D&D 5E Revision for the Blur spell


(He, Him)
While analysing Bladesinger ad-nauseum, we found that the exacerbating factor - that pushes BS over the edge power-wise - is the Blur spell. Without Blur, factors like low hit points, and spell slot use, becoming limiting. Bladesinger isn't the only character that can benefit from Blur and therefore I'd love to hear feedback on the following revision -

Your body becomes blurred, shifting and wavering to all who can see you. For the duration, any creature that attempts to attack you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on attack rolls against you until the end of the turn. An attacker is immune to this effect if it doesn't rely on sight, as with blindsight, or can see through illusions, as with truesight.

The change is to offer a per turn of attacks save against the effect. Chances are the creature will have about a 40% chance to save. That should have two consequences. The obvious mathematical consequence is that the save % will interact with the hit and critical hit %ages to yield more average damage taken. The predicted behavioural consequence is that the volatility of Blur (the luck factor) will make it feel less desirable than the mathematical consequences would suggest. That should make reliable defenses - like shields and Defense fighting style - feel more attractive.

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Casting time is Action. That means if you didnt precast it, you are out for 1st rouns.

Lasts one minute only. That is only one encounter.

Concentration spell.

No need to reduce in power.

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I guess dispelling it or knocking it off the Bladesinger isn't feasible? Blur is already not too popular really, as it's concentration, unlike Mirror Image. That said, I've never seen it cast and I wouldn't miss it if it was out of play, so I'm not too attached to it.


(He, Him)
Casting time is Action. That means if you didnt precast it, you are out for 1st rouns.

Lasts one minute only. That is only one encounter.

Concentration spell.

No need to reduce in power.
The cast in round one is well worth the protection and efficiency it yields. The game's maths makes it overly-favoured. It distorts the game at ACs above 20.


(He, Him)
If the problem is the BS, fix the BS.
Otherwise you will have to fix, blur, shield, and all other spell that help AC.
Fair point. It's always worth checking before you fix a direct problem, whether there isn't a less intrusive indirect fix that might do the job. I'd don't think Blur matters much to many characters.


I'll clearly do what I damn like. What I'm after here is feedback to help understand whether this is likely to be a good change, and if there could be a better direction to take it in.

And the feedback you have been given so far is no, it's not a good change.

You mentioned casting it round one is worth it. Honestly many combats only last a handful of rounds, your giving up a lot of offense for this buff


(He, Him)
And the feedback you have been given so far is no, it's not a good change.

You mentioned casting it round one is worth it. Honestly many combats only last a handful of rounds, your giving up a lot of offense for this buff
Yeah, I think on balance it's not worth nerfing. Better to focus on Bladesong itself.

Thank you for corrective feedback :)

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