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[RG] Grufflehead's Tempus Fugit


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RG for all characters in the game. This includes default personas (in PACE format, 7 points over 3 descriptors), plus individual incarnations suitable for each episode (i.e. game system specific). NPCs and 'companions' may also feature.

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Gokan no Enmei (default persona - PACE)

The Past: Gokan no Enmei (Bright Circle of the Gods) was a perfectly ordinary child until a childhood illness left him near death and the associated fever burned away the walls that block most humans from access to the Spirit World. The shaman who tended him during the illness warned his parents that Enmei might be changed. For a while it seemed that Enmei would continue on as before his illness but then he experienced his first fit: he fell to the ground, his teeth ground together, his body shook and his limbs flailed about. These seizures continued with increasing frequency and ever growing violence. When he began growling out words in an unknown, guttural language his parents became afraid. The shaman was called back. The ancient informed them that Enmei’s openness to the Spirit World left him vulnerable to the attacks of spirits attempting to control him but Enmei could learn to protect himself under the shaman’s tutelage.

Enmei left to apprentice with the shaman. In time he learned to close himself off from hostile spirits, fight off those spirits intent on harm and call and communicate with spirits. As he grew more experienced he could allow certain spirits entry to his body at his bidding and without losing control. In exchange, the spirits granted him knowledge and wisdom and enabled him to perform feats beyond the capability of normal men.

The Present: Gokan no Enmei is holy man, spirit talker and healer for the small village of Aizawa having taken up the mantle of shaman after his ancient mentor died. His life is full serving as intermediary between the villagers and the local spirits. As such, and despite his youth, Enmei is well-respected in the community.

Enmei is a small man (5’2”, 130 lbs.) and still young. He’s happy with his life but feels he should maintain a certain level of dignity as befits his role in the community. His youth and lively spirit frequently slips through his self-imposed seriousness in unexpected mischievousness. Enmei is confident in his ability to work with spirits, less so when it comes to using the weapons of war (rudiments of which he learned from a traveling warrior plagued by a malicious though minor spirit).

A recent incursion of oni into nearby swampland culminated in a spectacular battle in the village where it appeared Enmei decisively defeated them. The truth is a little more sobering: despite binding the oni lord and using his power to drive off the others and force a truce the balance of power is precarious and could easily tip in favor of the oni. Despite his worry over the situation, Enmei is secretly pleased with the nickname the villagers have given him as a result of the flashy battle: Oni-Binder.

Allies: Ayumu-ko – A wise and regal she-wolf spirit. The first spirit Enmei saw and seeing asked if she was a walking dream. The wolf accepted that as her name and advises Enmei in spiritual matters.

Discerning 3, Medium 3, Warrior 1

Voidrunner's Codex

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