Ritual question


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I dont have search ability on this forum so I apologize if this has been asked and answered, but I was unable to find it.

I have read through all the books and wanted to make sure I wasnt misunderstanding something.

Anyone with ritual caster feat can cast any ritual as long as they are of sufficient level and have the proper components?

So my Fighter could throw raise dead when he gets up that high?

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Note that the ritual casting feat has being trained in Religion or Arcana as a prerequisite. Note that the most efficient way to become trained in Religion or Arcana if neither is on your class skill list is to multiclass into a Wizard or Cleric. (You get the skill plus a useful power.)

So even though 'just a fighter' could Raise Dead, the system sort of steers you away from doing it that way. Or you could be an eladrin I guess, but everybody knows they're dripping with magic anyway, no matter what character class they are.

Note that the ritual casting feat has being trained in Religion or Arcana as a prerequisite. Note that the most efficient way to become trained in Religion or Arcana if neither is on your class skill list is to multiclass into a Wizard or Cleric. (You get the skill plus a useful power.)
Multiclass feats into religion or arcana classes isn't exactly "efficient" given the pre-requisites. Which translate into a 13 in Wisdom (Cleric), Intelligence (Wizard), or Charisma (Warlock or Paladin assuming 13 Strength).

Since skill training has no requirement, the game more "steers" fighters to go that route.

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