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"Revenge, Renewal and the Promise of a New Year" (Boot Hill/D&D)

Silver Moon

Yeah, what a guy. Can't wait to use him again. :D

Chapter 125, “Maggie’s Night”, Friday, January 13th, 1882:

Chester, Kate and 'Louise' arrive at the Lone Star at around 7:30 PM, a half-hour earlier than usual. Maggie is wearing what must be her best clothing, a maroon colored cotton dress with lace and silk around the bodice, sleeves and lower hem. She is wearing her hair curled, something they haven't seen before and the stands of gray are no longer there. She approaches them with a happy smile on her face.

Job Kane hasn't arrived yet although several of his Friday night players, Al Brower, Henry Weller, Ned Walters and and Phil Rogers are sitting there waiting for him. Tony Lucky has his table full of regulars and is currently shuffling the deck and about to start. Jeff Mills is behind the bar serving drinks to three patrons standing there. William and Teddy Whipple are seated at a table along with the woman Alexsis Downy. Patrons are sitting at two of the other tables.

Katherine stepped forward and hugged her friend. "Maggie, you're lovely. That smile is perfect." She was glad she'd done herself up so simply. It was Maggie's night and the attention should be on her. "Did Dorita fill you in on what happened today?" Maggie nodded. "Is Jake really alright?" "Yes, just very tired. And Ruby doesn't want to leave him. I'm sure you understand. But Louise can sing tonight, and she's wonderful. The patrons will miss Ruby, I'm sure, but they won't lack for fine entertainment."

After a few moments Kate pulled Maggie aside. "I'd hoped to get a chance to speak to you about this sooner, but things have been rather hectic," she said quietly. She began to explain about how they didn't believe Tom and her father intended to let Maggie stay there, but stopped as noticed Maggie just nodding, her countenance not in the least surprised. "You know all this already, don't you?" She says, "I suspected at least. I know my father and brother. But for the next three nights I'm going to do the finest job of running a saloon they've ever seen. After that comes the hard part."

"Alright Maggie. Tonight let's try to keep Teddy and Alexsis off the stage. I hope you'll forgive me for saying so, but I don't particularly care for them. And let's try not to give your Father any excuse to interfere." With that Kate got down to work. She served drinks for the first half-hour until Job came down to start his game. Then she sat down at the piano to play for Louise. Her hand was a bit stiff, but it worked itself out after a few minutes and Kate began to enjoy the music.

Teddy and Alexsis head over to stage and Teddy tells Katherine "Okay, my turn." "How kind of you to give me a break. But really, I'm feeling quite comfortable here. It's been a long day, you might have heard about the bank robbery? I happened to be there, and my stomach has been in knots all day. Playing is doing a great deal to help me feel better." Katherine began the introduction to an energetic, but moderately long classical piece. Louise stepped off the stage to help wait tables.

Kate adds, And there was an advertisement in one of the papers yesterday for the Lone Star. It mentioned Miss West and myself. And as Miss West stayed with a sick friend tonight, the patrons ought to at least see one of the mentioned performers, don't you think?" Alexsis says "Well, if she's not coming then you'll definitely be needing me to sing later. We can't disappoint the crowd." And with that she and Teddy step away before Kate can respond.

Job Kane's game has been underway for about a half-hour just as Katherine is finishing up her piece. Out of the corner of her eye she sees a very large man standing in the doorway, Van Horne, scanning the room from side to side before entering. He then walks up to Job's table and says "Deal me in the next hand. In the meanwhile I'll get myself something to drink."

Van Horne walks up to the bar and asks for a Kentucky Bourbon. Jeff Mills says they don't have it in stock but offers several other choice whiskeys. Van Horne says "Well, if that's the best you have I guess it will have to do." Mills pours him one and the plump gentleman takes and heads over to Job's table, taking an empty seat directly across from the dealer.

Louise covers the floor quickly making sure that there will be plenty of drinks and food for the customers so that Teddy will not get a chance to grab the stage She also sticks her head into the kitchen "Mama, Teddy and Alexis are bound and determined to take the stage and they make Great grandfather's playing and singing look good. Do you have anything "special" that you might be able to whip up to help me keep them off the stage?”

Katherine segued immediately into another piece, not wanting to leave an opening for Teddy or Alexsis. She knew she couldn't hold them off with excuses all night, and she could have kicked herself for mentioning Ruby and giving Alexsis an opening. She kept her eye on the stairs leading up to the stage. Kate tried to think of every song she could that Alexsis wouldn't likely know. Most of them were Irish tunes that Tom had taught her. If all else failed, Kate herself could start to sing as Alexsis approached. She sighed, smiled at the room, and continued to play.

As soon as Sonoma recognizes the end of the piece she will get back to the stage starting with some acapella pieces to give Kate a break. She continues singing for as long as necessary, gauging the pieces to the audience and the hundred or so years of songs that she has under her belt. Sonoma has used nearly every trick in the book to keep the stage, never letting up for one minute during the next hour-and-a-half. Kate and Maggie alternate at the keyboards but Sonoma alone does the singing.

At around 10:00 PM Kate is serving drinks when she overhears Alexsis and Teddy complain to William Whipple, specifically she hears Teddy say "That Bitch won't let my sweetie sing," as he gestures towards the stage. William says "I'll handle this" as he walks over towards the piano to speak to his daughter. Kate walked past Teddy's table on the way to the door, resisting the urge to dump a drink all over him. She prayed Maggie would stand up to her Father and tell him she was in charge here, not him.

Simultaneous to this a pair of patrons arrive, namely Bolivar and de Scure's two companions, the human William Miller and the half-elf Carlos Wyman. Three men, workers from a mine up near the town of Dos Cabezas give them dirty looks. One mutters loud enough for half of the Saloon to hear "I though we rode all the way here to get away from the stinking Mexicans. This is supposed to be a human tavern." Sonoma give Maggie a signal that she will do some acapella work and give her a nod to Maggie's father as she begins an Elvan song with English words that she imbeds with bardic suggestions of staying calm, causing no trouble, and being happy.

Kate took a long deep breath and ignored the miners, despite the fact that she'd prefer to slap some sense into them. Instead she approached Mr. Miller and Mr. Wyman. "How pleasant to see you again, gentlemen." She led them over to the bar, as all the tables were full. "Now, what can I get you? Drinks, food? I can have either here in a few moments, but those moments will go quickly with Miss Louise singing for us," she added allowing her voice to carry.

William Whipple says something to his daughter that the other's except for Sonoma cannot hear over the sounds of Sonoma singing. He demands that Alexsis be allowed an opportunity to sing and states that she is being rude to her cousin. At first Maggie is defiant in her response, stating that it is her saloon and that she will run it as she wishes. But Whipple continues and after about two minutes Maggie caves, her posture sloping and she then relents. She stops playing and tells Louise "Why don't you take a break now." Sonoma slides onto the piano bench and begins to play.

She plays the piano loud enough to cover the conversation and tells Maggie "You stood up to your father but then gave in. Do you want her on the stage? And since when is your cousin someone you care what they want? Your father didn't interfere with your brother's night. What gives him the right to interfere with yours?" Maggie replies, "No, that's not true. Tom let Alexsis and Teddy perform on Tuesday."

Sonoma ignores that and continues "I will leave the stage only if that is what you truly want. However if I do you may want to send someone to the El Parador to see if they can get Ruby here. If I leave it only Ruby will be able to get that tone-deaf bellowing peacock and her piano pounding simpering husband -to- be off this stage tonight, otherwise you will watch as all of your profits walk out of the door." Maggie tells Sonoma "Look, I don't want my father to be angry with me. Let them play for a few minutes, you can use a break." Sonoma stands up from the piano and looks Maggie straight in the eye "I hope you enjoy the rest of your life in Denver under that man's roof letting him run your life." With that she leaves the stage and goes to cover the floor, first letting Dorita know that the night's work here has been a lost cause and that Maggie will never take a stand that is against her father's wishes.

Meanwhile, the three drunk miners get up from their table and walk over to the table that Miller and Wyman have seated at. One moves up to the chair behind Miller and the other two stand on both sides of Wyman. Both men at the table continue their conversation, giving no attention whatsoever to these men. Katherine patted her pocket, feeling the reassurance of Tom's pistol there. She usually didn't carry it here, but after today she hadn't wanted to leave it behind. She picked up her tray with their drinks and walked boldly up to the table.

She slid in between Miller and Wyman, using her body to split up the miners group. "How's your evening, gentlemen?" she asked and continued to chatter, keeping herself at the table and hoping the miners wouldn't want to start trouble with a lady there to get hurt. One of the miners tells Kate "We're going to sit and have a drink with our friends here. Why don't you go and fetch us all a round of beer." None of three however make any attempt to sit down.

Kate didn't want to leave, but she couldn't think of an excuse not to. Her eyes met Mr. Miller's, questioning. "I think you gentlemen still have full drinks over at your table, and there aren't enough chairs here for all of you. I'll be glad to take your money if you'd like fresh ones, but it seems wasteful to leave the others, no?" She turned her head toward the bar. "Jeff, we need more chairs here please."

Across the room one of the miners leans over and whispers something to Wyman. The half-elf continues to ignore him and talks to Miller as if the other three men weren't there. The miner who whispers says loud enough for others to here "Think you're really smart huh?" Kate stumbled back from the table. "Jeff!" she called, slipping her hand into her pocket, but not bringing it out. "These three men are keeping our guests from enjoying their drinks. Would you escort them to the door, please?"

The man throws a punch towards the side of Wyman's face. Without standing, taking his eyes off his companion or even taking a break in their conversation Wyman thrusts up his left hand and grabs the man by the wrist, stopping it within an inch of the side of his face. Simultaneous to this he uses his right hand to cup the man's elbow. Wyman then moves his left hand down and right hand up, breaking the man's arm. The man behind Miller moves to attack him but Miller counters by swiftly lifting up his mug and flinging the contents of the glass into the man's face.

The fight intensifies as the man on the other side of Wyman lunges at him. Wyman pushes himself off of the table and slides both himself and the chair back, moving away from the table three feet back as the man lands on the floor. Miller stands and tips the table, using it to pin the man on the floor there. The man behind Miller grabs a chair to swing into him. Miller catches the chair and uses it to pull the man forward, flinging him into the overturned table. The man with the broken arm just stands there howling in pain. Jeff Mills quickly hurries out from behind the bar but both Maggie and William Whipple reach the commotion first. William physically pushes his daughter aside and says "I'll handle this."

Kate took a few angry breaths as she watched William Whipple shove his own daughter. "No sir, the staff and the owner will handle this," she said hands on her hips and eyes angry. "I suggest you return to your table." Sonoma also begins to work at breaking up the fight by removing objects that can be used as weapons and watching to make sure that there are no guns or knifes being drawn. She stands behind Maggie and says "It's now or never. Take charge or decide to leave.”

Whipple yells to Kate "This is your fault Kale, you should have thrown out these Mexican troublemakers when they first showed up." His yelling at Kate has one unanticipated side effect, the entire Saloon comes to a complete halt and silence follows.

Miller is the first to speak and in his thick English accent exclaims "Sir, your conclusion that we are troublemakers is as inaccurate as your calling us Mexicans. I happen to be from England and my associate Mr. Wyman is Peruvian although he also holds a British passport. We happen to be here in the United States on a diplomatic mission and have paperwork signed by your President Chester A. Arthur to that effect. My associate and I came here tonight upon the invitation of this Saloon's owner, Maggie Whipple. Obviously that was a mistake, for as kind and gracious a host as she is others do not share that sentiment.

You may not have noticed it Sir, but it was these three men who began the altercation. We attempted to mind our own business until the first punch was thrown. We will take our leave. Please feel free to forward an invoice to us at the El Parador for any damages to the facility or medical services for these men. Thank you." And with that both Miller and Wyman depart. Before anything else can be said Teddy starts banging on the keyboards and Alexsis starts to yell to the crowd "Okay everybody, let's have us some fun." She then starts a round of sing-along bar songs and encourages everyone to join in.

Sonoma marches up to Whipple and says, “Congratulation sir. You have just insulted the most powerful men in town, because of an assumption that one race is better than another. I am glad to see that your daughter is much more open-minded than you. However I find the way you treat her and other people appalling. I'm amazed with the fact that with your attitude you were ever able to run a saloon or any business.”

Whipple balls up his fists and it looks as though he is going to punch Sonoma. Before he can however two large burly hands clamp onto both of his arms. William Whipple looks back to see who has grabbed him and says "Let go of me Mills, or you're fired." Jeff replies, "No sir, I work for Tom and Maggie, not you, and they hired me to be the bouncer. That means keeping things under control. Your nephew and his girl are helping to bring this situation back to normal and I'm not letting anyone prevent that, including you. Why don't we both help these injured gentlemen outside."

Whipple just stares at Jeff Mills, his face still beet red with anger. Another voice, that of Job Kane says "I'll help you out Jeff. Too noisy in here now to focus on my game so I called it a night." William Whipple reluctantly assists Jeff and Job with removing the three miners from the Lone Star. Job whisper to 'Louise' "I'd suggest you not be here when Mr. Whipple returns."

As William Whipple made a fool of himself, Kate continued to stand straight and look him in the eye. Her glare didn't shift even as Mr. Miller spoke. After the men left and Jeff and Job got Whipple to help take the injured out, she picked up her tray. "I am not required to stand here and be insulted, and I will not tolerate it a second time. With your permission, Mrs. Whipple, I'll return to my work." Teddy's playing was an affront to her ears as she moved through the room, back straight and stiff. The singing was worse. Anger was still boiling inside her, but she tried to hide it as she went back to taking care of the customers.

Sonoma looks at Maggie "I'm sorry if you're angry but I needed to say it . As I'm now a deficit to you I'll be leaving for the evening you know where to find me if you need me tomorrow" With that she sticks her head in the kitchen lets her mother know she's going home and leaves.

The final hour of the evening goes by without incident. Most of Job's players departed after he ended his game but Van Horne switched over to Tony's table and wound up taking everybody's money as he had done at Job's, the game wrapping up at around 11:30 PM Alexsis provided entertainment for the remainder of the evening although thankfully Maggie decided to relieve her cousin at the piano. It became obvious to Kate that Alexsis's singing range and repertoire of songs was rather limited, but showed that the woman was at least smart enough to stick with what she could do fairly well.

Jeff Mills got back right away but without Whipple. When Maggie asked about her father Mills replied "He headed over to the Comique to talk to Tom." Most of the patrons depart after Tony's game breaks up, as there was little to keep them there, with Alexsis now repeating songs that she had sung earlier. Maggie goes into the kitchen and thanks Dorita for her help. Dorita says "You are most welcome. Could you please ask Kate to come in here for a minute?" Kate had calmed down somewhat by the time Maggie asked her to step into the kitchen, "Yes Dorita? What can I do for you?"

Dorita exclaims in her mangled version of the English language "I not wizard. Grandfather put magic all over door and window of back wall to keep people out. Sonoma was to cast spell at end of night to take it off, but she go. I need you do that instead." She hands a jar of rose-colored sand to Kate and says "You to toss on back wall while casting magic spell and use the words "Aka`aka Loko I Ka Ike A Ke Aloha." I ask him and he say that mean "The secrets within me are seen through love" in gnome language. I think that Grandfather a very odd man."

Kate laughed softly. "I think you're right. I've certainly never met another like him." She took the jar and dipped her hand inside. As she tossed several handfuls of the sand against the back wall she repeated, "Aka`aka Loko I Ka Ike A Ke Aloha." She then cast a detect magic cantrip to see if she had successfully removed the spell. The spell appeared to have worked as there is no longer any magical aura. Dorita tries a more mundane method of checking - she opens the back door. She fills up the wooden box with the foodstuffs that she didn't use and says "I ready to go now."

Kate checks to make sure that Chester is ready to escort them back, seeing him standing out front. The main room is quiet now, with Job and Tony having left. Alexsis and Teddy are sitting close in a corner table with an end of the night nightcap. Jeff says "I'll head down to the Comique to tell Tom and William that we're done." He heads out the door.

Maggie looks towards Kate and with a dejected sigh says "It looks like I'm done too." Kate walked over and put her arm around Maggie. "I'm so sorry. I wanted so much to help but I lost my temper. I'm going to tell you something, and I hope you won't be angry with me. The trouble tonight came from one thing, the relationship between you and your father. He interfered with your ability to run this business whenever he could, and you allowed him to do so. Without his interference Jeff would just have thrown those miners out and that would have been the end of it. The people you employ are loyal to you. They listen to what you say, not your Father, we will back you up.

Teddy and Alexsis, I admit Louise and I were probably too strict in trying to keep them off the stage. But Teddy is truly awful at the piano, and we felt that letting them get up there would just be one step in letting your Father take over. You are a grown woman, and unless your father plans to put you on the stage at gunpoint, he can't make you leave. If you don't declare your independence now, he's going to run your life forever. I know you have other concerns, mostly Tom and Flossie, but please consider what I said. I'll see you tomorrow."

Outside Kate joined Dorita and took Mr. Martin's arm. She was truly exhausted. There was only so much energy one person had, and she was reaching the end of hers. She leaned heavily on Mr. Martin's arm as they returned to the El Parador. "Good night Mr. Martin, good night Dorita, thank you," she said quietly before she mounted the stairs and went up to her room. Tomorrow would be better. Lessons with Mr. Gonzales were always a pleasure, and then there would be a ride out to the ranch and time to look over the horses there. She avoided thinking about work tomorrow night. Then Sunday would be blissfully free, with nothing to do but lose at poker in the evening. Kate loosely braided her hair, got into her nightgown, and climbed gratefully into bed.

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Silver Moon

Chapter 126 ,“The City of Angels ”, Saturday, January 14th, 1882:

Katherine woke around 9:30 to the sound of rain. She wrapped herself in a soft blue robe, pulled a blanket from her bed, and curled up in a chair by the window to watch it fall. She had never known that you could have too much sunshine. In Massachusetts snow would have fallen long ago. Everything covered in white, but churned and dirty in the streets. She would be warm and cozy inside with a shawl over her shoulders. Writing her letters and playing the piano, maybe preparing for a small dinner party in the evening. And Tom would come home late in the afternoon, stomping snow from his boots and calling out in his light brogue for his "Bonny Katie." She wiped her eyes and watched the rain fall.

Nearly an hour later she stirred herself, dressed, and went to Mr. Gonzales' room. She left her hair down again. It was just too much trouble to put it up. Kate spoke the words and went into the rooms where her mentor truly lived. The sound of the rain disappeared. She rather missed it. "Good morning," she called out.

"Good Morning Katherine, we were just about to come collect you," Manuel says. He is wearing the same suit and other fancy clothing that Sanoma had seen him in the night before. Also in the room is Simon Bolivar, attired in a fine suit as well. Bolivar says "That is a fine dress you are wearing Mrs. Kale but perhaps you might wish to go change into something a little more formal before we depart. We will be meeting some very special people."

Katherine looked from one to the other. "If I go, do you promise to tell me what's going on when I get back?" Mr. Gonzales just smiled wider. Kate shook her head and slipped quietly back out and to her room. She crossed the room and opened her trunk. "Formal, hmm?" She dug down to the bottom and pulled out a midnight blue, beaded dress with black embroidery. It left her shoulders exposed, and had a deep neckline that stopped just short of showing too much. She then pulled a dark lace wrap around her shoulders. To finish she put the jeweled clip in her hair and spoke the command words. Her hair spun and lifted, some of the color changing until it was in the style Mr. Gonzales had imagined for her. She then stepped across the hall and back into her mentor's rooms. "Well gentlemen, will this do?"

"You look lovely" Manuel says. "Indeed," Bolivar states. Manuel says "Follow me. He then opens the entranceway to the Mansion and enters, Bolivar and Kate following. They walk into his workshop. Once there he gathers up various components and deposits them in his brazier. He calls the two women close and says "I am going to start and incantation. I want you both to hold hands and when I extend my hands outward each of you take one with your other hand."

He begins to cast the spell, which requires considerable hand gestures and elaborate incantations from which Kate discerns words in Latin, Greek and French. He then thrusts out his hands as a pink colored smoke rises up from the brazier and encompasses the three of them. It felt odd to hold a strange man's hand, but Kate forgot all about that in watching Mr. Gonzales perform the incantation. She still had no idea where they were going. It didn't seem long before pink smoke rose up and a hand came toward her through the cloud. Kate grasped it firmly and held on tight.

The pink smoke intensified and then dissipated. They were no longer in the workshop. The three were inside of what appeared to be a large hotel room, essentially a two bedroom suite. They were in the center of a living room with leather sofas and chairs. Off from the room were the bedrooms on two sides, each with a large king sized four-corner posted beds with hand-quilted comforters atop each. Oriental style wool carpets covered the floors. The rooms were lit by electric light fixtures. A large picture window was on one wall and the sun was shining through the curtains. Noises that she associated with busy cities could be heard from outside.

Katherine released Bolivar's hand, but moved her other hand so she had now taken her teachers arm. This place was elegant and rich. It felt a great deal like home, but far richer. "Where are we, Professeur aimé?" He replies "We are at the Nadeau Hotel, the finest hotel in the city.” "And which city would that be?" he asks. "Los Angeles, California" is his reply. He continues, “ Remi Nadeau is a Canadian of French descent. He arrived here in 1859 where he began his career in the transportation industry, starting with just two mules and a wagon. His Cerro Gordo Freighting Company now has stations in sixty-five towns and cities throughout the southwestern United States and he has branched out into other ventures. Comes, let me show you the building's main attraction"

They head out into a hallway where a large metal gated box with a man standing inside it stands. Bolivar says "Mrs. Kale, have you ever seen an elevator before? This is the first one in this region of the country. You can travel vertically from one floor to another without benefit of stairs and it is totally mechanical in nature rather than magical!" She replies, "I have not, sir; a marvelous invention indeed. Especially when one has need to move a great many things from one floor to another. Will we be riding, sir?"

"Indeed" he replies. They enter the contraption and the gate is shut. There are four levers before the operator numbered on through four. "Lobby sirs?" the man asks. "Yes" Bolivar replies. The man moves the lowest lever and the square room descends. She watches as three floors pass by with the box stopping in the lobby of the grand hotel.

They head outside to the curb where street signs indicate that the four-story hotel is at the corners of First and Spring Streets. Manuel tells Kate "We came to the city last night for dinner along with Antonio. My initial spell had to bring us to a place outside of the city, where we wouldn't be observed arriving by magic. We decided to save the long walk back by renting the hotel room to leave from, especially since we were coming back again today."

They wait for a short while as various wagons and carriages ride by. Finally a very fancy carriage pulls up to the curb and the driver steps down and opens the door for the trio. Bolivar offers his hand to assist Kate up and inside. There are two people seated inside upon the bench on one side of the carriage so Kate and her two companions sit on the other. Kate looks up at the two people. One is a heavy-set man with a balding head and white mutton-chops flowing across his face. The other is a female wood elf who Kate instantly recognizes. She appears to be a little bit older than she had been in the photograph found in the rustlers’ cave but is clearly the same young woman.

Bolivar gestures to Kate and says, "This is Manuel's apprentice, Katherine Kale. May I introduce you to James R. Toberman, the previous Mayor of this city, and his employee Consuela Hernandez." The woman smiles and says "Mrs. Kale, it is a pleasure to meet you. I hear that you are the one who found me." "The pleasure is mine, Miss Hernandez. Mr. Toberman, how do you do?" Katherine said politely. "I only found some items which belonged to you and asked about them, It is these gentlemen who have the skills required to find you. I hope you'll forgive my surprise. Two days ago I was told there was no hope of returning those items to their owner."

Consuela replies "Those items are of a past life and I no longer have need of them, although the return of my family photograph would be appreciated. My life in Bolivia ended over twenty years ago. My family was killed by the Military Dictator, as was a servant girl who was believed to be me. Family friends smuggled me out of the county and to safety here in California. I have been working for Mr. Toberman for most of the years since that time."

An awkward silence follows until Toberman decides give them a brief history of the city. He says, "This community last year celebrated its Centennial. This settlement was first established on September 4th, 1781 as the Pueblo of Los Angeles with forty-two settlers from Mexico, mostly wood elves and a few African ogres. The city’s first mayor was a wood elf named Jose Vanegas. The first human visited in 1805, a New England ship captain named John Shaler who set up the first trade with the city. The United States claimed California from Mexico in 1846 and fighting between the two countries took place right here in the city. A census in 1848 showed the city to have 248 humans, 1798 elves, 3 ogres and 3 gnomes. The 1949 gold rush brought tens of thousands to California and the Los Angeles county was formally established in 1850.

Most of the next twenty years were filled with tragedies. In 1855 and again in 1857 major earthquakes damaged much of the city and killed many. The city sent 163 troops to fight with the Union Army in the great war, a large number of whom never returned. During the war years the city was ravaged by a smallpox epidemic which killed most of the elvan population. And a steamship blew up in the harbor, killing over two dozen and seriously injuring as many more.

But the city recovered from those events and prospered. I served as Mayor for six years, from 1872 to 1874 and again from 1878 until earlier this week. As of last year our population numbered over 11,000. When silver was discovered in your Arizona county in 1877 much of the city’s population left for there seeking to strike it rich. But last year after the railroads connected this city to the East new populations began to swell in and a massive building campaign has been raging ever since. During these last four years I have brought electric lights, mass transit and fiscal integrity to the city.

While the Spanish quarter of the city remains one-story adobe houses the downtown area is now growing with multi-story buildings. Plans are on the board for several more grand hotels much like the Nadeau where you are staying. The southern areas are still planted with fields of barley. That too will soon be replaced by homes and businesses. But it is these buildings that we are approaching near Main and First Streets that I wanted to show to you."

The carriage stops beside a large brick three-story building that looks to have once been either a hotel or boarding house. The windows are boarded up and iron chains and locks are fixed to the front door. A tall man dressed in a brown suit and top hat is standing near the doorway and takes out a key chain to unlock the locks, unbars the door and then opens it. He enters first carrying a lantern and the others follow.

They tour the building. The rooms are in reasonably good shape, with hardwood floors and fireplaces in each room. The staircases appear to be quite sturdy. Each of the upper two stories has twenty individual 12-foot square rooms. The lower floor has six of these rooms and several other larger rooms. Katherine was quiet as they toured the abandoned building. It must have been a grand place once upon a time, but she was confused as to why they were in it. Mr. Toberman's pride in his city was evident, but the flow of information had stopped once they entered the building.

They then depart and the man relocks the building. He hands some papers to Toberman and then wishes him a good day. Toberman says, "Shall we?" and gestures to a fair sized restaurant adjacent to the building. "Of course." Kate again linked her arm with her teacher's, but she kept her first few steps small so they fell behind slightly. "You will think I am nothing but questions today," she said quietly. "But what was that all about?"

Toberman says "Mrs. Kale. Stories such as yours and Consuela's are not rare. This town has seen hundreds of women who have tragically lost their families and become alone. Unlike the two of you, most women who find themselves in that situation lack the friends and finances to help persevere. That is especially true of those of wood elvan descent. Now that I am no longer Mayor I am looking to establish some philanthropic endeavors to benefit the city. That building would be the first, a place for women who life has mistreated to live together. It will be a place for them to start life anew and learn the skills of new professions."

While this conversation is going on they enter the huge adjacent wooden restaurant. Kate notices the exterior coat of white paint is cracked and pealing. The carved woodwork around the windows is weatherbeaten. The large blue and white sign over the door reading "Las Pueblo Restaurante" is also cracked and faded. The restaurant starts with a vast lobby, 20 by 40 feet and lined on all walls with various couches. The cloth or leather on most of the couches is also slit and padding from below can be seen through. A waiter shows the five inside and to a table.

The interior consists of one vast room 100 feet wide and 75 feet long. Most of the interior is filled with chairs and tables, although only around 20 tables near the side windows have been set. The single-story building has a high ceiling, twenty feet up, with elaborate candle chandeliers that are currently devoid of candles. Two doors in the rear lead to a large kitchen. The other side of the room has a large stage, fifteen feet out and running most of the 75-foot length of the building. A full-sized grand piano sits atop of it. Curtains are on both sides of the stage, with ropes to draw them. The curtains also show tears and the ends of the rope is frayed.

Toberman continues "Consuela began working for me as a maid but in the last four years while I was preoccupied with running the city she has become the manager of my household. I can see that her skills far outshine that of a household servant. I plan to have her be the manager of the women's home." The waiter arrives and Toberman orders for the group and a white wine is served along with soup and salad for each.
As they sat down to lunch Katherine imagined what this restaurant must have looked like before it fell into disrepair. Her eyes kept moving back to the piano. It looked like a beautiful instrument. Kate listened carefully to the others talking but kept mostly quiet. She was surprised to find that she had eaten most of her soup and salad without thinking.

Consuela says "I would welcome the opportunity to run such a place." "As would I, although I don't imagine I have the skills to do so. And for now I have another task," Kate said, glancing over at Mr. Gonzales. They continue the meal. Consuela then gestures to the restaurant and says "When I first came to the city this was the finest establishment one could find. But the elvan owners died in the smallpox epidemic and the owners since then have been unable to maintain it, but enough remains for you to still picture the grandeur that was once here."

Toberman then tells Kate "I plan to attach my name to the women's home in order to help attract financial backing for it. But this restaurant will be the main financing. The owners are hopeful to sell and if we can restore it, well, what a place it would be for this rapidly growing city. When this building is fully functioning again it would provide ample employment for all of the women living next door."

Manuel then leans over and takes Kate's hand. He looks her directly in the eye and says, "Of course we would first need to make sure everyone in the city knows that the restaurant is under new management. The best way to do that would be for it to have a new name. How does the name "Maggie's" sound to you?"

It was as if the sun came up over Katherine's face. She squeezed Mr. Gonzales' hand. "It couldn't be more perfect. She'll be so happy. She told me once how she missed having other women around her, and how she wanted to make a kind of oasis for people at the Lone Star. Here she could do it on a much grander scale."

She turned to Mr. Toberman. "This is a wonderful project you're taking on. It is strange to say it, but in many ways I'm fortunate. I got on the stage on the right day, and met people who changed my life. The grief can make one feel very heavy. It makes it hard to see any future. I can't imagine what it must be like for women without my luck."

Toberman asks Kate "Could you please tell me about this Maggie Whipple person? Mr. Gonzales seems to think that she would be a good manager for this establishment. I'm thinking that she would retain half ownership and the financial trust fund for the woman's shelter would own the other half. Mr. Gonzales seemed to indicate that she would have $ 2,000 to invest in the venture."

Kate replies, "Yes, she and her brother are selling their Saloon in Promise City so he can buy into the family business in Denver. She has changed in the two weeks since I've known her. She was always a kind and generous woman, but lately some of her long held beliefs have been challenged and I've been delighted to see that she has expanded her mind to accept other views. Lately she has been trying to convince her brother that members of all races should be welcome in their establishment.

She has been very kind to me, and from talking with her I know that she has a desire to care for others. They even have rooms for all the employees at her establishment, although I have chosen to remain at the El Parador. It was Maggie who hired myself and my friend Ruby to work at the Lone Star, and as far as I can tell it is she who does most of the day to day management. She has two years worth of managing a saloon under her belt, and she grew up in one as well. If I may say so, management skills can be learned. The compassionate and understanding nature required for this kind of endeavor cannot be. Maggie possesses that nature and business sense as well."

Toberman replies "Then it sounds like she would do well here." The conversation turns to smalltalk rather then business matters when the main course is served, a fish and rice plate. Toberman waits until all of the restaurant's employees are well out of earshot before continuing the discussion and keeping his voice low. He states "The owners of both buildings are looking to sell. The latest tax assessments have this building valued at $ 12,000 and the hotel next door at $ 9,000. However, considerable back taxes are owed on both and between that and the much-needed renovations there has been little interest from any potential buyers. I believe that if I agree to cover the back taxes I should be able to talk each buyer down to one-third of the assessed value, so your Mrs. Whipple's $ 2,000 would cover her half of the restaurant.

Once we have title of ownership, since I still wield considerable influence with the City Council and given the altruistic purpose I am planning for, I should be able to get them to waive the back taxes. Then I will approach the various businessmen in town for donations of materials for the renovations for both buildings."

Bolivar speaks up next. "My reputation proceeds me among the wood Elvan people on both continents and I have always been able to influence people to join a good cause. I anticipate being able to solicit enough volunteer labor for all of the renovations. We should be able to get both buildings opened within a few months, possibly sooner."

Katherine listened as the others made thier plans, wishing there was something she could offer. "Since it will be several months, when would you want Maggie to arrive?" Manuel says, "Oh, she'd be needed here right away. We should probably talk about the logistics of her getting out here some time after the meal."
"Shall I bring Maggie over to the El Parador this afternoon, or would you like to come over to the Lone Star?" "We can talk later," he says.

The dessert, a strawberry topped cake, is then served. Toberman pays the bill and tells Katherine "A pleasure to meet you." They return to their carriage and Bolivar, Manuel and Katherine are brought back to the Nadeau. They head up to the room and Manuel says "About Maggie, you are going to have to talk to her as soon as possible about this, and here's why. What do you honestly think Mr. William Whipple will say and do if Maggie were to announce that she's coming out here alone with half of the money from the Lone Star that would otherwise go to him?"

She replies, "I think he would say he's going to beat some sense into her, and do it. He's a terrible man, Professeur aimé. Last night.... I don't know if Sonoma spoke to you about it. He screamed at me and would have struck her if Jeff and Job hadn't stopped him."

Katherine took a deep breath. "I have never seen a temper like that. I never imagined Maggie's fear of disappointing her father might also be fear of physical violence. But I'm not sure I understand why speaking to her sooner makes a difference. I will go to her as soon as we return if you wish, but how does that avoid an altercation with her father?"

He says, "She leaves him out of it, or rather, she just leaves. Maggie legally owns half of the Lone Star. The town thinks that she and Tom have been fighting since the accusations at the courthouse on Tuesday and last night he spent the evening at the Comique staring at Flossie McKenna the whole night. Her deciding to 'walk out' on 'husband' Tom would seem just the natural course of things. What you need to do is convince her that what she can have here is a better life and then get her together with the buyers of her half of the saloon today at one of the lawyer's offices. Get that transaction done today. She can sign over her half without Tom or William having to know about it.

Another thing that she told Dorita is that William Whipple is a very religious man, never misses church on Sunday. Well, one Sunday a month a Greek/Roman Priest visits Promise City and that day is tomorrow. So from 8:00 AM until around noon William Whipple, Tom Whipple, Teddy Whipple and Alexsis Downy will all tied up in church. Maggie just has to come up with an acceptable excuse to not to go and that will give her an hour to pack before the 9:00 AM stage to Tombstone and a three hour head start on them once they find out that she's gone. She then catches the train from Tombstone to Tucson and I'll meet her there to bring her the rest of the way. Even if Whipple does follow her trail it will go cold in Tucson and she'll be forever free of that awful man."

Kate says, "I'll do the best I can. It's a wonderful opportunity for her, but to leave the Lone Star and go to a big city where she doesn't know anyone would be frightening. The work is perfect for her though. I think I can convince her. What I don't like is that this depends on her getting away from her family tomorrow morning. And honestly, on me getting to see Maggie today. If William Whipple decides he doesn't want me to see his daughter, I'm not strong enough to get past him physically."

Kate sighed and then smiled as they walked back through the hotel. "Thank you for this morning, gentlemen. What could be better? A wonderful opportunity for my friend, a chance to play dress up for me, and a few hours where I feel myself again. Places like this were my life for a long time, and there are days when I miss it."

Bolivar says "And your company was a pleasure to enjoy. One added piece of incentive, I've rented this suite for the next month so this is would be where she will be staying until the women's home is completed. Consuela will use the other bedroom and she won't find a better friend or city guide than her." Manuel sets up the brazier and begins the spell again. Kate and Simon each take one of his hands and they teleport back to his Mansion. Bolivar takes his leave of the other two. Manuel tells Kate "I'll be ready to leave in around two hours to head out to that horse ranch. Good luck."

"I'll be ready," Kate said and returned to her room. The rain was still pouring down and the streets would be muddy. She decided against putting on a dress and instead put on the new riding clothes she'd bought at Lacey's store and her stout boots. After removing the hair clip she braided her hair and let it hang down her back and put on a heavy jacket to keep the rain off. At the last moment she dashed off a note for Jake and Ruby in case they weren't downstairs. She dashed down the stairs.

Kate reaches the Cantina and sees Jeff Mills sitting with Chester at a table and enjoying a large meal that is in front of him. She approaches the table and he stops eating "Hello Kate. Dorita insisted on treating me to a big lunch as my reward for helping to save Louise last night." Kate then realizes that her next task has just gotten much easier when she hears Maggie's voice from out in the kitchen talking to Dorita. "Is that Maggie I hear?" she asks. Jeff says "Yeah, she insisted on helping Dorita cook this up for me. It's not often I get treated like a king! Plus it's raining today so for the first time in four days I don't have to spend the whole day up on the Lone Star roof laying bricks. It's a welcomed break." Chester adds "And since he didn't want to eat alone I also get treated!"

Silver Moon

Chapter 127 ,“Playing in the Mud”, Saturday, January 14th, 1882:

On the morning of Saturday, January 14th, the light of dawn fails to fall upon the southeast Arizona town of Promise City. That is because the day turns out to be one of those very rare days for this region that is filled with overcast skies and rainfall. The sound of rain striking against the windows and walls wakes most of the residents of the El Parador, but being a Saturday, most just go back to sleep. Nanuet and Maska had spent the night outside in the grove and had awakened at the first distant sound of thunder. The unmistakable smell of oncoming rain was immediately noticed.

They then saw a light on inside the church and the priest Thomas Valez ushering him inside. Nanuet was waiting for the rain to come. It had been quite a while since he had felt the rain on his skin. Just then he noticed the priest motioning for him to come inside. At first he hesitated but then realized that he was not just offering shelter and thought there might be some other need. He released Maska and then gathered his belongings and jogged briskly over to the church. Valez offers him a place to sit. Shortly thereafter, listening to the rain on the roof, he fell back to sleep.

It is almost noon before Ruby untangles herself from Jake as slowly as she can. She doesn’t want to disturb him or give him any reason to know she is leaving. She finally gets up and quietly heads back to her room. Jake makes a soft snore as she is leaving but he doesn’t seem to wake. She gets dressed in her traveling outfit and packs away her nightgown. She takes Jake’s shirts and heads back to his room before leaving. She leaves the shirts on his table, folded but shabbily. Then she makes her way back over to the bed. She stands over him for a moment, watching him sleep, smiling. She leans over him and kisses his lips then whispers. “Good bye, Mr. Cooke.”

She doesn’t hesitate before turning and walking out, closing the door behind her. She gets outside, and the rain is pouring down. She pulls up the collar on her jacket and, head down, hurries over to the stagecoach office. She goes into the office and when she exits she then walks over to the coach. Seeing Mr. Nevers preparing to leave she steps up into the coach and takes a seat, shaking the rain off her.

Warm and cozy Jake hears the rain and a little part of his brain notes that and lets the rest of him sleep. He is aware of Ruby leaving bed, but he is still warm, comfortable and confident from last nights conversations and later activities. Someone comes into his room but a part of him recognizes Ruby's movement and then her voice so it let's him sleep. He doesn't really hear what she says, she'll wake me if she really wants me to hear it. But when the door closes with a click a different part of his brain says to him, Ruby wasn't barefoot walking around the room.

Jake's eyes pop open. He doesn't leap up, but his brain starts to kick in. After a couple of minutes he gets out of bed feeling pretty good considering what happened yesterday. He drags on some pants and throws on a shirt. As he is looking for his derringer he notices his secret wallet on the night stand next to the box of jewelry. He opens the box and sees that it is full, so he sticks it under the covers out of view. He puts his derringer and wallet in their hidden spots, jams his feet into his boots and heads for the door. He stumbles a bit as his feet squeeze into the bottoms. He makes his way to Ruby's room, knocks and says in a cheery voice, "Ruby, hey girl you in there?". There is no answer. He opens the door and the room is missing the mess that ought to be there. He sighs and whispers "Crap."

He walks down stairs and finds Dorita, "Buenes Diaz Senora, or should I say Buenes Tardes? Have you seen Senorita West?" Dorita eyes Jake with his hair a mess, shirt not tucked in and misbuttoned and shakes her head at him and says, "She leaves short while ago. You let me fix..." she says reaching for his shirt. "Did she go out to the horses?" He asks, and she shakes her head no. He pulls away before she can get hold of his buttons, "Gracias." and he heads out the front of the Cantina into the rain.

Jake trudges through what is quickly becoming a morass of mud where the street used to be. By the time he gets to the stage office his shirt is soaked and sticking to his skin and the cold water dripping from his hair is getting into his eyes. He intercepts the stage driver as he is coming around horses to the door side of the coach. "Chuck." Jake motions to the man, speaks to him quietly and briefly, then hands him $2. Chuck Nevers nods and just stands and watches Jake who is beginning to resemble a drowned water rat.

Jake suppresses a shiver from the cold and flings open the door to the stage but does not enter or get any closer. He holds out his left hand which is closed around something, "You forgot this." he says without expression. Ruby doesn't immediately respond and he adds, "Don't make me stand out here in the cold rain any longer than I have to." The rain drips off his extended arm onto the thick mud at his feet.

Ruby is completely caught off guard by Jake’s presence. “Jake, you should be in bed resting, not standing out in the rain. You will get sick!” Then she sees his outstretched hand. With a furrowed brow she reaches for his hand. “What did I forget…”

When she leans forward he pulls hard on her arm and then ducks slightly catching her across his shoulder. She starts to kick and punch him. "A number of things." He takes a step back but it's slow and difficult with the extra weight of Ruby across his shoulder. "First off, that I was going to chase you where ever you went, secondly that I have the advantage and third if you recall I don't play fair." He takes a few more arduous steps while talking all the while Ruby's struggling becomes more intense. He slips slightly at the same time her knee strikes him in the chest. He falls landing on his back in the mud with an audible squish. Ruby pivots to get off and land on her feet but instead ends up sitting on him. He quickly slaps his soaked and muddy arm across her lap. Making no move to get up or free himself from the sticky mud he says to her, "You are either going to have to shoot me or tell me truthfully that I don't mean anything to you to get rid of me."

Ruby tries to get off Jake but he has a strong grip on her. Between that and it being slippery, still pouring rain, she falls over in the mud next to him. He quickly grabs her and holds her down on the ground. There are tears pouring out of her eyes and she looks like she is hysterical. She finally starts to calm down and Jake realizes that Ruby is not crying, but laughing. She shakes her head at him, “Well, at least I know you WOULD come for me if I were to run away, Mr. Cooke. But I thought we decided yesterday that was not the path for me anymore. I was going to ask nice Mr. Nevers over there to get us a new bottle of bourbon, since we opened our other one last night. But I’m sure now he thinks we’re both nuts and might not be willing to get us any alcohol…”

“And as for you, if it hasn’t been clear, you do mean something to me, more than I would even like to admit to myself. In only two short weeks you stole something that I never thought could or would be stolen and yes, that gives you all the advantage you will ever need.” Ruby lays still looking up at Jake, her hair strewn everywhere, now also covered in mud and soaking wet. “Oh and I was going to suggest baths today…” she says with a smile.

Jake sticks both his hands in the mud and then grabs her face firmly and give her a kiss, leaving muddy hand prints on both sides of her face. He climbs off her, slipping once as he does so and helps her up. When she is finally standing upright he says "Fourth, I only open my mouth to change feet." He offers her his arm, "Well, you came here to talk to nice Mr Nevers what are you waiting for?"

Ignoring the small crowd that has gathered, Ruby smiles at Jake before slipping her way over to Mr. Nevers. She has a quick chat with him, and Jake sees her hand him a $10 bill. She makes her way back to Jake and takes his hand. As they walk back to the Cantina Ruby looks at him sideways, “Have I ever told you that you are irresistible?” When they get to the Cantina Dorita refuses to let them back in, shaking her head and pointing at the trail of mud they are leaving behind them. She sends Pedro up to their rooms to fetch clothes for them and sends them on their way to the bathhouse.

While they are waiting, Jake sees Chester and calls him over. Jake, what the heck happened..." Jake holds up a hand. "We fell. Listen, go up to my room and get the cannon we talked about and have a look. Try not to blow up the Cantina. Also while you are up there," Jakes switches to a whisper, "there is a small box under the blanket. Keep it secret but hold onto it for me until I get back from cleaning up." Jake goes back to normal voice, "Feel free to take the weapon with you, maybe head out to Flints to try it out some time. I don't know what to do with it, but if you are going to be helping out this group and Riley's dreams are more than dreams...." Jake kicks some mud out the door. "Anyway, you got the background to figure those things out I think."

Jake and Ruby get their change of clothes and slog over to the bath house. Laurie Gilson is startled by their appearance but recovers and welcomes them. "We'll take a room." Jake says handing her $2 "The works." It looks like Laurie is going to say something but Jake interrupts her in a low voice, "I promise I won't look," and winks.

They are starting to get chilled from standing in rain soaked, mud drenched, cold clothing. Even so, Ruby keeps looking at Jake and laughing. Eventually he laughs too. When the hot water is ready they quickly remove the clothing and climb into the tubs, Jake taking a little longer to make sure his derringer is not obvious but in reach of the tub. Ruby notices and says, "Are you afraid of me?" Jake replies deadpan, "Yes, but that," pointing with his thumb, "wouldn't even slow you down."

They soak quietly for a while, the chill receding, Jake is less industrious than Ruby in washing up. Ruby offers to wash Jake's hair and he doesn't turn her down. They talk about nothing, finish up and get dressed. Jake wiggles his hand where is Colt should be. "I feel naked. I want to go see Wyatt, but first let's go back to the Cantina. Want to come with me?" She gives him a quick hug and says, "Of course." Back at the Cantina they look for Chester and any of the others before heading back up to their rooms.

As Jake gets to his door Ruby calls to him down the hall, "I'm STARVING, I'll meet you downstairs. You need to eat too!" Ruby opens her door, dumps her muddy clothes on the floor and grabs her other travel jacket and her hat. She leaves her wet hair down for the moment so it can dry. She heads back downstairs. Finding Dorita she kindly asks for some lunch for her and Jake. Ruby chooses a table and sits, waiting for anyone to show up.

Jake throws the muddy clothes into the corner of his room and notes that he has precious little left to wear that isn't covered in mud or blood. He shrugs and straps on his Colt, puts his knife in it's boot sheath, and grabs his duster and hat. He joins Ruby down stairs where the smell of Dorita's cooking reminds him how hungry he really was.

Ruby smiles when she sees Jake come down. He takes a seat next to her. "So.. I wonder where everyone is? I was sure they would want to check on you to make sure you are still in one piece. Maybe sleeping late with all this rain?" Dorita brings out some steaming hot soup and warm bread and they dig in. "I wonder how it went with the Lone Star last night?" Ruby asks.

He replies, are those early birds sleeping late? Besides it's already way past noon." He has another bite. "I'm sure it went just fine for Maggie. She only had her father and brother trying to sabotage her, no Ruby to hold the crowd and if that Van Horne guy showed up no income from poker. I'll be she had a pleasant evening." Jake eats some more and then says in a low voice, "Which reminds me, something is not right with that Van Horne guy. Watch him next time he is playing poker and tell me what you see. If you follow me. Nobody is that good all the time, he has some kind of help."

While Ruby continues to eat, "I had a drink with him last week. He seemed nice enough. But sure I'll check him out." Ruby pauses and smiles, "Now HE is the one who gave me my first taste of Kentucky Bourbon..." Jake makes a face somewhere between a frown and a grimace as she says this. Ruby catches Jake's face and quickly adds.. "But YOU Mr. Cooke shared my first bottle and THAT was much more important..."

Ruby stops eating suddenly and the smile drops off her face. "I didn't tell you. I got in a fight yesterday, with Mr. Gonzales and Sanoma. I was, um, upset... and I thought Mr. Gonzlaes was more worried about Maggie..." Ruby blushes slightly. "I hope he's not still mad." Ruby tells Jake most of the story of what happened, leaving out some of Sanoma's truths about herself. Jake listens quietly to her story. "I don't know him well like you do, but it doesn't seem that he really wants much from you. Hmmm. Well I blew my top at everyone too, even the guy at the post office." Jake laughs. "Though not as dramatically as you."

Ruby laughs and shrugs, "I guess I don't so anything without drama, that's just my life. But yes, I am sure Mr. Gonzales doesn't want much from me, he has been very kind and I told him so. I guess I just had a hard time accepting him helping Maggie over me.' Ruby shrugs again. "But it's all in the past, I hope. Gods, I am still hungry!" Ruby jumps up and goes into Dorita's kitchen. A moment laster she is ushered out with a push, carrying some kind of pastry. She gets back to the table. "I have no idea what it is but it smells good!" She gives one to Jake and sits back down to eat it.

As Jake finishes the pastry he says to Ruby, "Let's make a quick trip over to the marshalls office, I want to make sure he finds out who he's holding before something happens." "What do you think is going to happen?" "I don't know," he replies, "but lets get ahead of the odds for a change, shall we?" They dress up against the rain and make their way to the Marshall's office.

"Hello Wyatt, did the bank robber who got shot in the bank", Jake unconsciously rubs his chest scars, "survive. And do you know who he is?" Wyatt replies, "Sure, Pinto Joe Weems. Doc Eaton still has him, says it's still touch and go." He then says, "Let's head outside to chat" while gesturing back towards the jail cell where Pamela Yeats is sitting. Jake nods and they head out back. Ruby takes a quick look around to see if there is anything out of place, not seeing anything.

They head outside and Wyatt says "Didn't want to really talk in front of her. About Weems, he's scum. The only thing keeping me from putting a bullet through his head right now is that he could lead me to Douglas. Do you have any leads on that? Anything one of them might have let slip during the robbery to indicate where they might be going?"

"I don't have anything on that, but you may want to hold on that bullet." Jake says looking Wyatt in the eyes very seriously. "The outlaws that shot your brother were hired and organized by Weems. At least that is what one of them told me when we caught him. I for one would like to know who hired Weems. And I have a list of serial numbers of $20 bills that was used to pay them off that probably comes from the Tombstone bank."

"Oh and Shotgun Sally mentioned that she would come back for "Joe" on her way out," Ruby adds casually. Earp says "I suspected that much, word is they're a couple. Weems is still at Doc Eaton's but so is my brother Warren in case the New Douglas Gang decides to come back for him. Warren is Virgil's Deputy Marshall from Tombstone. He'll be going back there tomorrow so if you get me that information about the money he can check it out."

Ruby asks, "Any way we can go see Weems ourselves? We'd like to ask him a few questions, a few things of personal interest that is..." Wyatt replies, "I don't mind but Warren was told not to let anybody in except for me and the Doc and he doesn't know either of you. And I don't want to leave Pamela in here without somebody watching her. They busted her husband out of the Tombstone Jail when nobody was in the office so they might try doing that here too to get her out."

"What happened to her husband? I was a bit occupied at the time," Ruby glances at Jake, "And didn't have a chance to find out." Wyatt replies, "I happened to him. He's over at Lester's Funeral Parlor. Got a shot into one of the Koontz brothers too but he managed to get away. " "Well, Mr. Earp, you certainly earn your pay. How impressive that you shot two of them," Ruby says faking some admiration. "As for speaking with Weems, when will you be able to let your brother know we are coming?"

Earp replies, "I'm expecting the Doc to stop by to see me sometime this afternoon with an update. I can have him stop by the Cantina and bring you back with him if you'd like." Ruby looks to Jake, who gives her a nod. "Sure," she says sweetly, "That'll be great. Thanks Mr. Earp," as she reaches out her hand to him, "And I hope the information we get can be helpful to us both." Jake also gives him a firm handshake and they head off.

"What now?" says Ruby when they are out of earshot. "I want to pick up my new jacket but otherwise I am free for the afternoon." Jake replies, "I want to look for someone at the Cantina, let's get your jacket and then go back there." They head to Frye's. Ruby apologizes for not picking up her jacket on Friday as she tries it on and he responds, "That's ok, I added a few special touches and needed some extra time anyway." She tells them that sitting in the tub with her pants on was successful and she is greatful for the advice. Ruby gives him her trademark smile as she pays him for the jacket. He wraps it in a bag so it doesn't get wet in the rain.

Jake takes the bag from Ruby with one hand and takes her hand with the other. As it is still pouring out they run back to the Cantina.

When Nanuet woke several hours later in addition to Valdez there was one other person inside, an elderly wood elf woman who Valdez introduced as Mother Jimenez. She explains that she is a Mexican-Indian Bruja, a word that Nanuet recognizes as meaning 'witch woman'.

Thomas Valdez introduced him to a fragile looking elf woman named Mother Jiminez. Nanuet smiled at her and she immediately responded. She then hands Nanuet a glass vial filled with black liquid and tells him "You will need this for Ihuaivulu." "Ihuaivulu?" Nanuet said taking the vial from the woman and cautiously sniffing it. "What is that? And what is this liquid?"

She replies "Ihuaivulu is from the Andes Mountains. It is here now. It does not belong here. You will need the vial. Mix the blood with sand and put on your weapons, but do not touch the mud with hands or any other thing you want to keep." He exclaims, "Huh? What does it not belong here, it here now mean? And what kind of weapons? Just blades or guns too? Or ammo for guns maybe? Wait, how do you even know what I will need, I have never seen you before!"

She says "I am one with the earth. The time has come for a change in the earth's guardians. These times are pivitol ones. They transpire but once every several centuries, as one of the ten earth spirit grants leave to this world and another comes to take its place. The path that this world will now take is directly dependent upon you. May your choices be the correct ones." She then falls into a deep meditative trance. Valdez tells Nanuet "She will not speak again for quite some time, hours, perhaps even days."

Nanuet is taken aback by the talk of the path of the world being dependant on him. He staggers a bit and puts his hand to his mouth. He sees that Valdez is speaking, but does not fully hear the words. He turns with wide eyes and a blank expression on his face towards Valdez and says "Muh muh muh.... my choices? The path that this world will now take is directly dependant on me? Please tell me everything you know in regards to this situation."

He replies "I am sorry, I do not know her very well myself. She has taught me a few nature spells but usually she stays in her home. Perhaps you may wish to talk to Mother Jimenez's apprentice instead." Nanuet breathes deeply and says "Yes... where is her apprentice? Can I speak with her now?" Valdez says "You should be able to find her over at the hotel. She's the hotel owner's daughter, Sanoma. You've probably met her before."

Nanuet coughs loudly. "Uh, yes, I know her. I thought I knew her quite well, but she continues to surprise me. If you will excuse me Mr. Valdez I will be heading over to the El Parador now." Nanuet heads out into the rain and crosses the street. He didn't realize how late in the day it had become. He entered the cantina and scanned the room quickly. Kate was there talking with Chester and Jeff Mills but no sign of Sonoma.

"Hi Kate, hi Chester. Have you seen Sonoma? I need to speak with her, I think it is important." Nanuet then realized that he was starving, that he had nothing to eat since the previous evening and the smell of the feast that Jeff and Chester were eating made his stomach growl. "Dorita... is there any chance I can get some food? And have you seen Sonoma around?"

Ruby and Jake storm into the El Parador shaking off the rain and stomping the mud off their boots. Dorita starts to quickly run towards them and stops, Jake guesses that she thought they'd be covered in mud again. Jake tips his hat to her and smiles. Dorita gives him a haughty little smile back and with an exaggerated turn she puts her nose in the air and returns to her work. Ruby just laughs at the two of them.

They see Katherine, Jeff, Chester and Nanuet who looks like he just came in from the rain. Jake does a little bow and extends his arm towards the others. Ruby does a little curtsey and goes over to join them. Katherine gave Ruby a quick hug and then made a beeline over to Jake. She wrapped her arms around him. "You shouldn't be running around out in the rain, you'll get sick," she said with a little catch in her voice. She held on a little tighter. "Don't scare me like that again." "Everyone's worried about me being in the rain." He says to the others while looking a little embarassed. Quietly to Katherine "Um, thanks. I'm Ok now." He gives her a gentle hug in return.

Silver Moon

Chapter 128 ,“Maggie’s Future”, Saturday, January 14th, 1882:

Nanuet smiles at the couple, then laughs and shakes his head "Well, now everybody is here except the woman I need to speak to. This place has gotten to be just too much." Nanuet pauses and grabs a towel from the bar and begins to dry himself off before continuing. "I have just come back from spending some time across the street at the church. I met someone who is supposed to be Sonoma's mentor. This woman informed me that "the path the world will take is dependant on me and gave me this vial" he says holding the vial out for everyone to see. "I have no idea if this has anything to do with Riley's dream. I have no idea what this has to do with me!" With that final outburst, Nanuet sits down and buries his head in his hands, still holding the vial of dark liquid.

The little group looks from one to another with questioning glances and then back to Nanuet holding the vial. "Look at the bright side, it could be worse." Jake states flatly. Everyone looks at him with curious glances. "It could be dependent on me." he says with a grin. "Ja-ake!" Ruby says as she punches him in the arm.

"Ow." He takes a half step away from her and holds his arm. "This would be a fine time for a round of drinks.", he says loudly enough for the bartender to hear while eyeing the distance between himself and Ruby's still fisted hand. He gives her the lost puppy dog eyes but can't stop from grinning. "Look Nanuet, I'm only kidding. We're your friends, we won't make you change the path of the world alone." He pauses a moment. "Though it sounds pretty stupid when I say it, doesn't it?"

Nanuet can't help but laugh at Jake's comments. "I think you are right, I could use a drink. No comment on your other question at the moment though." Nanuet helps get glasses out and waits for the bartender to fill them with whiskey then passes them out to any willing takers. As he makes his way about the room he says "I am just not used to life moving so fast. And it is worse when the parts you want to speed up get slowed down and the parts you want to avoid seem to come full speed ahead."

Kate says, "Yes, for a day I thought was going to be quiet, this one has turned out remarkably busy. I have a little business to discuss myself. But Nanuet's first. Did the woman who gave you the vial say anything else?" He replies, "A lot of cryptic things about Earth spirits and using this vial to put on our weapons, but not to touch it, and that part I already said about the path of the world being dependant on me. Then she went silent and I found out that Sonoma is the woman's apprentice."

Kate answers, "I would wager the vial has to do with Riley. He saw us defending something. And it sounded like something that wasn't natural; that didn't belong. We may need that to be able to do whatever it is we need to do. At least we won't have to wait to long. This week, someone said. As for the future course of the world? That I can't help you with. Sonoma is your girl for that, I think."

"Future of the world?" Ruby suddenly repeats. "How about we worry about the future of this bottle of whiskey! Haven't we had enough drama as of late?" Nanuet replies, "Well, hopefully she will have some answers since it was her mentor who sprung this on me. And I thought this was going to be a relaxing weekend. Any other events going on that we should all know about since most of us are here?"

"Well, Jake and I are going over to visit Mr. Weems this afternoon to get some information that Jake thinks will be helpful." Ruby sees the confused look on Nanuet's face. Nanuet then turns to Ruby and nods in agreement. "I thought so too, but you can't stop the ball once it is rolling. The other issue to discuss is whether or not we want to try and get that bastard that shot Jake." He then returns to the bar, grabs the whiskey and begins refilling glasses. Ruby says, "Pinto Joe, the guy who paid those guys $20 to make sure we didn't make it back from the mine? Anyway, Doc Eaton is coming to get us at some point."

As he is walking back with the bottle Nanuet hears Ruby say "Pinto Joe..." and he stops in his track. "Speaking of bastards! That is the guy who paid the bandits who shot at us that day on the trip back from the mine! He is here in town? What next?!? Oh, and sorry to talk over you Miss Ruby, your pardon please."

Dorita brings out plates of food similar to what Chester and Jeff Mills are eating. In response to Nanuet's question she says "My daughter left fairly early morning with Jake's mine man friend Seawell, something about elves selling land near Dos Cabezas. Said she'd be back with lamb meat. I not cook that in a long time. She's planning to go with you and grandfather out to that ranch later today so she should be back soon."

Ruby turns to Kate, "Hey how did it go at the Lone Star last night?" "Last night at the Lone Star. Not so well, to be honest. William Whipple is a horrible man," she said quietly. "A fight broke out, and he didn't even give Maggie the chance to take care of it. He screamed at me, saying it was my fault and tried to hit "Louise" when she pointed out that he was wrong about what had been going on. Jeff and Job had to grab him and hold him back."

As everyone sits down to eat the door to the Cantina opens up and in comes a halfling. Chumbley tosses off his rain poncho and is holding a stack of newspapers and yells out "Promise City Edition, Hot off the Presses, Eight pages only five cents." Kate tells Ruby "There's more, much better news, but after he leaves." Kate dug out a nickel. "Shall we see if we made the news again?"

They call Chumbley over to buy some of his newspapers. He is happier and more excited than usual, if that is possible. He exclaims "I DID IT! I caught the six-o'clock stage to Tombstone last night, stayed up all night with the printer getting the paper done and made it back on the nine-AM stage! I beat the Herald and they didn't even have to leave town! When I peeked in the window they were still printing them!" Kate says, "Congratulations, Mr. Chumbley. It's always a pleasure to hear that someone has spooked Mr. Baxter's wheel."

The paper is eight-pages long with the main story taking up all of pages one and two. Most of the other six pages are ads for various businesses in town, with a few minor news stories and fluff pieces tossed in to fill out the paper. The main story reads:

Tombstone Epitaph, Promise City Edition, January 14th

Dudley Yeats Escapes From Jail then Dies During Bank Robbery

On Tuesday, January 10th the Trail Dust Saloon Owner Dudley Yeats was sentenced to five years behind bars for shooting at Wyatt Earp. But little more than two days he was out, an escaped prisoner. However, his newfound freedom didn’t last as he soon found himself yet again on the receiving end of Marshall Earp’s gun sights and Wyatt had lost his patience with the man.

On Wednesday, January 10th Deputy Sheriff Hunter escorted Yeats to the County Jail in Tombstone. The same day Tombstone Marshall Virgil Earp along with his brothers and Deputy Marshall’s Morgan and Warren rounded up suspected members of the Cowboy Gang on suspicion of robbing the Bisbee/Tombstone Wells Fargo Stage. Nine arrests were made on that day and the next and by Thursday nightfall the County Jail was full.

But while Sheriff Behan was away having supper the Cowboy Gang retaliated, blowing up the rear wall of the jail with dynamite. Six prisoners escaped including Yeats. Interestingly enough four of the prisoners, Johnny Ringo and three of the Clanton Clan remained behind when they could have escaped, again proclaiming their innocence.

Yeats showed up the following day in Promise City in the company of Arthur ‘Deadeye’ Douglas and the Koonz Brothers Gang who are now apparently the New Douglas Gang. The Koonz Brothers, Brice and Elmer, and their associates Pinto Joe Weems, Shotgun Sally Fox and Mongo Bailey have been suspected of rustling cattle throughout the county for the last year but were never convicted of any crime. (Continued on page two)

Robbery at Condon’s Bank (continued from page one)

The robbery began with Deadeye Douglas and Elmer Koonz entering the bank and meeting with Frank Condon under the guise of being new customers. Weems, Fox and Yeat’s wife Pamela then entered, also pretending to be customers. Bailey and Yeats then busted through the front door armed for bear. Both of the Condon’s Bank guards, Chester Martin and Jake Cooke, attempted to defend the bank and were both shot for their efforts although not seriously. It should be noted that unlike other robbery gangs the previous Douglas Gang always made an effort to avoid killing. Weems was seriously shot by the guards and left behind when the other outlaws fled with the money.

Brice Koonz was waiting for the Gang with their horses but by then Marshall Earp had arrived. He shot Yeats who fell from his horse and into a trough of water, spilling it into the street. Pamela dismounted and ran to her husband. Douglas, Bailey and the Koonz brothers rode off to the southwest and Wyatt pursued on foot, managing to wound Brice Koonz before they rode into the hills.

When asked about posting a reward Frank and Morgan Condon refused, stating that almost no money was taken. The New Douglas Gang was pressed for time and apparently took only “dummy” bags filled with confederate money, leaving behind the genuine currency. Morgan Condon was quoted to say, “The only real cash taken was around a hundred or so dollars from the teller’s windows. We’re not going to post a reward for more than we lost.” Deputy Sheriff Hunter has assembled a posse to hunt for the robbers.

Judge Isby had been scheduled to depart Promise City on Saturday but has agreed to stay until Monday so that Pamela Yeats can be tried for her participation in the robbery. To further add insult to injury, the site of her trial on Monday morning will be her former Trail Dust Saloon, which the Arizona Territory legally confiscated from her following Dudley Yeat’s jailbreak in lieu of the fine that he had been given.

Kate took a few moments to read over the article. It was all fairly factual, although it left out a good deal. Which was not to say that it they weren't things she was glad were left out. "And good reporting too." Kate then flipped through the rest of the paper, hoping Chumbley leave soon. "You should hurry, get your papers sold before Baxter hits the streets. We'll be able to hear him grinding his teeth from here."

Ruby doesn't bother with the paper as her eyes narrow. She is still hashing over Kate’s comments about the Lone Star. "What do you mean he yelled at you and tried to hit Louise??" she says slowly. Chumbley makes his way through the Cantina and sells six more papers. Then he puts on his poncho and hurries off. Jeff Mills declares "I'm stuffed. I think I'll head over to my hotel and take a nap before work tonight." He gets up and leaves as well after poking his head into the kitchen and thanking Dorita and Maggie for the meal.

Kate waited until Chumbley was gone to answer Ruby’s question. She says, "Exactly that. Maggie had invited Mr. Miller and Mr. Wyman to the Lone Star. Some miners who had already had a little too much were offended by a non-human in the saloon. They tried to ignore miners, but they obviously wanted a fight, so they went over and started on. Mr. Whipple came over to break it up. He said it was my fault for not throwing out Mr. Miller and Mr. Wyman. They had explained who they were, and Louise pointed out that he had just offended some very important men.

That's when he balled up his fists and went after her. Jeff and Job grabbed him right away. Jeff was wonderful, telling Mr. Whipple that he worked for Maggie, not him. He tried to fire Jeff, if you can believe it.” Chester pipes up, "Yeah, Maggie and Dorita cooked up a big meal for him as a reward. Anyway, it sounds like you know some of those guys who robbed the bank yesterday."

Kate says, “Before you go looking for him Ruby, we have an idea that will definitely make him very unhappy. But we really need to talk to Maggie in the next few minutes to make it work." "Ok, I'm listening..." Ruby says. Wait here just a few minutes, I'll get Maggie." Kate looked around the Cantina. It was pretty quiet. The rain was keeping most people indoors, and as was their habit, her friends had taken a table where it was unlikely they'd be overheard. She went into the kitchen and came out with Maggie.

Once they were all sitting together, Kate began to explain Mr. Gonzales' suggestion. That there was a position open in the city of Los Angeles, and that it would fit her perfectly. "Your $2000 from the sale of the Lone Star would buy you half the restaurant, and the women who would be working there will need someone like you to help them. They are women like me, but not as lucky. They have lost everything somehow, and need help starting again. The hotel will give them a place to live, and your restaurant a place to work.

But Mr. Gonzales suspects, and I agree that your father would not approve of this. So he suggests we get a lawyer and sign over your half of the Lone Star this afternoon. Tomorrow morning you find a reason to miss church, pack your things, and get on the stage to Tombstone. There you'd take a train to Tucson where Mr. Gonzales would meet you and accompany you on the rest of your trip. I know that staying with the Lone Star is what you have wanted, but this is an opportunity for you to do what you told me you wanted to. Make an oasis for people who need it, and run a place where all races are welcome. What do you think?"

Maggie is hesitant. "Father won't let me stay, and I don't want to go back to Denver. But California? I don't know anything about there. How could I manage a large restaurant by myself?" Kate answers, "You won't be alone. There will be a woman named Consuela Hernandez who will be running the hotel. She can help you. And there will be a few months of building and renovations first. You won't be jumping in feet first and neck deep. The trust set up for the women will own the other half, and I'm sure you'll have their support. It's a far better option than Denver, Maggie. I think you could be happy there."

Maggie asks several more questions and Kate spends the next fifteen minutes describing the building and Toberman's vision for the place. Maggie is finally convinced and agrees, although she is now reluctant about the idea of just sneaking away. Kate says, "We can argue about that later, Maggie. For right now, let's get the sale completed.”

While Katherine is working hard to convince Maggie about the restaurant, Jake answers Nanuet's question. "Weems is the guy I shot at the bank. I guess that put me over the edge when I heard him called Pinto. Anyway, he's still at the docs. We are hoping he'll live long enough for us to find out who put him up to hiring the outlaws that day on our mine trip. Oh, and we can talk more about Deadeye later, but I'm not really interested in going after him."

Kate asks, “Ruby, Jake, are you ready? You still want to do this? We'll need Mr. Berg if you are. And the money, of course." Jake looks at Ruby and back to Katherine and Maggie. "Ready is never a problem with me." He laughs. "Yes," he says looking at Ruby, "we'll buy your half of the Lone Star for $2,000. We'll have to be creative on the finances, the bank is closed. I'll have to go see Condon and see what we can do." Ruby leans over to Jake and whispers, "Um, I tried to get my money out of the bank yesterday and Condon said no money until Monday..."

Kate says, "Why don't you and Ruby go do that now? And perhaps Mr. Martin might care to join you? That's a lot of money to walk around with. I have a feeling Mr. Condon will be willing to help you. After yesterday he was talking about paying you the whole weeks salary." Jake pretends to wipe a tear from his eye, "I'm all choked up, I... I... don't know what I could possibly do with that extra four and half dollars...." "Alright Jake," Kate laughed. "To a man who was just robbed four dollars and fifty cents is a big deal. Let's get a move on. I have to be ready to ride out to the ranch in a little more than an hour."

Kate says, "Maggie, why don't you and I go upstairs and talk in private?" Ruby isn't listening to the conversation, lost in her thoughts. Suddenly she speaks up, "Yes let's go find the Condons..." "OK, let's go find Condon. Chester you'll come too?" Jake asks the soldier. "Nanuet, your going to go find Sanoma and see if you can get some answers... to whatever in Hades you are carrying around. And Katherine we'll meet you two over at Berg's?"

Chester, Ruby and Jake make their way up to the Condon brothers' home at the corner of Allen and Sierra Streets. The rain is keeping people indoors so they do not see anybody for the short trip. The roads are also now an impassable mess of mud, nearly as bad as what the outlaws ran into from the prior day's magic spell. They reach the two-story clapboard house. They knock. It takes a while until Morgan arrives and peers out a peephole. He then opens the door and welcomes the trio in. They are shown into a parlor room and Frank soon joins them, offering the trio a drink from a well stocked bar.

"Thank you, Mr. Condon. I'll have a beer, please. How are you feeling?" Frank replies, "Sorry, no kegs in here Mr. Martin. Could I get you something out of a bottle?" Chet answers, "A whiskey will be fine, then." "Oh I'll take a whiskey too," Ruby chimes in quickly.

Jake says, "Thanks kindly gentlemen. Truth is, Miss West and myself need a favor. There is a business deal brewing and I need $2,000 now. I can't wait until Monday. Is there some way you can help us, we have enough money in accounts to cover it." Frank Condon says "Mr. Cooke, while I appreciate what you did yesterday there is no way that we are going to sponsor you in a high-stakes poker game. And I don't believe that you have nearly that much money in your accounts at our bank."

Jake says, "Begging your pardon, but I have $1,800 and Miss West has another $400. And it's not for a poker game. We are buying into a well established business, but need to keep it quite private until tomorrow noon." "What well established business?" Morgan states. "And why keep it quiet?" asks Frank. Ruby opens her mouth to respond but remains quiet when she sees Jake's face.

Jake says, "I'm trying to honor the wishes of the seller. If I tell you I will have to break confidence with them." Jake takes a sip of the whiskey. "Very nice he says. I understand you are in the business of managing money and risks. Well this is NO risk to you. I have the money to cover in the bank. And if you wish to feel completely confident, you can accompany us to Mitchel Bergs and give him the money to hold." Jake walks around the room. "You know I can keep a secret, I didn't divulge yours. I am a man of my word. And if you really don't trust me, I can provide collateral."

Frank says "Actually you already said the magic word Mr. Cooke, namely Berg. Morgan, go get $ 2,000 out of the safe." Morgan Condon heads upstairs and returns a few minutes later with a cloth bag that he then slips into the pocket of his coat. Frank walks over and looks out the back window towards Mitchell Berg's office next door and says "Looks like he's home. Let's go." Ruby jumps up and grabs Jake's hand with a big smile on her face. Pulling him up, "Come on, let's go..." She looks to Chester," You too, Chet, hurry up!" Chester says, "Alright, alright. Let me just check my gun, please. One bank robbery is enough for me."

Back at the El Parador, Kate took Maggie upstairs to her room and closed the door behind them. She sat down on the bed and tucked her legs underneath her. "I didn't want to talk about your father too much in front of the others. Private life is private after all. To be honest Maggie, I think your father would physically try to stop you from leaving. Am I wrong?" Maggie says, "He just doesn't believe that any of the Lone Star's success is mine. He thinks Tom did it all. Kate, he's never given me any credit and at this point I don't really expect him too. I appreciate all that you and Dorita's family have done for me and hope that some day I can repay such kindness.

Kate answers, "Then what is it about leaving without telling him that bothers you? Maggie, I..." Kate took a deep breath. "I saw his temper last night. He would have actually struck Sonoma. To be honest, we're afraid for your safety if he knows what's going on." Maggie starts to cry "You're right, and what Dorita just told me doesn't make me feel any better. Kate, he's counting on getting the full amount. If I leave with half of it he will look at it as me stealing Tom's money."

Kate answers, "Legally that is your money and there is nothing he can do about it. He could file legal papers and he would be laughed out of court. He can come looking for you, but Mr. Gonzales will make sure he never finds anything past Tucson." She reached out and took Maggie's hand. "It must be frightening to think of leaving your family and breaking off your ties. I know how hard being alone is. Would you tell me what Dorita told you?"

"She said that if Father had struck Sanoma he wouldn't still be alive right now. She said that the men here at the El Parador are very protective of her and would not stand for any man mistreating their little girl. Kate, I invited Mr. Wyman there last night. I am ashamed over what happened. What was I thinking? And if Father had been killed because of me...." Maggie begins to cry.

Katherine put her arms around Maggie and let her cry for a little while. "You've spent the last few days seeing a different world than the one you've been living in before. You hoped you could bring some of that into the life you know. There was nothing wrong with that. If you mean that you knew how your father would react, then yes, you made a miscalculation. But it wouldn't have been your fault if something happened to him. He's an adult and chooses his own actions. If he can't control his own temper, then someday it will catch up with him without any help from you.

Listen to me, now. I know you don't want to sneak off, but for your own safety, I think it's the best thing to do. It feels dishonest, I know, but you're an adult and you can come as go as you like. You can always let your family know where you are later if that's what you want. We need to get over to Mr. Berg's office in a few minutes. What do you think?" Maggie nods and says "Of course. You're right. Oh Kate, you've been such a good friend." "I do what I can," Kate smiled. "Friendship goes two ways Maggie. I'm going to miss you." The two women gathered up their things and went back downstairs. Maggie got her jacket and an umbrella and they walked over to Mitchell Berg's office.

Silver Moon

Chapter 129 ,“Purchasing the Lone Star Saloon”, Saturday, January 14th, 1882:

Mitchell Berg is surprised when the Condon brothers show up on his doorstep along with Jake, Ruby and Chester. He lets them in and offers them each a mug of hot coffee. Jake says, "Sorry to bother you out of your normal business hours, but we have a business deal to broker and the seller has some particular needs. I am confident you'll be able to help." Jake indicates to the Condon brothers. "They have the money Miss West and I will be investing, and they would feel more comfortable if they put it in your hands. Imagine, someone thinking I'd use the money for a poker game." Jake laughs a little too loud and winks at Ruby. "I expect the other party to arrive shortly and the Condon's have agreed to respect their privacy" Jake finishes knowing full well the brothers will be looking out their window when Maggie Whipple arrives.

Frank says "Mr. Berg, if you could just write up some sort of receipt to indicate that my brother and I have advanced Mr. Cooke and Miss. West $ 2,000 from their bank accounts that should suffice." Condon gives Berg the money, which he counts out. Berg then writes up the paperwork as instructed writing out two copies, one for the Condons the other for Jake and Ruby. He has all four sign the paper, which he then signs as a witness. The Condons take their copy, shake hands with everyone present, and then head back next door to their home.

Berg looks over at Jake and Ruby and comments "Buying into a business together. Are you sure the paper didn't get it right when it said you two were married?” Jake laughs, "Mitchell, you are a better lawyer than you are a comedian." Jake sits down and says, "Maggie Whipple will be over any time now. Ruby and I are buying her share of the Lone Star." "And some of Tom's too, when he is ready," Ruby adds, "Which will be soon I'm certain." Chester looks from Berg to Jake. "You and Ruby are married and you're buying part of the Lone Star?" Ruby replies, "Chet, you can rest easy, there is no ring on my finger yet," Ruby says winking at Chester.

Maggie and Kate hurried through the muddy streets. As they approached they saw the Condon brothers hurrying away from the office. "Jake and Ruby must have taken care of the money. Let's go." They hurried over and went dripping into Mr. Berg’s office. "Mr. Berg, a pleasure to see you again," Kate said. Chester says, Mrs. Kale, Mrs. Whipple. It's nice to see you both."

Berg exchanges glances with everyone present. He offers Maggie some coffee and says "So, the rumors about you and Tom getting a divorce are true?" Without missing a beat and with a supreme amount of confidence she replies "Yes, I just can't take any more of his womanizing any more Mr. Berg. It's gotten worse since Tom's father and cousin arrived, they just ignore me. You must keep this in the strictest confidence but I plan to board the Wells Fargo Stage tomorrow morning while they are all at church and never look back."

Berg says "I understand. I'll write up the purchase and sale agreement for your half of the Lone Star. Would you also want me to write up divorce papers? Tom would have to sign them too and then Judge Isby would have the final decision." She replies, "Yes, write them up as well, but don't give them to Tom until Monday morning. I'm going to need a days head start to keep him from following, if he even bothers." Berg gets to work on the writing up the paperwork.

Jake looks at Ruby with raised eyebrows and an 'I'm impressed' look on his face. He gives Katherine a nod and mouths 'good job'. Kate nodded back and sat down next to Maggie. She patted her friend’s hand as they waited for the papers to be ready to sign. He gets up and motions to Chester, while Berg is doing the paperwork. He and Chester go into the corner of the room and Jake whispers, "Thanks for holding it for me, I'll take the box now." Sure thing, Mr. Cook. Here you go." Chester hands the jewelry box over to Jake.

Berg finishes up three copies of the paperwork. He has Maggie sign as the seller and Jake and Ruby sign as the buyers. Berg signs as the witness. He gives them each a copy and says that on Monday he will file the third copy with the other with the County land office for tax collection purposes. He tells the group that his fee for all of this paperwork comes to $ 12.

"Maggie this one is on me." Jake says with a small smile. "On the condition that you continue to run the operation tonight, so your family suspects nothing. And you can share with Ruby and I anything we need to know." Jake hands Mitchell Berg the $12. "Of course half the profits are ours now. Ruby you will be singing tonight won't you?" Ruby stands slowly with a smile, "Of course I'll be singing tonight, Jake. I had off last night so my voice should be all ready to shine." She pauses. "And if you excuse me for a moment I'm going to get some air..." She walks out the front door and stands on the porch, up against the wall, fanning herself.

"Chester, can you escort Katherine and Maggie to where ever they want to go?" Jake doesn't wait for an answer and heads out to the porch. "We can dump it any time we like." He says to Ruby. "No worries. It's only money. We can get more." "Jake...." She says slowly getting his attention. A big smile grows on her face and she jumps into his arms. "I don't want to dump it," and she kisses him, " And I hope you don't either Mr. Cooke." He takes both of her hands and gives her a brief kiss before letting go of her hands. "We ought to keep an eye on Maggie until she gets where ever she's going. She's got a bunch of money on her."

Thank you, Mr. Berg. We appreciate you taking time for us today," Kate said as she stood. "Are you ready Maggie?" They went back out into the rain. "Well, I have to go out to the ranch soon. Would you like to come back to the El Parador for the afternoon, or are you headed back to the Lone Star?" Maggie replies "I would like to spend the next hour or so until you have to go with you Kate. We won't get a chance after today."

"I'm glad you're happy. Let's go learn how to run a Saloon." Jake takes her by the hand and leads her back to the El Parador behind Katherine, Chester and Maggie. Back at the El Parador Jake sends Ruby upstairs to get ready. After she's gone he chats with Chester for a few minutes. "Feel like pulling guard duty one more time at the Lone Star tonight? I have a funny feeling I could use the help. Then we'll call it even on the $20. I do appreciate the help soldier." Jake gives him a gentle pat on the shoulder. "And remember, no one is to know we own half the Lone Star until tomorrow noon." Chester smiles, "Yeah. I'd be at the Lone Star anyway. Why not be of some use, too. I'll keep your secret, too, free of charge."

Once back upstairs at the El Parador and in private Maggie actually hands the $ 2,000 to Kate, telling her "You said that Mr. Gonzales would be meeting me in Tucson. Could you have him bring this? I don't trust it on myself traveling alone and also don't want to risk Tom or Father finding it." "That's a good idea. I'll take it to him."

They spend the next hour in Kate's room. She took a hairbrush and brushed out Maggie's hair, telling her all about her trip that morning. She described the elegant rooms she would stay in and the restaurant she would be running. Then she told her a little about Tom and her family as she restyled Maggie's hair. When it was nearly time to leave Kate said, "We'll write of course, and perhaps I'll be able to visit now and then. For tonight, we are actresses." Kate hugged her friend. "You're going to do well, and more importantly, you're going to be happy. I know it." They parted outside the door to Kate's room. "I'll take this to Mr. Gonzales right away. And I'll see you tonight." She kissed her cheek. "Bye Maggie."

Ruby heads upstairs to get ready. The only dress that isn't crumpled up in her bag is her new green one. She takes her time getting ready, smiling to herself all the while. She makes sure her hair is fixed nice and puts on her makeup and perfume meticulously. She heads back downstairs with her bag in hand and finds Dorita. "I'm not sure if you do laundry, but could you please take care of this?" She says extending the bag to her. "I have no clean clothes left. You just let me know how much I owe you..." Ruby smiles sweetly at her, hoping she'll take some pity on her and do it. Ruby grabs a drink and takes a seat at a table, waiting for her friends to show up.

After talking with Chester, Jake heads upstairs. He contemplates changing into one of his 'poker' shirts, but thinks the better of it. Instead just strapping on his long barrel Colt opposite his quick draw Colt. He pats the box of Jewelry in his pocket and looks around the room wishing he could do something else. He shrugs and head back down stairs. He sees Ruby and goes to sit with her. "Hi partner. You look wonderful. I really do like that dress." Then in a lower voice while still admiring the view he continues. "I feel like an idiot. I'm still carrying around the jewelry. Do you know where we can keep it safe?"

"Hi," she says smiling at Jake. She had a feeling her cheeks were going to start to hurt with all the smiling she was doing. "Thank you. You know, I was going to leave this dress here for you, if I left, because I just could never wear it for anyone but you." She pauses for a minute thinking about how much difference a week could make. "Well, all that jewelry is not going to fit down the front of my dress. It's getting crowded in there," she laughs. "Let's take it upstairs, it'll be safe there." Ruby takes Jake's hand and leads him to Mr. Gonzales room. She knocks on his door. While they are waiting for him to answer Ruby turns to Jake, "Be nice, Jake, remember how I told you we had a fight? Well, Mr. Gonzales was a little upset with you too, because I was so upset. I'm sure he's gotten over it by now, well hopefully..."

Chester changes his clothes and goes out to the stables to muck the stall. I hope this rain ends soon, so I can try out that 'hand cannon' Jake gave me. After the stall and horse care is finished, he goes to the bathhouse to wash the manure away. Returning to his room, he pulls out the gun case from under his bed. Well, I'll take a look at this thing before I blow my hand off.

Manuel Gonzales opens the door to Ruby's knock. He is dressed in plain traveling clothes. Kate is inside the room sitting on the bed. Jake had not been to the room before and immediately notices the brightly colored hand woven rugs hanging on the walls. The room is very sparsely furnished other, with a large locked chest on the floor standing out. Kate waited to speak until Jake and Ruby came inside and closed the door. "I was going to ask if you two wanted to ride out to the ranch, but I see Ruby is ready for the night. I didn't really imagine you'd want to go out in the rain anyway," she smiled. "Perhaps Mr. Martin would care to go, if you don't mind of course, Professeur aimé."

Ruby laughs, "We were already out in the rain today, and we..." She looks over to Jake, who isn't smiling. "Um, anyway, Kate, why are you heading to the ranch? It's time for dinner and then we have to get to the Lone Star." Ruby walks over to Jake and retrieves the box from him. Jake just stands taking it all in and looking about the room, nodding politely to the elderly wizard and looking a bit uncomfortable. He waits for Senor Gonzalez response to the women before he speaks.

"Mr. Gonzales, could you be so kind to store this for us? We don't want to leave something so valuable hanging around in one of our rooms and I have a feeling you could find somewhere safe for it." She smiles at her teacher. "Also," as Ruby reaches inside the box, "Maybe you could take a look again at this ring. I can tell it's magical but I don't know what it does." She hands the ring to him. "Oh and that dagger I left here? Could I get it back? Was there anything special about it?" She looks up at Mr. Gonzales smiling at her. "I know, so many questions..." She sits with a plop on a shabby chair. "How about some news instead, although maybe Kate told you already. Jake and I bought Maggie's share of the Lone Star today. So I guess I'll be sticking around for a while."

He replies "I have been very busy and have not had a chance to check the dagger yet, but I will get that done this weekend, and the ring too. And yes, I will find a place for the box.” Ruby replies, "Thank you Mr. Gonzales, you are very sweet." He then asks, “Kate, shouldn't this maybe go back to Conseula?" "Huh?" Ruby says with raised eyebrows.

Kate interjects, "She said the jewels were part of another life; that she had no need of them now. To be honest, the presence of reminders of the past can be painful." Kate paused, her hand against the hard shape of Tom's pistol in her pocket. "All she wanted was the family photo. But I think the box itself should certainly be returned to her." "Don't worry," she smiled to Jake and Ruby. "I'll count it out of my share. You made a major purchase today, you need to recoup a bit." Ruby exclaims, "You actually found the woman who owns the jewelry? That is pretty amazing.

Kate comments, "It's a dwarven holiday, and Flint needs to come into town tonight. Mr. Gonzales has agreed to stay out on the land and keep an eye on things. But he hasn't been there before, so Sonoma and I are going out as well. I wanted to exercise the horses today, but not in this rain. I don't really need dinner, I had an enormous lunch and I'm not hungry at all. It's only a mile out, I should be back in plenty of time for work." Ruby says, "Oh, I forgot. Good things I know lots of dwarven drinking songs. It's going to be a fun night! Well, I guess we can go for dinner now. Don't get too wet riding out there you two." Ruby takes Jake's hand and guides him out of the room. "Thank you!" she calls over her shoulder. They go back downstairs and order some drinks, the when Chester and Nanuet show up they order dinner.

Nanuet meets the others for dinner. When he finds out Kate is going to head out to the ranch, he remembers about the dwarven holiday and that Flint will be leaving the mine for a couple days. "Well, let me grab some food quick and then head out with her. Sonoma has spent the day elsewhere so I might as well keep myself busy. If no one needs me around here tonight I might spend the night out at the ranch myself." Ruby replies, "Well, it will be busy at the Lone Star and we could use you to help keep the dwarves in line. But I'm sure we'll make due if you have other plans."

Nanuet, Kate, Chester and Manuel bundle up and prepare to ride Flint's ranch. The dwarven holiday being here now becomes apparent as every available room at the El Parador are rented out by dwarven prospectors who are arriving, and it appears that they are staying five or six to a room (or as one dwarf puts it, "Just so there's enough floor for me to pass out on"). The dining tables soon fill up with dwarves who keep Pedro, Carlos and Jose all hopping filling up drink orders.

Ruby and Jake pass time at the El Parador waiting to see if the doc will show up and take them to Pinto Joe. Jake is also looking for Angela Young selling newspapers. Jake catches up with the pregnant teenage girl over at the Silver Dollar Saloon where she is selling copies of the Promise City Herald. She has around fifty papers inside of a leather satchel over her shoulder. Her eighteen-month-old son is also in tow. The paper is four pages long and the lead story is about the Condon Bank Robbery.

"I'll take one." Jake says to the young newspaper toting woman and turning on the charm. "Is this fine looking young man going to follow in the family footsteps and be a newspaper publisher?" Jake quickly scans the newspaper looking for the section that explains who the publisher, editor and so on are. "I saw you taking notes the other day, which stories in here are yours? Or do I need to ask? I could probably tell by the ones that have the facts straight, that doesn't seem to be Baxter's strong point. I guess I was spoiled by the Philadelphia Inquirer and their dedication to the facts."

She replies "Oh, I'm not a reporter. I always carry a notebook and just happened to be there. Baxter wrote the story up from my notes. Thank you for buying a paper sir." "You're Welcome." He replies and smiles down to the toddler, "Does your husband work for Baxter as well? If you believe the paper Baxter does all the work himself." She replies "Josiah is the paper's typesetter and I sell them. Mr. Baxter pays us well for our efforts and even rents us a house for us and little Mark" gesturing to the toddler. "In addition to the paper we will also print handbills and broadsheets."

While Jake is talking he notices something new about the young woman, some mild points at the end of her hears and along with the angular face suggests perhaps an elvan grandparent. "Really. Little Mark is certainly cute." Jake smiles one more time for Angela. "Pleasant speaking with you Mrs. Young." Touches his hat with his right hand and is on his way.

Jake heads right back to the El Parador, shaking off the rain as he enters. He sits down with Ruby and relates what he learned and saw talking to Angela Young. He says to her quietly while he looks about to make sure no one is hearing, "It seems a shame to ruin the young couples life taking care of Baxter. I had a couple of ideas on how to put him out of business and wanted to see which ones might work. I don't know, I think I'm going soft." He looks her in the eyes. "Don't you be telling anybody that," and laughs. "For now just keep what we know in mind, I'm sure we can pay Baxter back." Ruby takes Jake's hand. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone," she leans over and gives him a kiss. "I have faith that we'll find a way to get Baxter back..."

Doc Eaton arrives. In a flat voice he says "The Marshall said that I should bring you back to my place. I'll be honest with you, I was at the trial the other day and have read about you two in the two latest Heralds and I don't care for your type. People like you and this" as he gestures to the El Parador, "...have no place in a decent town that's trying to attract respectable folk to raise families. If you cause any trouble at my office and you're out of there, and out of town if I have anything to say about it, and I don't care if you are friends with the Marshall."

Ruby looks up at him from her seat. "People like what, Doctor Eaton?" He answers, "Gamblers, saloon girls, that sort. Attracts the wrong element." Jake answers, "Sorry you feel that way Doc. It's a free country, you're entitled to your opinion. Just let me say that Baxter didn't exactly take care to get any facts before publishing his paper, or someone is spending some money to make sure he doesn't. Maybe you could judge us on what you see, not what Baxter prints in his rag."

Jake gets up. "I'm not going to bring any further harm to Weems, I just want to ask him some questions. He was involved in the attack on the miners a few days back. I'd like to help Wyatt get some information to keep you from having anymore townsfolk customers with bullet wounds by the Cowboy Gang." Jake holds out the chair for Ruby to get up. "Look, as long as folks want saloons there will be saloons. I hope you find we're not really a bad sort. At least better than some." "And," Ruby says while standing, "I am a singer and Mr. Cooke here is a business man..."

Eaton just nods and says "Yes, but this is a house of ill repute and I'm not spending another minute in it. Come with me or stay, your choice." And at that he heads out the door and heads west down South Street. Ruby and Jake follow him to his office to see how his patient is doing.

It is a fairly short walk to the office of Doctor James Eaton, just a block down South and turning right onto Allen. The office is the building between the Promise City Hotel and Cafe at the corner of South and Allen and the Promise City Cooper Shop on the corner of Main and Allen. The one-story whitewashed frame building is a mere twelve-feet wide by twenty-feet long. Jake remembers from the night of the ore wagon accident that Eaton lives in a home on the west side of town. A sign is on the inside wall listing his prices as "Tooth or bullet removed $1; Bone set and split $ 1; Buckshot removed $ 2; Burns treated $ 2; Social diseases treated $ 2; Treatment of fever $ 3; Amputation of Limb $ 6; False teeth made $ 10"

The room itself has a desk, two chairs and two beds. A shirtless and bandaged up Pinto Joe Weems is lying in one bed and appears to be asleep. A man who is apparently Warren Earp, bearing a sharp resemblance to his older brothers, is seated in a chair in the corner with a shotgun in his lap. He reacts to Eaton walking in with two more people but the Doctor says "Relax, your brother Wyatt sent these two over. They're the people who saved your other brother's life on Tuesday." Warren stands up and walks over to Jake, still holding the gun in his left hand while extending his right hand in greeting. "A pleasure sir, ma'am."

Jake accepts his hand and shakes firmly, looking him clear in the eye. "Good to meet you. Has Weems been talking or even awake at all?" Looks back and forth to the doctor and Warren Earp. "Oh, Warren before I forget Wyatt suggested you could check on some serial numbers of $20 bills. I'll write 'em down and you can see if the banks in tombstone know who they issued them to." Jake glances down at Weems to make sure it doesn't look like he's reacted, and is really sleeping. "Did Wyatt tell you about it?"

"Haven't spoken to Wyatt since breakfast. We're each watching our own member of the New Douglas Gang here so can't exactly get together. Doc says Weems might be stable enough soon that I can move him over to the jail so I'll see him then." The Doctor says, "He was awake for around an hour at lunch time but still feverish. The fever seems to have broken. I'll try the smelling salts."

The salts have the desired effect and Weems begins to wake. The Doctor gestures to the others not to interfere and stands over the man, blocking his view of the others in the room. "Pinto Joe, its Doctor Eaton. You were shot yesterday robbing the bank but you're going to live." The man blinks but does not respond. Eaton hands the man a bottle with clear liquid and tells him to drink it. Weems takes one sip and spits it out, saying "Tastes like piss." Eaton says "Unless you want to risk coming down with Tetanus I'd suggest you ignore the taste and drink it." The man hands back the bottle and says "I'll take my chances." Eaton replies, "Don't say I didn't warn you." The Doctor then steps away and goes back over to his desk.

Earp walks forward and says "Weems, I'm Warren Earp. You are under arrest for attempted robbery of Condon's Bank." Warren's voice then changes, lowering an octave and he says "But we really aren't concerned about small potatoes like you. Lead us to Deadeye Douglas and we'll let you walk away from this." Weems says "I betray Douglas and I won't be around to walk anywhere. As I told the Doc, I'll take my chances." Warren then nods towards Jake and Ruby.

Jake says, "Weems, I'd like you to tell me who put you up to stopping the miners a few days ago. I have it narrowed down to a couple of folks. We also have those new $20 bills that are traceable. I can't speak for the Earps but since Morgan nearly died in that raid, they may appreciate your cooperation." Jake scratches his beard. "I would like to have it confirmed by you who put you up to it, and I'm not talking about court just here between us. You tell me and I'm done bothering you."

Weems looks Jake in the eye and says "Go to Hades." “Heh," Jake laughs "and there I thought you were gonna say I'll take my chances. I know the Doc don't approve, but I've spent some time around gambling tables and know a little bit about chances. It's pretty simple if you think about it, more chances is good, fewer bad." Jake looks to Ruby and smiles.

"Since you don't want to help me out, seems I'm going to need to press charges. And so will Morand Cartage and the miners, all upstanding citizens in town. And of course the outlaw you hired who is now in the jail cell over there will testify against you, and I will testify that another of your bunch gave me your name. I'm sure one of those upstanding citizens will have seen you that day too. Morgan Earp a local law man nearly died that day of a bullet fired by someone you hired, maybe even you?" Jake starts to button up his duster. "I'm sure Warren here will tell you about local the judge if you aren't familiar with him, 'Hanging' Isby."

"Now with so much against you people will begin to speculate. They'll bet you are making a deal. It does look pretty bad for you. Unfortunately that Baxter newspaper guy here prints almost anything, fact or not. So I'm sure that it will hit the local newspaper in no time. I'll need to have a talk with him to make sure it doesn't come out before you’re safely in the jail, we don't want the Doc here in any danger." Jake puts his collar up. "I'm sure glad I'm not you. I don't know what you were paid, but anyone who can hand you $400 to pay others just to sidetrack a wagon full of miners is not someone you want believing you are ratting them out. And put Deadeye Douglas on top of that, whoa. The Earps are fine and capable law men and I'm sure will be doing everything the can to protect you, regardless that you almost got their brother killed."

Jake takes Ruby's arm. "Sorry to trouble you Doc Eaton. Good night, Warren. Farewell Mr. Weems." Ruby adds with a sweet smile from the doorway, "and don't worry. We'll all be watching out for Sally for you. We know how much she means to you."

Silver Moon

Chapter 130 ,“Quiet Time out at the Ranch”, Saturday, January 14th, 1882:

The ride out to the ranch is wet and muddy. When Chester, Kate and Nanuet arrive they discover that Patrick Seawell and Sonoma are already there, having driven a flock of thirty-one sheep to the ranch with the assistance of the wood elf family. The elves are preparing now to depart. One animal has been skinned and butchered, the hide hanging out in the rain on a rack near the cave entrance while part of the animal is cooking on a spit over a fire. It appears that Flint and his guests have just finished up a fine meal of roast lamb and the others are invited to share. Chester says, "Thank you, Mr. Greymountain. It looks wonderful. Your ranch looks very nice, too."

Kate joined the others in their meal, although she ate very lightly. What she had told Ruby was true, the lunch she'd had that morning was more than enough to fill her for the rest of the day. She sat next to Mr. Martin with the large package of Lamb between them. Mr. Seawell was friendly, but still a stranger to Kate. But he was not the first stranger she had dined with today, and she was finding the timidity that had settled on her the last few months receding.

It was nice to sit here with people she liked, enjoying a warm meal and simple conversation. Doing that in a cave on a ranch was something Kate would not have seen herself doing even 3 weeks ago, yet here she was. And she was happy there. But she still thought at least a small house would need to be built out here. She didn't really fancy sleeping in a cave.

"Well, Mr. Gonzales, I had hoped to take you around the land and show you the horses, but I think the rain has ended that idea. And I do need to get back. But I'll ride back out with Flint tomorrow and we can take a look around then. I hope you'll be pleased." She smiled at Sonoma. "And now I'll have to learn about sheep as well as horses. It won't be too long before this place actually earns the name ranch."

Flint is anxious to return to town with Patrick, Kate and Chester. Sonoma warmly greets both Nanuet and her Great Grandfather before she hands Chester a large bundle of twenty-pounds of fresh wrapped lamb meat and instructs him to give it to her mother. He replies, "I'll be sure to do that, miss. She'll be grateful."

Nanuet is happy to finally see Sonoma. "I missed you today." He heads over to her and gives her a big hug and a quick kiss. "Well, I should have known that if you weren't around you were doing something worth while. This is great that the sheep are here now! It must have been a miserable day to do this in the rain though. I met someone today whom I need to talk to you about. What do you know about Mother Jiminez and what do you know about this?" Nanuet holds out the vial of dark liquid. "And most importantly, what do you know about the path of the world being dependant on me?"

She replies, “Okay, first relax”. Sonoma smiles sweetly at Nanuet, "I'm sure that my world depends on you." She tilts her head "And that makes you change the fate of those around here." The smile fades as she looks straight into his eyes "But you will never have to do anything alone again unless you wish to. As far as the vial of black goo goes I really don't know what it might be but if she gave it to you it is likely to be powerful and very likely deadly in some form.”

Sonoma looks at her great grandfather "Although my family disapproves I have studied many things with her. She is the most powerful druid in the area. I have learned many things from her and continue to train with her when she deems it fit. We do not agree on many things, including the darkness that she welcomes as part of the balance of the world, but she has taught me to look at the world in a different way than my family would have me see it. I find that helps me with my own balance and connection with the world I live in.”

We will see where this takes us, as we now have been told twice that things us for are changing. I believe that we must follow the path that is being laid out for us if she was moved enough to leave her home she must have seen something that she felt would change the world.

Gonzales decides to join in their conversation and adds "That Bruja woman Jiminez scares me. She is a far more powerful spellcaster than I am, and I do not understand the form of magic that she utilizes. But I do know this, there are places in this world that are more susceptible to magic than others, points where wizard magic, clerical magic and earth magic like Jimenez uses are heightened and those who use magic are naturally drawn to. Many of the world's cities are such places, Paris, Madrid, Rio, New Orleans, Manhattan Island, San Francisco. But there are also other more remote locations where the magical lines congregate and intersect and eastern Cochice County is one such place.

The other thing that I have been able to sense is that something unnatural has now begun. It began this morning with this very unusual weather system. If Jimenez says that you are to play a part in what is transpiring then she is most likely correct." A chill shivered it's way down Katherine's spine. She had known something more was to happen this week, but she had been thinking it would be something like what had happened with the cattle rustlers. Frightening, dangerous, but still just men. The word "unnatural" didn't sit well.

Riley's dreams had featured monstrous creatures, some that they defended, and some that they defended against. Suddenly she felt unprepared. Even after Jake’s lessons she could not count of being able to hit anything with her pistol, and the spells she had learned so far were protective or handy. She was about to suggest to her teacher that she study some such spells to cause damage when she caught Patrick Seawell's eye and bit her tongue. He was a distance off and Gonzales had kept his comments to Nanuet and Sonoma low, but there is still a risk that he might hear. Enough people knew about her new skills. She shared a confused glance with him and an anxious one with Mr. Martin. Kate pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them, wishing Ruby was there to lean against. "So it will come soon then," she said quietly. "I just wish I understood why I, why any of us, are part of it."

Nanuet listens and watches Sonoma intently. "Well for now, I think roast lamb is in my path." and he heads to the area where the meat is roasting and finds a dry seat. "What are your plans tonight Sonoma? I was going to stay out here unless there was need of me back in town. So far I think I am free for the evening. I know your great grandfather is staying, so if he will have my company then I think I would like to stay out here for the night. The grove is nice, but it is still in town and I need some fresh air."

Sonoma replies, “I'm not sure if Maggie is going to want me in the Lone Star tonight with the way her father reacted to me last night. With the holiday I'm sure she'll need the help though. I'm really worried for her. I don't trust that man further than I can throw him. I would like to spend some time planning the ranch with you and I thought maybe even get started on the adobe pit but with all of this rain I'm not sure what I'll be able to do. Maybe I'll just work the hide while I have the rain to wash away the blood. Let me know when your leaving Kate I'll decide then. Keep the fire going for me will you? I'm going to need to warm up when I get back in.

Nanuet nods and does what he can to keep the fire blazing. He notices that the others are restless and as soon as he gets the chance to speak with Sonoma again he mentions that to her. "I think the others are ready to leave soon, maybe you should talk with Kate now.” Flint and Seawell are both very impatient to leave and Chester is acting bored. Katherine realizes that she should get going soon too.

Nanuet approaches Mr. Gonzalez. "Please sir, tell me more about Mother Jimenez. And do you possibly have any idea what this vial of liquid is for? She told me to pour it in the ground and to then rub the resulting mud on our weapons, but not to touch it. I also have a feeling that this has much to do with Riley's visions. Any thoughts?"

He replies, "I agree that it probably relates to Riley's visions. I could attempt to identify the liquid but my chances of success are not very good. But from the sound of it I'd say it is some type of very lethal poison which will work against this beast. As for Mother Jimenez, she has a dark side to her. I do not like her, but I do trust that she means no harm to my Great Grandfather for what this is worth.

Remember the warning I gave you about hurting Sonoma? I had said the same to her and she replied 'Foolish man, to threaten me is to threaten the earth itself, you could kill my physical form and I would still get my vengeance against you tenfold. But your kin need not ever worry about harm from me, the opposite is true, my knowledge will protect her far more than you ever could.' I have no reason to doubt her, but I also would never welcome that woman into my home."

"Thank you for sharing your wisdom Mr. Gonzalez. I believe I understand your words about Mother Jiminez. As far as the beast goes, I thought Riley's vision showed us protecting it? Now I am thoroughly confused."

Gonzales replies "Let me give you some advice from my more than eight centuries on this planet. If you are going to surround yourself with strong willed women you should anticipate being in a continuous state of confusion and turmoil. But by having such women in your life you will find that life itself is far more worth living. For example, over two centuries ago I stopped apprenticing men. If I am going to be spend hundreds upon hundreds of hours with somebody why shouldn't they be smart and beautiful women whose company I enjoy?" Nanuet goes so far as to scratch his head. Nanuet returns to tending the fire.

"We should go," Kate said, standing and brushing the dirt off her pants. Mr. Martin, Mr. Seawell, and Flint practically jumped to their feet. She shook her head. "Well, you could have just said something. Mr. Gonzales, thank you for staying for us, we appreciate it. Nanuet, enjoy the country. I think I even envy you a bit." She walked with the three men outside to the dripping wet horses. "Sonoma, we're going now," she called as she pulled herself up on Meribel's back.

Sonoma says "I'm not sure if my presence there would do more harm than good. I'm afraid that my being there could lead to more trouble between myself and Mr. Whipple. But I did make a promise to Maggie. Why don't I stay here for now until you have a chance to talk to her. With you and Ruby both there I won't be needed as much, but if Maggie still wants me I'm sure that Mr. Martin could ride back here to get me. We're not that far from town."

Kate says, "I understand. I'll see you tomorrow when I ride back with Flint then, if not sooner. All right gentlemen, lets be on our way." The ride back was wet and muddy but otherwise unexceptional. Kate made sure Meribel had a bit extra to eat and plenty of clean water, then hurried up to her room. She poured water from the pitcher into the washbasin and then cast a Prestidigitation to warm the water. She got out of her muddy clothes and took care in washing.

After that she put on the layers of clothing, her bustle cover from Maggie, and the rich plum dress she had worn the day President de Sucre arrived. It was finer than her everyday clothes, perhaps a bit too much for the Lone Star. But it felt almost like armor, and she would need every advantage she could muster in keeping her countenance around William Whipple, even if it was just feeling like a lady. Like herself. She picked up a heavy coat that would cover her clothes and went downstairs to wait for Jake and Ruby.

Mr. Martin came down a few minutes later. He'd obviously been up to the same thing Kate had been, washing up and making himself presentable. She had not noticed before that he was indeed a handsome man. He nodded to her as he came down the stairs and took a seat at her table. "Interesting day so far wouldn't you say, Mr. Martin? But I have to admit I'd be happier if tonight is dull." Chester says, "Not as interesting as yesterday, for me at any rate. What did you do today that was so interesting? but, yeah. A little excitement goes a long way."

Kate says, "I hope to never have as interesting a day as yesterday again. Today I had a lovely lunch with some friends, and then spent the day running about making arrangements for another friend. And then of course our wet ride out to the ranch. I don't think I've had a day to just fritter away in the last week and a half."

Behind them the door opened and Jake and Ruby came in from the rain. Katherine turned around, surprised. "I thought you were upstairs. No matter though, I'm ready if you are." She stood and reached for her coat, but before she could take it Mr. Martin was already holding it up for her. "Thank you," she said as he helped her. "I'm afraid I'll have to hold my skirts up to my knees in all this mud," she laughed as they left for the Lone Star. Chester chuckles, "I don't think it'd be decent for me to hold your skirt out of the mud." Kate chuckles, "Indeed not, but it would probably start some very interesting talk."

Back at Pete's Ranch, Manuel heads off to take a walk around the area to check on the livestock and also to set some magical up alarms on the off chance that rustlers might come by. The rain drips off of Sonoma’s long black hair while she is scrapping the hide in the rain she looks back at Nanuet "So is there a place on the ranch you would like the house or somewhere special you would like a sweat lodge?" He replies, "To be honest with you I haven't even spent much time looking around. I think you are the adobe expert, but I certainly can help. As far as a sweat lodge goes, I was thinking of somewhere overlooking the stream, I think that would work quite well."

After scraping the hide clean Sonoma saddles her horse " I want to dig an adobe mixing pit and if I do it while it is raining maybe some of the water might stay making it easier to make the bricks. I don't feel like the rain is going to stop soon so I might as well try making it now" She mounts her horse and begins to ride in to highest ground in the direction of the stream.

Well, I hope you brought a shovel or something else to dig with!" Nanuet yells out to the quick moving Sonoma. He takes a quick look at the fire and is satisfied to let the coals sit as they are and heads out into the rain after the wood elf. Nanuet doesn't catch up to Sonoma until she stops. "OK, where do we start?"
Um... Nanuet why are you out here in the rain?" Sonoma smiles at the dripping Indian "I'm planning on practicing a spell that digs holes. I don't need a shovel" she giggled at the water that is dripping off the end of his nose "go get dry and maybe start some supper? I'll be back in a few minutes"

"Um, I was coming out to help you" he laughs, "but I should have figured you didn't need any." With that he turns and heads back to the dryness of the caves. "How many ways can you prepare lamb?" he thinks to himself wondering what else he could make for dinner and why he didn't think of packing any food when he decided to come out here for the night. "Maybe Manuel has an idea or some magic that would help?" he thinks to himself again. Nanuet starts poking around trying to find Manuel and when he does he asks for any ideas about dinner. "I would love to try and surprise Sonoma with something nice. Any tricks up your sleeve?"

Gonzales says "I don't think we need any tricks, I think she'll just be happy to spend some time with you while Dorita isn't around spying on the two of you. When I was out checking on the animals earlier I found another dry cave that had been dug into the hill so I can go over there to give you two some privacy if you want to have sexual relations."

Nanuet's face turns a deep red. "I don't think there will be a need for that. Your great grand daughter and I have decided to take things slowly. And you know what slow is for an elf. As far as the tricks go, I was just referring to a way to get some food. I forgot to pack any when I came out here for the night. I know we have lamb, I just figured variety might be a good thing."

Nanuet begins searching to find what food Flint might have stored in the caves. "What do dwarves eat anyway?" After a while Nanuet gives up looking for any other kind of food and begins working on a lamb dinner. He sings/chants as he works, something he used to do a lot more of in his past. He works quickly and efficiently and before long the meat is roasting nicely. He tends to the fire and the food watching the lightning and rain outside. He calls to Maska to come to them and wonders if she is OK out in the severe weather.

Sonoma returns to the cave water streaming from her clothing she looks at her great grandfather. "I have the pit dug for the adobe and put in a base hole for a root cellar near a streamlet so it will stay cool. You were right, it was much harder to hold the shapes that I wanted to dig in this rain but I think they will hold up and if they do now they should for years"

She smiles at Nanuet, "Food ready? I'm starving and tired. It was a lot more work than I expected to spell all that dirt. Pepero could you do something about this wet for me? I thought I could but I'm really to tired to.” Manuel makes a blowing gesture with his hand and Sonoma’s clothing blows around her when he is finished she is totally dry.

Sonoma had returned from her excavating just as the roasted lamb was finished. "Yes, Sonoma, food is ready. I am sure my cooking doesn't equal yours, but it won't kill you." Nanuet handed over a skewer of seasoned lamb meat, still steaming.

"This weather is something else, in all my years I don't think it has ever rained this much that I remember. At least we have plenty of wood to keep the fire going and I'm in good company to keep my spirits up. Today's meeting with that woman took a bit out of me. It is not every day that someone hears that the path of the world depends on their actions, be it the truth or not."

Nanuet sits next to Sonoma with some food of his own. He eats heartily then cleans up any mess left from cooking the meal, humming softly as he works. "Well, not as bad as I thought, maybe I do remember how to cook a decent meal. Sonoma, what did you think? After that meal I am ready to settle in for the night. Do you think we need to set a watch?"

She answers, “In this rain I'm pretty sure that anyone who is still out in it isn't going to end up on our doorstep. Between the horses, sheep and cows in this cave I think the animals will let us know if anything is heading our way and wake us. I think my great grandfather can do a little something so if someone was to come here we would know about it. after all I know how much he enjoys his uninterrupted nights' sleep. And supper was wonderful it was really nice to eat something that I didn't have to cook or clean up after.”

With that she beds down by the fire and is asleep in minutes. Nanuet watches Sonoma as she sleeps. She looks peaceful and comfortable enough. Nanuet checks the fire one last time before starting his reverie and then makes himself comfortable to begin the mind-blurring journey. He closed his eyes and the outside world closed to him.

Silver Moon

Chapter 131 ,“Another Saturday Night”, Saturday, January 14th, 1882:

Kate and Chester reach the front doors of the Lone Star and are more than a little surprised by the wooden sign nailed to the wall beside the door reading "Humans Only". They enter and see Jeff Mills standing by the front door. There are around twenty people are inside, all human. Most of the people are at Job and Tony's poker tables which are both full with games having already started. Kate only recognizes around half of the players as regulars from their games.

Teddy Whipple is at the keyboards making his usual attempt to destroy the poor machine with his incessant pounding. Alexsis is up on the stage singing a light and lively tune. William Whipple is standing behind the bar playing bartender. Maggie is in one of her best dresses and circulating around the room playing hostess to those not engaged in poker. There are noises coming from the kitchen which Kate assumes is Dorita, as she wasn't over at the El Parador earlier.

"Hi Jeff, how are you tonight?" Jake goes over to the bouncer. "I guess your new job is screening guests? Want to check my ears and make sure I'm ok?" Jake takes off his hat and give Jeff a grin. Jeff gives Jake a stern look and says "Oh shut up! It wasn't my idea, go talk to the man behind the bar about these stupid rules! I'll be glad when that old windbag is gone." Jake gives him a friendly pat on the arm. "I know."

Jake then helps Ruby with her rain soaked coat, she mechanically let's him remove it. Her eye's on narrowing and becoming that tell tale cloudy look as she takes in the room from William Whipple, to the piano and finally to the stage. "You will try not to cause too much trouble won't you?" Ruby smiles and says, "Yes of course." but her eyes tell a different story. She struts over to the bar and says "Good evening Mr. Whipple." Jake smiles over at Maggie and nods his head before finding a spot to have a drink and finally look at Baxter's paper.

The front page of the paper is a story of the bank robbery, with considerable less detail than the Tombstone paper as it has nothing in it about Dudley Yeats escape from jail. The only additional facts in this paper than the other are a follow-up on Pinto Joe Weem's medical condition and how he is expected to survive. Page two consists of a half-page ad for the Palace Saloon, a quarter-page ad for Frye's Harness Shop and Bootmaker and a quarter page ad for Reston's Pawn Shop.

Page three has a short story about how Rebecca King, the wife of rancher Anse King, is looking to raise money to build a Greek/Roman church in town. There is a long story about how Duncan Frye first learned about the bootmaking trade and finally a story stating how the Lone Star Dance Hall and Saloon no longer welcomed humans, with lengthy interviews with the three miners who had been injured in the previous night’s brawl.

Page four has a half-page ad for the Gay Lady Variety Hall and Saloon, a story without many facts or any names about land in the Dos Cabezas mountains being bought up by speculators, and a profile of Doctor James Eaton. It tells how his father had been a surgeon during the Mexican-American War which inspired James to enter both the field of medicine and the military. He had been a career naval officer until five years earlier. It also talks about his wife Beth and his three children, 9-year old Rebecca, 7-year old Philby and 3-year old Tad.

Kate gave Jeff a resigned smile as Chester helped her with her coat. "I think we can all agree with that sentiment. May I add that I think the piano will be relieved when Teddy is gone as well? It's going to cost a pretty penny to have that piano tuned after he leaves." She went inside and picked up her apron from behind the bar without speaking to William Whipple. She picked up a tray and went over to the piano. "Just let me know when you need a break," she said simply.

Ruby goes to the bar and says, "I'd like a whiskey please, Mr. Whipple." While she waits she continues to stare at Mr. Whipple. "So," she asks casually, "I thought we were letting dwarves in tonight. I've been practicing my dwarven songs even. That was what Maggie said she wanted..." William Whipple says, "There's been a change in plans. Apparently the Alhambra, Comique, Indian Head, Silver Dollar and El Parador are all overrun with dwarves so we've decided to take in the humans who would normally be at those places on Saturday nights. It's a better business strategy, focus on folks who might become regular customers instead of people just here for the one night. You just do your usual set."

Kate walked over to Maggie. "How are you holding up?" she asked quietly. Maggie replies "Fine, they don't suspect anything. Father threw a fit earlier today over that story in the Herald but seems to have relaxed since then. I think he's always happiest when he can tend bar." Kate asks, "I haven't seen the Herald. What story was it?"

Maggie replies "On page three, under the headline "Humans no longer welcome at local saloon". It was about last night's confrontation. Baxter interviewed the three miners who Mr. Wyman and Mr. Miller had the altercation with. The men claimed that they were minding their own business and that Wyman started it. They then claim that management here backed the half-elf and made an anti-human comment along with our refusal to call the Marshall.

The only other quote is from Adair, pointing out that humans are always welcome at the Palace Saloon since it is now too dangerous for them to come here. On the page opposite that was a half-page ad for the Palace reiterating that they have a human's only policy along with two coupons for free drinks." She then says "Adair's always been a racist, but that policy of his will only hurt him tonight given all of the dwarves in town tonight to spend all their money. Dorita and her assistant are all set to cook up lots of top dwarven recipes."

Kate rubbed her forehead. "I'm a little confused. Dorita and her assistant, she has an assistant? They are ready to cook for the dwarves? But there is a sign outside by the door that says humans only." "WHAT!" Maggie exclaims and marches to the front door with Kate following. They head outside with Jeff Mills coming up behind them. "Jeff, what is the meaning of this!" Maggie exclaims. He replies, "Tom's father had me put that up when you were out in the kitchen." "Take it down!" she yells.

He answers, "Sorry Ma'am, can't do that. Tom had a firm talking to me earlier today and made it clear that I'm to do as his father says or else I'm fired. If I were to lose this job I doubt anybody else around here would be willing to hire me. If he attempts to hit another female employee I'll jump in and stop him, even if it costs me my job, but short of that I'm doing as he says. And he says that sign stays up, even if you try to take it down."

Jake hears the commotion at the door and goes over. He's heard part of it, but when he asks Jeff tells him what happened. "Maggie, it's up to you if you want to fight with your father or not. But if Jeff is not following your orders, fire him." Jeff looks startled and shocked. "Of course I've been looking for a man just like Jeff. Between my silver mine and the new business I'm buying into I need him, and would start him tonight at the same wage he earned here." Jake motions to Chester, "Hey, Chester come here."

Chester makes his way through the crowd. "What do you want, Mr. Cook?" Jake tells Maggie, “If you needed a bouncer for the night, we'll I bet ol' Chester here would fit the bill." Jake motions to the sign. "And he'd do what you asked him about the sign." Chester says, "Sure thing, Mrs. Whipple. Your father doesn't treat you good. If you don't mind my saying. If you want dwarves to be welcome here, then so be it. You're supposed to be in charge tonight, not your father."

Jeff smiles, clasps Jake's hand and gives it a firm handshake. Then, without needing the use of any tools the large muscular man pulls the sign off the wall with both hands and tosses it into the nearest mud puddle. He then gives Maggie a big grin and says "No need for you to fire me, I'll let your father do it after I go make and put up a 'Dwarves Welcome' sign, assuming that's what you want Mrs. Whipple." "Go right ahead," she replies.

Patrick Seawell walks up to the doorway and says to Jake, "So are we going in or just standing out here in the rain?" Seawell is in the company of the human Ralph Elliott and the dwarf Torvald MacNaulty. Jake says, "Good evening Patrick. I believe the owners have just welcomed you and your company." Jake goes back in and takes his seat. They join Jake at his table. William Whipple is distracted by Ruby and does not notice the dwarf until after Kate has served Jake and his three table companions their first round of drinks.

Whipple looks around for Jeff but can't see him. Jeff then comes out from the kitchen with a piece of wood, hammer and nails and heads towards the front door. Whipple heads out from behind the bar and starts to head towards the door but Maggie manages to intercept him with some questions. By the time he finishes with her Jeff is finished outside and has come back in. Whipple comes up to Mills and points out the dwarf and yells "Where the Hades did you go? You're supposed to be keeping them out." Mills says "Sorry sir, if you'll come with me we can take care of this."

They approach the table, Whipple having a self-satisfied look on his face. Mills clears his throat to get the attention of everyone at the table. He then says "Excuse me gentlemen, I have been designated the official greeter of the Lone Star for this evening. I was preoccupied with changing the sign by the front door and neglected to see your entry into our establishment. I apologize for the oversight and beg your forgiveness. Please accept the first round of drinks as compliments of the establishment and we hope you enjoy your evening here."

Whipple's jaw drops, but before he can speak in response Jeff has turned and marches off into the kitchen. Whipple hurries over to the front door and sees what is now written on the sign. He attempts to pull it off but Jeff has tightly secured it with multiple nails. William Whipple marches through the Saloon and into the kitchen. Jake has a smug look on his face and offers a toast, "To your holiday Torvald and to your health."

Expecting to hear loud yells from the kitchen at any moment Jake continues, "So tell me how is the mining business?" "Not too good," Elliott states. Torvald says "So close and yet so far. It's all right there but getting to it will be a real bear. So far all we've worked on is pickup up the rubble that we blasted down. We'll get it smelted down but the silver content probably isn't even a fifth of that first load."

Seawell says, "Yeah, I went out there yesterday. They got in the first load of lumber to begin building the ramps and supports but are going to be needing a lot more wood and beams as well as somebody who has a clue as to how to build it." It suddenly occurs to Jake that he may have just made an even better hiring decision than he had initially realized. Jeff Mills has been doing an excellent job as the construction foreman for the team of carpenters and bricklayers who have started building the Lone Star's third floor this week.

Jake says, "Turns out I just made a job offer to someone who may be just the right man. He may be accepting that offer any minute now. If he does and you want him, I'll let you hire him for that work and he can work for me as time allows." Jake takes a sip of his whiskey and looks over at Ruby who is impatiently waiting for Alexis to get off the stage. Even from here Jake can see she still isn't too pleased, but seems to be containing herself. He catches her eyes, smiles and mouths 'everything will be fine'. "I hope." he says under his breath.

Katherine worked hard to keep herself from laughing as Jeff and Jake ran all over William Whipple's plans. Just because Maggie would leave tomorrow was no reason to let than man run roughshod over them all night. Kate was refreshing drinks at Job's table when William Whipple stalked back in from the rain and followed Jeff into the kitchen. Dorita and her assistant were back there, and she suddenly remembered what Maggie had told her about the men at the El Parador. They might not be quite as protective of Dorita, but she imagined if anything were to happen to her it would not be pretty. She finished serving, took a deep breath, and went into the kitchen.

Kate enters the kitchen. Maria Fuente, one of the working girls at the El Parador, is assisting Dorita. Maria's brother Estaban is also in the room holding a shotgun and near the back door. It occurs to Kate that Manuel was not able to put the magical protections on the Lone Star this evening, so she must have brought Estaban along as a guard. That made since as the dwarves that filled up the El Parador would not have been interested in hearing his Mexican music.

As she opens the door Whipple is in the process of yelling at Jeff, the first words she catches being "....hard of hearing? Listen you big dumb lummox, my son did you a big favor in hiring you! And this is how you repay him....with insubordination!" Mills just stands there without responding. Whipple continues "I don't care if Maggie told you to change the sign. This is Tom's Saloon, not hers, despite what she may think. You go back out there right now and put the 'Humans Only' sign back on the door." Jeff doesn't move. Whipple says "I'm not putting up with this, you're fired you stupid ox! You'd better go see if Sherod Hunter and John Magruder need you again because you're finished in this town!"

Dorita listens the tirade that Whipple is spouting and waits. She shuffles the food she is cooking until she has an empty pan in her hand available to her then looks the men in the eye. "Here I am cooking! You go fight somewhere else! Out of my kitchen both of you! Hungry the dwarven men on holiday be and you in the way! Go out of my kitchen now! Fight somewhere else!” With that she makes a shooing motion with her apron trying to herd the men to the doorway that Kate is standing in. William Whipple turns to Dorita and says "You be quiet, we hired you to cook not talk. Just do your job or you're fired too!" He then mutters under his breath "uppity freaking** elves".

**family friendly word substituted here

In Spanish Dorita turns to Maria, "go tell Maggie pack we are leaving!" To Estaban she says, "Watch him" With that she begins to pull all of the food and foodstuffs into a large basket, packing up the kitchen. She tells Whipple, “You no hire me, Maggie ask my help for her. I come for her, not you. She own saloon and run it way she wants! You no let her because you are bad man! I leave now! You run this place without help" Dorita then looks up and says, "Kate, time to go. You tell Ruby we go now" With the rifle packing Estaban at her back Dorita stomps out of the kitchen food and all. "Ruby we leave now!" she yells as she stomps across the floor, the wood elvan woman a force to be reckoned with.

Jake sees the little platoon storming out of the kitchen led by Dorita. "Crap. Excuse me for a moment gentlemen." Jake bolts to cut her off at the door. "Senora, senora, por favor..." he speaks to her using his best mangled Spanish, Jake tries to stop her. He realizes that the entire place is watching them. "Quietly now, what is wrong?" Dorita rapidly spews the problem at him, "Slower, senora, slower, I don't understand." Dorita yells “Maggie pack, she come home! Bad man uses bad words, to ME! I no stay. Ruby no stay. Kate no stay. Maggie no stay! You no stay, stay, you decide. Time to go! All birds go now! Bad man, bad place for good people! They no stay!”

Jake pleads, "Will you give me one chance to fix things with Maggie?" In response Dorita storms out the front door, food in hand, followed by Estaban and Maria. Torvald MacNaulty had eyed and smelled the fine dwarven cuisine and decides that he wants to be where it is. He and his three companions quickly finish their complimentary round of drinks and follow.

Jeff tells Jake "Whipple fired me, so I guess I'm gone too." He then gestures to Kate and Ruby and says "They'll have to decide if they want to go against Dorita's wishes, but they should take into account that there are dozens of dwarves back at Dorita's Inn right now who would appreciate their rooms. I don't know Dorita well enough to know if she'd evict these girls but who can tell in the mood she's in right now." Jeff then leaves.

"Seems like there is going to be one heck of a party at the El Parador." Jake says to Ruby who is still standing at the bar. She finally seems to be enjoying herself. "Katherine!" Jake calls out and motions to her to come away from Maggie's father. "Maybe Dorita's right. Maggie could spend the night in your room? Then you two could take care of business in the morning? I'm OK with abandoning the Lone Star for the evening. Why don't you talk to her, and let me know." Kate replies, "I'd be delighted to have Maggie with me for the night. I never liked the idea of her trying to get away on her own anyway. We might need help getting past Mr. Whipple, so don't go anywhere."

Kate met Maggie as the other woman was hurrying toward the door to see what was going on. "Maggie, Mr. Whipple just fired Jeff and tried to fire Dorita. And said some ugly words about elves. She told him exactly who she worked for, but she won't stay where she's been insulted. She wants us all to leave and let him try to run this place alone. She said you should pack and come home," Kate said with a soft smile. "Will you? You can stay with me tonight." She hugged her friend and whispered, "Spend your last night here where the people love and respect you, and make good memories to take along."

Maggie is surprisingly calm. She whispers "I'll get away if I can but need to stay here until we can at least find Tom and get him back here. And please get Jake or Chester to take down that new sign, if Jeff isn't here dwarves would definitely not be welcomed by Tom and Father." Kate says, "I know just where to look for Tom. I'll have him back here in a few minutes unless I'm very much mistaken. Then I'll help you get ready and make sure you can get out," she whispered back. Then she handed Maggie her apron and walked over to the door.

"Maggie will come after we get Tom here," Kate said quietly to Jake. "I'll ask Mr. Martin to walk me over to the Comique. I'm sure that's where he is. I'm not sure what you and Ruby want to do. You could just go now, or wait until I get back with Tom. But Maggie would like you to take down the new sign. Tom and their Father won't agree with the sentiment."

"Mr. Martin, could you get me my coat, please." Chester helps Kate into her jacket. "Thank you. Would you be so kind as to walk me to the Comique?" He says, "OK, Mrs. Kale. What's over there?" She replies,
"Katherine, or Kate will do just fine, Mr. Martin. I imagine once you've been shot at together formalities become less important. He says, "You're right about that. Please, call me Chester. But some call me Chet, if that's more to your liking."

She says, "To answer your question, I need to find Tom Whipple so Maggie can leave the Lone Star. Actually we're all leaving. Their father has insulted too many people tonight." "Wait a minute. Their father? I thought they were married. Unless…" She says, "Yes, they aren't really married, they're siblings. It's a long story for which we don't have time now."

A few minutes later they walked in the front door of the Comique where Flossie McKenna was standing on stage singing. Katherine hoped she knew what kind of family she was marrying into. She searched the room for Tom. Kate is able to pinpoint Tom right away, as he is the only non-dwarven person in the place who isn't an employee. Flossie apparently knew a full array of Norse opera that had the fifty or so dwarves all spellbound. Tom also appeared to be entranced by the singer. Chester stays near the door and Kate is able to make her way through the dwarves to get to Tom's chair.

Kate says, "Tom, I'm sorry to disturb you. You need to go back to the Lone Star right away. It seems you're running short on employees. Quite a few of them have taken offense to the treatment they've received in the last few days." She leaned down and whispered in his ear. "You'll have the rest of your life to stare at Flossie. But if you want Job to have enough money to set you free, you'd better get back."

Tom Whipple hurries back to the Lone Star Dance Hall and Saloon. Jake, Chester and Ruby are standing over near the door. Both card games are going on. Alexsis is on stage and Teddy is at the piano. William has moved back behind the bar and Maggie is over by the bar talking to her. Tom turns to Jake and says "What's the emergency? Everything looks fine here."

"Deceptive, isn't it?" Kate said sweetly. "Maggie wanted you here, I got you. Excuse me while I go talk to your wife." Jake tells Tom, "I don't know the whole story, but it appears your father had some words with the kitchen staff and they all left. A bunch of customers followed them because the food smelled good. He's also fired Jeff, and I think that Katherine and Ruby are about to leave." Jake shrugs his shoulders. "So if you don't include having no kitchen staff, bouncer, server or main entertainment... everything seems fine." He looks out the door. "Seems like the rain is slowing down business too. How are things with you?"

Tom just stares at Jake with a dumbfounded look. "Jeff quit? You must have that wrong. He can't quit! He would never quit. Father won't let me leave unless there's a plan to finish the third floor and that plan is dependent upon Jeff. He must just be on break or something." Ruby throws her hair back over her shoulder. "You're right he didn't quit. Your father fired him. There's been lots of trouble since your father got here. I guess neither you or your father really wanted Maggie to succeed, huh?" Ruby glances across the room to Kate and then back to Jake. "We'd better hurry up so we don't make Dorita more angry than she already is."

Katherine had walked over to Maggie. "Excuse us, please," she said perfunctorily to William Whipple and guided Maggie away. She kept her voice low. "Tom is here, although he doesn't really understand what the problem is. Let's go pack your bags. We can spend the night over at the El Parador and it will make the morning that much easier." Kate stopped for a moment. "Are you going to be okay with this?"

Maggie says "No, I just can't walk out like this. After tonight I'm totally committed to leaving tomorrow but I need to stay here for a while longer tonight until things stabilize. At a minimum, Tom needs to hear my version of what happened rather than just Father's. I'll be along as soon as I can."

Kate replies, "I don't like to leave you here. I would just come back for you, but I'm afraid your male relatives won’t welcome me. I think I might sit down, have a drink, and wait for you. Tom's right over by the door, why don't you come along with me over there?" The two women walked over to the door. As they arrive Tom is telling Jake, "I'll talk to Father. Jeff still has a job here, I'll make sure of that. Whatever Jeff did to anger Father I'll fix." And with that Tom marches over towards the bar to speak to his father.

Kate says, "Ruby, would you tell Dorita that Maggie and I are coming? She wants to have a few words with some people first, and I'm going to stay to make sure that she comes home with all possible speed." Ruby replies, "Kate, I don't feel comfortable leaving you here, not with what you told me last night. I'll wait for you and Maggie to finish what you have to." Kate reached out and squeezed Ruby's hand. "Well, someone should let Dorita know we're coming. Jake, could you? Between Ruby and I, I think we can take care of ourselves. You can always come back for us, but I don't want Dorita any more upset than she already is."

A looming figure fills the doorway and Ruby glances over to see Cornelius Van Horne standing there. He has on an Inverness-style raincoat and wide brimmed hat. He glances in the direction of her and Jake and then turns his head looking over towards the stage. "Excuse me sir, you're blocking the door," Chester exclaims, trying to get back inside. Van Horne turns towards Chester and replies, "After you my good man, I was just looking for somebody who doesn't appear to be here. I'll be on my way." He turns and heads west down Main, crossing Allen street.

Ruby smiles. "So let's get our business done quickly and get out of here, shall we? Besides I think it'll be exciting over at the El Parador tonight and we can maybe help Dorita out over there instead, to help pay her back for her kindness to us. And," she pauses, "Just maybe steal some drinks from the bar," she adds with a wink.

Maggie continues to wait the tables while wandering near enough to catch some of the conversation between her father and brother. She comes back over and tells Kate "I should be able to get away soon if you guys leave. From what I just heard Tom and Father wants to know if you're still interested in buying the place. Tom going to come ask you about it. If you leave now then I should be able to get away to go ask you about it. Chester could stay to keep an eye on me." Kate nodded. "Alright Maggie. As long as someone can stay with you and fetch us if we're needed." She leaned forward and kissed her friend's cheek. "We'll see you in a little while."

Kate struggled into her jacket, got good hold of her skirts to keep them out of the mud, and looked to Ruby and Jake. "Let's go so we have to be found." Ruby gives Jake a smile then grabs Kate's hand. "Let's go." They quickly make their way back trying not to get too wet.

Silver Moon

Chapter 132 ,“Things that go BOOM in the Night”, Saturday, January 14th, 1882:

Before they even get to the front doors of the El Parador they can hear the dwarven laughter. The building is packed, with every chair in the place taken and an equal number of dwarves standing. Every employee of the place are busy serving food and drinks including a few who normally don't such as handyman Grant Keebler. Even Angelica Huesca's young son Ricardo is helping serve. Dorita waves the three over and says "Good, you get away from bad man. You no go back if he there. You help with food" and she shoves serving dishes into Kate, Ruby and Jake's hands.

Kate set the tray down on the bar for a moment and pulled off her soaking jacket to hang with the others near the door. After that she picked up the tray again. Watching the others it seemed they were just going around with the trays, offering rather than filling orders. She began to wend her way through the tables doing the same.

Ruby follows Kate's lead and takes off her jacket and hangs it. She looks at the tray and at Jake and furrows her brow. "I'm not exactly dressed for this..." Before she finishes speaking Dorita gives her a push from behind. "You go, take food!" Ruby takes the tray and walks around the room, wondering where Sonoma is to provide some entertainment. When she walks past Kate she asks her and Kate tells her Sonoma stayed out at the ranch. Ruby nods and waits for the right moment to get into position at the performance area near the piano.

Jake eyes the platter of food in his hand like someone might if they were handed a live snake. He wonders what exactly dwarves consider a delicacy, sniffs the food, and his imagination makes him shudder. At the rate that Katherine is emptying her platter, she'll need another soon he thinks. He just stands there, in his dripping duster and hat, scanning the room. Ruby barely hears him talking to himself, "So many drunken dwarves, If I can only get in a poker game..." and notices the sparkle in his eye and the faint smile on his face.

Ruby sees "that look" on Jake's face so before she gets on the stage she walks over to him and grabs his tray. "Why don't you go take a seat up front, you'll be closer to the stage that way," she smiles and nods her head towards one of the poker tables. "I think someone just passed out up there so there is an empty seat." Ruby starts to walk away then turns back and gives Jake a kiss. "Good luck," she whispers, "Go win lots of money."

Jake finds dwarves more than willing to blow their hard-earned winnings at his table. However, there is great turnover, with a new bunch of players replacing the others after every hand. On the first hand Jake wins $ 32. On the second a Dwarf named Brilldi wins the pot and Jake loses $ 14 on it. Jake wins the third hand bringing in $ 41. The patrons are also very receptive to the music that Kate and Ruby provide and the tips cup fills up with money.

Dorita keeps the food and drinks flowing keeping Kate very busy passing trays. Every once in a while she will come out to the floor and point to a dwarf who has passed out she will yell a number in Spanish to Estaban who will bring the intoxicated patron up to the proper room.

Ruby sings her rowdiest dwarven drinking songs, getting the dwarves to buy many drinks for themselves and even some her. She sings a very long set then heads to the bar for a break. She sees Kate looking a bit harried and motions for her to take a break too. As she passes Jake she whispers in his ear, "Do you need anything?" Jake reaches back and strokes her hair as she passes by, "No, there seems to be plenty of dwarves."

Kate shook her head and kept on moving. It was far too busy here for her to be taking a break. In the back of her mind she remembered that she wouldn't have been here anyway, but the work at least distracting. It hadn't really been very long since they left the Lone Star, and Mr. Martin had stayed. But Kate still worried. She wanted Maggie here and safe. Ruby had stopped for a moment by Jake. As soon as she was free Kate would make sure Ruby hadn't needed anything from her before she went back to work.

At around 9:30 PM, little more than an hour since they had left the Lone Star, Maggie and Chester walk through the doors of the El Parador. Kate breathes a sigh of relief when she sees a big grin on Maggie's face but is disappointed that she doesn't also have a suitcase. It takes a bit for them to make their way through the massive number of dwarves, having picked up another two dozen in the past hour. Kate gestures to the kitchen and Maggie makes her way through the crowd and over toward the room. Once inside the kitchen Dorita gives Maggie a big hug and says "Good! You here now! We all worry, your father bad man. How bad man have such good daughter?" Maggie just laughs and says "Blame my mother on that. She was a lot like you Dorita."

After Ruby’s break, and a considerable amount of whiskey, she makes her way back to the stage. She keeps singing and even dancing a bit. The dwarves are rowdy but if they seem like they are getting too rowdy she just sings more well known songs and they all start singing along with her. She also comes off the stage to walk around while singing. She keeps an eye on Jake to see if he needs any inspiration but she mostly watches Kate to make sure she is alright. Ruby guesses Kate had never really been around this many non-humans and she also knows that scenes like this could get ugly quickly. None the less she continues to drink, and starts getting slightly tipsy after a bit, which actually improves her singing. Later into her set she notices Maggie come in with Chester and can see Kate's face lighten.

Kate waited until Dorita let go and then hugged Maggie as well. "I'm so glad to see you here with a smile on your face. It's exciting out there, to say the least. You are going to stay, aren't you? I'm rather looking forward to having you all to myself for the night." She replies "No, I'll have to go back at some point, but I'm going to stay here as long as I want and let them worry for a change. Don't worry about tomorrow, I'll come down with some sort of feminine problem to keep me from having to go to church. Oh Kate, it is such a relief to be this close to my dreams. Twelve hours from now I'll be on a stagecoach riding off to a new life. That idea scared me earlier but now I embrace it."

Kate says, "I'm so glad you're happy. I felt as if we bowled you over a bit earlier. So much coming at you at once, but it had to be quick, didn't it? It's going to be wonderful for you, I know it. Let's go back out into the Cantina. I'll play and Ruby will sing and we can have a fun night just for ourselves. Oh, and remind me to return your mother's pillow to you before you leave!"

Jake looks around after Ruby and Katherine between hands but is mostly oblivious. He finds that playing poker with dwarves is fun, even if not challenging. "I'll buy a round" he says to his table "but you'll need to teach me a good dwarven toast." Pedro brings a tray of beer tankards and a series of toasts follow. A dwarven cleric praises Moradin, father of the dwarven race. Another dwarf toasts to Svien the Red, a dwarven Viking hero who he descends from. Another dwarf toast to Hellji the Brave, his mother. Another dwarf then toasts to the Battle of Ipswich in the year 1010, a famous Viking victory over the Anglo-Saxon humans. The final dwarf toasts to himself winning the next hand of poker.

Why does it have to be beer, Jake thinks to himself, "I can't top that, but here's to the dwarves, giants of character and a stalwart folk if there ever was." He drinks half his mug and tries not to make a face. He keeps his eye out for the next whiskey passing by.

Pedro brings another round out beer, giving one to everybody except Jake since he still has half of his. The first dwarf now makes a toast to Clanggeldin Silverbeard, the dwarven god of Battle. The next toasts to the Norse god Thor. The next dwarf toasts to Thor's sons Magni and Modia The fourth dwarf makes another toast to Hellji the Brave, his mother. The next dwarf then toasts to the Battle of Cambridge in the year 1013, another famous Viking victory over the Anglo-Saxon humans. The final dwarf toasts again to himself winning the next hand of poker and asks that the cards be dealt. Jake cheerfully complies with dealing the cards.

Ruby continues to sing and drink. Chester looks bewildered at all the dwarves crowding the saloon. He catches Kate when she has a free moment. "Umm. Is there anything I can do?" She replies, "Go ask Dorita. She'll put you to good use." Chester winds his way to the kitchen. He takes off his hat and scratches his head. "Dorita? Can I do anything for you? I feel a bit out of sorts." She hands him a tray of some type of dwarven food that he thinks are pickled pigs feet but doesn't dare ask in case they are actually something worse. She says "Go pass out food!" He decides that doing so would probably be the fastest way for him to stop having to smell it.

The entire building shakes as the sound of a massive explosion rings out and the side wall of the El Parador gets pelted with debris. A dwarf yells out "Earthquake" and the short stocky men begin to file out of the front door in a surprisingly orderly fashion. Some flaming debris continues to fall into the street but goes out quickly in the puddles and mud. "I fold this hand folks, sorry."

"I must be drinking too much," Ruby thinks with the shake. Then she sees everyone heading for the door. "Hey, what's going on?" Ruby pushes her way to the door to look outside. Jake puts on his coat and hat and heads for the front door. "Chester, you coming?" He calls across the room while he buttons his coat and putting his revolvers in the outside pockets. Chester sets his tray down on the nearest table. "Right behind you, Mr. Cook. What do you think happened?"

Katherine nearly dropped the tray as the rumbling started. She grabbed onto the back of the stool to keep herself upright. When it stopped she set the tray down, looked over at Maggie who's face must have reflected her own shock, and went for the door. She heard Mr. Martin say something about Condon's bank blowing up.

Once out on the street they can see that there are several burning buildings and a crowd is started to gather around two-and-a-half blocks west on South Street, in the general area of Condon's Bank. Chester tells Jake "Uh-oh. Deadeye must have blown up the bank. We better go see if anyone's hurt." He calls back inside, "Is there a fire brigade? I think Condon's bank blew up."

Jake puts his favorite Colt in his hand but keeps it hidden in his pocket. "I'm going to run over to the Doc's office and then the Marshall's office before checking out what everyone else is looking at." Jake looks back only for a second. "Anyone is welcome." and he is off. "Wait for me!" Ruby grabs a jacket off the rack and runs out. "Jake, wait," Kate called out, dashing into the rain after him. "I'll come with you."

Chester makes his way down the street along with most of the dwarves, merging in with crowds from Allen street from the Main Street saloons, with another three dozen or so people again mostly dwarves flowing in. As they get closer they can see that the brick bank building is still standing, although there is some burning debris on the bank's roof.

The fire appears to be concentrated on the two wooden buildings east of the bank, Mason's Feed and Grain and Hoover's Wholesale Liquor and Saloon. Several dozen dwarves are busy helping to safely remove the cases of liquor from the burning building under the supervision and loaded shotgun of the building's owner Niles Hoover and his assistant Harry Rote. Several of the dwarves from the El Parador hurry into the flames to help, with comments how they can't let alcohol be destroyed on Moradin's Day. Chester walks over to Hoover. "What happened here? Is anyone hurt?"

He replies "Slade's shed blew up." Chester is confused and Hoover continues "Sam Slade, owns Slade's Hardware, on Front Street behind the grain store. Or at least it used to be there, that building got it the worst. Good thing that the Sheriff's Office, Johnson's Barber Shop and the Long Branch are made of brick or they'd have gone up too." Chester asks, "You need help? Where can we get water to put out these fires?"

Hoover replies "The gods seem to be doing a good job of that on their own. Closest water is pine creek, over 300 feet away. This town really should get a fire company. Looks like my building may be a total loss but you can help me make sure that none of my merchandise walks off." Chet tells Hoover, "Sure, I can stick around for a bit. Where're you going to move this. I don't think you can leave this here until you rebuild."

With that they head further over to where the dwarves have stacked up around seventy-five cases of bottles and twenty kegs. Hoover tells them "Thanks boys, you can take one of the kegs for your efforts but please leave the rest." Once the dwarves have left with their prize, Chester turns to Hoover, "Dwarves sure do work hard." Hoover replies, "Especially when liquor is involved. Lucky for me they're in town. Could have lost a lot more of my stock. Say, what's your name? I'm Niles Hoover and this here is my assistant, Harry Rote." "Chester Martin, Mr. Hoover, Mr. Rote."

Chester asks, Where're you going to move this. I don't think you can leave this here until you rebuild."
Hoover replies, "No idea. We both room at the Double Eagle Boarding House, and there sure wouldn't be any extra room there. Don't know who'd have the extra space for it."

Chester snaps his fingers, "You know, the El Parador and the Long Branch might have space. I know the people who run them. It would be the neighborly thing to do. How's that strike you?" He replies "Pedro over at the El Parador is a nice guy but I don't trust some of the folks who hang around there. Forget the Long Branch too, I wouldn't trust that Kate Higgens to make change for me let alone watch my property." Chester says, "Hmm. What about the Lone Star, then?" Hoover replies, "That's an idea. Tom Whipple is a good guy and his wife is honest, not too swift, but definitely honest."

Chester replies, "Well, let me go ask them. Can you keep your eye on your stock, until I come back?" Hoover replies, "Go on ahead. We got things taken care of for the moment." Chester jogs over to the Lone Star. He tries to find Maggie in the crowded room. She's not there but Tom is. "Tom, I need a favor. Mr. Hoover's store caught fire and he needs a place to store his supply for the time being. Do you have space here and what do you want from him?"

Tom replies that he does, as they are closed for the night, that Sunday is a slow day and his father will be leaving on Monday so they should have room to store it even though they may have to move it around some. "OK. Are Jeff and Teddy still here? They'll be a great help. Now I was thinking the Lone Star could get a reduced price on liquor and beer from Hoover, in exchange for housing his stock. What do you think?"

A few blocks away, Katherine's clothes were soaked and sticking to her skin. She shivered as she pulled Tom's pistol. She stayed a few feet back from Jake, waiting to see what he would do. The Marshall's office is closer than the Doc's and Jake goes there first. The door is locked and the curtains drawn although there appears to be a light on inside. Jake tries to hide himself and see if he can see through any small gap in a window curtain or hear anything. Not very quietly Ruby asks, "Jake, what are you looking for?" Wyatt's voice calls out "Who's out there?" Jake steps away from the window, motions to the woman to stand away, and says loudly "Jake Cook."

Ruby steps back at Jake's request. As she is standing there she realizes that she did not put the jacket on that she grabbed and she is now soaking wet. She looks down at the jacket and it isn't hers. Not only that but it must belong to one of the dwarves as it is tiny and would not even be close to fitting. She shrugs and looks to Kate, who is dipping just as badly. Ruby looks down at herself and realizes this may not be the best weather to be out in a strapless dress.

The door unlocks and opens slowly. Warren Earp stands in the doorway holding a shotgun. "Get in," Wyatt yells out. Jake does as he is told and waits until he sees that it is safe inside before telling the Earps that Katherine and Ruby are standing outside. Ruby and Katherine are soaking wet and shivering when Warren sticks his head out and motions for the women to come inside. Jake gets inside. The two prisoners are both locked up, each in their own cell. Pinto does not appear to be conscious but Pamela Yeats is Kate took a hold of Ruby's hand and the two of the ducked inside the Marshall's office, water streaming from their clothes. . Wyatt says "Shut the door, we're expecting trouble." Warren Earp quickly shut the door behind them.

Warren shuts the door and locks it. Wyatt asks "Did you see any of Douglas's men?" "No. You think the explosion is a diversion?" Kate asked through chattering teeth. Ruby and Kate come inside out of the rain. "I figured the explosion was a distraction." Jake says quickly. "No, didn't see any of them. I wonder if it would be better if I was hiding outside somewhere? We'd all be pinned down here." Ruby pouts at Jake. "I hope you're not planning on getting shot again!"

Jake looks from Warren to Wyatt. "Of course if I shot one of the Douglas gang you'd have to look the other way." Wyatt replies "And why would I have to do that Deputy Cooke?"

Silver Moon

Chapter 133 ,“A Surprise Reunion”, Saturday, January 14th, 1882:

Even though he knew that Wyatt was about to say that every hair on the back of Jake's neck sticks up and he gives a little shudder. "I guess that'll do. What next Marshall?" Wyatt replies, I'm guessing who blew up either the dynamite shed, the liquor distributor, or maybe both, is waiting for us to leave here to investigate. I suppose one or two of us could oblige since we still have someone to guard the prisoners. Do either of you ladies know how to use a gun?"

Ruby looks at Kate and Jake, "Um, are we really getting ready for a gunfight?" Kate looked at Tom's pistol in her hand, then slipped it back into its hiding place in the folds of fabric in her dress. She looked at Jake and shrugged. "Well, we both know I can't hit a thing anyway." Jake says, "Stay away from the windows and use your head, it's better than that gun anyway. Besides WE don't both know that, mostly you do." He gives her a reassuring smile.

“I guess we are." Ruby turns her head and answers her own question. "I think we can manage a gun. Why?"
Kate answers Wyatt’s question, “I know how, Jake actually took me out for some practice not long ago. But I'm really not good at it at all." Warren hands Kate the shotgun and says "Then you'd better take this, it does most of the work for you. Just make sure that your target is in front of you. Both barrels and full."

Ruby looks over her shoulder to Weems. "So I guess we're waiting for Shotgun Sally then. I told someone I would be waiting for her anyway." She looks to Kate. "So you can give her some of her own medicine when she gets here." As she says this she looks to Weems to see if he has any reaction. Then she turns to Earp. "You wouldn't happen to have a rifle I could borrow now would you?"

Wyatt asks Jake "So do you want to be the ones to go out or stay in here?" Jake says, "I'm feeling claustrophobic already, I'd go. Who's coming with me?" He looks at the women in the water soaked dresses. "We could probably put a large coat on one of them..." Ruby exclaims, "Or forget it, I'll go with Jake and use my own gun...unless one of you boys wanted to go out..." Jake scratches his chin. "Are they going to let us go by and storm the jail, or ambush us?"

Both Earps are content enough to wait but Wyatt gives Ruby his coat and hat to wear. Warren unlocks a 15-shot carbine rifle from the gun rack and loads it up then hands it to Ruby. Wyatt also hands Jake a Deputy Marshall badge and says "The job pays $ 1.75 a day if you decide to keep it." "Well let's get going." Jake quickly helps Ruby with the coat and hat, adjusting it as much as possible to make her look bigger. And he shows her how to hold the rifle like someone who was used to it.

"Ready?" He opens the door and scans the area in front and heads out Ruby pushes her hair up into the hat so it can't be seen. She gives Kate a small smile, "You'll be safe in here," and then she follows Jake out. Kate held on to the rifle and put her back against a wall away from the window. She went through a silent litany in her head. Aim, squeeze, and don’t pull. No trick shots, aim for the torso. If you point the weapon, it's because you intend to kill the man. Jake had shown her how to handle the rifle, if she could just keep her head she might be able to at least look competent.

The storm appears to have intensified although the distant crackling sound of the burning timbers and the crowds apparently working to put out the fire can be heard over storm. An flash of lightning brightens up the sky, lighting up the street. There is nobody either up or down Fremont Street at the moment. Out on the porch Jake goes to pin the damn badge on his coat and realizes he probably can't do that. So instead he reaches inside and pins it to his shirt and then laughs. "What's so funny?" Ruby asks him.

He replies, "It's official. I'm a lawman, at least for a night. You don't think that's funny, me wearing a badge on my chest?" She answers, "No, actually, I don't think it's funny. I think it's kinda um, well I won't say it." Ruby smiles at him. "As long as it doesn't get you killed, you can be a lawman for a night..." She gives him a long look then starts laughing. "OK, it's funny!" Ruby resists the urge to help with the badge or take Jake's hand, but she does lean in closer to him. "Um, so are we just walking down the street to the fire? We can't just leave Kate..." she whispers.

"Yes, right down the street to the fire. Let's go." Jake starts to walk and then speaks quietly. "Watch the dark corners when the lightning flashes, and listen the rest of the time. Even in the rain a hammer cocking has a unique sound. When we get to the fire, we duck out of sight and sneak back here as fast as we can." There is a short pause before he says "Unless you have a better idea?" Jake is answered with a hiccup. "Nope. Let's go"

Jake and Ruby make their way west down South Street. The fire is around 150 feet away. There are no people for the first 100 feet, all of them gathered around the burning buildings. By this time buckets and shovels have been obtained from both Wainwright's Mercantile and Cook's General Store, and people are doing what they can to try to save Hoover's building. The Food & Grain store is a total loss and only two timbers stand where Slade's Hardware used to be. The fifty or so sopping wet dwarves seem to be enjoying fighting the fire.

Ruby says, "Come on, Jake, let's go back. We can go to Allen then make our way through some alley ways back to the Jail." He says, "Alright. But let's wander over out of site like we are still heading towards the fire." Jake continues to listen and look around like the good paranoid that he is. "Silly, how can we head back that way and still be going this way," she points towards the fire and shakes her head. Jake stops in the street and says quietly to Ruby, "Just how much have you had to drink tonight?" She replies, "I have no clue, but right now I wish it was more. Don't worry I won't shoot you."

Two blocks away, it is quiet inside the Marshall's Office and Jail. Wyatt then says, "Mrs. Kale. I have a few questions that I've been wondering about. Why did you leave Tombstone and why did you come to Promise City?" Katherine looked at Wyatt for a moment surprised. "Well, I... I left Tombstone because I knew I couldn't start my life again there. It will always be the place where my husband died. Even the name reminds one of death.

Promise City is close enough to Tombstone that I can visit his grave, but far enough to be a place for me to start over." She paused. "I could have gone back to Boston. I considered it. But that was where we had a life together, and I don't think I could go back yet. I might someday, but not yet. Forgive me for saying so, but it seems an odd thing for you to be curious about."

Earp replies "I ask because your friends, the ones who just left here, have been back to Tombstone a couple of times now asking questions about how your husband died. Seems they've heard some unfounded rumors. My brother Virgil investigated that at the time and concluded that he had a relapse of his illness. But earlier that week your husband had also had a disagreement with Johnny Ringo, so some folks have speculated that it might have been foul play. Mrs. Kale, those are just rumors, but Ringo is a dangerous man and it's really not safe for them to be making accusations against him. Ringo answers questions with his gun not his mouth."

"So that's where they went," she said quietly. "Marshall, there have been many things about my husband's death that I would have questioned had I been in any condition to do so. I nursed him for over a year. I know what this sickness looks like, and it doesn't set in and carry someone off in four days. He had to have been ill for some time before he even sent for me, and I can't understand why he wouldn't have told me. He knew I would have seen it as soon as I arrived. But I also can't imagine anyone wanting to hurt Tom. He was a good man." Katherine lifted her hand and covered her eyes trying but failing to hide the tears that had begun to fall. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. "This isn't the place for this."

Wyatt Earp replies, "You're right Mrs. Kale, I shouldn't have brought it up. Right now we need to stay focused on the New Douglas Gang. They busted Dudley Yeats out of the Tombstone Jail two days ago and I suspect they'll try doing the same for his widow here. That explosion may have just been a coincidence, but the thing is, I don't believe in coincidences." Kate hefted the rifle and held it the way Jake had shown her, so it could be quickly lifted into shooting position. "Neither do I, Marshall."

Kate waited a few moments until she was sure Wyatt had nothing else to say. "You've asked me a question Marshall, perhaps I could ask you one. What is it about me that upsets your brother Morgan so?" Wyatt replies "He's probably just embarrassed about you saving his life. He likes to think of himself as a tough guy, and the notion of a female waitress being his savior probably isn't sitting all that well with him."

If it wasn't for the incident with the coffee, which had happened before she had saved his life, Wyatt's answer would have satisfied her. She considered telling him about it, but he would only say that she must have startled him. "If it makes him feel better I'm not just a waitress, but a pianist and a rancher as well," Kate said lightly.

Jake and Ruby make their way back. They head across Allen and through the back alley between the Promise City Hotel and Doctor Eaton's Office. They are about halfway through an twenty-five foot wide-open area between that alley and the alleyway between the Marshall's Office and the County Claims Office. When another bolt of lightening flashes and they make out the shape of three men fifteen feet to their left, beside the outside that is out back of the Alhambra Saloon. The men are staring in their direction and at least two are holding revolvers.

Jake puts on his best Texas accent "Ya'll a'seen two injuns runnin by here? Them bastards stole a case o' liquor from us. Nuttin worse then liquored up injuns." Jake keeps his hat brim down and his hand on his Colt while he strains to identify the men.

The men step forward and Jake can now see that all three are armed. Another lightening flash reveals the one in front to be a smiling Evan Adair, the light reflecting off of his golden upper tooth. One of the men behind him is the Palace bartender Dave Carlton. Neither Jake or Ruby recognizes the third. Carlton says "You were right, it is that uppity bitch and her low-account husband." Adair replies, "I knew it. She may be dressed like a man but she still walks like a woman. Pretty dangerous place for you two to be walking around in the dark."

"Oh, it's you." He says to Ruby, "Let's keep going." Jake starts to walk again towards the jail and asks Adair, "You seen anyone out here besides us?" Ruby plants her feet and her eyes narrow at Adair. "Oh, honey, I can't let him," she nods her head slightly towards Adair, "Insult you like that..."

Adair's gun cocks and he says "Stop moving or I shoot." "Mr. Adair" Jake says in slow measured speech, "You are pointing your gun at a deputized law man, I'd advise you to lower it. I have no argument with you tonight. The Earps think that the Douglas gang could be in town tonight." Jake stops and stares at him for a moment. "I don't expect you to help me, but get out of my way."

Adair decides to fire his gun but the shot is deflected by a cane suddenly appearing to his right and striking the gun arm, the bullet flying harmlessly into the mud between Adair and Jake. The other end of the cane is in the hand of Cornelius Van Horne, who neither Jake or Ruby had seen until that moment. Jake saw the change in Adair's eyes and starts to dodge the shot while cocking his pistol in his pocket, but too late. With the shot in the mud he doesn't pull the pistol. By the time the shot was fired Ruby was half in front of Jake. After the shot was deflected she moved quickly back to where she started but she wasn’t sure if Jake had seen her move or not. She looked at Adair incredulously, “You would shoot us, kill us, because I wouldn’t be your whore? You are an evil man.”

Adair turns to the large man and says "Cornelius, this doesn't concern you, go back to the Palace." Van Horne replies in his thick Georgia accent "It does concern me Evan. The fate of a beautiful woman is always a concern of mine. If you were to harm this woman's husband I doubt that you would just let her stay around as a witness. I am also concerned about you my friend. If Mr. Cooke has been deputized then Judge Isby would see that you hang if you harmed him. Best to follow his advice and we all be on our way."

While she was simmering with anger Ruby decided to take advantage of Van Horne’s help and keep quiet. If it had been just her she might have just tried to shoot Adair on the spot but since she wasn’t alone she decided against it. The rifle was in her hand pointing down and she kept it that way but she did slowly move her finger to the trigger and position the gun up against her shoulder so all she would have to do is lift it up. She was no deputy but she didn’t care. She would shoot Adair if she had the chance.

Jake sees Ruby move and stop and move again. He whispers to her, "It's NOT time." Worried about Ruby being so drunk he watches Adair's eyes and hammer closely. If he detects that Adair is not going to heed Van Horne's advice Jake is going to draw and roll away from Ruby and kill Adair.

A long pause follows, broken by the sound of thunder. Van Horne says "Evan, please. Right next to the Marshall's Office is not the place to do this, especially with dozens of people running around the streets." Adair says "I guess you're right, there will be another time." He and his bartender turn and walk away, his back now to Ruby and Jake. The other man also walks back, but stays facing Jake with the gun at the ready in the event that either Ruby or Jake raises a weapon in their direction. Ruby watches Adair walk away. She slowly takes her finger off the trigger of the rifle and relaxes her arm.

"Good day again lovely lady, we will need to share a drink again, with your husband's permission that is..." Van Horne states as he bows in Ruby and Jake's direction. Ruby turns to Van Horne and takes a good look at him, then she smiles. "Mr. Van Horne," she says sweetly, "Our first drink together was enjoyable and a second sounds lovely. I do believe I owe you for your effort in stopping a fight tonight." She takes a moment to pull off Wyatt's hat and pull her hand through her hair. "But I'm not so sure I can share a drink with a friend of Mr. Adair's. How do I know I can trust you? He obviously has it out for me."

Van Horne replies "I never met him until I first arrived in this town in early November. I'm a gambler by trade and the Palace is the largest gambling house in the town which is why I gravitated towards there. He had an available room and offered to let me have it so I accepted his offer. He's been a gracious host to me ever since. That's all there is to it. As for this current feud between the Palace and the Lone Star, I happen to enjoy gambling at both and hope to be able to continue to do so. So I'm not taking sides in this one, one Civil War was enough for my lifetime. But I also won't just stand back and watch something terrible happen that I could have easily prevented, as just occurred here."

"Mr. Van Horne, we'll have to talk another time. For now I owe you one." Jake slightly tips his rain soaked hat. "And I'll even buy that drink. But we should be about our business before someone else gets hurt." Mr. Cooke is right, we should get going but let me know when you want that drink." Ruby smiles at him and waits for Jake to guide her away.

“Indeed, another time then” Van Horne states. Just then a bolt of lightning strikes somewhere in the nearby mountains, momentarily filling the sky with light. This was the fourth time in eight days that Jake had crossed paths with Cornelius Van Horne, but in all those encounters he had yet to get a look into the man's eyes. It had been too dark until now during this conversation for him to do so. But Van Horne was still facing him as the lightning struck and for a very brief instant Jake saw the man’s eyes. “Watch the eyes,” is what Jake had always told himself.

That brief instant was all the time that he needed. Jake had selective photographic memory. His selectivity was limited to the memorization of eyes, although he did not realize the extent and level of detail to which he examined them. Every person has a their own individual retina pattern, as unique as fingerprints, and Jake had committed to memory the identity of every person that he ever spent an hour or more at a table with. And Jake recognized this set of eyes in front of him.

What he saw in that brief instance of light created a conflict for him. The man in front of him was four inches too tall, eighty pounds too heavy, twenty-five years too old, had skin tone that was too light, a face that was too round and too fat, a nose that was too long, and hair that was not only the wrong color but parted on the wrong side. Furthermore, the body language was wrong, the tone of voice was also wrong and this man’s accent exactly matched that of those from the city of Savannah, Georgia. Every fiber of Jake’s being told him that this man was a Southerner known as Van Horne……except for the eyes. The eyes belonged to his mentor, the Irishman Patrick O’Brien.

"Put your hat back on Ruby, keep that red hair of yours from being so visible." As they walk away Jake speaks loud enough for Van Horne to hear him. "Did anyone ever call you Red? I wouldn't, doesn't do justice to you. And besides for me there's only one man named Red, I think I might have told you about my friend." Jake pulls her along the alleyway more into the shadows this time so they won't be surprised again. Van Horne turns and heads north, back in the direction of the Palace Saloon. Jake and Ruby are able to get to an alley near the front door with a clear view of the Marshall's Office without any further incident.

"Jake.. what are you doing??" Ruby says as Jake drags her from the alley. She sticks her hat back on as he does. "No, no one has ever called me red, always Ruby. Yes, you told me about your friend. What's going on?" She looks at him quizzically. "Just staying better out of sight." They hide themselves with a view of the Marshall's office "I'll tell you later tonight. Unless I've gone crazy, there was somebody hiding in that alley way who was an old friend and I was saying hello."

Ruby looks at him with the look of someone who has had a tiny bit too much to drink and has no idea what Jake is talking about. "Ok, you tell me later what the heck you are talking about. Oh and while we're at it we're going to have to figure out what to do about this whole people-thinking-we're-married thing. Doesn't it bother you?"" Ruby puts on a pout, "Oh and one more thing, Deputy Cooke, you have the badge," Ruby pauses then raises her voice slightly, "Why didn't you shoot Adair! He shot at you first!"

Jake puts his hand on her mouth. "shush, you're being too loud. Deadeye's gang could be out here." As he looks around the rainy street he whispers in her ear. "A bunch of reasons. Unlikely he's as good as Deadeye, but he did have the drop on me at first. And then when Van Horne knocked his gun aside, I wasn't quite sure who's side he was really on. So it was four against two, not good odds."

He takes his hand off her mouth. "Besides, even with the badge I need good reason. Imagine Isby's thinking that I get a badge from Earp and not an hour later go shoot Adair, who folks know is quarreling with us." He stops to listen and peer around again. "And you are drunk, and I'm an idiot for taking you out here with me." He gently wipes some raindrops off her face. "I don't want to know how you felt looking down at my bleeding body. Alright? Now be quiet for a minute. See if you can spot or hear anyone out there."

Ruby whispers back with another pout as she shakes her head. "Jake don't say that you wish you left me behind." She closes her eyes as Jake wipes off the rain. She opens them and even quieter says, "No, you don't want to know what it felt like to watch you dying. So I'll be quiet now." Ruby listens to Jake and she tries to hear or spot any kind of activity in the area.

"Hermes." Jake mutters under his breath and sighs. He gets up and pushes her rifle slightly to one side and stands real close. "I wish I kept you safe, not behind." He gives her a brief kiss on the lips. "Now save those lips for later, and use those beautiful eyes to see if anyone is out there. OK?" He waits a second for her to nod and then crouches down and resumes watching the street.

The rain continues to fall. There are still flames off to the east but they are not as bright as before although there still appears to be a lot of smoke. A crash follows and immediately thereafter is a group exclamation, which Jake concludes was at least one wall of the Feed & Grain store collapsing.

Two block away, Chester jumps at the sound, and almost dropping the keg he was holding. He calls out to those helping move the alcohol to the Lone Star, "We should pick up the pace. I don't want to be nearby if Mr. Hoover's store falls down." Hoover says "I think that they've managed to get most of the fire out now at my place, although I don't know if it can be salvaged or not. It's still a good location though even if I have to rebuild from scratch."

On the east side of town things continue to be quiet, the action all taking place further west. Ruby and Jake continue to get wet while watching and waiting out in the rain. The wait in the Marshall's office seemed interminable. Katherine had lost all track of time, but it seemed she had been standing shivering and wet with the rifle in her hand for hours. "If something was going to happen, wouldn't it have come by now?" Kate asked quietly.

Another fifteen minutes pass during which the light from the direction of the fire ceases. Ruby and Jake then see a parade of around two dozen dwarves walking back towards the El Parador. Surrounding the group are Pedro, Jose, Carlos, Estaban and Grant, each carrying but not pointing a weapon. A minute later Ruby and Jake are able to hear Dorita's voice sounding out, despite the sound of the rain and the eighty-foot distance, saying "You leave and not pay bill! Bad dwarves."

Silver Moon

Chapter 134 ,“Crossroads”, Saturday, January 14th, 1882:

“You stay here," Jake says to Ruby "and let me walk over to the door and have them open it. Then follow if you think it's safe. The last ploy I can think of is them storming the door when it opens. Seems like nothing is going to happen right now." He gets up from his crouch position. "Ok. I hope nothing happens I'm cold now and want to get back and get warm," Ruby says with a shiver. She was cold and wet and starting to sober up from their face off with Adair. She watches as Jake makes his way slowly over to the front door.

Jake speaks softly at the door and Warren Earp opens it. He and Ruby quickly make their way inside. Wyatt says "Everything's been quiet here. How about outside? And what caused the explosion?" Jake replies, "The only trouble we ran into out there was Adair. I'll talk to you later about that. I didn't get all the way to the fire, turns out Ruby here needs to rest and warm up a bit. Bad judgement of mine taking her out." Jake looks for a blanket to wrap her in. "Probably better that I stay with the ladies if you still want to check out the explosion. The fire seems to be out."

Earp replies "Okay, Warren and I will check it out. Pamela Yeats seems to be on edge. Weems hasn't stirred, but that's no real surprise. The move over here was painful for him and the Doc gave him something for the pain before he left. Keep the door locked and don't let anyone in except for one of us." The Earp brothers check their weapons once more and then depart. Ruby huddles over near the woodstove to warm up.

Jake sees that Katherine is a bit tense still. "Hopefully this won't take too long. Thanks for coming along, it'll be OK." Kate replies, "I'm alright Jake. It's just something the Marshall said, about what you and Ruby were up to last Sunday, but this isn't the place to discuss it." He then makes sure the curtains are closed tightly so no one can peer in before scanning the room and committing to memory where everything is in case of trouble. He then lowers the flame on the lamp so the room is dimmer. "Stay away from the windows." He takes a look at Pamela Yeats and then watches her from the corner of his eye.

After Ruby warms up a bit she walks over to Pamela who eyes her suspiciously. She still has the blanket on her shoulder and the rifle in her hand. "So, Mrs. Yeats, your little robbery didn't exactly go as planned, huh? I think right now you are wishing you left your poor husband here in jail, then at least he would still be alive." Pamela Yeats bursts into tears, heads back to her bunk, then lies down and cries herself to sleep. Ruby turns back to Jake and Kate. "Well I guess we're not getting any information from her..." She is still shivering so she walks back over to the woodstove.

Kate went over and put her arm around Ruby. "I know you're still angry about what happened to Jake, but however it happened, she just lost a husband. Believe me, she's as miserable as you could possibly wish." Ruby exclaims, "She should have thought about that before robbing the bank, shouldn't she." Kate can tell Ruby is more upset than angry but trying not to show it.

Kate answers, "Yes, she should have. Tom and I lost everything, but we didn't go out and rob banks. We did what we had to in order to start over." Katherine breathed deep and could smell the whiskey on Ruby's breath. She went over to the stove and looked at the coffeepot. The drink certainly wasn't fresh, but it was hot. She found a cup and filled it, then brought it over to Ruby. "So what is bothering you Ruby?" Ruby takes the coffee and stares at the cup. "What?" she shrugs. "I'm fine. I just thought we could get some information out of her is all. I spent way too much time today in the rain and would like to get dry."

"So" Jake interrupts the women, "this night hasn't gone exactly as planned. Seems like it started out having fun. When I heard the explosion I was sure that somebody was going to be breaking out Weems. I was less concerned about Deadeye and more concerned about who put Weems' up to attacking us coming back from the mines, plus his possible connection to the Cowboy Gang. They are probably still looking for revenge over the rustler cave incident." Jake takes a moment to put his hat near the stove to dry. "Seems like Deadeye is connected to the Cowboy gang now though."

Jake looks away from them and runs a hand through his hair. "Look, um, I'm sorry for getting you both into this tonight. I suppose I could have thought a bit and talked to you before running off. Heh, I guess I do that quite about don't I?" Jake casually walks over near the door and seems to be listening. Satisfied that he doesn't hear anything he say, "Let's hope that the Earps don't find anything and I can take you both back to the El Parador soon."

Ruby furrows her brow. "Why do you think Deadeye is connected with the Cowboy Gang?" Jake says, "Back in the caves, Claibourne was expecting Deadeye, thought I was him. And someone saw Claibourne that day Weems and the others attacked us coming back from the mine, didn't they? Or is that just me being paranoid?" "Oh yeah, I think Kate saw him that day." She glances at Kate who nods to her. "I think I'll leave the thinking to you guys," Ruby laughs. "Too much worrying gives you wrinkles."

Back at the Lucky Lady, Niles Hoover tells Chester “I think that they've managed to get most of the fire out now at my place, although I don't know if it can be salvaged or not. It's still a good location though even if I have to rebuild from scratch." Chester says, "That's too bad about your place. What's so good about the location?"

Hoover replies, "It's in town and not far from the mines. Plus it was next door to the Trail Dust Saloon. With that place now closed and becoming Arizona Territorial property I'd have had less competition. Of course, a Main Street location would be even better, but there aren't any available buildings. Not that it matters that much, I'm the only liquor distributor in town but I did make some money on the bar as well."

After about a half-hour the Earps return. Wyatt says "Looks like we were all being overly paranoid tonight. The explosion wasn't caused by the Cowboy Gang, seems the culprit was Jupiter, Mars, Discordia or one of the other gods. I spoke to Rufus Davis, he's now over at Doc Eaton's office. He runs the Arizona Billiard hall had just opened up his back door to head for the outhouse when he saw the bolt of lightning come down and hit the dynamite shed. The explosion blew him all the way back into the building and onto one his billiard tables."

"Thanks for helping out tonight." He goes to his desk and unlocks it, then removes some money and counts out $ 1.75 in coins which he hands to Jake. "Your pay Mr. Cook for tonight's services. If you'd like I can talk to the Merchant's Association tomorrow about hiring you on as a Deputy Marshall, since Warren's going back to Tombstone tomorrow so I'll be short a deputy."

The hair on the back of Jake's neck stands up again and he unconsciously rubs it back down. "It isn't really a career that I'm after. I'm really interested in safe guarding my businesses more than in being Deputy Marshall. It does seem that I keep getting involved, I guess I'd consider it for a time. I just need to make sure there is not a conflict with my other business interests and I can take care of them. If we can work it that you use me as needed I'd sign up." He picks up his hat from near the stove. "If I'm going to be an assistant to the head lawman I'll need a little training in jurisdiction, what I should and shouldn't do, and what else is expected of me."

Wyatt replies "We can go over that later, some time where they", and he gestures to the two prisoners "Are not within earshot. Glad to have you on board Deputy Cooke." "Goodnight gents." Jake borrows a blanket to wrap up Ruby and when the women are ready goes back to the El Parador with them. He 'forgets' to see if Wyatt wants the badge back tonight. He tucks Ruby under his duster to protect her from the rain, although she really isn't dry anyway.

Kate followed behind Jake and Ruby, her still damp clothes again getting soaked. It had probably been a foolish thing to chase after Jake in the first place, but staying behind and worrying was worse than getting wet. They got back to the El Parador, dripping all over Dorita's floors. Upon arriving back at the El Parador all Jake can muster is, "I really need a drink."

"Me too," chatters Ruby. "But I'm too miserable right now. I'm going to get changed instead." Ruby stops by Kate on the way to the stairs. Ruby takes her hand for a moment. "You should get changed too, you're still wet and I don't want you to get sick either. And besides tomorrow will be another long day, with Maggie leaving and all..." She pauses and looks like she is going to say something else but doesn't. Instead she wishes her a good night and turns to head upstairs.

Kate says, "Well, once Maggie is on her way, it should be quiet until the evening. Good night, Ruby." Kate headed over to the kitchen and opened the door and saw Maggie. "I have to go get changed, I'll be back down in a little bit. Did everything go alright here?"

Maggie replies, "Oh, it went fine. Most of the dwarves left after the explosion. Pedro asked Dorita about that, since they hadn't paid their bar tabs. He figured they would probably come back since half of them are staying here but Dorita had another idea. Since 'honor' is valued highly among the dwarves she suggested that Pedro take the men from here and go 'shame' them into returning. They've now paid up from before and with rather large tips to show their honorable intentions. I tell you Kate, that woman is a genius."

Kate answers, "Indeed she is. I should have brought you here sooner, the two of you are getting along so well. I really need to get out of these wet clothes. You can come up with me, if you like." The two women went upstairs where Katherine dug through her trunk and pulled out a very plain, brown dress and dry undergarments. She used the closet door for privacy as she changed. "Are you really looking forward to tomorrow, Maggie? It was so sudden, and I felt like I was pushing you a bit. I didn't want to do that, but time was of the essence."

Kate stepped out from behind the door, still cold but at least dry. She picked up her brush and began to pull it through her wet hair. She took a seat next to Maggie on the bed. "I'm sorry about tonight, I wish it could have gone differently. Will you need any help tomorrow morning?" Maggie replies "Oh Kate, after the way things went tonight at the Lone Star I'm glad to be leaving. I couldn't bear to have to spend forever with my father, brother and cousin. I can't believe that Father decided to put up that 'humans only' sign behind my back, and when three wood elves were helping out in the kitchen! And he spoke about it in front of them, as if they weren't even there!

Kate, from what you told me of Los Angeles I will have a chance to help women regardless of race. My three nights here earlier this week were a real eye opener. I think I learned more here about people in a half week than I did in half of my lifetime. I'm sorry that it took so long for me to get over here but after you left things went from bad to worse. Father's plan to have cater to the displaced humans from the other saloons backfired. One person displaced was Cornelius Van Horne. After he found both the Comique and Gay Lady both full of dwarves he came to the Lone Star. He arrived right after you all left. Job decided to call it a night at quarter past nine and Tony decided to do the same.

So Teddy and Alexsis tried to hold the crowd with their music and failed miserably. Do you know what Alexsis is? She's an opener, her talents are great for warming up an audience before the opening act. But as the main attraction she's lost. Then word came in that Buffalo Bill Cody was in town and over at the Long Branch Saloon. That emptied the place out since everybody wanted to see him. And here's the kicker. Father and Tom both said that this disaster was all my fault for not being able to hire reliable help!

Anyway, Jake never gave Tom an answer about buying the place, so I volunteered to come over here and talk to him. Job Kane has $ 1,000 to invest and Tom wants to know if Jake has the other $ 3,000. And I get the impression that both men don't plan to let me have even a dollar from the sale! As for tomorrow, church services begin at 8:00 AM. If you come by shortly after that you can help me pack. Make sure that you don't come over by way of the corner of Main and Fremont, or else they might see you through the windows at the church service. Avoid the front door too, as that could be seen too. Come to the back door of the kitchen, I'll be waiting for you."

Kate exclaims, "You couldn't hire reliable help? We all stuck it out as long as we could for you, not them. Dorita came to help because you asked her. But I suppose they would blame everything on you, after all, I truly believe they set out intending for you to fail. And since you weren't going to fail on your own, they made sure things went badly so they could say you did. The failures I saw were their own. It can't have been easy for you this last week, but I think it will be worth it. I wish you could have come to the El Parador sooner, and seen some of what I've seen. I've been getting quite an education living here, that there is so much more in the world than I ever saw. And now you get to go to Los Angeles and see so much more than me. I think you and Consuela Hernandez are going to get on very well with one another.

I'm not sure if Jake has another thousand. I might be able to come up with most of it, so perhaps between he, Ruby, and I we can get it. I think Job is the only partner they want, so I can help them out, and they can pay me back as they can. You keep saying they didn't intend to give you any of the money from the sale. But the Lone Star is, or was at least, legally half yours, yes? It wasn't all in Tom's name or anything like that?"

Maggie replies, "Oh, it was half mine all right. Mr. Berg confirmed that and this afternoon's transaction was totally legal. I'm not going to feel at all guilty about taking what I put two years of my life into. I'm not sure what to do about mine and Tom's combined savings though. Not counting the sale of the building we have around $ 1,900 saved up and locked away in a cash box.

Technically half of that is mine, well, maybe less as it was at $ 1,600 before Tom and I started our solo nights. He increased it by $ 400 whereas these last two nights Van Horne has left us no profits and actually cost us $ 100 in savings. But Tom is planning to use it as his stake in the Denver Saloon and without my share of the Lone Star he'll need it. He and Flossie finally have an opportunity for happiness, I'd hate to take that away from them."

Kate replies, "You have no reason to feel guilty at all. But I can understand not wanting to take anything out of the cash box. Maybe just $100 for your own expenses? Buying into the restaurant will use up the $2000, and even though you won't have to pay for your rooms for the first month, you'll still have some expenses. Even if it's just the stage and train fare. You said church starts at 8:00? I'll come by the Lone Star by way of the alley a little bit after to help you. We'll have you tucked away on the stagecoach and on your way with no fuss."

It was close to midnight by the time that Kate and Maggie finally stopped talking. Chester then escorted Maggie back to the Lone Star and Maggie headed off to bed.

Ruby runs up to Jake’s room and strips off the dripping dress, leaving a wet puddle of clothes on the floor. She grabs one of Jake’s shirts, throws it on and jumps under the covers trying to get warm. She spies the bottle of bourbon on the table so she quickly gets out of bed, grabs it and gets back in bed, taking a few drinks while waiting for Jake.

Jake finishes the rest of his whiskey in one gulp. He seems to be lost in thought and comes out of it shaking his head. He scans the room one last time before climbing the stairs. He opens the door to his room without knocking, closes and locks it. He smiles when he sees the damp red hair, the arms of his shirt, and a bottle of Kentucky Bourbon just visible from under the covers.

Ruby smiles as Jake enters the room. “What took you so long?” She pauses to sit up and take another drink of the bourbon before continuing. “I have a few things on my mind. I can’t believe that stupid Adair shot at you tonight. He has no good reason to threaten either of us and we can’t just wait around until he decides to shoot one of us in the back. We need to start on a plan to deal with him. Maybe not tonight, but soon. I know it’s more my problem than yours but I would appreciate your uh, expertise in problem solving to help.” Ruby takes another gulp of bourbon and offers the bottle to Jake. “What, it’s to keep me warm...” she says with a smile and a flip of her hair.

Jake takes the offered bottle, has a rather large swig and hands it back. "I already told you I'd help you take care of Adair. Before tonight, I had half a mind to talk to him and see if we could call a truce. Talking is done now. He's a dead man, he just doesn't know it yet." Jake's eyes are half closed and have that steely edge to them. "Sure we can make him suffer on the way too if that pleases you. It's time to find out everything about this man. Be discrete, but we want to know all about that snake. Especially who his enemies are and why." He drapes his duster over a chair and drops his hat on the floor next to it.

“I know you said you would help but I wanted to make sure we both agree about his fate. And if he happens to suffer in the process of getting to that fate well.. so be it.” Ruby narrows her eyes as she thinks but then snaps out of it. “Now, about this marriage stuff, you never answered me earlier. Doesn’t it bother you to have everyone in this city think we’re married when we’re not?”

"That'll be a problem with running the Lone Star. We'll need to fix that somehow. So the thought of being married to Jake Cooke is that bad?" Jake quickly holds out his hands palms up, "No wait, don't answer that. I'm not ready for the answer either way." He laughs and takes off both gun belts. "In the last five years I've had so much attributed to me good or bad that just isn't true I didn't really think about it. Honestly."

“Why would it be a problem running the Lone Star?” Ruby has a confused look on her face, Jake isn’t sure if she really doesn’t understand or it’s just the liquor. "Just a trust thing with the customers." Jake replies matter of factly. "It is a gambling establishment.” She says, “I guess that is a good point if you want honest tables there. Look, about being married, I will say this, you’re not the one being thought of as someone’s property, ok? Besides I like getting marriage proposals, they usually come with jewelry, and it’s hard to get them if people think you are already married.” Jake just raises an eyebrow but doesn't say anything.

Ruby laughs. “I was kidding! I don’t want any marriage proposals. That is when the trouble really starts believe me. But I just don’t get it,” she shakes her head. “Does anyone really believe I am the kind of girl to be married?” She laughs again at the thought before settling down.

Finally Ruby sighs. “And something else. I think Kate mentioned something about what we were doing last Sunday? I’m not sure but I don’t think she is referring to us having that drink of this,” she holds up the bottle of bourbon. “Since I saw Colby Tucker on Thursday… well, I’ve been thinking about it… and it’s time for Kate to know what we know. I decided I am going to tell her tomorrow. Not looking forward to that at all.”

"It shouldn't wait. We've done all we can do, she needs to decide what's next. It was her husband. Everything points to Morgan, but it is just too neat." “I agree. Tomorrow it is.” Ruby is quiet for a moment then has a sudden outburst, “Oh, what the heck was going on in that alley tonight? Talking about your friend Red? I am confused…”

"Well, so am I. But during one of the flashes of lightning I got a good close look at Van Horne in the face. I can't explain it but for some reason I am sure that Red is hiding behind that face. It sounds crazy, I know. I'm going to have to check into it." Jake becomes animated. "I couldn't say anything out there, I couldn't be sure who might hear. If he's hiding his identity it must be for a good reason, one that probably is keeping him either out of jail or away from some enemy. I couldn't risk his life by blurting it out." Jake starts to pace. "I'm not sure, but I am! Ok, that sounds stupid. He did knock the gun away..." Jake stops pacing. "Look he means a lot to me, help me keep up the charade until I know what is going on."

“Van Horne…,” she says slowly again furrowing her brow “I will go along with it Jake. Maybe I can even help. We’ll see, you just let me know. One more thing I’ve been thinking about. I learned two things today. One, you don’t trust me, or at least, you don’t trust some of the things I tell you. I really don’t care about that too much; we haven’t known each other that long. Besides I know ALL about not trusting someone. But more importantly the other thing that I learned is that you really would come to find me if I left. And Jake,” Ruby pauses then looks straight at him and whispers, “Jacob Cook, that really means a lot to me. I guess I have to start trusting you too.” Ruby pauses then laughs lightly, "Especially now since you are a deputy and all..."

"Trust? I've trusted you with my life, what in Hades else do I have to do?" He has a playful smile on his face but his tone has a very slight edge to it. "Sometimes WE all make a bad decision, it's especially nice when there is someone around who can save us from it. So what if I trust you too much, believe everytime you say not to worry, and believe that you'll never have a moment of doubt about what you are sure of now? What if I trust you too much and I'm sitting on my ass drinking a whiskey and I'm not there when you need me? Whether you think you need me or not." Jake grabs the bottle from her and has another swig. He hands it back, "Deputy Jake Cook, Hermes, it makes my skin crawl!" He is looking down at his shirt and the badge still pinned there like it was a scorpion. "It'll help us deal with the problems we have right now."

"Well, you didn’t trust me when I told you I would stay or you wouldn’t have come out this morning to throw me in the mud,” she says teasingly. “But you came for me so I don’t care and I’m telling you again I’m not leaving and maybe now you’ll never be able to get rid of me! You are right it is nice when someone is there to save us, particularly from ourselves. ” Ruby tries to figure out what she just said and can’t so instead takes another drink. She continues seriously, “I can only hope you will be here when I need you,” a smile grows on her face, “Like right now, I’M COLD so get over here and keep me warm! You have an official duty to do, you even have the badge to prove it.”

Jake looks at the badge again dubiously before he laughs one last time. Without further words he gets out of his damp clothes, takes the bottle from Ruby, and has one last quick drink before placing it on the nightstand. As soon as he gets in bed Ruby rolls on top of him, kisses him and then snuggles close as she can. “I’m feeling warmer already,” she smiles. She lays her head on his chest. “Today was a good day. Today we bought a future, something I never thought I would have.” She lifts her head and looks at Jake. She lightly runs her fingers over Jake’s face and beard then leans in and kisses him again. “And it’s all because of you.”

Ruby warmed up quickly laying on Jake with his arms wrapped around her. She put her head back down on his chest and closed her eyes. It wasn’t long before he was lightly snoring. Ruby tried to fall asleep but couldn’t. She had too much on her mind and not enough liquor in her to combat her mental stirrings. She had mixed feelings about owning the Lone Star. On the outside she was genuinely happy and excited about the possibilities it gave her. But when she really stopped to think about it there were still those old familiar feelings inside her that this was going to lead to true trouble for her.

She battled the thoughts, reminding herself about the promises already made, to herself and to Jake. Not that she had never broken a promise before but she was trying so hard to be different, to break free of the miserable lonely existence she had been putting herself though to spare herself pain. The Lone Star would mean a real responsibility and one that Ruby was not sure she was ready for. But it also meant a genuine chance at being happy in a way she never thought she could have. She did love to sing and be on stage and this would give her a chance to continue to do that in a way that pleased her. And was she in it with Jake, he would make sure that it worked.

Then again, Jake was a dilemma of his own. She had only known him 2 weeks. She let herself care about him and she had been overwhelmed by those feelings when he almost died. It scared her that things were happening so fast for them and while she felt she should step back a bit to protect herself she knew she wasn’t going to. She was too comfortable laying there in his arms. And whatever he felt, she didn’t know exactly, but she just knew he felt something too. She could feel it when he smiled at her and gently wrapped the blanket tightly around her shoulders to keep her warm earlier that day. Ruby looked up and watched him sleep, running her fingers though his still slightly damp hair. He was already accustomed to having her there and he didn’t wake with her touch, only changed his snore slightly. Ruby smiled. Yes, Jake was an unsolvable problem.

Then there was Kate. She was the best friend that Ruby ever had, someone to talk to and not get judged, someone else she cared about and wanted to protect. And now Ruby had to tell her that her husband, her world, had not died in the way she was told. No, a much more malevolent force had been at work and took her husband, her future and her life away from her. Ruby tried to think of the right words to use but none would come. She started to toss and turn thinking about it. There was just no right way to say it. Ruby also knew that she had no real proof of this, only a feeling that Tom did not die the way Kate was told. Ruby knew there was more of this story to be told but now was the time for Kate to decide what happened next.

Ruby changed her thoughts to tomorrow. She wondered what the day would bring. More curious rain? No matter what the weather brought one thing she knew, there would be some kind of storm with the Whipples particularly the older one when he found out his daughter had taken off. And they would be the ones to deal with it. Ruby wished they would just go in peace, leave them the Lone Star and be done with it. She knew that was a dream not to come true.

As she thought about the possibilities of what the day would bring she continued to be restless. Finally Jake rolled them over so he was now half lying on her, his head nestled by her neck, his leg thrown over her so she couldn’t keep moving around. Ruby smiled to herself and decided to banish the confusing thoughts and start enjoying being warm again. She was usually good at not being too serious and that gift didn't fail her now that Jake had made her more comfortable. She wrapped her arms around him and drifted to sleep, finally cozy and content.

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