Revised Neiyar Campaign Setting Now Available


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With the termination of the d20 license, Bards and Sages has revised the Neiyar: Land of Heaven and the Abyss campaign setting to use the Open Game License. If you have previously purchased Neiyar from RPGNOW or one of its affiliate sites, you should be able to download the revised files for free. Simply log into your account and go to “View all products updated since my last download.”

The publisher took the opportunity to completely reformat the campaign book with some new art, enhanced bookmarks for easier navigation, and a better index for ease of use. The have also added some additional NPCs to the module, The Path of Destiny (included with the book). Your download includes a full color version and a printer-friendly version.

For those not familiar with the setting, Neiyar is an exotic jungle island designed for use as either a stand-alone campaign setting or as a supplement to your current setting. Besides a wealth of original races, spells, prestige classes, magic items, feats, monsters, and more, Neiyar also introduces players to Hearth Magic. Defy the laws of both arcane and divine spellcasting by spending skill points to purchase Hearth rituals. Also take flaws to round out your character while earning bonus feats. Join secret orders and societies to vie for power on the island.

Check out the 50+ page preview available at RPGNOW to learn more.

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First Post
Sorry for the late response...

Any plans to update Neiyar to 4e ?

Sorry for not responding sooner. My connection to ENworld hasn't been very good as of late.

No, we don't plan on updating Neiyar to 4e. The fact that the current license prevents us from supporting both a 3.5 and 4e version of the setting, coupled with WoTC disclaimer that they can revoke the license at any time, just is not conductive to good business. And with the release of our own Karma Roleplaying System next month, we can't practically support Karma, 3.5, AND 4e effectively.

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