Review of Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG by Goodman Games

Thanks for a great review of a great game!

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I got my book in time, thanks to the pre-order. Joseph said they have so many orders that delays may happen. Heck, they almost sold out the first printing and a second printing is coming soon.

Not sure how reliable this site is, but they claim the first printing has sold out. They appear to be a game distribution service, so I take that to mean they have passed along all copies of the book they can get their hands on to their distribution channels. I could be wrong though.

ANNNNDDDDD... It appears that I just had my cranky pants on.

The book arrived today in pristine condition...IT IS AWESOME.

Maybe I was just overly excited for this one so the wait seemed longer than it was.

-Abe out.

Voidrunner's Codex

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