I will see you in the morning" Nanuet smiles at the gesture from Sonoma and continues although now towards the door a bit reluctantly. A human male around twenty-five years in age walks into the El Parador. As Nanuet is heading for the door he stops and pauses as something about the determined look on the man's face looks odd. The man has a scruffy beard and balding head, wearing jeans, a tan cotton shirt, leather vest and brown cowboy hat.

The man walks right over to the poker table where Carlos Ramirez has just begun a card game. As Carlos looks up in his direction the man begins to draw a revolver from his belt and yells out “I warned you to stay away from my wife you stinking Mexican.” Nanuet attempts to quietly make his way behind the man drawing his dagger as he moves. He also takes a glance at the rest of his friends to see what actions they might be taking. Sonoma heads over to the bar for some cover.

Jake gets up and stands between Ruby and the other folks in the room in an attempt to block their vision of her in case she wants to do something that she'd rather not have them see. He puts his hand on his Colt and does a quick check of whether he has a clear shot between him, the man drawing his gun and beyond.

Nanuet is able to close within ten feet by the time the man has his gun raised. Jake is on his feet, hand on gun. Sonoma has quickly scampered to the bar. Katherine and Ruby both notice the half-elf wizard Carlos Wyman taking advantage of the aura of sound obscurement surrounding his table and the fact that everyone in the room is now focused on the poker table in that he is starting an incantation.

The man extends his hand forward, the barrel of the gun now being a mere three feet from Carlos's face and yells "Die Jose Ramirez" as his finger starts to depress on the trigger. (Note - Carlos's twin brother Jose tends bar at the El Parador but hasn't arrived yet tonight). "Whoa, buckaroo, wrong Ramirez." Jake shouts, "If'n ya want to hang it ought to be for shootin' the right guy."

The shot fires. The bullet exits the barrel and proceeds directly forward to Carlos's face. To him it is traveling in slow motion as his life flashes before his eyes. As it closes to less than a foot from him it then changes direction as if striking something and deflects upwards towards the ceiling. Jake Cook is yelling something from across the room and Sonoma is muttering something from behind the bar but Carlos is too busy attempting to duck down beneath the table to notice as the man begins to fire a second shot from his double-action revolver. Nanuet closes the distance to him in that amount to time.

Sonoma changes her muttering to help protect Nanuet from the crazed man with the gun while loading the firearm that sits behind the bar. She's hoping she'll be able to pass the gun off to someone who will actually be able to shoot the thing once loaded. Kate took a quick look around the room. She grabbed a bottle of an adjacent table and began to mutter, thankful for all the noise in the room. She moved toward the man from the opposite side than Nanuet, lifting the bottle to smash it over the gunman's head muttering the ending words of a sleep spell.

Nanuet manages to wrest the man's gun from his hand simultaneous to Kate striking him with her bottle and casting the spell. He collapses to the floor. Beneath the table Carlos sees his opponent fall and looks up, muttering "He didn't kill Jose but I think that I might." Ruby notes the half-elf at the other table make a motion to cancel his spell. Pedro grabs the double-barreled shotgun from Sonoma and yells out "Everybody stay where you are!"

Jake sits back down at the table and grabs the bourbon. He refills Ruby's glass followed by his own. "Anybody else?" Sonoma looks to find Ricardo "Go find Jose and get him back here now I don't care what he is doing or what he thinks he should be doing find him NOW!” Ricardo takes off like a child possessed. He's heard that tone of voice from Sonoma only a couple of times and he knows better than to fool with her in the mood she's now in. Sonoma goes over to the man who is down checks his body for other weapons sits him in a chair and hog-ties him just to be safe. She then looks straight at Carlos "When I get a hold of your twin...”

During the little bit of chaos that follows the shooting, Jake pulls Ruby's chair closer to him. He's grateful of that the candle is still burning. “So Ruby, I hope you aren't mad that I asked you to officially be my partner in front of all of them. I don't know what is going to happen here, I'm sure we'll be fine. I know how you feel sometimes, and I... well... didn't want to cross a line. Do you know what I am trying to say?" Jake lowers his head and covers his eyes with his hand for a quick moment before looking up again. "How could you, I don't know what I'm trying to say."

Ruby lays her hand gently on Jake’s arm. “How could I be mad, Jake? It’s just what I wanted. I know what you are trying to say and I can’t deny it is very hard for me to imagine staying here for a long period of time.” Ruby starts biting on her lip but realizes she is doing it and quickly stops. “But other um, considerations, have come to my attention and the thought of leaving is not as appealing as the thought of staying anymore. Do you know what I am saying?” "I think so." He fills her glass again and touches his to hers. "Cheers." They take a drink. "Besides, we can always sell the Lone Star if we get bored with it." He says with a grin.

Ruby grins back at him. "Yes we can. But as long as we're both around I doubt things will ever get boring.” Ruby pauses to run her hand through her hair then pull it to the side before continuing. “But I have to admit, Jake, that I really want this. I don’t know why I do but I do.” She shrugs. "And it’s been a long time since I wanted anything like this and it’s even better since you want it with me.” "It'll give me a place to play when I want," Jake swirls his drink, "and I like to see you smile."

"So can you believe what Mr. Gonzales said about me being his golden eagle? That was odd I think." "More than a little passing strange. But hey, nice image though. I'm usually called some fouler animal." He laughs. "He knows way too much about things." “He seems to know everything. Good thing he likes us,” Ruby laughs. “I am his golden eagle after all.” "He likes you. I suspect he tolerates me, but it works."

Ruby smiles. "He likes you or you might not still be hanging around." Ruby furrows her brow for a moment, "That reminds me, I have to get your jacket from him. Try to remind me. I get so easily distracted these days..." as she smiles at him again. "I might need that thing, I'm worried about having Riley with us." Jake reaches out and gives her hair a little pull. "I hope he's learned to shoot his gun better in all those years, last time he was in a gun fight he killed his friends too." Jake makes a little grimace and then laughs.

"You are right, you do need it, I want my new partner to stay safe and sound." She reaches out and strokes Jake's face. "I'm going to get it after this shooting nonsense. I mean, maybe if the guy kept his wife happy she wouldn't be wandering and he wouldn't be coming into our Cantina and ruining our dinner..." Ruby takes a sip of her bourbon. "This stuff is pretty good actually." He replies, "Well, for me it's not as good as Kentucky bourbon, but it surely is better than most of the swill they pass as whiskey around here."

Nanuet is astounded that Jake and Ruby are acting as if an armed man did not just walk in and threaten to murder someone right in front of them in cold blood. That Kate is standing in the contents of a broken bottle of liquor and that Sonoma and he were in the middle of tying the violent man up. "Nothing phases you two does it?"

Ruby turns to Katherine. "It's almost time to go, right? I have to get ready and I still have two new dresses that need wearing." Jake says, "I'll be over to the Lone Star later to talk to Job and then confirm with grumpy Tom that we are interested if he's selling the whole thing. And of course I didn't hardly get to hear you sing last night, tonight will be different."

"What?" Kate said suddenly, the top half of the broken bottle still in her hand. Her senses seemed very sharp at the moment. Maggie's hands still laying on the piano keys, Conrad Booth staring over toward the now unconscious man, Pedro standing up on the bar. She carefully set the bottle back down on the table she had snatched it from. The sleeve of her dress was soaked with whiskey. "Damn," she muttered as she absently sat down. "I'm going to have to change again." "You haven't even started serving yet and already covered in whiskey. I'll bet Carlos will pay for the cleaning for you, after all you were serving his table." Jake gives her a wink.

Ruby says, "I hope you will get to hear me sing tonight, Jake. I always sing better when you are there." Ruby glances around the room. The shooting was still being investigated. "I'm going to run up and get ready. I don't think they need me for anything."

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