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Rokugan: Blood and Cherry Blossoms OOC

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Dark Nemesis

First Post
Okay, folks! Here we go!

This will be an oriental style game, utilizing the rules laid out in the Rokugan campaign setting book, and augmented with the rules from the Oriental Adventures book. It will involve some adventuring as well as some time spent in winter court. Basically, we’ll be using 3.0 rules. Any character from the seven major clans, the Imperial families, or the minor clans will be fair game. Sorry, no ronin, nezumi or naga characters allowed. The game will begin in the year 1130 on the Rokugani timeline.

Pertinent Info
There is no set starting level. You may choose the level that you wish your character start at based on the number of building points you want.

3rd level: 64 points
4th level: 56 points
5th level: 48 points
6th level: 40 points
7th level: 32 points
8th level: 24 points

Build points may be used to purchase stat points, advantages or ancestors. You may purchase disadvantages to gain more building points.

Starting gold will be per the DMG according to your level. Weapons and armor should be bought using prices from the Rokugan book; only the magic items found in the Oriental Adventures book will be allowed. I will be giving you some additional items, so if you have wish list, let me know.

Characters should either be emailed to me ( darknemesis6878@cs.com ) or posted to the thread for approval. After your character has been approved, you may post him or her to the Rogue’s gallery. Don’t forget to include a character background!

A Heart of Vengeance (3)
Pick a clan, any clan (should be a Great Clan). For some reason or another, members of that clan will always draw your wrath. Whenever you are using any skill against a member of that clan, you get a +1 bonus to the die roll.

Allies (Variable)
You are connected. For every 2 points you spend on Allies, you can gain a single Minor Ally, and for every 4 you can gain a Major Ally. Minor Allies are folks you can get you legal things like food, shelter and perhaps a small amount of money. A Major Ally can get you things that are slightly less easy to acquire - like fake travel papers, audience with a daimyo or a quick midnight ride out of the Province.

Benten’s Blessing (3)
People are attracted to you. It may be your looks or your charm, or it may be both. You just have that certain "something." Whenever you make a Charisma based skill check, you may add +2 to the die roll.

Bland (2)
Characters who bland by nature tend to be unassuming, quiet folk with average build and features. Because they are not striking in any way, it is easy to forget their name and appearance. They have no real distinguishing features, and many people simply look away when they pass nearby. Being bland is both an advantage and a disadvantage; someone who is bland has a greater chance of being ignored when disguised or not wishing to be noticed, but they also have a smaller chance of being noticed for recognition or award by their daimyo. In game terms, you gain +2 to all Bluff, Move silently, Disguise and Hide checks, but subtract one point from every Honor gain you acquire.

Blissful Betrothal (3)
Your character is betrothed, and couldn't be happier about it. Maybe your spouse is rich or well connected, or maybe you're just lucky enough to have found true love. For one reason or another, the marriage works to benefit of both sides. You gain a significant political connection to your betrothed's family, and may purchase one of the following Advantages for two points less: Wealth, Social Position, or Ear of the Emperor. Note that you do not receive either of these benefits until after the wedding ceremony, which will take place within one year. Of course, such a wonderful match doesn't come without its drawbacks. You'll have to see to your spouse's welfare, and disgruntled suitors may eye your happy new home with jealousy. Be on your guard.

Blood of Osono-wo (3)
You are a descendent of the great Osano-Wo, the Crab warrior whose stamina and battle fury rivaled that of the elements themselves. His blood has rendered you resistant to cold, heat, and extremes of temperature. You cannot be harmed by any naturally occurring weather-related phenomena and always succeed at any Stamina checks involving temperature changes.

Clear Thinker (2)
It isn't easy to trick you. Whenever another character tries to use a skill check to deceive you (Bluff, Disguise, Forgery or Hide), you gain +2 to the opposing skill roll.

Crafty (3)
Quite simply, you are very good at being bad. You gain +2 to all low skills.

Dangerous Beauty (2)
This is a very different advantage from Benten’s Blessing. A woman (or man) with Dangerous Beauty adds +2 to Charisma based skills made for the purposes of seduction and other less-than-honorable temptations.
A character that wishes to purchase both Benten's Blessing and Dangerous Beauty must pay an additional 3 Character Points on top of the total advantage price.

Daredevil (4)
People who take the Daredevil advantage are simply more capable of surviving incredible odds. Whenever this character does something risky, or performs an impossible feat, the GM secretly rolls a die. If the die roll is even, the character receives a +10 bonus to their roll (unknown to the player) for that feat. Otherwise, there is no benefit from this advantage.

Ear of the Emperor (5)
The PC has a (semi-) direct line to the Imperial court, whether through familial connections, favors, social or political influence, or simple respect. The terms of the connection must be clearly defined before a PC with this advantage can be brought into play, but once it is, the PC may invoke it at any time, gaining a +5 bonus to their dice rolled in Diplomacy when "suggesting" things to those in the Imperial Court. And the best part of this advantage is that, depending on the circumstances, the PC might not even need to be present in the courts when it is proposed, relying instead on easily-manipulated third parties to insinuate the desired information. Because of their connections, the character is considered to have +1 starting honor.

Elemental Attunement I (1)
The bushi has spent many years of training with shugenja. Now he is attuned to the shifts, ebbs, and flows of elemental energy. With a successful Spot check (TN set by GM), the bushi may detect the use of magic in the immediate area.

Elemental Attunement II (6)
Characters with this advantage have a bonus to their use of one element, and a detriment to their use of another. A shugenja who is "aligned" with one element is said to "resist" another. Earth and Air resist each other, as do Fire and Water. For example, a character with an Elemental Attunement to Fire gains a -5 to all DCs when he is using that form of magic, but a +5 DC to all Water spells. If an Earth-Attuned character is being attacked by Earth, his AC to be hit is considered +5, while if they are being targeted by Air, the AC is reduced by 5.

Favor Tables (3 points per rank)
This advantage allows the character to begin the game with a few favors "in his pocket." These favors need to be given a good history and background, and must be appropriate to the concept of the character itself. Purchase of this advantage grants the character one initial roll on the favor tables. It may be purchased up to three times per character. The point cost for this advantage is the table's rank (1-5) x3.

Rank 1: 2 Koku; One item of Fine quality; A pony; Safe (escorted) travel to a major city or palace; Meditative study (+1 to Wisdom); A tutor to teach you lore appropriate to a clan (Crab: Lore: Shadowlands, Crane: Lore: Myth and Legends, Dragon: Lore: History, Lion: Lore: Bushido, Phoenix: Lore: Shugenja, Scorpion: Lore: Ninja, Unicorn: Lore: Burning Sands etc); Information on some well-known topic or commonly understood science.

Rank 2: 5 Koku; A night with a fine geisha or courtesan; One item of Excellent quality; a horse; Someone offers to champion you in your next duel; a minor fetish from the Asahina shugenja; You are asked to visit the court of a noble family (+5 Glory points); You are offered the chance to perform some notable service (+2 Glory boxes); A shugenja will cast a spell of your choice; Next major battle, you will be placed in position to gain a Heroic Opportunity.

Rank 3: 10 Koku; Rehonor a dishonored person or ronin; Gain an audience with a minor daimyo; Gain the Patron Advantage for no point cost, at any time in the game - however, no person can have more than one patron at any time; The Crab offer a guide into the Shadowlands; A Crane artisan will create an artistic masterpiece in your honor (+3 Honor points); A Kitsuki magistrate will investigate something for you; A Lion bushi will serve as your bodyguard for a period of months; A Unicorn steed; The Scorpion offer to embarrass/slander someone under your directives; A blessing is placed upon you from a great Monk of the Brotherhood – you gain a +6 holy bonus to any die roll made in the next adventure; You are given the title hatamoto (honored advisor) or the rank gunzo (sergeant) (+2 Glory boxes); The Agasha offer you a potion; The Shosuro offer you a mild poison; An Asahina shugenja will make you a minor fetish of your specifications (cost: 10 koku, 1 week to create); You are asked to perform a minor service for the Champion of your Clan (when completed, +3 Glory boxes).

Rank 4: 20 Koku; One item of Exceptional quality; You have the opportunity to marry a daimyo's daughter, and gain the Major Ally Advantage (any clan, whichever one you marry into); Someone unknown to you feels they owe you an obligation, and will repay unexpectedly in the future; The Asahina ask you to be the bearer of a major nemuranai; Gain a Minor Ally in the clan of your choice; One of your Clan members (of common origin) comes and asks to serve you as a personal aide and retainer; A Fine quality fetish created to your specifications, no cost; Position as a magistrate to your Clan (+ 5 Glory boxes).

Rank 5: 30 Koku; Prominent magic item; Minor magic item made to your specifications (GM to determine cost); A prominent member of your Clan (but not a daimyo or other lord) offers to perform a minor service to you, at your request; You are given the opportunity to prove yourself to the Ise Zumi of the Dragon Clan - if successful in their test, you will receive a tattoo; A significant service from the Crab, Scorpion, Lion, or Unicorn Clan - including troops, information, or safe passage.

Gaijin Gear (2)
You start the game with a piece of gaijin equipment of your chose. See Appendix 2 of Way of the Unicorn for what is available. You may only purchase this once.

Great Destiny (5)
When this character was born, it may have been that the stars were aligned just right, or a birthmark was in just the right shape, but the ancestors smiled and a Destiny was created for this child. The great wheel moves this character slowly and surely towards this destiny. If this character takes damage that would kill him, he is reduced instead reduced to –1 hit points. The Seven Fortunes will only protect a character in this manner once per story. The GM will decide what the Great Destiny is, but need never reveal it to the character. Once the Destiny has been fulfilled, these points are turned into another advantage of the GM's choice.

Hands of Stone (5)
Jiujutsu combat techniques are brutal in the extreme, and make good use of the individual’s great skill. But you are a prodigy even by a jiujutsu master’s standards. In barehanded combat, you may add double your strength modifier to damage.

Imperial Spouse (2)
In rare cases, a member of the Seppun or Otomo families marries someone of the Seven Clans, and chooses to join the household of their spouse. Having an Imperial Cousin as a wife or husband is a mixed blessing - they will certainly know the events of the Imperial Court, even as far away as the Phoenix or Crab lands (letters from the Emperor's family travel rapidly). Also, they will be able to secure invitations, audiences with the Imperial Advisors or daimyos of the Imperial Houses, or extra koku and supplies for troubled times. However, if an Imperial wife is in danger, the families of the Emperor may choose to take direct action, without considering the wishes of the husband, his clan, or their alliances. Although she has changed her name to suit her wedding, a Seppun is always a Seppun. Thus, well-wishers, sycophants, and threats from the Imperial Families may constantly plague the character, as they make certain that "their cousin is well-treated."

Inner Gift: Creature Awareness (6)
Using this Gift, the character is aware of all living things with an Intelligence of 4 or more within a distance of his own Intelligence in feet, multiplied by 10. Obstacles, organic or not, are ignored for the purposes of this ability.

Inner Gift: Danger sense (6)
The character with this Inner Gift cannot be ambushed, regardless of the circumstances or the skills of his opponents. He cannot be caught flat-footed, and sneak attack may not be used on him.

Inner Gift: Shared Senses (6)
The character is able to link his five senses with those of another person. This effect lasts for one hour, and may only be used once between cycles of sleep. The character may make a Bluff roll to ensure that the other individual is unaware that they are sharing their senses.

Inner Gift: Spatial Awareness (6)
The character is always familiar with the surrounding terrain (out to his Wisdom x150 feet), even when blinded.

Large (2)
You are big. The average Rokugani is approximately 5'6" to 5'8" tall. You are anywhere from 6' to 6'3". This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. Whenever you make a Charisma based skill check in social situations, you are at a –1 penalty. However, all damage rolls are made as if you were carrying a weapon that was one size category higher.

Luck (3, 6 or 9)
For every level of Luck, you may re-roll one unsuccessful roll during a session.

Patron (1-5)
Someone of importance has taken an interest in you. Not to be confused with the Allies advantage, a Patron expects a certain amount of reciprocal trade for their gifts. The Patron will call upon the character from time to time, expecting some service to be done for the patron. However, stories of such works will undoubtedly be circulated among the patron's followers, and this may cause a certain amount of fame and jealousy. This results in gains in Honor and Glory. The more points an artisan spends on a Patron, the more powerful and influential their Patron will be - and the more often the Patron will call upon the character.

Perfect Balance (3)
You gain +2 to all Dex based skills.

Quick (3)
You're just faster than other folks. When determining Initiative, roll two dice and keep the higher.

Quick Healer (3)
You heal hit points as if you were one level higher.

Sacrosanct (10)
You may only take this Advantage if your character has a starting Honor Rank of 3 or higher. Due to a great service you performed for the Hantei in the past, you are now under the Emperor's protection. This blessing remains so long as your Honor remains at 3 or above, and you do nothing to defame or dishonor the Emperor. In the meantime, attacking you or your immediate family is tantamount to attacking the Hantei himself. Any person who strikes you in combat before you strike them loses five Honor points for every 10 hit points of damage they inflict. Anyone who knocks you unconscious or kills you loses a full rank of Glory, no matter his or her station. Only an Imperial decree can reverse or negate either of these effects. In return, you have sworn your utter and devoted loyalty to the Emperor.

Sage (3)
Books and knowledge are nearly as important to you as food and water. It is well known you are a seeker of wisdom and words, and many come to you when they want to know about the past and present Your devotion to the texts has given you an excellent memory for the events they record and the lessons they impart. All Lore and History rolls you make gain a +2 bonus.

Servant (Variable)
Normally, a samurai has a single servant who manages his home and general needs. If you wish to have more servants than that, you can purchase it with this Advantage. You should not have more than your Glory x 3 servants. Monks may not have servants.
1 point: Eta
2 points: Stablehand, personal attendant
3 points: Groom, bonge armorer*, bonge weaponsmith*
*=makes repairs, but cannot craft new armor
4 points: Scribe, spy

Social position (5 points per rank)
A character who has additional Social Position gains a bonus to their Glory, and therefore to their position within Rokugani society. This can come from being closely related to a daimyo (or the Emperor himself), or possibly from having a great omen appear when you were born, etc. The player should note exactly how this advantage is gained.

True Friend (Variable)
True friendship is a rare commodity in Rokugan. You and your NPC friend have gone through much together, and would do anything for each other. Having such a friend is a blessing, but also demands great devotion and loyalty. The cost for a True Friend depends on his influence and his devotion.
Influence :
1 Point: A character of minor influence (a samurai without land or political position)
3 points: A character of some influence (a samurai with land and/or political position)
5 points: A character of great influence (a daimyo with land and political position)

1 point: Your friend would go out of his way for you, but would not risk family honor.
3 points: Your friend would risk family honor to aid you, but would do so secretly.
5 points: Your friend would do anything to aid you.

Voice (2)
A character with Voice has a +2 bonus for any skill rolls involving speaking.

You may acquire disadvantages in order to gain more build points. However, if you choose to take a disadvantage, I encourage you to roleplay it accordingly.

Antisocial (2 or 4)
You have difficulty getting along with others. Perhaps this manifests as shyness, troubled speech, discomfort around people, or even bouts of depression. Whatever the symptoms, you find it hard to communicate your feelings properly or withdraw from contact with others.
Moderately Antisocial: 2 points. –2 on all Charisma based skills.
Extremely Antisocial: 4 points. –5 on all Charisma based skills.

Ascetic (3)
You aren't interested in material wealth or temporal power, glory or gaudy fashion. This world is only a transitional place between one reality and the next, and you have passed beyond the need to cling to it.
Ascetic bushi own one kimono, one pair of sandals, one obi, and their daisho. Ascetic shugenja own one kimono, one pair of sandals, one obi, and a pouch full of scrolls. Maybe - maybe - they own a hat. These are the only material objects you will ever want to own.

Bad Health (3)
A character with bad health takes a –4 penalty to Constitution.

Bad Reputation (2)
You've already earned yourself a bad reputation in Rokugan. Whenever another NPC samurai realizes who you are, their attitude toward you is lowered 1 rank. You should choose a single word to define your character.

Bad Sight (2)
With this disadvantage, the PC is at –2 for all sight-based skills checks, such as Spot, Search and Knowledge: Nobility (when trying to recognize a clan or family mon).

Benten’s curse (2)
There is just something about you that others find repulsive. At +2 to any intimidate checks, but subtract –2 from any other Charisma based skill.

Black Sheep (5)
You've been ostracized from your family. You have no family ties - although you may purchase some with the Allies advantage. Any samurai from your Clan who see you are expected to treat you as if you were eta (so don't go offending them or you'll find yourself in a duel). Effectively, all NPCs from your clan begin with an Unfriendly attitude toward you.

Brash (2)
Characters with this disadvantage are hotheaded. They seek to avenge any slight on their honor; they must make a Will-save (DC 15) in order to keep control.

Can’t Lie (3)
A character with this disadvantage just can't tell a good lie. He is at –4 to any Bluff check.

Chemical Dependency (3)
This character is addicted. The two most predominant addictions in Rokugan are alcohol (sake) and opium. He needs to feed his addiction on regular intervals or suffer –5 subdual for every day that he goes without his drug of choice.

Colorblind (1)
Some samurai have eyes that are paler than most of Rokugan's natives, and sometimes this causes colorblindness. The Colorblind character can see colors as shades of gray, but cannot tell the difference between shades. This results in –2 to all Knowledge: Nobility checks when trying to recognize a clan or family mon.

Compulsion (2, 3 or 4)
You have an uncontrollable urge (drinking, gambling, a love of geisha) that gets you into trouble. You must make a Will save every time you confront your compulsion to keep you from losing control. The cost of compulsions depends on the DC of your Will save.
DC = 15 : 2 points
DC = 20 : 3 points
DC = 25 : 4 points

Coward (3 or 6)
You are secretly afraid. It might be that you lack confidence in your own abilities, or that you are sure that everyone is better than you are. Whatever the case, you must succeed a Will save or suffer a –2 penalty on saves, and feel compelled to flee.
Moderate Cowardice: 3 points. Will save DC15 or suffer the aforementioned effects.
Extreme Cowardice: 6 points. Will save DC 20 or suffer the aforementioned effects.
You may spend a Void Point to ignore this penalty for one round.

Dependent (1, 2 or 4)
You have someone who is completely dependent upon you. Who it is (a child, grandparent, etc.) is up to you, but they are helpless without you. Good examples of dependents include small children and aged grandparents, but a naive spouse could also be included as a dependent.
1 point = Adult Dependent
2 points = Elderly Dependent
4 points = Child Dependent

Dishonored (3)
You begin at an Honor rank of 0; NPCs treat you as if you have a Bad Reputation (see above). Furthermore, it takes 15 honor points to raise your honor by one rank.

Doubt (4)
You have a problem. You have no confidence in one of your starting skills (chosen by the GM). Though you train and train, you still don't excel. The knowledge is there, but the doubt always lingers. In game terms, every time this skill is used, the DC required for the character to succeed is raised by 10.

Epilepsy (4)
Epilepsy is a rare disease, which can cause rigidity of muscles, shaking symptoms, and even death. It is a genetic dysfunction, which often arises when the character is under stress. Also, flashing lights (such as a fireworks display) can trigger a seizure. The Rokugani believe that a character with this malady has been touched by the kami, and that they are a channel for divine influences. Thus, any character that shows obvious signs of epilepsy (shaking fits, spasms, etc.) might be shunned by common society, but treated as a mystic or holy man by those brave enough to come near. When a character with Epilepsy is in a stressful situation, they must make a Will save at a DC of 15 to resist a seizure. If the character enters a seizure, they may make Willpower roll each round at a DC of 20 to end the seizure.

Frail mind (3)
Whenever you are the subject of a magical attack or any other task that would test your Willpower, the DC is increased by 5.

Gaijin Name (1)
You have a name that sounds foreign. It might include the letters L or V, consonant combinations like ST, KS, or TH, or end in a consonant other than N. Your name is difficult for Rokugani to pronounce, and brands you as one who consorts with "blue-eyed devils." You are at –2 to all Charisma based skills with those who are neither Unicorn nor gaijin.

Gullible (3)
You have a soft spot in your heart for sob stories. Your character is at –4 for all Sense motive checks.

Haunted (1, 2 or 4)
You are haunted by the spirit of an ancestor who is not happy with you. He is distracting, insulting, and irritating, but he is also your ancestor, which means all you can do is try to do better.
1 point : The ghost only shows up once per story.
2 points : The ghost appears up to three times per story
4 points : The ghost is with you at least once a day.

Hostage (3)
The character was taken by another clan and made to swear fealty. Though he is considered a member of this new clan, he is neither fully trusted nor respected. His true family has turned its back on him. All charisma based skills when interacting with either family is at –2.

Lame (3)
You have a crippled leg. Your base speed is decreased by 10 feet, and all Dexterity based skills are at –2.

Low pain threshold (5)
For every point of damage you receive, you take an additional 1 points of subdual damage.

Nightmares (2)
You are haunted by nightmares and cannot regain Void points and spells by sleeping, but rather must do so by meditation.

Permanent Wound (5)
You begin the game with a wound that has never properly healed. In game terms, this means that you have a –2 penalty to Dex and Con.

Phobia (2 or 4)
Every time you encounter your phobia, all rolls you make are at a penalty equal to the number of points you gained from this disadvantage. You may spend a Void Point to avoid this penalty for a single action. Listed below are some possible phobias for your character; having a phobia must also be approved by the GM.
Fear of heights, open spaces, enclosed spaces, insects, blood, being alone, dead things, fire, and fear of darkness are a few examples.

Scarred (1)
Unhealed wounds in the Shadowlands that were not infected by Taint still leave disgusting, visible marks. Commons scars whiten the skin, twist and blacken it, or turn it green and oozing. In game terms, you have a -2 penalty to Charisma.

Small (3)
You are below average height and weight. Your weapon is counted as one size category smaller when calculating damage.

Social Disadvantage (3 per rank)
You have slipped from your place within the Celestial Order. For every 3 points of Social Disadvantage, the character's Glory Rank is reduced by one.

Soft hearted (2)
You have a profound respect for human life. Your conscience overcomes you whenever you are about to commit an act of inhumane cruelty. Whenever you try to take a human life, you must make a simple Willpower roll (DC 20) or you can't follow through with the action.

Sworn enemy (3)
The character has a Sworn Enemy that desires his death. Whenever a character with a Sworn Enemy gains a level, the Enemy gains one as well, with appropriately increased skills and traits. The Enemy can show up at any time, at the GM's whim, and while he or she may be temporarily satisfied with ruining the character's plans or reputation, the ultimate goal is death.

Wrath of the Kami (3 points per element)
There is something about you that the spirits of Rokugan do not like. Perhaps your soul was born unclean, your ancestors wish to show their disfavor of you, or you have offended them in some way. In any case, the kami of the Empire go out of their way to harm you when they are directed to do so by a shugenja. Choose one or more elements. Any time a spell of any element chosen is cast to harm or hinder you directly, it is cast as if the caster were 2 levels higher.
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Dark Nemesis

First Post
*deep breath* Next up: the ancestors!

You may only choose ancestors from your particular Clan. Here they are!

Crab Ancestors

Hida (10)
Characters who take the primal Hida as an Ancestor gain a great benefit - and a great burden. Those who carry the soul of Hida within them gain an additional Void Point for each Crab who stands with them. Likewise, those Crabs who stand with him in combat gain an additional Void Point. However, the character also takes a one point of subdual damage each time one of his fellow Crabs is wounded.

Hida Akemi (4)
Those with Hida Akemi as an Ancestor receive two extra damage dice to roll against any opponent more than twice their weight, and a +2 to their Initiative if fighting in an enclosed space such as a corridor, privy, or bathhouse.

Hida Atarashi (-5)
Unlike most Ancestors, Atarashi is not yet dead, but his descendants remain tied to his spirit, and bear his curse. Those with Hida Atarashi as an Ancestor are doomed to eventually go over to Fu Leng. They may fight it for years, and do a lot of good in the world first, but eventually, no matter how they try to get around it, they will join the forces of the Shadowlands.

Hida Banuken (2)
Those who choose Banuken as an Ancestor are able to adapt their own strengths to complement the strengths of others. When they fight side by side with another, they may strike simultaneously with their ally, regardless of initiative rolls, and vice versa. The ally must be determined before initiative rolls are made.

Hida Tadaka (4)
Characters who take Tadaka as an Ancestor feel his selfless sacrifice in their veins. They may lend hit points to other Crab characters. They may also lend hit points to non-Crab personalities, but this costs them a Void Point.
The character must be touched in order to "pass on the spirit of the Crab." He may transfer as many hit points as he wishes, but he loses any that he transfers - mark them off as you would any normal injury.

Hiruma (5)
Those who choose Hiruma as an Ancestor can re-roll any roll by expending a Void Point.

Hiruma Kazuma (2)
Kazuma's descendants may purchase Ratling Allies for half cost and gain +2 on any social rolls with Nezumi.

Kaiu (5)
Characters who choose Kaiu as an Ancestor may spend Void points in order to reroll any Crafting skill roll.

Kaiu Gineza (1)
Characters who choose Gineza as an Ancestor may sacrifice their own hit points to inflict additional hit points to creatures and characters with the Shadowlands Taint. Before damage is rolled, the character may sacrifice a number of hit points less than or equal to his Con modifier. The target creature or character takes as many hit points as were sacrificed by the character.

Kuni (4)
Those who take Kuni as an Ancestor always roll two dice when determining if they gain the Shadowlands Taint, and use the higher roll.

Kuni Osaku (3)
Characters who choose Osaku as an Ancestor may spend a Void Point to add half their level to the DC to cast a spell.

Yasuki Fumoki (3)
Those with Fumoki as an Ancestor have a deep affinity for the sea and her secrets. They can predict the weather within a 24-hour period with perfect accuracy. Also, Fumoki's sea legs grant them an uncanny sense of balance; they gain a +2 bonus to any Dex based skills.

Crane Ancestors

Asahina Yajinden (3)
Those who choose Yajinden as an Ancestor have a remarkable affinity with kami, and gain a +1 bonus to the DC of their spells. However, the call of the darker side of nature is in their blood, and DC for them to be seduced is raised by 10.

Daidoji Masashigi (7)
A character with this Ancestor gains a Major Ally in the Crab house, and their AC is increased by 1 for every 10 hit points they take.

Daidoji Yohko (-3)
Characters with Daidoji Yohko as an Ancestor inherit her devotion, and cannot be affected by Fear as long as they are aiding someone else. However, they can never knowingly abandon someone who needs their help. This includes championing courtiers in duels (whether or not you agree with them), always being the last to leave a battlefield of retreating men, and pursuing friends lost to the Shadowlands.

Doji (6)
Characters who choose Lady Doji as an Ancestor are considered to have 3 ranks in all High Skills. If the character wishes to advance in a skill, they must pay for the ranks before advancing.

Doji Hotei (4)
A character which chooses Hotei as an Ancestor gains a minor insanity which may surface periodically during their life. This insanity should be somewhat debilitating, and triggered by some outside influence: a spouse's death, going into battle, being called a coward, seeing a chicken's head. It is up to the GM's twisted imagination to decide exactly what the insanity is and what triggers it (as well as how often), but it should be appropriate to the character. Descendants of Doji Hotei may spend a Void Point in combat to ignore all wounds for one round. The player must declare before the round begins if he wishes to use this ability.

Doji Taehime (5)
When making a roll using Charisma, Wisdom, or Intelligence skills, descendants of Taehime may add +3 to their die rolls.

Kakita (15)
The descendant of Kakita may choose to re-roll any failed roll a number of times per day equal to their Void, in or out of combat, including an iaijutsu strike. Further, if the descendant of Kakita is defending the Emperor, the Doji noble family, or a member of the Hantei house, they have a +5 to their AC in any combat, including iaijutsu duels.
The blood of Kakita has its drawbacks, however, as Kakita was not loved by all. The enemies he made in the Matsu house are well-known, and even today the Matsu family still seeks to avenge the dishonor to their ancestress. To avenge her is to destroy the original, direct line of Kakita himself, wiping out the last of the taint which dishonored the Mother of their line. Relations with any Lion will be difficult at best, and children of the Matsu house will seek the character out in order to kill him and avenge their ancestor. The Kakita descendant's battle prowess will be tested, their honor challenged, and they will never find solace in the house of the Lion. In effect, the entire Clan hates them, although only the Matsu will act without provocation.

Kakita Rensei (2)
Those who choose Rensei as their Ancestor may not have the damage they deliver reduced, avoided, or ignored in any fashion. Abilities which would allow a character to dodge or parry the blow are still effective; only those abilities which negate damage after it has been dealt are ineffective.

Dragon Ancestors

Agasha (8)
Shugenja who choose Agasha as an Ancestor cast spells as if they were two levels higher.

Agasha Kitsuki (5)
Those who purchase Kitsuki as an Ancestor may spend a Void point to entirely negate the effects of poison.

Agasha Nodotai (3)
When characters who choose Agasha Nodotai as an Ancestor are engaged in combat, they gain +1 to attack and damage rolls.

Mirumoto Kaijuko (4)
Characters who gain Kaijuko as an Ancestor are both blessed and cursed. They will never marry (even if they try), but gain a +3 bonus to any skill roll on the Courtier’s skill list.

Mirumoto Tadeka (8)
Descendants of Mirumoto Takeda understand his philosophy of self-sacrifice, always ready for a "single, defining moment." During combat, they may elect to give up one of their attacks per round to increase their AC by 2. When using Full Defense, they receive an additional 5 to their AC. This is in addition to other modifiers, such as armor, daisho technique, or use of Full Defense.

Mirumoto Takeru (3)
Characters who have Tokeru as an Ancestor never need to make Honor rolls when duty to their lord is in question. Seducing them away from their sworn duty is impossible. The blood of Tokeru forbids it.

Lion Ancestors

Akodo (10)
Lions who take Akodo as an Ancestor gain his almost intuitive knowledge of battle and tactics. When in battle, they gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage. By spending a Void point, they can transfer this bonus to their allies.

Akodo Godaigo (-2)
If Godaigo is your Ancestor, then you cannot have any ability whose modifier is higher than your honor. If your Honor ever drops below any of your current ability modifiers, those modifiers also change to reflect the change in Honor.

Akodo Samune (3)
The benefits of taking this brave ancestor are twofold. The PC adds +2 to damage when attacking a larger character who has a lower Honor Rank. Also, when confronted by a creature with a Fear Rating, the PC's Willpower roll gains a +5 bonus.

Ikoma (8)
Lions who take Ikoma as an Ancestor inherit the old man's keen intuition and understanding of the patterns of life. Once a game session, they may ask the GM a single yes-or-no question about their current situation in the game. The GM must answer honestly.

Kitsu (8)
Lions who take Kitsu as an Ancestor may make a Wisdom check to sense any spirits in the area.

Kitsu Ichiosu (-5)
Descendants of Ichiosu automatically suffer from the Haunted disadvantage, for Ichiosu keeps track of all his grandchildren for Fu Leng. He whispers to them of the blindness of Rokugan's beliefs, saying the kharmic wheel is a lie and that death only leads to a prison mediocrity; that the way to rise above your station is to leap off the bridge and gain immortality as a servant of the Dark One. This constant demonic encouragement is the equivalent of a Compulsion : Maho disadvantage. The character must spend one void point per day to resist the temptation or seek out scrolls of maho "for just a little peek."
Ichiosu also interferes with other samurai's kharmic ancestors. No one with an Ancestor with an absolute point value less than 5 gains the benefit of their spirit when within 50 feet of Ichiosu's descendants.

Matsu Hitomi (3)
Once per day, someone with Hitomi as an Ancestor may spend a Void Point to reroll a to-hit or damage roll, taking whichever total the player prefers. A character with Matsu Hitomi as an Ancestor may not for any reason attack a person to whom they have a strong personal tie.

Phoenix Ancestors

Asako (6)
Those who choose Asako as an Ancestor gain her luck with companions, in the form of a 6 point True Friend advantage. The player may design another character to fill this role, as the GM desires. They also inherit her son's wrathful nature, however, which results in the Brash disadvantage. Should the PC ever be betrayed by anyone, this becomes the Driven disadvantage, and he will be devoted to their downfall thereafter.

Asako Hanasaku (4)
The samurai with Hanasaku as an Ancestor are cursed with the unquenchable desire to know what everything is. Anything undiscovered or unknown to the Asako is a new frontier to be tested. A Willpower roll against the DC of 20 is necessary to resist the allure of trying anything new. However, Hanasaku's knowledge of the bizarre gives the samurai a +2 to all Heal, Knowledge, and Poison skill rolls involving strange events and information. Buying Rank one in any skill still requires the expenditure of one CP.

Asako Akuma (3)
Those choosing Akuma as an Ancestor gain an attack bonus equal to their number of Void points when combating Oni, but are also born only into the lowest social climates (acquiring a 3 point Social Disadvantage without cost) as a result of his fall.

Isawa Ijime (-3)
Anyone taking Ijime as an Ancestor is constantly haunted by images of a dark imaginary world beyond the realm of what Rokugani consider normal. This unbalancing "euphoria" may unhinge a samurai and cause them distress in formal settings. All contested rolls have an increased DC of 5, and all social rolls require a DC increase of 10. However, they are able to glean insight into perplexing situations. The samurai receives a +2 bonus to all skills involving puzzles, investigations, and other "unsolvables."

Isawa Takao (2)
Anyone taking Takao as Ancestor may roll one extra die when casting fire spells, but is assumed to have the Brash disadvantage in addition to all other disadvantages. If the samurai already has the Brash disadvantage, then all Honor tests have a DC of 35.

Kitsu Taiko (7)
Only a shugenja character of the Lion or the Phoenix may purchase this Ancestor. The shugenja may choose an Element, and they are considered to be well-loved by the kami of that Element. Attempts to Commune, Summon, or Sense spirits of that Element will be met with friendship, and the character casts spells from that element as if they were 2 caster levels higher.

Shiba Kaigen (2)
Only a bushi may take Kaigen as an Ancestor, for the warrior spirit which lives on in his descendants will accept no less. Those who do take the One Man Alone (his title in the ancestral records) are proud of their forefather's death, and ready to emulate it, if ever the time should come.
Because Kaigen was able to perform his feat through his knowledge of spellcraft, descendants of Kaigen are allowed to spend one year within the halls of the Isawa Academy, learning much about spells, magic, and the kami.
This knowledge gives the bushi a greater aptitude for using spells in battle, understanding the destructive potential of shugenja, and using the elemental spirit to supplement his own strength in combat. If a shugenja within 10 feet spends a Void Point, the descendant of Kaigen may gain an extra action, even if they have already performed their only action for the round. This additional action may not be an attack, but may be used to perform any other ability or maneuver.

Shiba Sakazu (4)
Though no one knows how Sakazu made his end, his descendants have inherited his confidence in their abilities to prevail even when naked, alone, and emptied of thought. Characters with Sakazu as an Ancestor add their number of Void points to all attack and damage rolls made when fighting without a weapon.

Shiba Toriiko (1)
Those who take Shiba Toriiko as an Ancestor are always eligible for the Kharma rule should they die trying to prevent strife.

Scorpion Ancestors

Bayushi (5)
Scorpions who take Bayushi as their Ancestor have both a blessing and a curse. They gain a kind of kharmic tie with one other character (NPC or otherwise) that allows the two to use each other's Void Points at will. If one of the characters dies, however, the other character may never use Void Points again.

Bayushi Akoru (2)
Players who take Akoru as an ancestor find themselves forgettable and easily overlooked. People don't think about them, and tend to overlook them, even when they're present. No reliable description of the character is available unless they do something to attract substantial attention. The character gains a +2 bonus to all Bluff, Move silently, Disguise and Hide checks, but may never take the Ally Advantage, or have a Glory Rank of higher than 1.

Bayushia Tesaguri (2)
Samurai who take Tesaguri as an Ancestor are always paid 50% more gold for any service they perform. They also receive finer gifts than they deserve. On the other hand, they can't keep a secret. If they ever learn a secret, they will spill it the first chance they get.

Shoshuro Furuyari (2)
Scorpions who take Furuyari as an Ancestor gains a +1 bonus to all skill rolls involving speaking. The Advantage Voice costs 1 point rather than 2 points if a character has Furuyari as an Ancestor.

Shoshuro Itode (1)
Itode may be taken as an ancestor by Crab characters as well as Scorpion ones.
Though he had no children, Shosuro Itode remains an ancestor to two families, both of which share his determination and persistence in the face of almost certain failure. They receive a +1 bonus Willpower rolls. However, his decision to leave his blood relatives for his adopted ones still has repercussions today, and characters of either clan with this ancestor receive a -5 penalty for all social rolls to gain favor with the Scorpion.

Yogo (2)
Those who take Yogo as an Ancestor have an innate skill at maho. They cast maho spells as if they were one caster level higher. On the other hand, they also gain an additional number of Shadowlands Points equal to their Wisdom modifier whenever they use maho.

Unicorn Ancestors

Ide (4)
Those who choose Ide as an Ancestor have a powerful ability: as long as they wear neither weapon nor armor, anyone attacking them must first make a contested roll. The attacker rolls their Wisdom modifier and the Unicorn adds their Honor to their roll. If the attacker rolls higher, he may attack normally. If he fails, he cannot attack the Unicorn that round.

Iuchi Atesoro (6)
Characters with Atesoro as an Ancestor may dodge arrows and other projectiles. Characters who fire arrows (or other ranged attacks) at this character do so as if this character were at Full Defense, even if he is performing a Full Attack.

Moto Chai (7)
Those with Chai as an Ancestor gain +3 to attack rolls made while in mounted combat, and get a free Void Point to spend on each and every athletics feat they undertake.

Moto Sanjo (0)
Those of Sanjo's blood always hear his maniacal laugh whenever Shadowlands creatures are near. While this acts as an early warning system (it alerts the character even if he can't see the creatures), it is also demoralizing: the character is at a –2 penalty to attack rolls while fighting Shadowlands creatures. The character can avoid this penalty for one day if he succeeds in passing an Honor test at DC 10.

Moto Soro (5)
Those with a direct tie to Moto Soro can completely ignore their wounds for a number of rounds each day equal to their number of Void points. These rounds need not be sequential.

Otaku (5)
Characters who take Otaku as an Ancestor automatically gain the Voice advantage. Also, their words are understandable by all mammalian nonhuman creatures. This does not mean that the creatures will comprehend the meaning, nor does it mean that the creatures will obey or respond... but at least the words will be understood.

Otaku Shiko (4)
A Unicorn who takes Shiko as an Ancestor is as stalwart as her noble ancestor. She may spend a Void Point to ignore Wound Ranks for a number of rounds equal to her Wisdom modifier.

Shinjo Martera (10)
Those with Shinjo Martera as an Ancestor never fail to do their duty as they see it. While they may not live up to the higher expectations of others, they never fail the standards they set for themselves internally. In game terms, such a character never fails an Honor roll, but he may never deliberately undertake an action that will result in a loss of honor, or he loses his connection to his Ancestor.

Minor Clan Ancestors

Doji Suzume (1)
A Sparrow with the blood of Suzume is very clever in conversation, gainin a + 1 when using Perform, Diplomacy or Gather Information skills. However, their words often carry more power than is intended. Whenever the character speaks in large public groups, the GM secretly rolls one die. If the result is a 1 or a 10, the characters remarks will be interpreted in a way directly opposite to their intent (for example, a witty remark might lead to your expulsion from your clan). To make matters worse, at least half of the listeners will usually find the unintended meaning of the character's words extraordinarily brilliant.

Gusai (3)
A descendant of Gusai can never be completely stripped of weapons, unless they choose to be. No matter who well searched, unless they are completely naked, the Mantis will always be able to conceal some weapon (tanto or smaller). They may also spend a Void point to conceal a single other item, so long as it could be carried in the palm of the Mantis's hand.
All descendats of Gusai automatically have the disadvantage Brash, at no cost.

Hayabusa (5)
Falcons who have Hayabusa as an Ancestor gain the ability to roll two dice for all Wisdom based skill rolls, and keep the highest roll.

Kaimetsu-uo (5)
(Mantis) Descendants of Kaimetsu-uo inherit their ancestor's nasty disposition, and can be easily provoked to combat with insults. However, their will is indomitable. They gain one free Void point to spend on any tests involving Willpower, save those tests which would allow him to avoid combat.

Osusuki & Akomachi (3)
Fox characters who purchase Osusuki and Akomachi as Ancestors are descended from the kits of their union, through human form. They automaticlaly have the unusual green eyes of the Kitsune family. Further, they gain a +2 bonus for any die rolls made when they are in the forest of Kitsune Mori. However, the character must take at least one point of Kitsune Taboos (See me for details of Kitsune Taboos).

Reichin (3)
Those who carry the blood of the first Usagi have an uncanny knack for puzzling out codes and detecting traps. They gain a +2 bonus whenever attempting such activities.
Sadly, their curious nature also tends to get them into trouble. The character rolls has a –1 penalty when attempting to use stealth to gain an advantage or spy on an opponent.

Isida Kep'Tukari

What are Void points? And what about starting Honor? And Glory?

Edit - So many choices, so much to look at... pretty colors... :cool:
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First Post
These advantages are on top of the feats one can get normally, right? So one can either get an advantage either by purchasing it using the points or feat slots (as long as prerequisites are fulfilled), right? (Ex. Daredevil and Ear of the Emperor are both in the list and in teh Rokugan book.)

How about classes, feats, schools and katas given in the Secret of the Clan books? Are those available too?
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Li Shenron

This is a HUGE challenge! So many choices to think about! :) I was going to suggest low-level characters, but that would mean so many points to spend in extra abilities... I have to think about that.

My character idea was to play the youngest daughter of a minor family of the Crane clan. It's not clear to me if the families mentioned in the books are the only possible families, but I supposed there are many others, so I'd rather be of a less important and known one if possible (it's already new enough for me to play a noble character, not sure if I can roleplay a super-noble well :) ).

The character is called Fudo Ai, and she's basically educated in a fashion quite balanced between knowledge, arts, diplomacy (she's a crane after all), light-armored mobile combat and spellcasting. I was thinking of being either a Fighter/Shugenja(Air) or a Samurai/Shugenja(Air). Not sure yet, because the first must be 50%-50% otherwise I'll get Xp penalties, while the second gives freedom on this matter (Samurai is crane's favored class) but reading Oriental Adventures it sounds like Samurai & Shugenja are kind of opposite... what is your opinion about this? There's no restriction rule-wise about multiclassing Samurai/Shugenja, but the flavor text keeps saying that Samurai and Shugenjas basically despise each other.

Li Shenron

Also, looking at the options you give us, I think I'd have several contacts. I have read in OA that Cranes basically "hold favors from many people" so it should fit very well. Another bit that I like is the voice trait, which I had already in mind. I don't necessarily need to select that feature howver...

BTW, I have to say that I only have Oriental Adventure, not the Rokugan setting book. I can ask around some fellow gamers, but I don't think any of them have it. Therefore I used only the information in OA, hoping they don't have anything wrong. Usually it is said in OA what fits with Rokugan; for example, my first idea was to play a Sohei, but then I noticed it's not available in Rokugan and so I switched to Fighter/Shugenja.

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