RG: Relic Hunters in Tekumel

Deuce Traveler

Alright, we're ready to get started for our Tekumel adventure. Please post characters here in this thread for reference and active updates. I'll look over what you have and make comments in the OOC/recruitment thread in case I need any tweaks. Everyone automatically gets Comman and Tsoylani (language common to your current area of Tekumel). You may be able to learn others behind your Intelligence limits, depending upon exposure and opportunities to study.

I will be doing the same for Handsome Jack's characters sheet, although Fenris will be playing him in IC.

Handsome Jack

Name: Chevalier Jacques La Tulipe d'Calais
Race: Human
Class: Swashbuckler
Level: 3
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Tsoylani
Racial Abilities: Medium size, 30' movement, Additional Prime Attribute (for total of 3)

Strength: 15 +1
Dexterity: 18 +3 (Primary)
Constitution: 17 + 2 (Primary)
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 8 -1
Charisma: 18 +3 (Primary)

Hit Points: 33
AC: 17 (18 through Improvised Shield)
Hit Bonus (melee): +7 w/ rapier, +6 all others
Damage Bonus (melee): +2 w/ raper, +1 all others

Class Abilities:
Morale Code
Finesse Fighting (Dex bonus for to hit)
Two Weapon Combat (1 point reduction from penalty on each hand)
Improvised Shield (can use any nearby mundane object or removeable clothing like a hat with free hand to use as a buckler/shield)
Taunt (Enrage opponent in combat, opponent must attack taunter, but loses 3 points from to hit rolls and AC)
Improved Disarm (+1 to attempt)
Improved Armor (+1 to AC)
Combat Sense (harder to surprise)
Defensive Attack (Can attack once/day at end of combat round)
Improved Initiative (+3 to Initiative rolls)
Signature Weapon: Rapier

Weapons: Rapier (1d6), Poniard (1d4)

Armor:Studded Leather (+3 AC)

Equipment: Backpack, Bedroll, Mirror, Wineskin, Journal, Quill, Ink, Signet Ring (Tulipe family crest), Locket w/ strands of Madam Crawfords hair

Ship: The Bonne Homme Ricard

Description: The dashing Handsome Jack has made quite a reputation for himself. The fifth child of the House of Tulipe, he was so far down the line of lineage from inheriting the Comte seat that he had little prospects for professional success outside foreign military service and the clergy. After two failed attempts at both professions (his carousing ways impeding the former and a brief dalliance with woman or three the latter), the scion of his house gave him one last chance to prove himself. Handsome Jack was given a ship with his best friend Rolfe first mate, a crew, and a letter of introduction to the Imperial Ambassador in charge of the small foreign district in the Tekemul capital of Jakalla. There he was to establish trade for the benefits of his house and find his fortune. This ended up being the perfect assignment for the young swordsman and he has earned a reputation as a treasure hunter. The adventures of Handsome Jack and his treasure hunting crew have put him in a complicated relationship with one Ms. Crawford, especially since the relic desiring wishes of his father are more important to the swashbuckler than any feelings of a fond acquaintance. Sometimes allies, most often rivals, the two have crossed one another too often to count. Though their duels have never been lethal, the have on occassion crossed some lines of civility. One physical bit of evidence from this rivalry is a slight scar on Jack's left cheek, placed upon him by Ms. Crawford when he went a step too far with one of his taunts. Much to her chagrin, the scar only added to Handsome Jack's good looks and the sense of mystery and danger he exudes towards group of native and foreign women.

The Swashbuckler (as borrowed and slightly tweaked from Lurker of the C&C forums)
ALIGNMENT: Any Non-Lawful
BTH: As Ranger/Knight/Paladin and other Sub Classes of the Fighter.
EXP Progression: As Ranger/Knight
WEAPONS: Any allowable to the era & society the character comes for, but they must be one handed 'finesse' type weapons - in general this will be broad sword – Scottish claymore- saber, rapier, short sword, dirk, Main Gauche, Poniard, other weapons may be allowable depending on the society and era
ARMOR: padded, leather, ring mail/studded leather, and small shields only.
Moral code:
Like the duelist, despite being a non-lawful minded character, the swashbuckler has a deeply ingrained moral code. This code is more focused on his individual personal reputation. As such it may or may not involve a code of justice (though a 'good' swashbuckler may in fact have a strong sense of justice entwined in his moral code).
As such a swashbuckler will NEVER stoop to tactics like back stabbing, attacking from shadows, using poison, etc etc etc. Nor will he take undue advantage of an opponent's poor luck - a slip and fall in the mud, an accidentally dropped weapon (this is different from an opponent that was disarmed by the duelist). Finally, a duelist will accept a foes surrender - unless there is a valid expiation that the opponent will not follow through with an honorable surrender, and will give quarter to a defeated foe - unless the foe continues to fight even when bested.
Even when a swashbuckler is 'ambushing' an opponent - he is choosing to attack at a time place and in position where he has an advantage and the opponent is less than fully prepared - he will never attack a foe in a way that he is completely flat footed or unaware of the approaching combat. For example, the swashbuckler may maneuver the foe into a scenario that causes him to fight in a remote back alley or on a lonely stretch of a neglected road, and away from friend and allies who may be able to save them. However, he will never fire from the shadows or attack the foe before he is aware that the swashbuckler is present and ready for the fight. This warning may help to unnerve the foe (a whistle from the shadows and alarmingly slowly drawn weapon followed by an ominous 'sir, prepare to meet your final fate') but it will always allow the foe time to ready for the attack and draw his weapon.
All of the class abilities require the swashbuckler to be armored with only approved armor. If wearing heavier & more restrictive armor the character will be unable to utilize the abilities.
Starting at 1st level
Finesse fighting (Dex): The swashbuckler can use his Dex modifier instead of his Str modifier for a bonus to hit in combat. This represents their accuracy and quickness of foot and hand in combat vs normal brute strength.
Two-weapon combat (Dex): Swashbucklers take 1 point off the penalties for attack rolls in two-weapon combat. This improves to 2 by level 4, 3 by level 8, & 4 by level 12. - the reduction in penlites will never result in a bonus, on a reduction (to 0) of the penalties normally associated with 2 weapon fighting.
Improvised shields, (if not using a buckler or a second weapon): The swashbuckler is able to use items in a surprising defensive manner. Whether it is a large floppy hat, a cape, or another mundane item, the swashbuckler is always considered to have the benefit of a shield.
Starting at 2nd level
Signature Weapon: Per a fighter's weapon specialization, but limited to 'swashbuckling' weapons
Taunt (Charisma): The swashbuckler can force an opponent to make a charisma save or become enraged. The ability is based on the swashbuckler's ability to taunt, annoy, mock, etc, the target. As such the target must have an intelligence higher than animal. However, the target does not have to speak the language the swashbuckler is using to taunt with. An enraged target is focused on the swashbuckler and will not attack any other target. The effect last for one round per the swashbuckler's level.
While fighting an enraged opponent, the target receives a negative to it's BTH & AC equal the the swashbuckler's charisma bonus (at minimum the opponent will be at a -1 even if the swashbuckler has no charisma bonus). The swashbuckler can attempt this ability 1 per day at 2nd level, 2 per day at 4th level etc
Improved disarm: Swashbucklers receive a +1 for their attack rolls when attempting to disarm an opponent. This improves to +2 by level 5, and +3 by level 8.
Improved armor (Dex): The swashbuckler receives a +1 to their AC, at 4th level they receive a +2, and a +3 at 8th.
Starting at 3rd Level
Combat Sense (Wis): The swashbuckler has a canny ability to sense (and avoid) attacks that would surprise others. With a successful wisdom check, the swashbuckler can cancel the to hit bonuses for a thief/assassins surprise based attacks, or avoid a back attack from any class (The attack can still be attempted but will have no bonus to hit)
At 6th level, even with a failed wisdom check, the attacker's bonus is limited to half
At 9th level a foe attempting to back attack a swashbuckler receives no bonus to the attack without the swashbuckler needing to make a wisdom check - A normal successful to hit roll (with no bonus) will still succeed in hitting the swashbuckler.
Improved initiative (Dex): The swashbuckler can add his dex modifier to all initiative rolls.
Defensive Attack (Dex): The swashbuckler is able to attempt to make an attack at the end of a round if they have chosen to fight defensively (dodge, parry, evade etc) - which normally does not allow an attack. The swashbuckler must make a successful dex check (vs the target's level) to attempt the attack. Can be attempted once per day for every 2 levels above 3rd level.
Nimble/athletic Adds +1 per 4 class levels, to all run jump climb fall checks.
Move silently, scale, hide – per the ranger/thief but at 1st level, progressing as the swashbuckler gains experience ( 2nd level when the character reaches 7th level, etc)
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[sblock=Zephia Turlan, Human Rogue]


Zephia was a promising young member of a criminal family, the Novarrak Family. She'd been "adopted" into the family from among the homeless orphans that scavenged and picked pockets in the back alleys of the city. Raised by "Uncle" Vitarro, who was everyone's "uncle," Zephia was his most gifted protege and prize pupil.

One Uncle Vitarro's other pupils, Tezzir Novarrak, grandson of the head of the family, wasn't quite as skilled as Zephia, but had the bloodline to cover for it, so to speak. He was also charming and Zephia soon found herself in a strange mix of love, lust, and antagonistic competition with Tezzir as they sparred for Vitarro's approval during the day and regularly found eachother's bedchamber's at night.

As a "graduation" test, Vitarro, well aware of their little affair, sent them on a job together. All was going well until Tezzir fumbled a lockpick and accidentally triggered a poison needle trap that rendered him unconscious. Zephia panicked and fled the scene, leaving Tezzir behind. He was caught, imprisoned, and had his right hand cut off. Knowing the family would hunt her down, Zephia fled the city and soon met Queenie's character and her crew and signed on.

Zephia is vague about her past and avoids getting emotionally involved with anyone, though she has many casual flirtations. On the job, she is efficient, effective, and even a little ruthless - anything to get the job done successfully with as few hiccups as possible.

Zephia is 5'3" and quite attractive, with a dramatic and stylish flair when not working. On the job, she is still attractive, but in a no-nonsense, get-the-job-done fashion, dressed in leather with weapons and whatever tools she needs easily accessible.

Ability Score Rolls

Set 1: 12, 12, 16, 14, 10, 15 - We have a winner.
Set 2: 10, 14, 13, 15, 12, 13
Set 3: 11, 17, 16, 13, 09, 10


Class: Rogue
Race: Human
Level: 3
Hit Die: d6
Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: 18
BtH: +1
AC: 14 (Leather Armor + Dex)


* = Primary

Str: 12 +0
*Dex: 16 +2
Con: 12 +0
*Int: 14 +1
Wis: 10 +0
*Cha: 15 +1


WEAPONS: Blowpipe, broadsword, cat-o-nine-tails, cestus, club, dagger, dart, light hammer, hand axe, hand crossbow, javelin, knife, light crossbow, longsword, mace, main gauche, quarterstaff, rapier, sap, shortbow, short sword, sickle, sleeve tangler, spiked gauntlet, sling, whip

ARMOR: Leather armor, leather coat, and padded

Back Attack: +4 to hit, double damage
Climb (Dex)
Decipher Script (Int)
Hide (Dex)
Listen (Wis)
Move Silently (Dex)
Open Lock (Dex)
Pick Pocket (Dex)
Traps (Int)

Gear, Armor, Weapons

Leather Armor
5 Daggers - 1d4
Short Sword - 1d6
Shortbow + 40 Arrows - 1d6
Thieves' Tools[/sblock]
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First Post
Female Human Witch 3
HP 15/15 (3d4+3)

STR 11(+0), DEX 11(+0), CON 15(+1)(P), INT 12(+0), WIS 14(+1)(P), CHA 17(+2)(P)

Class Abilities:
Familiar (Female Raven named Branwyn)
[sblock]Witches can cast spells, and they have access to both arcane and divine magic. However, witches are much different from other spellcasters who can prepare several spells in advance, and then cast them when the need arises. Instead, a witch must rely on her familiar; it works as follows: Requesting a spell: The witch asks her familiar the spell she wants. (For purposes of simplification, the player determines with the book what spell she wants; it is assumed that the witch asked for a particular magical effect, and the familiar searches for the most appropriate spell). As such, the familiar disappears into the ethereal plane, taking several rounds, or even turns, to find that spell. (It is assumed that the familiar gathers magical energies in a way similar to a wizard who prepares his spells). When the familiar comes back, the
witch makes a Charisma check to determine if the familiar successfully found a spell. The CL = 2 x spell’s level; or 4 x spell’s level if it is a spell level a cleric or wizard of the same level as the witch would not have access to (like a 6th level witch requesting a 4th level spell). Any previous spell request during that day that failed, adds +1 to CL. The witch adds her level to the check, and a +2 bonus to the roll for a druid spell. Search time = 1d6 rounds + 1 per spell level for a divine spell; 2d4 rounds + 1 per spell level for an arcane spell. When the check is successful, the familiar returns with the spell that is immediately
implanted into the witch’s mind, as much as if it was a prepared spell for a regular spellcaster. The witch has up to one hour to cast the spell, which is cast at her level. A witch doesn’t need material components to cast such spells, and automatically know how to cast them.[/sblock]

Brew Potion*

Common Dress
*Prepared Cure Light Wounds Potion

Prepared Spells:
Bless 1d20+3=10 (+2 for Charisma I forgot when posting the roll)

Elsbeth was raised in a simple farm in the deep woods, her mother and father both worked the crops and raised the animals, and her mother practiced the old ways to help them. As Elsbeth grew up her mother taught her secrets of old ways and forbidden religions, but they wanted to make sure she learned the ways of the outsiders, so they asked her to go out into the world, go and learn for 10 years and then return. Before she left her mother and her summon Branwyn to be her guide and companion.

Soon after her trip into the outside world she encountered Ms. Crawford and joined her crew (more on that when I know what's going on with her crew)[/sblock]

Used a photo rather than art, because was just too perfect. Source
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Queen of Everything
* Still a work in progress but she is almost done! I need to write up the background and fill out equipment.

Angelina Crawford


Race: Human Female
Class: Wizard (Charlatan)
Level: 3
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Racial Abilities:

Str: 8 -1
Dex 18 +3 (Primary)
Con: 15 +1
Int 18 +3 (Primary)
Wis 12
Cha 17 +2 (Primary)

Hit Points: 21 (3d6+3)

AC: 16
Hit Bonus (melee): 0
Damage Bonus (melee - rapier): 1d6-1
Damage Bonus (melee - dagger): 1d4-1

Hit Bonus with Ranged Weapons:+4
Short Bow damage is 1d6.

Class Abilities:
Back attack
Decipher script
Move silently
Open lock
Pick pocket


Spells Known
0: 8
1: 4
2: 2

Spells Cast Per Day
0: 5
1: 3
2: 2
3: 0 (+1 next level)

Spell Book

0 Level
1. Detect Magic
2. Detect Poison (?)
3. Light
4. Magic Hand
5. Mending
6. Message
7. Open/Close
8. Prestidigitation
* Detect Hlutrgu [SBLOCK]Lasts for 10 minutes a caster level. In that time, the user will detect the exact location of all Hlutgru within 200 feet.[/SBLOCK]

1st Level
1. Magic Missile
2. Identify
3. Read Magic
4. Sleep

2nd Level
1. Invisibility
2. Knock

Weapons: Rapier, Short Bow, Arrows in Quiver

Armor: Studded leather armor +3 AC


Ship: Ching Shih

Allies / NPC's:[SBLOCK]
Ching Shih - Alright, maybe not a character, but you still can't help but to thing of your ship as having a personality. The wooden ship has two masts, ten cannons, a cargo hold, and a ship compliment of 75 salty she-devils. Captained by a relic hunter when one is aboard, and by Jacquotte Delahaye when one is not.
Jacquotte Delahaye- A woman of mixed heritage, she is dark-skinned with curly red hair and a quick mind with a temper to match. A born leader, she leads your crew of sailors on the ship when on mission and all relic hunters are disembarked or drinking and brawling at taverns when you are at port.
James Grace- Your estate majordomo and butler in Tekumel. Handles the logistics and finances for your crew when you are away. He was one a stalwart friend and adventurer for Mr. Crawford until age caught up with him. He now serves Mr. Crawford's daughter as an advisor. A good and dependable man.
Lord Horatio North- The realms ambassador to the unimportant post of Tekumel, more due to his family connections it is said than actual professional success. A man who tries to make up for his lack of talent with zest and an overly large ego. His galas are a constant break from the monotony of the post for those members of the ream that aren't relic hunters.
Handsome Jack- A no-good scallywag. A dishonest, lying dog lacking in sense, morality or common decency. A swindler, rogue, and villain. A sometimes blackguard, sometimes heel, and often crook. A ne'er-do-well no matter how many chances you give him. A charlatan of heart. A scalawag of sense. A rapscallion who lacks the brains to understand when his presence is neither sought nor welcome. A trickster who must never be trusted. A scoundrel of the lowest sort. A reprobate without shame or equal. An arrogant deviant who isn't at all the athletically, physically becoming sight he and many easily fooled women think he is. Captain Crawford also hates his stupidly perfect teeth and his stupidly perfect smile.[/SBLOCK]

Rogue's Gallery
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Queen of Everything
Great pics everyone! What a sexy crew ;)

And introducing... Handsome Jack! ...as long as he fills DT's vision that is...

[SBLOCK] Captain Hook.png [/SBLOCK]


First Post
Bella Shiver

Bella Shiver
Played by Rubberneck


[sblock]3rd Level
Human Female
Alignment: Neutral
Languages: Common, Tsoylani

Max HP: 33 (3d10+3)
Current HP: 33
BtH: +5 (+6 w/ Longswords)
Damage Bonus: +2 (+3 w/ Longswords)

10, 12, 14, 16, 12, 13 (how about them rolls!! so even.)

Str (Primary): 16 (+2)
Dex (Primary): 13 (+1)
Con (Primary): 14 (+1)
Int: 12 (+0)
Wis: 12 (+0)
Cha: 10 (+0)

Weapon Specialization Long Sword

Plate Mail (+7)
Large Shield (+2)
Longsword (1d8)
Heavy Crossbow (1d10/120ft.)
Bolts x50
Cloak (Crimson in color)
Other random adventuring gear (food etc)[/sblock]

Briony Kidd

[section]Human (female) Fighter 3
hp: 33 31 30(Lri bites)
AC: 16
Alignment: Neutral. She might kiss you. She might hit you. Or she might steal from you, depending.

STR 17 (+2)
DEX 14 (+1)
CON 13 (+1)
INT 13 (+1)
WIS 7 (-1)
CHA 11 (+0)

Primary Attributes: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution

Weapon Specialization: Sword, 2-Handed, +1 to hit and damage

  • Two-handed sword +6, 2d6+3 dmg. [Character class-level BtH 3 + Strength modifier 2 + Weapon specialization 1 = 6] Longbow +4 [BtH 3 + Dex 1]
  • Spear +5 [BtH 3 + Str 2]
  • Shortsword +5 [BtH 3 + Str 2]
  • Dagger +5 melee, +4 thrown (I think?)

Skills: Base 12 for primary attributes Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. Base 18 for non-primary attributes. The DC = base + challenge level (set by DM). To see if you beat the DC, roll 1d20 and add character level + ability modifier. E.g., Briony makes an Intelligence check for a challenge level 1. The DC will be 19 (base 18 +1 challenge level). Briony rolls 1d20+4 (character level 3 +1 Int modifier).[/section]

Sword, 2-Handed
Daggers, 2
Short sword
Armor and weapon oil
Clothing, wet weather
Flint and steel
Lantern, bullseye
Oil, 4 pints
Grappling hook
Rope, 50' silk
Pouch, small
Boots, heavy
Torches, 3
Arrows, 60
Rations, 1 week
[sblock=Background]Born of Lord Crawford to a tenant's daughter, Briony is the bastard sister of Angelina Crawford. Accustomed to having to assert herself for her father's affection, Briony trained at arms in the manor yard with her half-brothers and male cousins from the time she could carry a stick. Wide cheekbones that bespeak common stock frame quick eyes and a generous mouth. Quick to laugh, Briony is not beautiful, but she tells a good story and likes her bitter ale as well as the next bloke. She avoids wine. Nasty stuff, that. Elf drink.

Briony is brash. She's brains enough, and is a quick study, but she lacks common sense. Good thing she has a strong arm and is hale--two attributes that serve to get her out of much trouble thoroughly enjoyed. She explores with Angelina because she loves her half-sister, likes to swing her sword, and has a bone to pick with Rolfe, a rival and retainer of Handsome Jack's.[/sblock]
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