• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Review page

Just have a question whether it is possible or not to set a minimum word count limit to the review page. Some of the reviews posted are 2 or 3 words and might influence product ratings without truly being a review.

"Great book

really fits well into any campaign
gives the sense of risk vs reward"

or "I must say that for $30, this book is a rip off!

While it gives information on all the different planes and locations in them, very little is said. The book should have included much more on each area or should have been priced at $20. The art is ok. The classes are ok. There is nothing about Karach blades (something I hoped it would have). The book has nothing about Modrons! It also gave Bahamut a lower CR then Great Gold Dragons.

Dont buy this book.

If you want to know something, just go to a book store and read the parts you want."

Anyway, my 2 cents

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First Post
The FAQ warns that such reviews will be removed.

Psion is like a hawk in zero'ng in on them, but some may have escaped his talons. haha.


Edit: If you spot any, then you may want to pass a comment on to the the people mentioned in the FAQ.
Last edited:


I saw Psion delete two this week, both before the review had been up for a whole day. Usually he warns them in the comments section to rewrite a real review according to the FAQ guidelines and then they are deleted a few hours later.


Voadam said:
I saw Psion delete two this week, both before the review had been up for a whole day.

No, I don't think so. You may have only seen them a few hours before I took them down, but usually I check reviews when I get to work in the morning and delete the offenders from the previous day. It may not be exactly 24 hours, but close enough.

There was one fellow who spammed the board with multiple worthless reviews and I notified him that he was on a "no notice" policy, but that is the only time I'll pull reviews before the next day. As much at I would really like to in some cases.

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