D&D 5E Rise of the Necromancer OOC


Queen of Everything
For a short time we should be good with two timelines, this isn't the fastest moving of games, (that's not a complaint, I'm perfectly fine with a game moving at a slower pace) so we should be good.

Sooner or later we will have to get everyone back on the same page though.

She'll only have a few questions for Sam.

The initial idea was to separate her from the main group temporarily so she could get Reign to trust her. If all we were (are) doing is planting the amulet, she can do that with no fanfare. I thought we needed for him to trust her a little bit so she could get him to drink and let some secrets out.

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We are working multiple angles at once to hedge our bets. Keep going with the plan to befriend him. You never know when it will be useful.


I was waiting to see what you guys wanted to do at first but then was going to move you on, but I've been putting in a lot of overtime due to the hurricanes so I haven't been able to do much outside of work.

Hopefully I'll get some time tomorrow to move the story forward.


Hey guys, sorry about this, but I'd like to step out of this game. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by real-life stuff at the moment and so I'm trying to cut down some of my outside responsibilities. I hope you guys don't mind. I was looking forward to doing some interesting things with Boros, but I'm going to cut down to just two of the games I'm running and otherwise not be too active on Enworld for a bit.

Voidrunner's Codex

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