Rhun's Greyhawk OMEGA OOC Thread (ToEE) - CLOSED!!!

I don't know. There's not really much for my character to do except fight more bad guys, and combat in a PbP game is boring. Like I said, my character has no real reason to stick around and a strong reason to leave. Like I said, he's starting to view this as a pointless crusade to slaughter a group of mentally deficient thugs who aren't bothering anyone, while his goal of rescuing his girlfriend has turned out to be in a different direction. He doesn't like Deren because he considers him immoral and sleazy, he doesn't like Ciran because he thinks he's trying to get him killed, and he doesn't like Sir Merrick because he thinks he's some sort of fallen Paladin who's only concerned with killing these mentally deficient thugs and apparently doesn't care at all about finding the group's captured friend, which was the only reason Shoon signed on to help them in the first place instead of pursuing his own leads. He didn't mind the gnome, and doesn't mind Zirat, and he likes Aeron because of their shared faith and ideals, but that just makes him want to convince Aeron to leave these crazy people before they get him killed. I don't really want to leave the game, but I'm having trouble coming up with a good reason why my character would stay with the group.

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Maybe he should accept the faith that his girl is doomed and lost forever by some nasty slavers and join the cause to destroy the temple. It is known that the temple is dangerous and if the inhabitants will prevail, the world is doomed.

Maybe he should accept the faith that his girl is doomed and lost forever by some nasty slavers and join the cause to destroy the temple. It is known that the temple is dangerous and if the inhabitants will prevail, the world is doomed.

There are unfortunately two problems with that.

1. That would go against everything he stands for, even more so because;
2. As far as he knows, the temple is only dangerous to those who enter it, and the inhabitants are too stupid and disorganized to be any sort of threat to anyone else. He doesn't know why they're there, but he honestly hasn't seen anything to make him believe that it's anything more than stupidity.

DL is right. Shoon was not chartered by agents of the King of Furyondy to scout out and eliminate any evil in the area. Nor was he around when you explored and defeated the evil at the moathouse.

Its all good, DL. I will NPC Shoon for now. If you decide you want to play, he is there for now. If not (I know you have a lot going on in real life), that's fine too. :) No worries.

RHUN said:
Guys, if you want to post your own attack and damage rolls and such, that is fine with me. If you don't post them, I will make the rolls for you.

Many like the thrill of rolling the dice themselves. For me it is just mechanical work.:)

I really prefer to just be descriptive and let the DM handle rolls.

I was really hoping Shoon's damsel in distress would have ended up being sold to the Temple's slaver agent instead of to the pirate so that Shoon would have a plot reason to pursue further and further into the Temple in hopes of rescuing her, or of avenging her if she were sacrificed.

I'm still hoping the slaver had a sacrifice acquisition quota and needed to buy her from the pirate at the last minute before he actually set sail. Perhaps if Shoon went off on his own and investigated that might be discovered and he would then enthusiastically join us anew.

Many like the thrill of rolling the dice themselves. For me it is just mechanical work.:)

I really prefer to just be descriptive and let the DM handle rolls.

Not a problem. All of my players in the game ALPHA decided they wanted to start rolling for themselves, so I've let them do that. If you guys don't want to roll, that is fine. Or if you do, that is fine too. :)

I was really hoping Shoon's damsel in distress would have ended up being sold to the Temple's slaver agent instead of to the pirate so that Shoon would have a plot reason to pursue further and further into the Temple in hopes of rescuing her, or of avenging her if she were sacrificed.

I'm still hoping the slaver had a sacrifice acquisition quota and needed to buy her from the pirate at the last minute before he actually set sail. Perhaps if Shoon went off on his own and investigated that might be discovered and he would then enthusiastically join us anew.

Yeah, I was actualy setting things up for Scourge of the Slave Lords. But I realized I got ahead of myself, because you still have a lot of Temple to go through...my hope was that Shoon would volunteer to help you clear the Temple and rescue your friend, on the condition that after you would help him track down his girl...

It seems to Shoon like he's the only one still concerned about rescuing anyone. The others only really seem concerned about killing the inhabitants, (Merrick and Zirat) making sure the party doesn't die, (Aeron) or has no apparent reason for being there as well (Ciaran and Deren).

So far though, Shoon seems like the only one who's made a conscious effort to take anyone alive for questioning. I mean Merrick on multiple occasions has flat out said that Shoon can try it if he wants, but he isn't going to. Maybe it's just selective memory but I personally can't any time anyone else tried to do it. So we're just stuck going down there, killing a bunch of people, then coming back up, day after day, hoping that we eventually stumble upon some prisoners by accident, and that they're the ones we're looking for, and that they haven't died because we took so damn long.

And yeah, Shoon wouldn't go back to help them with the temple after he found out that Anemone was taken by pirates. He'd go after the pirates, the only ones who he knew for certain were causing harm to the innocent. He's starting to wonder whether or not rescuing their friend was just some ploy the rest of the party used in order to gain his assistance, and their real reasons are just as he has seen.

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