RPG Crowdfunding News 017 : Deadlands Classic 20th Anniversary Edition & Good Intentions, Interface

Welcome back to our weekly look at tabletop roleplaying game, and accessories, crowdfunding roundup! Each week we’ll be looking at a few campaigns currently running that have caught our eye as well as occasionally speaking to some of the creators about their campaigns, or looking at some of the ‘behind the scenes’ business aspects of putting together, launching, operating and then delivering a crowdfunded project. If you have anything you’d like us to cover, or questions about anything we talk about, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or contact me directly.

Welcome back to our weekly look at tabletop roleplaying game, and accessories, crowdfunding roundup! Each week we’ll be looking at a few campaigns currently running that have caught our eye as well as occasionally speaking to some of the creators about their campaigns, or looking at some of the ‘behind the scenes’ business aspects of putting together, launching, operating and then delivering a crowdfunded project. If you have anything you’d like us to cover, or questions about anything we talk about, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment or contact me directly.

[h=3]Deadlands Classic 20th Anniversary Edition & Deadlands: Good Intentions by Shane Hensley[/h]
(Both Campaign End : Friday 30th September 2016; 02:00 UTC)

It’s strange to think that Deadlands is twenty years old. I remember seeing the adverts for the game on the run up to being released and being captivated by the art and the mixed blend of Wild West and the supernatural. I brought the books as soon as they hit the stores and played several campaigns of Deadlands over much of the late 90’s and early 00’s.

Pinnacle are running two concurrent campaigns on Kickstarter. The first is for the 20th Anniversary Edition of Deadlands Classic which is available as a full color hardcover or as a Collector’s Boxed Set. This is actually a reprint of the revised edition which came out a few years later, with artwork recoloured from the original black & white illustrations into full-color pieces. The Limited Edition box for the campaign was designed by the French publishers of the game, Black Book Editions (the company behind the recently released Polaris RPG. A conversion guide between Deadlands Classic and Deadlands Reloaded is also included for backers allowing Marshalls to convert material and adventures between the two systems.

Deadlands: Good Intentions is the fourth, and final, Servitor Plot Point Campaign for Deadlands Reloaded and features Dr. Darius Hellstromme and the City o’ Gloom.

“For players, the book includes a barrel of new Edges, two new Arcane Backgounds (the new-and-improved Blessed and the Metal Mage), a passel of new gear and Infernal Devices, all the hardware and rules you need to play steam-augmented Scrappers, and 13 Divine Interventions that let your blessed character call down the thunder and the fury!

Marshals can read all about Hellstromme’s long and sordid history, gaining insight into his motivations and current devilish plots. There are a host of new Setting Rules designed specifically for Deseret, new Relics, descriptions of Strange Locales in and around the City o’ Gloom, an Adventure Generator customized for the region, a herd of new Savage Tales, a pack of new critters, personalities, and famous folks to challenge your group, and a full Plot Point Campaign – Good Intentions – to pit your posse against the Weird West’s preeminent mad scientist.”

[h=3]Interface Zero 2.0: Cyberpunk Action for the Pathfinder RPG by David Jarvis/Gun Metal Games[/h]
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 12th October 2016; 15:54 UTC)

Interface Zero 2.0 is a cyberpunk setting. It’s already available as both Savage Worlds and Fate versions and the manuscript for this Pathfinder version is already complete – so the Kickstarter campaign is looking at raising the money for the final stages (layout, art direction and proofing).

I’ve been a big fan of the Interface Zero setting and helped publish the first edition whilst at Cubicle 7 and also helped David plan his original Interface Zero 2.0 Kickstarter campaign back in 2013, so am certainly hoping this campaign does well.

This Pathfinder version has been in development for two and a half years and Gun Metal Games have developed new rules for hacking, combat, and piloting drones amongst other things. 16 character classes, seven races, new feats, tons of gear and cybernetics are all included and they are planning on releasing a Starfinder conversion document as soon as Starfinder is released by Paizo.

“Set in the year 2090, Interface Zero 2.0 peers into a dark future, imagining a world changed by Eco-terrorism, unimpeded global warming, and nuclear war. Chinese imperialism has erased national boundaries from Eastern Russia all the way down to Vietnam and Thailand. The world has seen the rise and fall of global super powers. China, Brazil and the Central African Union have risen to global prominence, while the United States has disintegrated, splitting into five new nations; Atlantica, the Great Lakes Union, the North American Coalition, the Republic of Cascadia, and the Republic of Texas.

In this grim reality, we have colonized the solar system and sold it to the highest bidder. Colonies and orbital habitats on other planets, while claimed by nations on Earth, are in truth the property of massive, multi-planet corporations. Commonly known as “zeroes”, many people living in the reaches of space have seen their adventurous spirit, their hopes for an exciting life beyond the confines of Earth, crushed under the weight of indentured servitude after signing on with these corporations. The corps promise to pay relocation expenses and living expenses, and then use technicalities and clauses in the contracts to recoup these expenses.”

[h=3]Luminous Echo (D&D 5E, Anima, Pathfinder compatible) by Project Lux[/h]
(Campaign Ends : Friday 30th September 2016; 15:07 UTC)

Luminous Echo is certainly going to be an incredibly pretty book. Indeed it is half an art book showcasing the work of Wen-M, and half a world setting guide outlining the world as well as many characters, locations, weapons and stories.

“One world, forever divided into two realms. The Dream World, a realm of magic, immortality, and mysteries. Mhodica, a realm of solid matter, stone, and certainties. For as long as either realm could remember, they were previous little more than myth to each other.

Though once stories of witches, wizards, ghosts and goblins were considered nothing more than stories to frighten small children, the age of certainty is coming to an end. A darkness is stirring which threatens to shatter the equilibrium of the two realms forever.

The only way to avert this catastrophe is for the people of Mhodica to accept the existence of magic, and for the people of the Dream World to accept that the world of Mhodica exists for something more than their own amusement.”

[h=3]Rockalypse: The Fate Core RPG of Musical Conflict by Eric Simon[/h]
(Campaign Ends : Sunday 25th September 2016; 01:00 UTC)

Rockalypse is a high-adventure Roleplaying Game of post-apocalyptic musical conflict for Fate Core. “It’s Scott Pilgrim meets Mad Max, Tank Girl meets Jem, Beat Street meats Buckaroo Banzai, plus FLCL, Brutal Legend, Six-String Samurai, and more. If you’ve always wanted to save the world with the ultimate battle of the bands, then Rockalypse is for ou!”

Rockalypse comes with a variety of settings that you can choose from to set your game in, or you can mash them up to create new combinations. Some of the settings on offer are:

· The Wasteland – the classic post-apocalyptic ruined desert
· Aliens From Dimension X – Alien infestation or takeover
· Streets of CyberCity – Fighting the megacorps for survival
· Pandemonium – Hell on Earth, literally
· Rock and Roll High School – The worst apocalypse of all
· RagnaRock – an apocalypse of gods at war. Will you sail the poisoned sea or will you ride with the valkyries?

There’s a Quick-Start Beta Test available to download for those interested in finding out more.

[h=3]BR-5 Isle of the Ancients - 5E Fantasy Adventure Module by Dark Cult Games[/h]
(Campaign Ends : Wednesday 12th October 2016; 02:00 UTC)

BR-5: Isle of the Ancients is a 5th edition fantasy adventure for 6 to 8 players of Levels 7-9. The module has previously been published for 1st and 2nd edition via an earlier Kickstarter campaign.

{hq]Isle of the Ancients was supposed to be a beacon of hope and unity between the races. Dwarfs were commissioned for the construction, and everything was on schedule for the first few months, and then it went quiet. Everyone assumed the worse. Months passed, the scheduled date for completion came and went, and still nothing. Those that ventured to the island reported finding nothing except an abandoned keep, or never returned at all.

Years passed, then decades, no one had the desire or means to fully explore the island. Rumors of underground caverns, treasures, magic and death surrounded the small island. Now only the very foolish or very brave, set their course for what awaits on this rocky island.”

[h=3]Trinity of Awesome! by Venger Satanis[/h]
(Campaign Ends : Monday 3rd October 2016; 15:31 UTC)

The Trinity of Awesome is three one-shot scenarios in PDF covering three different genres: eldritch fantasy, Lovecraftian horror, and raunchy sci-fi – all for only $3!

All of the adventures are 4-5 pages minimum, but may end up being longer, and have an old-school vibe and easily convertible for use with any system.

The adventures themselves are as follows:

Slaves of Tsathoggua has “a dark science-fantasy vibe. There’s a village located too near a cave to be unaffected by its evil. This is like medieval fantasy by way of The Twilight Zone.”

A Green Jewel They Must Possess is an “investigative horror set in “modern day,” specifically in the 1970’s. A glowing green sphere with spiritual powers has been discovered in Peru, but it’s cursed because people keep dying.”

Slippery When Wet is a “sleazy space opera action in the 23rd century.”

[h=3]Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge of the Horde for Pathfinder by Nord Games[/h]
(Campaign Ends : Monday 26th September 2016; 04:00 UTC)

Nord Games wrapped up their very successful Kickstarter campaign for the 5E version (https://www.kickstarter.com/project...-revenge-of-the-horde-new-5e-mons/description) of the Ultimate Bestiary a week or so back and are now campaigning to produce a version for Pathfinder.

Ignoring the traditional A-Z approach of many bestiaries, Ultimate Bestiary: Revenge of the Horde chooses to instead look at some of the more commonly encountered monsters and explore them in more depth. Bugbears, Gnolls, Goblins, Hobgoblins, Kobolds, Ogres, Okiti, Orcs and Trolls all fall under the microscope looking at areas such as their cultures, environments, and attitudes. In addition to this Nord Games are also providing a wide variety of stat blocks to suit a range of challenge levels.

26th September Ultimate Bestiary (Pathfinder) https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/nordgames/ultimate-bestiary-revenge-of-the-horde-for-pathfin


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If you have a forthcoming Kickstarter, or see one that excites you, please feel free to drop me an email on
angus.abranson@gmail.com You can follow me on Twitter @ Angus_A or on Facebook where I often post about gaming.

Until next week, have fun and happy gaming!

Angus Abranson

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