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Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs


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Tyson - Big Sink

A bald headed young man with swollen hands and a scar on his left cheek sits along one wall, as if disgusted with himself. When the woman gets tossed in he looks up at her briefly, then the others start making conversation… he let's them talk and goes back to sulking, shaking his head in disbelief.

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First Post
Josh Mornston, human bard - The Big Sink

Bront said:
She catches her shapely leg sticking out from the rip in her dresch and blushes a bit, pulling the dress over it, and looking to see if she can mend or tend to the tear somehow.

"Then that'd be 'false charge'," Josh says, eyes widening at the idea of the woman before him hewing through several men in some kind of rage.

At the bugbear's sentiment and the obvious embarrassment of the woman regarding the tear in her dress, Josh gestures dismissively and smiles again.

"That's Makh. As you can tell, he's a charmer. But don't worry. He'll warm to you with time."

Here the man pulls himself up, and suddenly he's not quite the same person. He looks the same, of course, but he's a character nonetheless, his hands flourishing as he gives the monlogue.

"That is the great healer, is it not? Mends all wounds, makes equals of us all. It's just that sometimes it takes a lot more time. And others--" here he points to the dress, where the rip has been repaired, and winks as he finishes"--not so long at all."

OOC: Josh casts Mending on the rip in Orb's dress.


Iannja, female elf - The Big Stink

Iannja shares Josh's surprise at Orb's relelation, but for the moment she remain quiet.

They have had this conversation with everyone who has arrived. The gaolhouse greeting; 'What are you in for'. Some of those that came have gone. Some remain. Given the rumours about what can happen to those hauled from their cells, she is not sure who the unlucky ones are. We are all unlucky.


First Post
Tyson – Big Sink

Tyson slowly stops pouting and paying more attention to his surroundings. He begins to wonder why the new woman gets all the special treatment, and he got the standard “What you in for?” question… although he suspects these others didn’t expect his answer from such a young man. “Murder” he said when asked the question, that seemed to quiet the place right up. After looking closer at the woman just thrown in cellblock #1, he starts to understand the others thoughts and motives as his own clouded mind begins to lift its haze from the last few hours’ events.

Cursing under his breath but loud enough to let it be heard, he beats himself up for letting it go as far as it went. He looks at his hands, still raw from the battles. Shaking his head again, he leans it back hard against the wall and looks up towards the opening above, wondering about everything, the uncertainties lying before him.


First Post
Lliend - Big Sink (cellblock #1)
Lliend doesn't even glance up at the newcomer, so entranced in his own thoughts. That's not to say he isn't aware - the muted conversation that drifts his way through the cell stir his senses, but still he remains in his own world. I could have been more quicker, less noticeable. If I had, maybe that elf'd be free now. He thinks to himself, picking over everything that he did to land him here, and everything he could have done.

Becca Bot

First Post
Tish, The Big Sink

"Well, well, well," comes a sarcastic, almost sinister tone from an empty corner of the room. "A little flower, just ready for the picking?" A scoff, followed by a rather out of place giggle ushers from the tensed voice and the tone relaxes. "Not likely, doll. These men would have to beg us, eh?" From the corner appears a rough-looking, one-eyed elven woman, arms crossed, staring straight at Orb. "If you need any bleeding rags, they don't provide those. I suggest you don't get too comfortable with your clothes." The young woman now motions to her sleeveless top and pants that are almost halfway gone. "I guess sing-song there's a pretty OK fellow, and don't let Makh--is that his name?--get you thinking the wrong thing. He's just sick of this place, I guess. Nice to see someone who -talks- has joined us though. . . I was beginning to think I'd have to try to make conversation with the opposite gender, and well," she laughs abruptly, "You can guess by my battle scars that I'm the type people want to 'go to the kitchen and be quiet." Aside from the missing right eye, her once fair skin is dry and lizard-like, marred by many old scars -- at least a dozen, visible, and newer lesions, most sloppily covered by dirty rags. "... Then again, I'm not quite human, now am I?" She stops again, eyeing the storm drain cautiously, then goes for her climatic ending. "And as far as those pigs guarding us go, I'd make myself a bit less appealing if I were you." She stops again, excited, as if she was waiting for something. "And the name's Tish." Now even more distracted, she dashes to the storm drain and peeks upwards. "Quiet down, now. Hear that?" She fidgets and listens hard, brushing back what little she has left of her sand-blasted golden hair, and revealing her almost gnawed-off elf ears. Aside from her revealed ears, by means of shaven head, no other outward appearances mark her as elven. "That sounded like..." Now, a louder scratching and an eagle's shriek shudders down the storm drain. Tish lifts her hands, and begins to scoop air towards her throat. "Speak to me, Enri, for it has been all too long since we last met and our time together before you fly to freedom again is all too short." Some screeches sound from above, followed by a loud fluttering noise and a tiny peep. "Eating, Tish. Thought your voice I heard. Finally found you! Looks like a rat's bum down this hole. Are you in the drain? Can you get out?" The screeching stopped so suddenly it sounded as if the animal thrashing above had been killed. "It smells awful, but I know I won't be here forever. No, I can't get out, yet." Tish laughs somewhat, then the screeching persists. "Smelling much overrated. I come back. Must go now." And the noises from above ended, returning Tish's troubled gaze to the room.

OOC: Cast "Speak With Animals" on self, duh. :D
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The man with the probe
Orb Kaftan - Human Bard

Orb smiles warmly to Josh. "Thank you. I'd been worried about doing that here, but I guess the guards can't notice everything."

Orb listens to the others introduce themselves, or others, as well as listening to Tish, with a mixture of relief and horror at what she says. "Why less appealing? What would they do?" Orb asks, not understanding the implications.


First Post
Tyson - Big Sink

"HA HA HA" he laughs loudly while continuing to look at the storm drain, "I might be new to this pit," then he looks glances towards Orb stating "but I am NOT new to this pitiful city."
Tyson then looks towards Tish as if waiting for her to continue... then goes back to sulking.. waiting for someone to bother him, almost asking for compassion from Orb in the form of a question.


The man with the probe
Orb looks over at Tyson "I've not spent much time in the city. I guess you're from here? What's your name?"

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