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Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (D&D3.5e; Closed!)


After much deliberation... welcome, to Rivets Eternal!


In General!

The World of Rivets: I'm a big fan of letting PCs come up with stuff for their characters and incorporating it into my world (if it works). So, a lot of Rivets has been contributions from one of the two other successful games I've ran in this here setting of mine. Rivets is steampunk -- 1800s asthetic, steam-technology, zeppelins, the works. But FEEL FREE to add things in your backstory, just keep in mind I reserve editorial powers. :D

As for climate and that sort, the area east of Trenchtown all the way to the Thunderhorns is scrubland. South of Trenchtown are wet bogs which miraculously drain all the moisture away from the Tar, producing the scrublands in which Trenchtown rests. The sea to the north is a warm water salt sea. On the other side of the Thunderhorns lies thick, wet jungle.

Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs: This particular game has an interesting premise -- you, the PCs, are all prisoners of Trenchtown. Trenchtown is the big city shaped like a cog, situated over a river (the Tar), which is perhaps the biggest center of power in the known world. Unfortunately, not much of the world IS known. But as part of your character you will have to have thought of a reason for the Trenchtown Empire to have taken you into custody -- perhaps you're a murderer? Tax evasion? Combatant from Zeakaden, the city that Trenchtown is currently at war with? Who knows. But you will all begin the game as prisoners.


Trenchtown: The capital of the known world, the shining metal city straddling the tar, Trenchtown, seat of the Trenchtown Empire. Trenchtown is a loud, metal city of perhaps 500,000-700,000 residents, depending on who you ask. It is an amalgam of races, indeed, all the races known to exist in the world have some sort of niche in the city. Humans and dwarves are the most prevalent, with gnomes and halflings ranking in a close second. Large numbers of elves are kept as slaves (all elves are slaves). Goblins, and various other goblinoids (bugbears, hobgoblins, etc.) also have a strong presence in Trenchtown. The economic striation typically ranks humans and dwarves as the most "well-to-do," while halflings, gnomes, and goblinoids tend to fill the lower eschelons of caste, and elves sit squarely at the bottom, completely disenfranchised.

The city is divided into several districts. The Gilded District runs along the outer ring of the great cog that makes up the city, elevated above the city proper. Here are the homes and diversions of the rich aristocracy, as well as Trenchtown's famous (or infamous) open air courts where the laws are decided and carried out.

The Valley of Brass splits the cog neatly in two, a massive, shining rift which houses bazaars and shops offering anything from boiler-parts to rare, beautiful clothing.

Lowtown is rather the rest of Trenchtown, being that which is not the Gilded District or the Valley. Here the abundant poor of Trenchtown make their homes, and often times shops and markets as well. Do not be fooled, however -- some of the best craftsmanship in the known world has come from the callused hands which dwell here.

The Sky Port is on the eastern "rim" of the cog that is Trenchtown. Perilously high in the air, this area is populated by fat zeppelins at almost any time of day or year.

Skibereen: This is the end of the world to many citizens of the Trenchtown Empire. It is a small, backwater colony positioned near Zeakaden for trade purposes. However, due to the recent war that has erupted between the two city states of Trenchtown and Zeakaden, Skibereen lies in a very precarious position.

Zeakaden: The strangest city known. This is a crazy jumble of all sorts of architecture held together with ropes and other means more obscure. It sits above the jungle floor on massive stilts, and looks to be some off-shore platform merely plucked from the sea and placed in the jungle. Little is known about this fantastic place.

Gray Peaks: A small town. Known for its lawmen.

Tepoch: A tiny outpost of free elves, perhaps too small to be worth conquering?


28 point buy. 2nd level. Standard wealth (900gp, and a note -- your posessions will be being held by the authorities at the beginning of the game, so it will be wise to recover them, magic items are fine and can be flavored to be powered by arcane or technological means). Core/SRD allowed. Sorcery & Steam allowed EXCEPT for the Animal Lord class, and Heritage Feats. (Sorcery & Steam basically adds rules for steampunk devices, the crafting thereof, firearms, steamcraft armor, and a few new skills like Drive and Munitions). Other resources allowed on a case by case basis (bascially use one, cite it, and I'll check it out). Allowed races: Human, Dwarf, Halfling, Gnome, Orc, Half-Orc, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Bugbear, Elf (note -- elves are slaves 99.9% of the time).

Humans: One of the dominant races of the world, given their adaptability. You are a human so I don't need to explain too much. :D

Dwarf: Stout, gruff traditionalists, usually. Often-times incredibly proper and feel they alone are truly civilized.

Halfling: Excellent at a myraid of professions which require agility and quickness. Usually jovial, or at least difficult to get down. Tend to speak with Cockney accents.

Gnome: Similar to halflings, though more studious in their pursuits. Tend to be the brains behind mechanical operations, and also are often found piloting zeppelins.

Orc: Mostly found in the scublands around Trenchtown, orcs tend to be tribal but very, very locked into a rigid caste system among their own kind. City orcs still adhere to this caste system, above any system the city-dwellers may hold. A poor, homeless orc may be the most influentual in a city.

Half-Orc: In all ways a half-orc is considered an orc by orcish society.

Goblinoids: Opportunists to the max. Can be found anywhere doing a variety of jobs depending on their particular type, size, and that sort of thing. A boon or a curse depending on who you ask.

Elf: Enslaved by all the other races for as long as most can remember. Very submissive, quiet, and dutiful. Some call them "the broken race."

When you post your character, make sure you post where your money went exactly.


I'll be doin' the rolling, but at any time you can ask for a roll/make a check simply by asking for one. I'd like things like that to be at the end of yer posts in italics, like -- Mr. Biggles tries to spring the lock, Open Lock +9. The meta-thread will be more for longer discussions about plot, character goals, or OOC stuff that can't fit into a footnote at the end of yer post without messing up the flow.

Aside from normal combat XP, I also periodically rate everyone on roleplaying, story, and manners on a scale from 1-5. I then multiply this by 100 and add it all up, enjoy bonus XP. :D Roleplaying and Story are pretty obvious, but Manners consists of you posting your bonuses when you call for checks, being on top of posting, obviously reading the posts before yours, etc. Just bein' a good player.

If you'd like to use a color for your speech that's cool, but I won't require it. I would ask that internal dialogue go in italics, though. Just so I don't get confused on what you're sayin' out loud. :]

A post a day would do me just fine, no requirement to post on weekends, but if yer havin' fun post as much as you want!

I AM A DICK ABOUT ENCUMBRANCE. I am. So be SURE you keep CAREFUL track of what you're carrying, how much it weighs, and how much you can carry. I think it adds a nice sense of urgency to some situations and plus who knows when you need to know if you can strap that injured halfling to your back.


Steampunk. Steampunk is badass. :D If you have ANY questions ask in the thread cuz other people might have the questions as well. If you were heart set on my zombies game post here and I'll see what I can do about allowing you an undead character. Please post your characters and backstories in this thread for my approval. Please feel free to add to the world. Please post asking about the established religions if you wanna play a cleric, or feel free to make up yer own appropriately themed religion.

Please ask if I left something out. I'm a tired bean.

Please have fun! Enjoy!

EDIT: Use this http://www.enworld.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=21419 for character sheets! Thanks Bront!
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The man with the probe
Cool. I'm in. I'll paruse what I want to be and get back to you.

Any deities of note? Greyhawk? Or make one up?

Anything particular from the Complete series that's banned (Besides the new races)?

Psionics used? (They're SRD, but not core)


First Post
I'm interested but a few one thing:

1) I know nothing about steampunk.
2) What are the major religions?
If that's cool then I am wondering: Would freeing an elf from slavery to Tepoch (sorta like the Underground Railroad) count as theft or what?

I still have to finish the background, but here's the character so far, provided you allow some stuff from the Complete Divine (Nimbus of Light, Domain Spontaneity feat) and the Fate Domain from the Complete warrior.

Liend Caplin, Male human Clr2

STR 12
DEX 10
CON 13
INT 12
WIS 14
CHA 14

Init/Move: +0 / 20ft
HP: 9 + 5 = 14;

BAB/G: +1/+2
melee: +2
ranged: +1

F/R/W: +4/+0/+5;

AC: 18; ff:18; touch: 10;

  • mace, hvy (+3, d8+1, x2);

  • Turn undead (5x/day)

  • Domain Spontaneity (fate)
  • Extra Turning
  • Uncanny Dodge

  • Concentration (5) +6
  • Heal (5) +6 (+2 turn undead rolls)
  • Know (religion) (5) +6 (+2 spellcraft)
  • Know (arcana) (5) +7
  • Spellcraft (5) +8

Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish.

Deity: ???
Domain: Fate

Spells: 4/3+d

0: Cure Minor Wounds x2
Guidence x2
1: Nimbus of Light x3
True Strike (d)

Equipment: (carry: 43/86/130)

Mace, hvy
Mace, lgt
Banded Mail
Shield, hvy

Holy Symbol (silver)
Lock, good
Signal Whistle

total weight: 76 lbs;
gp: 25.1;



Liend was jailed the first time for 'theft'. At least thats what they call it when you free an elf. For many years, he had worked with other in the dangerous work of freeing elves. His is his strong belief that no-one should be the property of another, regardless of their race. He continued his work until the line was infiltrated by the police and he was captured. Charged with 'theft', his new calling is breaking rocks and doing menial work with fellow inmates and the few elves that are here.
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First Post

If you'd posted all this background I would have voted for this one to begin with. :)

I find myself inspired to make a Goblin gunslinger. Can you advise me on the Steam and Sorcery rules for guns?

Also might be nice to know a little about whether goblinoids have their own culture, and if so what kind.
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Toss my hat in the ring for steampunk badassness!

Either an artificer or a rogue explosive experts. Either a goblin or a dwarf.


First Post
It sounds cool for sure! 1800's? honestly I never have played anything but D&Dcore.

would it be hard to learn all that goes along with steampunk? could I make a PC that is a monk?


Bront said:
Cool. I'm in. I'll paruse what I want to be and get back to you.

Any deities of note? Greyhawk? Or make one up?

Anything particular from the Complete series that's banned (Besides the new races)?

Psionics used? (They're SRD, but not core)

Well, only two dieties have come up in my two games: firstly, the Source. This is pretty much the de facto religion of Trenchtown, though the Empire is not a Theocracy. Essentially, the Source is sort of like Plato's realm of ideas -- an ethereal (not literally) place of already formed ideals that those who think merely cull their ideas from. Common domains have been Steam and Technology (both from Sorcery and Steam).

The second is the Physician. This one is a bit creepy. Basically, it's depicted as a shadowed, androgynous figure with red thread and a needle threaded between its fingers. It seems benevolent, given that it's based around treating wounds and the like, but the popular dogma is that the Physician only treats/treated the wounds because it enjoys seeing the gore.

I can't think of something off hand but if you use something that looks munchkiny I'll just ask you to change it. No biggie. :D

Ehh. No, gonna have to say no to psionics. I've already got technology and magic to take care of us, psionics would just add another load to my brain. Sorry. :\

KikuNoMaru said:
I'm interested but a few one thing:

1) I know nothing about steampunk.
2) What are the major religions?
If that's cool then I am wondering: Would freeing an elf from slavery to Tepoch (sorta like the Underground Railroad) count as theft or what?

I still have to finish the background, but here's the character so far, provided you allow some stuff from the Complete Divine (Nimbus of Light, Domain Spontaneity feat) and the Fate Domain from the Complete warrior.

Looks like an awesome character concept. Freeing an elf from slavery would definately land you in jail, and that Underground Railroad idea is rad. :D I mean, you're not only insubordinating Trenchtown, but you're also depriving someone of property.

Steampunk is a genre that is like the 1800s on crack. There was steam technology then, in the form of railroads, steamboats, etc. But steampunk takes it to an extreme degree with massive tricked-out zeppelins, trains, pistols, you name it. In fact, adding -punk to a genre means that it goes to that extreme, as well as having thems of urban degeneration and corrupt government. Take cyberpunk, for instance. I would suggest reading The Difference Engine by William Gibson, as well as anything of China Mieville's you can get your hands on.

See above for religions. And keep in mind you can be a cleric of "ideals," in that you don't follow a diety per se as much as you follow your own personal ethos.

Just a note -- be sure to post a description along with your backstory, including stuff like how you look, what you carry and what it looks like, how you sound/smell, personality, that sort of thing.

Also -- what do Nimbus of Light and your feat do? I don't have Complete Divine.

Eluvan said:

If you'd posted all this background I would have voted for this one to begin with.

I find myself inspired to make a Goblin gunslinger. Can you advise me on the Steam and Sorcery rules for guns?

Also might be nice to know a little about whether goblinoids have their own culture, and if so what kind.

Eh, I'm not sure about the rules for me posting stuff from Sorcery & Steam. :\ Basically there's stats for a whole mess 'o guns, from flintlocks to percussion caps (which have been recently invented in Rivets). Also, there's a skill called Munitions that's used when loading guns to speed it up, and also making/setting explosives.

Goblinoids are Rastafarian (not the religion, just the style). They enjoy their own version of music a lot (think reggae played with fiddles). They often smoke drugs distilled from native plants, and generally have a good time of things. Also they can range in color from green to orange. Many sport huge dreadlocks. :)

D20Dazza said:
I'm in, but won't be able to get a PC up for a couple of days if that's cool.

NO ABSOLUTELY NOT. Of course, dude. I doubt I'll get started until next week, anyway. Finals are crushing my face.

Ferrix said:
Toss my hat in the ring for steampunk badassness!

Either an artificer or a rogue explosive experts. Either a goblin or a dwarf.

Didn't want you to feel left out. ;)
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Borson said:
It sounds cool for sure! 1800's? honestly I never have played anything but D&Dcore.

would it be hard to learn all that goes along with steampunk? could I make a PC that is a monk?

Read the above post for some steampunk info. Also head over to www.wikipedia.org and look up some stuff like 1800s, Victorian England, etc. Some good info there.

As far as Monks, a Monk could be fine. Since there's no really Eastern-themed place (yet!) you could style him as a boxer/pugilist type, as far as flavor goes.

Everyone is encourged to make whatever they'd like but I am likely going to only pick the best 6-8, depending on how it seems to be shaping up.
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First Post
dave_o said:
Read the above post for some steampunk info.

As far as Monks, a Monk could be fine. Since there's no really Eastern-themed place (yet!) you could style him as a boxer/pugilist type, as far as flavor goes.

Everyone is encourged to make whatever they'd like but I am likely going to only pick the best 6-8, depending on how it seems to be shaping up.

Ah, I'll play as a super strong dude, a boxer, like Tyson, a little bit psycho, thrown in prison for killing a man outside of the ring. Raised poor, little schooling in anything except for fighting. I studied at a fighting guild most of my teen years. I've been beaten down most of my life, but when I turned 18 I was able to fight for real money. I stepped in the ring and knew that from then on I had to fight only in the ring. My old street enemies got wind of this and provoked me a little too much.. my passion for fighting was uncontrollable and I killed them to protect my ego. Unfortunately for me the law witnessed it all, and here I sit in prison.

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