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Rogues Gallery for Rule of Darkness Story Hour


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I will be posting the characters from my story hour, Rule of Darkness in here. Each post will also contain any new information that is needed for that class, including race information (if needed), magical materials, abilties etc. I will post the custom prestige classes with the relevant character as well. Please comment on any aspect from the races, to characters to the classes.
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Jeria the IFend Blooded Outwalker

This post contains details of the Fiend Blooded, the Outwalker prestige class, the chameleon armour ability, and the stats for Jeria


Part of the shroud that Jelial has erected to cover the world and stops the celestials from interfering, seems to prevent the bulk of the power of fiendish blood being transferred into the ill-gotten get of their copulations with mortals. This has resulted in those born to them being fiend-blooded, rather than full half-fiends.

Size and Type: Fiend-blooded are natives of the plane they are born on. Size is unchanged
Speed: Unchanged
AC: +1Natural Armour. Stacks with any natural armour the creature has.
Attacks: As per the base creature
Special Attacks: It retains all the special attacks of the base creature
Ability Scores: Increase from the base creature as follows: Str +2, Dex +2, Con +2, Int +2
Level Adjustment: +1
Darkvision 60’

Armour Properties

Chameleon: Similar to Shadow but changes colour to match the surroundings making it useful outdoors. Provides a +7 competency bonus to hide checks. Faint illusion; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, invisibility; Price +5,000 gp

Chameleon, Improved: Provides a +12 competency bonus to hide checks. Moderate illusion; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, invisibility; Price +18,000 gp

Chameleon, Improved: Provides a +18 competency bonus to hide checks. Moderate illusion; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, invisibility; Price +38,350 gp


The hidden cities depend on remaining hidden for survival. They nestle underground, hidden in peaks, surrounded by trees. The out walkers are the first line of defence. They patrol the areas around the city, they make sure that no permanent paths develop to lead the enemy to the stronghold, they lead those unaccustomed to the outside world when a journey needs to be made and, if all else fails, they do their best to warn ,before doing their best to stop the enemy, often giving their lives in the process.

The outwalkers form brotherhoods, often attached to a cities militia or to a special officer in the normal armed forces. All outwalkers tend to identify with others, even those from other cities.

Hit Dice: d8
Alihnment: Any non-evil, non-chaotic
Skills: Survival 10, Knowledge (Nature) 10, Knowledge (Geographyl) 10
Feats: Track
Special: Must have been selected to become a member of the outwalkers by an existing outwalker.

Skills: The following are class skills for the Outwalker Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex) and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill points: 6+int bonus/level
Table: Out Walker
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 + 1 +2 +2 0 Resist Questioning +2, Hide Tracks
2 +2 +3 +3 0 Trackless move, Fast move +10ft
3 +3 +3 +3 +1 Uncanny dodge, +1 level of previous spell casting class/feat, First Favoured enemy
4 +4 +4 +4 +1 Mass Trackless Move
5 +5 +4 +4 +2 Evasion, Resist Questioning +4
6 +6 +5 +5 +2 Fast movement +10ft, +1 level of previous spell casting class/feat
7 +7 +5 +5 +3 Run
8 +8 +6 +6 +3 Improved Uncanny Dodge
9 +9 +6 +6 +4 Master Geographer, +1 level of previous spellcasting class/feat, 2nd favoured enemy
10 +10 +7 +7 +4 Fast Movement +10ft, Blaze of glory

Special abilities:
Resist Questioning: The Outwalker gains +2 on Will saves to avoid torture and attempts to manipulate him into revealing the location of his city. This bonus also applies to bluff and sense motive checks. If he is under an ongoing mental effect (such as charm person or domination), any attempt to get him to reveal the cities location allows a new save with the +2 bonus. At 5th level this bonus increases to +4

Hide Tracks: The Outwalker is a master of hiding the tracks of himself and others. When he actively tries to hide tracks he increases the DC for tracking by his Outwalker level +4.

Favoured enemy: This works identically to the ranger ability and stacks with the ranger ability to determine the bonus against the enemy.

Trackless Move: This allows the Outwalker to cross any terrain without leaving any tracks.

Fast Move: The Outwalker moves an extra 10ft per round whenever wearing no, light or medium armour. His speed increases by an extra 10 feet per round at levels 6 and 10.

Uncanny dodge: This is identical to the barbarian ability. If the character has Uncanny dodge from any other source he gains improved uncanny dodge instead.

Spells per day/Feat: At 3rd, 6th and 9th level, the character gains new spells per day as if she had also gained a level in whatever spellcasting class she belonged to before she added the prestige class. She does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. This essentially means that she adds the level of Outwalker to the level of whatever other spellcasting class the character has, then determines spells per day and caster level accordingly. If the character was not a spelcaster previously they must choose a bonus feat at each of these levels from the following list instead: Improved Initiative, Skill focus (Any class skill for the Outwalker), Dodge, Mobility, Endurance, Weapon focus (any ranged weapon). A spell caster may choose one of these feats instead of gaining a level in their spellcasting class.

Evasion: This is the same as the rogue ability. If the character already has evasion from another source he gains improved evasion instead.

Run: At 7th level the Outwalker gains Run as a bonus feat. If he already has Run as a feat he mnay take any feat of his choice but must meet all requirements.

Mass Trackless Move: As trackless move but the Outwalker can effect 1 additional person per Outwalker level.

Improved Uncanny dodge: As the barbarian ability.

Master Geographer: The Outwalker has an innate sense of direction and never gets lost as long as he remains on the Prime Material plane. When on another plane he can orient himself with a succesful knowledge (The planes) roll (DC 20). He remains oriented on the plane for as long as he does not leave the plane. If he returns to a plane within int bonus weeks he is still oriented.

Blaze of Glory: An outwalker faced with the need to defend his city, to delay enemy forces for long enough for help to arrive can use this technique. While under a blaze of glory the Outwalker gains +8 Str, +8 CON, DEX +6 and a supernatural dodge bonus of +4 to AC. The Blaze last for (Cha bonus + Outwalker level) minutes and can be used Cha bonus times per week. At the end of the Blaze the Outwalker must make a Fortitude save of DC 10+ rounds used or become fatigued.

Medium Fiend-Blooded
Fighter 4, Ranger 4, Outwalker 1
Hit Dice: 4d10 + 4d8 +1d8 +27
Hit Points: 85HP
Intiative: +9
Speed: 30 feet
Armour class: 22 (+5 dex, +1 natural), Touch 15, Flatfooted 17)
Base Attack/Grapple: +9/+9
Attack: +14 Cold Iron Great Axe (good aligned) 1d12 +6 (x3)
Full Attack: +14 Cold Iron Great Axe (good aligned) 1d12 +6 (x3), +7 Cold Iron Great Axe (good aligned) 1d12 +6 (x3)
Special Attacks:
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60’, Favoured enemy: Half-fiends, Wild empathy, Fighting Style: Ranged, Spells
Saves: Fort +13 Ref +12 Will +3
Abilities: Str 16 Dex 20 Con 16 Int 14 Wis 12 Cha 10
Skills: Climb 10, Intimidate 6, Jump 9, Swim 7, Knowledge (Geography) 12, Knowledge (Nature) 12, Survival 10, Concentration 2
Feats: Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Endurance, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Run, Track, Weapon Focus (Great Axe), Weapon Specialisation (Great Axe)
Alignment: Neutral Good

Equipment: Cold Iron Great Axe (good aligned) +1, Chameleon Leather Armour +4
Spells: Jeria has Endure elements memorised
Before you stands one of the fiend blooded. His face is red, the leathery texture stringer than mere skin. Small fangs protrude from his mouth and his eyes are slits, almost reptilian. He is dressed in the green and brown armour of the Outwalkers, its colours shifting and changing as he comes to rest. Across his back is an immense great-axe, its cold iron blade engraved with symbols inimical to the purveyors of evil

Background: Like many others of the fiend blooded, Jeria was not born in happy circumstances. His mother was raped by an unknown devil and left for dead, along with the rest of the caravan with which she had been travelling. She wandered the corridors of the underground world, surviving off the cave lichens and small animals she found. Months passed and her belly grew, and finally she found the city. She begged for entrance, and with glances at her swollen belly, they reluctantly let her in. With two months to go before the baby was to be born, she was not well and spent all her time under the care of the sisters of the city hospice.

The birth was everything they feared. Exhausted form her ordeal, suffering from her deprivation and rape, she succumbed, dying before the baby was out of her womb. Horrified, the midwife cut the babe free, only to recoil in horror at the fiend blooded babe within. No one wanted to be part of the evil-omened child, so he was dumped in the street, left to die and rot with the garbage, yet another fiend born nobody cared for.

The child was saved, picked up and brought to the house of another of the fiend blooded. A poor women who barely eked out an existence, derided and belittled by all. The child grew; he was strong, fast and intelligent. He excelled in the fights against the children that taunted him. Yes he would loose, there were too many, but he always took a few down with him. So it was that he was noticed, and taken in to train with the city guard.

Finally, Jeria had found acceptance. In joint suffering the cadets bonded, learnt to trust each other and forget the differences of skin or race. Dwarf or human, hobbit or kobold, orc of elf, all were accepted, even one of the fiend-blooded could find acceptance here. Soon he was entrusted with solitary duties, and more. He had been noticed, his strength, intelligence and agility spotted, and he was invited into special training.

It was hard, books to study of plants, animals and the outside world. Maps of the underground realm, of the known surface world, of allegiances and politics. All was taught, for the Outwalkers would only take those that could learn, adapt and survive. Until the fateful day arrived, when the uniform of the Outwalker was delivered, and he knew, at last he was an Outwalker, even if he would carry the title of apprentice until he had proven himself.


First Post
Mekior and Fiend Hunter PRC

Due to certain story elements which would be given away by revealing Mekior's stats at this point, I am only giving the details of the Fiend Hunter PRC. Mekior's stats will be revealed later.

Fiend Hunter
A member of the elite of many underground cities, the fiend hunter has specialised in destroying fiends. Most join formal military units- acting as forward troops or as elite squads on the battlefield. When possible, most cities like to have a fiend hunter at their city gates to make sure no fiends enter undetected.

For the purposes of this class a fiend is classified as any being native to the lower planes.

HD: d10
BAB +7
Skills: Sense Motive 2, Bluff 2, Knowledge (The planes) 3

Class skills:
Craft, Sense Motive, Bluff, Knowledge (the Planes), Knowledge (religion), Survival, Intimidate.

Skill points: 2+int bonus/level

Table: Fiend Hunter
Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
1 +1 +2 +0 +2 Detect Fiend, Protection from fiends
2 +2 +3 +0 +3 Smite fiend 1/day
3 +3 +3 +1 +3
4 +4 +4 +1 +4 Silver strike OR Iron Strike
5 +5 +4 +2 +4 Smite fiend 2/day
6 +6 +5 +2 +5 Good Strike
7 +7 +5 +3 +5 Silver strike OR Iron Strike
8 +8 +6 +3 +6 Smite fiend 3/day
9 +9 +6 +4 +6
10 +10 +7 +4 +6 Great Smite

Special Abilities
Detect Fiend As detect evil but detects if an individual is a fiend

Protection from fiends As protection from evil but only applies against fiends.

Smite fiendAs the Paladins smite evil ability but applies only to fiends and does 2 points of damage/fiendhunter level in addition to the damage from their charisma bonus. If the fiend hunter was a paladin previously they add their Paladin level to their Fiend hunter level.

Iron Strike Any weapon wielded by the Fiend Hunter is counted as cold iron for the purposes of penetrating damage reduction.

Silver Strike Any weapon wielded by the Fiend Hunter is counted as alchemical silver for the purposes of penetrating damage reduction.

Good Strike Any weapon wielded by the Fiend Hunter is counted as good aligned for the purposes of penetrating damage reduction. If the Fiend HUnter is evil aligned he cannot use this special ability.

Greater Smite Once per day the Fiend Hunter can designate one of his smite attempts as a Greater Smite. This smite gets +5 to the attack roll and does charisma bonus +5hp/fiend hunter level damage if succcesful.

Good, silver and iron strike stack as needed.
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