First off, think of it as six skills; include your background. Among these, two (to start)will gain expertise. That's a rogue/bard-specific benefit, and you should keep it in mind (recognizing you might choose thieves' tools if you are a rogue).
For your skills:
1. One of Acrobatics and Athletics [movement and combat applications; as noted need not be in your favoured stat]
2. one of Perception and Insight [exploration or social]
3. one Charisma skill [how do you best work social situations? If you are low charisma, maybe choose intimidation]
4. Stealth (if you are ever going to be sneaky) [combat and exploration applications]
5. Investigation (if you are planning on expertise in it) [exploration, but only if you are going to be great]
That's 3-5 of your six skills. Obviously, different builds might favour knowledge skills, etc., but the above makes a solid rogue, and one from any of these categories can be a good choice for Expertise (probably not two from the same category, though).