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Class: Cleric 9	Starting Level: 9
Race: Human
Region of Origin: 
Size: M
Gender: Male
Alignment: NG
Deity: Pelor

Str: 14 +2 (6p.) hit by hag in the swamp for 7 str dam!
 Level: 9	XP: 36,025+1,500
Dex: 13 +1 (5p.)             		BAB: +6/+1	
HP: 76 (11+8d8+24) -44+16[HealingBelt]=48-16=32 

Con: 16 +3 (10p.)			Grapple: +8
Int: 8 -1 (0p.)                        	Speed: 20'
Wis: 20 +5 (10p. +2 LB, +2 item)	Init: +1	
Cha: 10 +0 (2p.)         		ACP: -6 (-5fp-1hs)

	     Base	Armor	Shld	Dex	Misc	Total
Armor:	     	10	+10	+5	+1	+2	28
Touch:	     	10      +0  	+5	+1	+1	17
Flatfooted: 	10	+10	+5	+0	+2	27

Spell Res: None
Dmg Red: 3/- (total of 30 points a day)

	      Total	Base	Mod	Misc
Fort:          +9    	+6	+3	+0
Ref:           +4    	+3	+1	+0
Will:          +11     	+6	+5	+0

Weapon			Attack		Damage		Critical	Range
Morningstar, +1		+10		1d8+3		20/x2
MW Light Crossbow	+8		1d8		19-20/x2	80
Languages: Common

Turn Undead (+0 check, 2d8+9 Damage)
Domains: Sun & Strength

Energy Resistance: fire 10 (maximum of 50 points a day)
DR 3/- (maximum of 30 a day)
Not fatigued while sleeping in armor
Maximize Healing (6th level or lower) spell 3/day as swift action
Healing belt: +2 to heal checks. 3 charges a day
* 1 charge – 2d8
* 2 charge – 3d8
* 3 charge – 4d8
Greater Turning 1/day – destroy undead that’d normally be turned
Feat of Strength: +9 to Strength 1/day (duration: 1 round)

* Extra Turning (PHB)
* Shield Specialization (PHBII)
* Shield Ward (PHBII)
* Weapon Focus (Morningstar) (PHB)
* Divine Ward (PHB II)

Skill Points: 24 Max Ranks: 12/6
	     	Skill		Ability		Ranks		Misc. 
Skill Name	Modifier	Modifier	Modifier        Modifier
Concentration	+15		+3		+12		+0
Heal		+11		+5		+4		+2 (belt)
Listen (cc)	+7		+5		+2(4)		+0
Spot (cc)	+7		+5		+2(4)		+0
Equipment:			     Cost           Weight
+2 Fullplate				5,650		50
Restful Crystal				500		-
Ironward Diamond Crystal, lesser	2000		-
+2 Heavy Wood Shield			4157		10
Energy Prot (fire) crystal, lesser	1500		0
+1 Morningstar				2,308		6
MW Light Crossbow			335		4
20 bolts				2		2
Ring of Protection +1			2,000		-
Wand: Cure Light cl1 (50charges) -15	1500		-
Wand: Cure Light cl1 (50 charges)       1500
Wand: Cure Light cl4 (50 charges)       3000
Armband of Max Healing			7,200		1
Amulet of Natural Armor +1		2,000		-
Helm of Wisdom +2			4,000		3
Healing Belt				750		1
Pouch (belt)				1		.5
Holy Symbol (Wood)			1		0
Heward’s handy Haversack		2000		5
Bedroll					1sp		(5)
Flint					1		-
Rations (20)				10		(20)
Rope(Silk 50ft)				10		(5)
Waterskin				1		(4)
Whetstone				2cp		(1)
Signal Whistle				8sp		-
Holywater (2)				50		(2)

Total Weight: 82.5 lbs (37 lbs in haversack) = 119.5 total weight of gear     
Money: 23gp 0sp 8cp   [used: 35,976gp, 9sp 2cp]
(less 2gp given to Grackle)

Treasure gained during adventure:  160 pp + 2 100 gp jade figurines

Items from Wythwindle for adventure:
Wand of Cure Serious Wounds (8 charges) (1 used)
Divine Scrolls:  Cure Minor Wounds, True Ressurection (times 3) (used 2),
Restoration lesser, Find Traps, Goodberry, Guidance

      		Lgt	Med	Hvy	Lift	Push
Max Weight:	58	116	 175     350	875

Age: 29
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 177 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Golden Blonde
Skin: Tan

[sblock=Current Spells]

Caster Level: 9th
Domains: Strength & Sun
Spells per Day: 6/6+1/5+1/4+1/3+1/2+1
Spell DC: 15+ Spell Level

0th Level (Orisons)
- Detect Magic
- Detect Magic
- Light
- Light
- Cure Minor Wounds
- Purify Food & Drink

1st Level
* - Endure Elements
- Death Watch
- Doom
- Divine Favor
- Entropic Shield
- Sanctuary
- Bless Water

2nd Level
* - Heat Metal
- Darkness
- Spiritual Weapon
- Zone of Truth
- Calm Emotions
- Owl's Wisdom

3rd Level
* - Searing Light
- Invisibility Purge
- Dispel Magic
- Protection from Energy (acid)
- Protection from Energy (fire)

4th Level
* - Neutralize Poison
- Restoration
- Freedom of Movement
- Spell Immunity

5th Level
- Break Enchantment
- Raise Dead
- Wall of Stone
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First Post
If I am allowed to play him....

I'm gonna go ahead and post Lucien in case Scott approves him. If Only the Strong doesn't come back, this is whom I will be playing with Scott's permission.

Character Name: Brother Lucien Montrose
Class and Level: Fighter 7/Cleric 2
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Human
Age: 25
Physical Description: Black Hair, Grey Eyes, 5'10", 210 Lbs, Van Dyke Beard, Several scars on body from old battle wounds, one on left cheek follows cheekbone for two inches, Right Handed, Allergic to cats
Deity/Religion: Heironeous
Cleric Domains: Good and War


Strength: 16
Dexterity: 14
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 10


Hit Points: 87
Armor Class: 25 Touch: 17 Flat-footed: 22
Initiative: +6
Fortitude Save: 10
Reflex Save: 6
Willpower Save: 8
Base Attack Bonus: 8/3
Grapple: 11

Skills (First number is ranks; second, total modifier.)

Appraise: 0 (1)
Balance: 0 (2)
Climb: 4 (7)
Concentration: 0 (2)
Craft: 0 (1)
Decipher Script: 0 (1)
Disable Device: 0 (1)
Escape Artist: 0 (2)
Forgery: 0 (1)
Heal: 8 (11)
Hide: 2 (4)
Intimidate: 8 (8)
Jump: 4 (7)
Knowledge (history): 2 (3)
Knowledge (religion): 3 (4)
Listen: 0 (3)
Move Silently: 1 (3)
Open Locks: 0 (2)
Ride: 6 (8)
Spot: 1 (4)
Survival: 3 (6)
Swim: 4 (7)
Tumble: 0 (2)

Feats and Abilities

Turn Undead
Extra Turning
Lightening Reflexes
Improved Initiative
Quick Draw
Combat Reflexes
Weapon Specialization (Longsword)
Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Weapon Focus (Heavy Mace)

Languages: Common, Keolandish, Ancient Baklunish


Longsword, Mithral +3
Attack: 15/10 Damage: 1D8+7 Critical: 19-20/x2

Heavy Mace +1, Adamantine Masterwork
Attack: 14/9 Damage: 1D8+6 Critical: 20/x2

Dagger, Silver Masterwork
Attack: 9/4 Damage: 1D4+3 Critical:19-20/x2


Chainmail, Mithril +3
Small Shield, Darkwood +2
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Ring of Protection +1

Magical Gear

Potion of Cure Light Wounds (4)
Potion of Cure Medium Wounds (2)
Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
Potion of Shield of Faith +2

Mundane Gear

Light Warhorse (Trelayne)
Military Saddle
Saddle Pack
Bit and Bridle
Feed (5 days worth)
Winter Blanket
Healer's Kit
Silver Holy Symbol
Cleric Vestments
Cold Weather Outfit
Explorer's Outfit
Traveler's Outfit
Belt Pouch
Flint and Steel
Hemp Rope (50')
Sewing Needle (2)
Common Lamp
Pint of Oil
Trail Rations (4 days worth)
Hunk of Cheese
Loaf of Bread


1 Platinum Piece
17 Gold Pieces
11 Silver Pieces
13 Copper Pieces
20 Brass Pennies


Lucien's parentage is unknown. He was found as an infant at the door of the Chapel of Heironeous in Montrose, a small village in the Yeomanry. Raised by the church, Lucien's talents with a sword were noticed at an early age. Trained by some of paladins, he has served in the Knights of the March for the last seven years, helping to defend the Yeomanry and Keoland from the followers of Iuz. A simple Vigil for many years, he took vows to his god, and began to advance. Promoted to Valiant Pegasus, he traveled around the Dreadwood on horseback in coming to Saltmarsh. This is why none of the other adventurers recognize him from the boat. He was delayed by a minor skirmish with raiders from the Sea Princes. He is here because of an old acquaintance, Ambrose Wythwindle, whom he had met before he joined the Knights when the historian had visited the training monastery in pursuit of an old record about an ancient evil.


Guest 11456

Jillian Tealeaf : Female Halfling Rogue

[sblock=Jillian Tealeaf]Character Name: Jillian Tealeaf
Race: Halfling
Class: Rogue
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Gender: Female
Age: 26
Height: 2’-7”
Weight: 24#
Skin: Pale
Eyes: Green
Hair: Brown

Character Level: 9
EXP Points Gained: 36,001
EXP Needed For Next Level: 45,000

Known Languages: Common, Halfling, Goblin, Orc


Strength:11 (+0) [5 point, -2 race]
Dexterity: 22 (+6) [16 points, +2 race, +2 level]
Constitution: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Intelligence: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Wisdom: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Charisma: 8 (-1) [0 points]


Armor Class: 25 (+8 armor, +6 Dex, +1 size)
Flatfooted Armor Class: 19
Touch Armor Class: 17


Hit Points: 37
Current Hit Points: 37


Class Abilities: Sneak attack +5d6, trapfinding, evasion,
trap sense +3, uncanny dodge, improved uncanny dodge


Fortitude: +4 (3 base, +0 Con, +1 race)
Reflex: +13 (6 base, +6 Dex, +1 race)
Will: +5/+7* (3 base, +1 Wis, +1 race, +2 against fear*)


Initiative Modifier: +10
Base Attack Bonus: +6
Melee Attack Bonus: +6
Ranged Attack Bonus: +12


Short Sword +2 (+15, 1d4+2, 19-20/x2, P)
Returning Dagger +1 (+15, 1d3+1, 19-20/x2, 10ft, P/S)


Balance/20 (Dex) ** 12 ranks (+2 synergy)
Climb/2 (Str) (+2 race)
Disable Device/16 (Int) ** 12 ranks (+2 equipment)
Hide/24 (Dex) ** 12 ranks (+4 size, +2 feat)
Jump/-2 (Str) (+2 race, +2 synergy, -6 speed)
Listen/15 (Wis) ** 12 ranks (+2 race)
Move Silently/22 (Dex) ** 12 ranks (+2 race, +2 feat)
Open Lock/20 (Dex) ** 12 ranks (+2 equipment)
Search/14 (Int) ** 12 ranks
Sleight of Hand/18 (Dex) ** 12 ranks
Spot/13 (Wis) ** 12 ranks
Tumble/18 (Dex) ** 12 ranks


Improved Initiative (1st level)
Stealthy (3rd level)
Weapon Finesse (6th level)
Combat Reflexes (9th level)


Equipment & Gear:
Small Travelers Outfit (0gp, 0#, worn)
Small Mithral Shirt +4 (17,100gp, 5#, worn)
+2 Small Short Sword (8,310gp, 1#, belt)
+1 Small Dagger of Returning (8,302gp, 0.5#, belt)
Handy Haversack (2,000gp, 5#, back)
MW Thieves’ Tools (100gp, 2#, haversack)
Everburning Torch (110gp, 2#, haversack)
20 Trail Rations (10gp, 20#, haversack)
100’ of Silk Rope (20gp, 10#, haversack)
20 Pitons (2gp, 10#, haversack)
2 Hammers (1gp, 4#, haversack)
Block and Tackle (5gp, 5#, haversack)
Crowbar (2gp, 5#, haversack)
Flint and Steel (1gp, 0#, haversack)
Shovel (2gp, 8#, haversack)
Flask of Acid (10gp, 1#, haversack)
Flask of Alchemist’s Fire (20gp, 1#, haversack)
Money (5gp, 0#, haversack)
Total (36,000 gp, 11.5#)
Haversack (68#)


Encumbrance: 28/57/86/172/431
Base Speed: 20 ft
Normal Speed: 20 ft[/sblock]

[sblock=History]Appearance: Jillian is quite small, even for a halfling.
She wears her brown hair short so as not to get in her way.

Personality: Jillian tends to be somewhat of an introvert.
She keeps to herself until her skills are needed.
She tends to like to work solo, but she has been known to play well with others.

History: Jillian has become somewhat famous in a number of circles.
She is very good at what she does and is in high demand.
As a result she has been hired to do a number of difficult jobs.
It was on one of these jobs that she "met" Ambrose Wythwindle.
Jillian was hired to acquire an object from Ambrose and was caught in the act.
However Ambrose forgave the small halfling because he theorized that her obvious talents could be of benefit to him in the future.
Recently Jillian has been contacted by Ambrose about a possible job.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=Ballista]Name: Ballista, Singing Bow of the Protector
Class: Range5/Bard4
Race: Elf
Size: M
Gender: Female
Alignment: CN
Deity: Corellon Larethian

Str: 14 +2 XP: 0
Dex: 20 +5 BAB: +8 HP: 48 (8 +4d8, +4d6)
Con: 10 +0 Grapple: +10
Int: 11 +0 Speed: 30' Stat Increases: +2 dex
Wis: 12 +10 Init: +5 Spell Save: 0
Cha: 14 +2 ACP: 0 Xp: 36,038

Base Armor Shld Dex Size Nat Misc Total
Armor: 10 +6 +3/8 +5 +0 +0 +0 24/29 vs. ranged attacks
Touch: 15/20 vs. ranged attacks Flatfooted: 19/24 vs. ranged attacks

Spell Res: None
Dmg Red: -

Total Base Mod Misc
Fort: +5 +5 +0 --
Ref: +13 +8 +5 --
Will: +6 +5 +1 --

Weapon Attack Damage Critical Range
+1 Comp Longbow +14 2d6+3 20/x3 100
Silvered Katana +11 2d8+2 19-20/X2

Bardic Knowledge
Bardic Music 4/day
Favored Enemy: Undead +4 and Evil Outsiders +2
Wild Empathy
Animal Companion
Fast healing 3

1 Point Blank Shot
- (Bonus Ranger) Rapid Shot
3 True Believer (Correlon Larethian)
- (Bonus Ranger) Endurance
6 Woodland Archer
9 Precise Shot

Skill Points: 72 Max Ranks: 4/2
Skills Total Ranks Stat Misc
Knowledge Relig +5 5 +0 -
Knowledge Plan +5 5 +0 -
Knowledge Dung +5 5 +0 -
Knowledge Nat +5 5 +0 -
Search +2 5 +1 +2
Spot +5 5 +1 +2
Listen +3 5 +1 +2
Tumble +11 3 +5 --
Survival +4 5 +2 +2
Sense Motive +12 11 +1 --
Perform (Sing) +11 9(12) +2 --

Languages: Common, Elven, Drow, Draconic, Dwarven, Infernal, Goblin, Ignan, Giant

Gear: 36,000g (+3000) cost weight
Blueshine Millenial Chainmail+1 9,650 20
Animate Heavy Steel Shield +1 9,170 15
- Crystal of Arrow Deflection (M) 2,500 -
Strongarm Bracers 6,000 2
Large Bow of the Wintermoon 3,400 6
Quiver of Ehlonna 1,800 1
- Large Silvered Katana 550 20
- Arrows X120 6
Boots of Spider Climbing 4,800
Everfull mug 200 1
Adventurers outfit 10 4
Rope hemp 50 ft 1 10
Everlasting Rations 350 2
Everburning Buckle 90 1 (attached to back of glove)

Backpack 2 1
Acid X5 50
Antitoxin X2 100

Total Weight:38lb Money: 330gp 20sp 0cp

Lgt Med Hvy Lift Push
Max Weight: 38 76 115 230 575

Spells Known: (3/3/1 slots) Cast spells in purple
0 lvl: Light, songbird, Prestdigitation, Daze,
1st lvl: Inspirational boost, Guiding light, Cure Light Wounds, Speak with Animals
2nd: Glitterdust, Cat's Grace

Spells Readied: (1)
Hunter’s Mercy

Animal Companion: Fongul (Wolf)

Age: 119
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 102
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale[/sblock][sblock=Description & Style]This curious little elf girl is quite a sight to behold. Though she stands a demure 5ft tall, she wields weapons that are far larger than a large man should be able to effectively use. Her waist length black hair frames her ghostly pale face with shadows, and is held back in a complicated series of braids and elven knots that no one but her can replicate. The eerie pools of mercury lenses she wears hide any of the emotion that might be conveyed by her deep forest green eyes.
When she enters combat her hauntingly beautiful voice can be heard over even the loudest commotion, to urge her allies on further than one of the maiden’s skill should be able to do, while raining spears of death into the fray with no fear of hitting those she calls friends.[/sblock]
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First Post
Grackle the gnome

Grackle "Grubeater" Granitetop
[sblock=Details]Grackle "Grubeater" Granitetop....Male Rock Gnome, XP: 36,095
Strength.....8 (-1)......Character Level: 9, Sorcerer 9
Dexterity.....18 (+4)....Small, Speed 20 ft.
Constitution.....16 (+3)....Initiative: +4, BAB: +4, Grapple: -1
Intelligence.....12 (+1)....Melee: +4, Ranged: +9
Wisdom.....9 (-1).....Total HP: 57, Current HP: 57, Nonlethal: 0
Charisma.....18 (+4)....Fortitude: +6, Reflex: +7/+9, Will: +5

Normal AC: 16 (+4 Dex, +1 size, +1 deflection), Touch AC: 16, Flat-Footed AC: 12
Alignment: Chaotic Good (CN tendencies), Age 52, Height 3'-1", Weight 41 lbs.
Brown Skin, Steel Blue Eyes, Wild Blonde Hair

Dagger +4 melee for 1d3-1 damage
Dagger +9 ranged for 1d3-1 damage (10 ft. increment, 50 max)
Light crossbow +9 ranged for 1d6 damage (80 ft. increment, 800 max)
Ray of Enfeeblement +9 ranged touch for 1d6+4 Str damage (45 ft.)
Acid Arrow +9 ranged touch for 2d4 acid damage, damage repeats 3 rounds (760 ft.)
Scorching Ray +9/+9 ranged touch for 4d6 fire damage (45 ft.)

Languages (Literate): Common, Gnome, Dwarven, Terran.
Proficiencies: Simple weapons.
Level Progression Feats: Spell Focus (Evocation), Spell Focus (Conjuration), Spell Penetration, Augment Summoning.

Skills: Bluff +9 (5 ranks, +4 Cha), Concentration +15 (12 ranks, +3 Con), Craft (Alchemy) +4 (1 rank, +1 Int, +2 racial), Knowledge (Arcana) +10 (9 ranks, +1 Int), Speak Language (1 rank cross-class, Terran), Spellcraft +10 (7 ranks, +1 Int, +2 synergy).

Racial Traits: Small humanoid (gnome), base Speed 20 feet, +2 Constitution, -2 Strength, low-light vision x2, weapon familiarity with the gnome hooked hammer, +2 on saves against illusions, +1 to illusion spell save DCs, +1 on attack rolls versus kobolds and goblinoids, +4 dodge AC versus giants, +2 Listen, +2 Craft (Alchemy), spell-like abilities (Speak with Animals 1/day for 1 minute with burrowing mammals only, Dancing Lights 1/day, Ghost Sound 1/day, Prestidigitation 1/day, 1st-level caster, save DC 14), bard is favored class.
Ability Score Development: 33 point buy, for base scores of 10 (2 pts), 16 (10 pts), 14 (6 pts), 12 (4 pts), 9 (1 pt), and 16 (10 pts). Gnome ability adjustments result in scores of 8, 16, 16, 12, 9, and 16. Increased Charisma at 4th-level to 17, and at 8th-level to 18. Gloves of Dexterity increase Dexterity to 18.
Familiar: Summoned a weasel familiar he calls Admiral Shplictonshtein Fuzzington the Third (Tiny magical beast, 28 hp, 9 effective hit dice, grants him +2 Reflex within 1 mile and Alertness within arm's reach).

Sorcerer Spells: Casts spontaneous arcane spells, caster level of 9, spellcasting is based on Charisma, 6 0-level spells/day, 7 1st-level spells/day, 7 2nd-level spells/day, 7 3rd-level spells/day, 5 4th-level spells/day.
0-Level Spells (save DC 14, Conj/Evoc/Illus DC 15): Resistance (Abjur), Detect Magic (Div), Detect Poison (Div), Read Magic (Div), Light (Evoc), Mage Hand (Trans), Mending (Trans), Message (Trans).
1st-Level Spells (save DC 15, Conj/Evoc/Illus DC 16): Shield (Abjur), Mage Armor (Conj), Magic Missile (Evoc), Color Spray (Illus), Ray of Enfeeblement (Necro).
2nd-Level Spells (save DC 16, Conj/Evoc/Illus DC 17): Resist Energy (Abjur), Acid Arrow (Conj), Glitterdust (Conj), Scorching Ray (Evoc).
3rd-Level Spells (save DC 17, Conj/Evoc/Illus DC 18): Stinking Cloud (Conj), Suggestion (Ench), Fireball (Evoc).
4th-Level Spells (save DC 18, Conj/Evoc/Illus DC 19): Summon Monster IV (Conj), Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (Evoc).

Possessions: Small Dagger (2 gp, 1/2 lb.), Dart (5 sp, 1/4 lb.), Small Light Crossbow (35 gp, 2 lbs.), 20 Small Bolts (2 gp, 1 lb.), Gloves of Dexterity (4,000 gp, +2 Dexterity enhancement), Ring of Protection (2,000 gp, +1 deflection AC), Necklace of Adaptation (9,000 gp, can breathe in any environment, protected from gasses and vapors), Cloak of Arachnida (14,000 gp, 1 lb., 6th-level caster, may cast Web 1/day, cannot be trapped in webs, move at half speed through webs, may personally Spider Climb at will, gets +2 Fortitude against spider poison), Everburning Torch (110 gp, 1 lb.), Heward's Handy Haversack (2,000 gp, 5 lbs., holds gold, crossbow, torch, potions, solvent, oil, wands, bedroll, rations, and waterskins), Wand of False Life (4,500 gp, 3rd-level caster, 50 charges), Wand of Haste (2,250 gp, 5th-level caster, 10 charges), 2 Universal Solvents (100 gp), Potion of Cure Serious Wounds (750 gp, 5th-level caster), 3 Potions of Cure Light Wounds (150 gp, 1st-level caster), Oil of Magic Weapon (50 gp, 1st-level caster), Traveler's Outfit (free starting outfit, 5 lbs., worn outfit doesn't count towards his encumbrance), Spell Component Pouch (5 gp, 2 lbs.), Bedroll (1 sp, 5 lbs.), Flint & Steel (1 gp), 3 Trail Rations (15 sp, 3 lbs.), 3 Waterskins (3 gp, 12 lbs.).

Wealth: 39 gp, 8 sp, 10 cp.......Current Load: 10-1/4 lbs. (light)
Light Load: 19-1/2 lbs. max.....Medium Load: 39-3/4 lbs. max
Heavy Load: 60 lbs. max..........Lift High: 60 lbs. max
Lift Off Ground: 120 lbs. max.....Push/Drag: 300 lbs. max
Medium Load Drawbacks: 20 ft. speed, +3 max Dex to AC, -3 check penalty.
Heavy Load Drawbacks: 20 ft. speed, x3 run, +1 max Dex to AC, -6 check penalty.[/sblock]

Appearance: This squat little gnome has a broad face with a broad nose, a near-constant grin, light blue eyes that sparkle with glee, big ears, and a shock of blonde hair that seems to only rarely receive grooming. A short, fuzzy beard hangs from his chin and seems to get slightly more attention, but is still poorly groomed. Dirt, grime, and random splotches of who-knows-what adorn his skin, hair, and clothes. He kind of smells too, of what you can't quite be sure.

The gnome wears simple traveling garb in earth-tones, which somewhat lessens the obviousness of just how dirty he is. Even his fine leather gloves are often covered with dirt. A simple dagger is sheathed at the right side of his belt, and a wide pouch hangs from the left side, while a sturdy leather backpack with brass clips and buckles covers his broad little back. Two small cases are strapped to his forelegs, a chain necklace and fancy amulet hang from his neck, and a strange black cloak covers most of his pack, covered in white patterns.

[sblock=Description]Personality: Grackle is an energetic little bundle of crazy. Well, he would say he's just exciteable and whimsical. That would be a lie. Grackle is an inveterate liar. He rarely speaks the truth unless he's having a lucid moment, and he loves to exaggerate and distort facts. He thinks much like a child, gets easily agitated or excited, then quickly forgets. Grackle is endlessly curious and fascinated by anything shiny or strange. He tends to eat strange things out of curiousity, and has a peculiar sense of taste. Grackle also has a tendency to talk to rocks and other inanimate objects sometimes. This lead him to study the Terran language, once he realized that rocks probably speak their own language, not Gnome.

He is also prone to destroying things just to see what happens, and he likes fire, though not quite a pyromaniac. His sensibility is almost nil, though his parents drilled some degree of understanding into him. They also tried to curb his destructive behavior, but only half-succeeded. Grackle loosely understands the value of life and property, but is still fairly careless and carefree. His jolly, friendly nature generally offsets the destructive side of his personality. His weasel familiar is nearly as intelligent as Grackle himself, and certainly wiser, so he tends to defer to it and has convinced himself that the weasel is far more than it appears, with a great and storied background. He just doesn't seem to remember that story the same way every time.

Background: Grackle is a rock gnome of the Granitetop clan, living in the Lortmil Mountains. He is the youngest child of four, and the most unstable. He always liked to break things or blow them up, and briefly dabbled in alchemy as a youth, but was forced to leave it alone for his own safety. It didn't help much, as he soon began to develop sorcerous talents, and began blowing things up anyway. Only harsh parenting and clever lies by his parents kept Grackle from growing up to be a little engine of destruction.

He earned his nickname of Grubeater from eating every grub under a log in one sitting, on a dare, while out on a trip with his parents and brothers. And he still eats lots of grubs and other insects. Grackle naturally went out adventuring when he reached adulthood, driven by curiousity, the desire to blow stuff up without getting yelled at, and the love of shiny-shinies. He also just loves playing in the dirt and muck, and finding shiny treasures in the process is a bonus.

During his travels, Grackle joined up with a few different adventuring groups, and quickly parted ways with them (usually not of his own choice). One such group was lead by the human adventurer Ambrose Wythwindle, whom Grackle entertained throughout the delve and even helped save the life of, fending off disturbed mummies with his arcane fire. Many years later, he met Jillian Tealeaf during a solo exploration of some ruins, and they worked together to dig out the treasures there, fight off the disturbed spirits of the ruins' dead, and make it back to civilization despite running into a big gang of goblins. Grackle's been following Jillian around for a little while since then, curious what other shiny-shinies she knows how to find, curious about halflings and if she really isn't a gnome because she sure looks like one to him and why is her nose so small, and why she doesn't think insects are the juiciest and crunchiest treats ever.[/sblock]
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