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[Rokugan] Blood and Cherry Blossoms

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Ikoma Itarabi
Kyuden Ikoma

“I think that is a wonderful idea, my son,” Tukuo replied as he filled Itarabi’s sake cup once more. “I have no doubt that you will do me honor in this.” With that said, he drained his sake cup once more.

Togashi Cho
Shiro Togashi

“I would like for you to accompany me as often as possible,” Tamori-sama replied. “Though our task of delivering the item will be completed upon arriving at the festival, your sensei’s believe this will be a good opportunity to see how the world outside of the Dragon lands work.”

Isawa Renshi
Shiro Isawa

Boten-sensei smiled and returned the bow, though not as deep as Renshi’s. “Very well, my student. We will leave for the festival at Kyuden Bayushi shortly.”

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Li Shenron

"You know that I wouldn't miss the chance of participating in a spellcasting game or competition..." she smiles, then turn serious again, "it's only that last time I felt sorry, like I wasn't keeping up the family name. I cannot blame the audience if it falls asleep, but only myself."

Isida Kep'Tukari

Dark Nemesis said:
Togashi Cho
Shiro Togashi

“I would like for you to accompany me as often as possible,” Tamori-sama replied. “Though our task of delivering the item will be completed upon arriving at the festival, your sensei’s believe this will be a good opportunity to see how the world outside of the Dragon lands work.”
"Then I shall strive to learn to the best of my abilities. It shall be quite an experience to see other warriors, I imagine," Cho says, a bit of a smile on his face as his imagination takes flight.

Perhaps there will be a great duel of honor, like in the great legends. Then the hero will need loyal companions to go with him to spread the word of his honor throughout the land. We shall overcome great obstacles, fight mighty battles, and finally at the end win ultimate glory...


Itarabi Human Rogue/Courtier

Dark Nemesis said:
Ikoma Itarabi
Kyuden Ikoma

“I think that is a wonderful idea, my son,” Tukuo replied as he filled Itarabi’s sake cup once more. “I have no doubt that you will do me honor in this.” With that said, he drained his sake cup once more.

Itarabi steels himself once more and drains the downs the sake with a gulp. "Father, I must go to make ready for the trip and for the tea. I will keep you informed of what I learn." Itarabi leaves his father and proceeds to find Shinoba and Toki. His has work for his servants. He sits at his desk and crafts a carefully worded and drawn invitation to Tsuruchi Mitsumi for tea tomorrow. He makes a list of things for the servants to pack as well. He takes joy in these simple actions and pondering the mystery of the Crane's purpose as they take his mind off the deception that is his life for a time.

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Kakita Ai
Kyuden Kakita

“One does not participate in competitions such as that to amuse an audience. One competes in order to strengthen their ties with the kami,” Akane reminded her child quietly.

“You’ll do fine!” Yoshimori spoke up at last. It appeared that he had finally noticed the losing position he was in, as he raised his teacup to his wife in a wordless salute. “So, Ai, are you with us?”

Togashi Cho
Shiro Togashi

Tamori-sama smiles faintly at Cho’s words. “Excellent! Make your preparations, then! We will be leaving presently.” With that said, he finished his tea.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Dark Nemesis said:
Togashi Cho
Shiro Togashi

Tamori-sama smiles faintly at Cho’s words. “Excellent! Make your preparations, then! We will be leaving presently.” With that said, he finished his tea.
"My lord," Cho says, bowing deeply and then leaving. Gathering up his megre possession in his furoshiki sack, he is ready within a quarter hour to depart with his lord.

Dark Nemesis

First Post
On the road!

For all, the journey to Kyuden Bayushi was an uneventful one. Reiko had the least amount of distance to cover. He soon detached himself from the caravan that he had joined, and made his way to Kyuden on his own. Itarabi and the Mantis samurai that were his charges made their way south through Lion lands, before cutting through the Beiden Pass, into the Scorpion lands. Kakita Ai and her family traveled with a small contingent of samurai, and joined up with a caravan of merchants that were also headed to the Scorpion city. Their journey took them west, through a series of passes that finally emerged into Scorpion lands.

It was Renshi and Cho that had the furthest distance to travel. Cho had to make his way south, through the mountains that surrounded Shiro no Togashi. He and Tamori-sama made their way through the serene Dragon lands, into Lion territory, through the Beiden pass, and finally into Scorpion Territory. Renshi and his sensei traveled with a caravan of merchants as well. After leaving Phoenix lands, they followed the coast southward. Their caravan stopped at Otosan Uchi. However, they continued south, into the Crane lands. They, they joined a second caravan, one that was traveling with a family of Kakita samurai.

At last, covered in dust and weary from travel, they all arrive at Kyuden Bayushi. The city was built as a maze; there were four roads that lead directly to the castle, with all other streets branching off into a confusing network of side streets. Upon arriving at the castle, the travelers learned that the castle was built similarly; a confusing network of stone walls and shoji screens.

Their masked hosts were polite enough. Upon their arrival, a servant would lead each of them to a guest wing, where they were bidden to be comfortable. The Scorpion daimyo, Bayushi Yojiro, would be holding a welcoming feast promptly at the hour of Bayushi. Until then, the guests were bidden to rest and recuperate from their travels. Aside from their rooms, each guest was shown the baths, and the gardens. Beyond that, they were left to their own devices.


Itarabi Human Rogue/Courtier

Itarabi's guest chambers are whirlwind of activity as his wardrobe is unpacked and carefully cleaned and pressed. He sends Toki to find out the latest gossip and look around. Itarabi bathes and grooms himself for the festivities.

Renshi does his best to stay out of the way of the unpacking and other activities around him. Still tired from the the long trip, he decided that the best thing to do was to rest and meditate. It was hard to focus for some reason(probably because of that odd interest he had in exploring), but Renshi used what he'd been taught to focus his mind. Besides, he had a feeling that it would be a little too easy to get into some kind of trouble(accidently, of course) if he went exploring.

Voidrunner's Codex

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